Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 265: Broken with one hammer, Snape’s disappointment

Chapter 265: Broken with one hammer, Snape’s disappointment
  The figures of the man and the beast gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a small black dot, disappearing into the distant night sky.

Hermione took out her pocket watch, glanced at the hour hand, and exclaimed: "There are still ten minutes to go, it's half past ten. We must return to the public ward before Dumbledore locks it."

The three of them slipped into a long corridor on the flat roof and stepped on the stone staircase that spiraled downwards. When they reached the bottom, they heard the rustling of voices. To prevent others from seeing them, the three of them hurriedly hid aside. broom cupboard.

"Minister, when will the Dementor's Kiss be performed?"

"Soon! When McNeil brings back the dementors, he will execute them immediately."

"Tomorrow morning, I will write a letter to the Daily Prophet. Please prepare. The reporter may interview you about how you found Blake's traces? How you arrested a murderer? How you rescued innocent students who were implicated?"

"Then, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, I will grant you the second-level badge of the Order of Merlin."

Ta da~

The footsteps faded away, and the annoying chatter was no longer heard.


The three of them walked out of the broom closet, pressed against the stone wall, and looked at the long corridor beside the stairs. After confirming that Fudge and Snape were really gone, they quickly walked through the corridor and came to another staircase.

Then, they walked down to the bottom as quickly as possible, and then passed through long corridors one after another. Finally, they ran to the door of the public ward before Dumbledore locked it.

Dumbledore turned his head and stared at the panting three people in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"He's free!" Harry said excitedly.

"We succeeded!" Hermione said excitedly.

"What succeeded? I don't understand. Come in, I'm going to lock the door."


Robin opened the door, pulled Harry and Hermione who still wanted to speak, and walked into the ward.

Dumbledore held the two wooden doors with both hands and slowly closed them. When there was only a gap left, he suddenly said: "It will break with one hammer. Remember, make good use of the items around you."


While Luo Bin was deep in thought, the wooden door made a crash and was locked from the outside.

"Luo Bin, get in bed quickly and pretend that nothing happened."

Hermione urged as she took off her shoes and socks.


As soon as Robin got into bed, Madam Pomfrey walked out of the back office, "The principal is gone, right?"

"Yes, he just locked the door!" Harry replied.

"Very good. I can finally take care of my patients peacefully. Come on, let each of us eat a few more pieces of chocolate before going to sleep."

Luo Bin took the chocolate and nibbled on it. About ten minutes later, a thunderous roar came from the west tower.

"what happened?"

Madam Pomfrey looked at the roof of the building in shock.

A moment later, rapid footsteps were heard in the corridor outside the ward.

  The wooden door was pushed open with great force, and the edge of the door slapped against the wall, making a clanging sound.

Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore strode into the ward.

Fudge raised his eyebrows in anger, Snape looked crazy, and Dumbledore was calm and composed.

"Oh, my God! This is a hospital, not a famous scenic spot. My patients need to rest, please." Snape pushed Pomfrey who was blocking the way and walked angrily to the three beds, "How dare you. Let Blake go privately?"

The three of them opened their eyes wide and looked confused, as if they didn't understand what the old bat was saying.

"Severus, calm down, the little wizard is injured, and they don't have the energy to do something big like unleashing a murderous maniac," Fudge advised.

"Minister, you don't know them. They did it, I know they did it."

"That's enough, Severus, calm down. 10 minutes ago, I locked the ward door myself. Poppy, after I locked the door, Lestrange, Potter, Granger, the three of them Have you been out?"

Madam Pomfrey was in a bad mood, her brows furrowed so hard she could kill a mosquito, "No one has been out!"

"I heard the locks locking and came out of the back office. I distributed the chocolates. Then, I stayed in the ward and watched them eat them with my own eyes. There were hundreds of dementors. I wanted to take out all the chocolate stocks in the hospital. "

"No, that's impossible!" Snape glared at the three of them.

Dumbledore nodded clearly, "Severus, a third-year wizard cannot master such a profound magic as the 'Clone Technique'. I think there is no reason for us to disturb the students' rest."

Snape turned around suddenly and rushed out of the ward without even saying hello, swinging the edge of his robe.

"He seems a little unhinged."

"It's not an abnormality, it's a disappointment."

"Cornelly, the dementors once again violated the rules, sneaked into Hogwarts, and tried to harm several innocent students. I think they are no longer suitable to be the school's guards."

Fudge turned the hat in his hand irritably, "Yeah! It's all a mess. I have to drive them back to the North Sea overnight."

"Also, the Daily Prophet, if Rita knew that the Ministry of Magic caught the murderer and accidentally let him escape, she would definitely add fuel to the fire and write an article to smear the Ministry of Magic."

"No, I have to quickly order someone to block the news, and then write a letter to my colleagues in London to ask them to think of ways to delay the newspaper reporter."

After Fudge left, Dumbledore smiled at several people and left the ward. After Madam Pomfrey closed the door and locked it, she ordered them to go to bed quickly.

The next day, in the morning, by the black lake!
  The four people who were discharged from the hospital sat under a willow tree to enjoy the cool air.

After hearing everything that happened last night, Ron couldn't help but complain: "Hermione, the time turner is such a good item, but you actually hid it from us for a year. Also, why didn't you bring it with you during the operation last night? Me? I want it too."

Luo Bin patted Ron's newly recovered calf, "Let's not mention that you drank the sedative medicine and snored loudly. You drag your injured leg to follow. In a critical moment, should we save you or... To save Sirius?"

"My legs will grow well after taking the medicine, and they won't hold you back! Where did Sirius fly to with Buckbeak?"

"I don't know! But he promised me that he would write to me after settling in. I think they will fly south, as far away from the North Sea as possible."

The four of them were chatting, and Hagrid came over to say hello carrying a bucket of small fish.

"Hey, the sun is nice today and it's not too hot. It's a rare good weather. But, alas, I heard that the Ministry of Magic caught Black but then let him escape. It's really unlucky."

"But, I have another happy thing here. Guess what?"

"What's wrong?" the four asked pretending to be curious.

"Buckbeak escaped. It was definitely Kenzio who did it. However, I wrote to him and asked him where he took Buckbeak, but he refused to admit what he had done."

"To be honest, I'm a little worried that Piccolo will cause trouble and be caught by people from the Ministry of Magic."

"Hagrid, I heard that Kentsio has some contacts with some residents in the Scottish Highlands. It's a big place. Buckbeak can fly as much as he likes there."

"Yeah, that's great!"

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Lupine, Lupine, who taught you Defense Against the Dark Arts, is actually a werewolf. Snape inadvertently revealed it to everyone during breakfast!"

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), revenge, naked revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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