Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 264 Scrawled Dog, Otter, and Stag

Chapter 264 Scrawled Dog, Otter, and Stag

"No, Sirius's soul is about to be sucked dry. Harry, your father, Robin?"

Luo Bin stood on the flat boulder, raised his wand and said, "Don't you understand? No one will come here except us. Those three patron saints were summoned by us."

"No, it's dad, I saw it, it was him."

"Harry, I guess more than one person has told you that except for your eyes, you look a lot like Dad!"

Harry was silent. He couldn't think of a reason to refute. Finally, he took out his holly wand and strode onto the flat boulder.

Hermione drew her vine wand and stood side by side with Robin.

"Remember, you must concentrate and recall happy, beautiful, powerful, and hopeful experiences. I will count to three and activate the Patronus Charm together."

"Three two. One, action!"

Harry chose the memory of defeating the Slytherin team and winning the Quidditch Cup.

Hermione, who chose to wear a wreath of roses, followed the crowd into the stadium and made a bold move.

Luo Bin, I chose a sweet dream I once had.

"Calling God to Guard!"

Suddenly, three beams of dazzling white light continued to shoot towards the other side. One after another, the light waves knocked away the Dementors gathered in the outer layer.

Then, three big silver-white guys emerged from the center of the aperture. They passed through the white mist, flew to the other side, and lowered their heads into the black wall built by the dementors.

In an instant, the dementors, birds and beasts scattered in all directions, disappeared into the darkness with rag strips dancing, and disappeared.

The three big guys turned around and rushed towards the three of them through the white mist.

A scrawled white dog as big as Alaska ran up to Luo Bin's legs, flicked its tail and puffed out its tongue. Finally, it stood up on its hind legs and pounced with its front legs.

A stag as big as a carriage wheel nudged Harry's palm with its horns. Its eyes revealed a sense of care from an elder to a younger one.

A weird otter circled around Hermione. Every time Hermione reached out to catch it, it nimbly dodged it.

Two minutes later, the three patron saints turned into white mist and dispersed.

"It was us who drove away the dementors!"

Hermione exclaimed, covering her mouth.

"Quick, get out of here, Snape is coming down."

After Robin finished speaking, he took Hermione and Harry and hid in the woods by the lake.

The three of them saw Snape sullenly waving his wand through the leaves, conjuring four stretchers, and moved the four fainted people onto the stretchers in turn.

It is worth mentioning that Sirius also has a hemp rope binding service.

Then, with a flick of Snape's wand, the stretcher lifted into the air and followed him, drifting towards the castle.

Luo Bin: Add a magic cover and a string, and it becomes a human-shaped balloon.

Hermione took out a pocket watch from her magic cloth bag and said, "Time is running out. We have to save Sirius, and we have to get back under the covers of the hospital bed before anyone notices us leaving the ward."

"Are you leaving now?" Harry asked.

"Wait a minute, Sirius hasn't been locked up in Flitwick's office yet. Even if he is locked up, MacNeil will still be guarding the door!" Robin reminded.

"it is good!"

Robin took out his telescope and looked in the direction of the castle. When his eyes got tired, he handed the telescope to Hermione or Harry.

About twenty minutes later, Hermione, holding a telescope, saw McNeil walking out of the castle and walking across the grounds, aiming for an exit of Hogwarts.

"McNeil went to look for dementors. It's time to set off. Robin, here!"

Luo Bin took the telescope and put it away, and the three of them stepped on the fallen leaves and returned to the open space before.

Buckbeak put his beak into the soil and played with pushing and plowing the soil. When he saw the three people coming back, he spread his wings again and made a purring sound.

Hermione untied the chain and grabbed Buckbeak's wings with both hands. Robin pinched her waist and lifted her up, making her ride up. He put his hands on Buckbeak's back, pulled up and rode behind Hermione, and then reached out to pull Harry onto the horse.

Robin grabbed the chain and knocked Buckbeak on the belly with his heel. He immediately flapped its wings, rushed to the top of the treetops, and flew towards the castle.

"I'm afraid of heights and I don't like flying, ah!"

Hermione buried her head in Robin's arms and screamed loudly.

"Hermione, be quiet, we can't be seen." Harry reminded.

Hermione grabbed hold of Robin's robe and bit it, causing the corners of Robin's mouth to twitch in pain.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, the energy is really strong!
  After a while, Buckbeak flew the three of them to the west tower.

Luo Bin stared at the windows and counted the windows that flashed past. When he reached the thirteenth count, he tightened the chain and let out a few soft sighs.

Buckbeak slowed down the frequency of flapping his wings, and kept floating up and down dozens of centimeters outside the window of Flitwick's office.

Through the window, he saw Blake, eyes closed, curled up on a long wooden bench.

Luo Bin took out a stone and smashed it against the window.

  Blake was awakened. He turned to look at the window and saw three people and one beast floating outside the window. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

When he came to his senses, he jumped to the window and reached out to open the window, but the bolt between the two large panes of glass was locked with an iron lock.

"Back off!"

Blake responded and took a few steps back.


  A puff of black smoke surged up, the window exploded, and Luo Bin stuffed the ebony wand back into his robe pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"Come up quickly. Time is running out. McNeil is going to find the dementors. They will be back soon."

"it is good!"

Blake got out of the window, grabbed Harry's hand, and rode behind him.

The weight on its back increased, and Buckbeak suddenly dropped one meter. However, it quickly adapted to the new weight, flapped its wings, flew past the windows, and landed on a flat roof somewhere in the west tower.

Robin, Hermione, and Harry quickly slid off Buckbeak's back to the ground.

"Sirius, ride Buckbeak away quickly. They may find you missing at any time!"

Harry gasped.

Blake jumped to the ground and said in a hoarse voice: "I will never forget the kindness of you three in my life."

"This summer vacation, I. I want to live with you."

"It's better to wait until later. My life must be very turbulent recently."

"But. You are innocent. They should apologize to you."

"You know, that's enough!"

Sirius touched Harry's shoulder.

"Harry, I guess you're tired of hearing this, but I still have to say, you look exactly like your dad, except for your eyes."

"Yes! Eyes like my mother's."

"James and Lily and I are classmates of the same grade and school. We have been together for a long time, but you have not. This is cruel. But remember, those who love us will never leave us. They are here."

After Black finished speaking, he placed his palm on Harry's heart. Then, he mounted Buckbeak neatly, tapped his heel lightly on the horse's belly, and then rose into the air.

"Harry, I will write to you after I settle down. Robin and Hermione, you two are the smartest little wizards I have ever met. I wish you good luck."

(End of this chapter)

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