Journey to the West: People are in heaven, working from nine to five

Chapter 833 Paid travel, leisurely life working in Westward Journey

Chapter 833 Paid travel, leisurely life working in Westward Journey

Tathagata Buddha felt his head buzzing and went blank, and for a moment he didn't even know how to react.

Tathagata Buddha had only one sentence that kept repeating in his mind:
  How dare he? How dare he!
  Tathagata Buddha took a deep breath, stared at Nezha, and asked:
  "Why did he take leave? Could it be that something major happened that cannot be solved?"

Nezha scratched his head, but there was no need to hide it, and said bluntly:
  "No, the boss is going on a trip."

Tathagata Buddha once again felt a buzzing in his head, as if his head had been hit by a sledgehammer.
  He found that his way of thinking was being brutally persecuted!

The saints made the agreement, and everyone was looking at Chu Hao. The safety of the three realms was all tied to him alone. All the gods and Buddhas were paying attention to him. Ma Sui was also waiting for him to go to work and then trap him...

Under such focus from the three realms, Chu Hao dared to ask for leave!
  I asked for leave on my first day at work, and also went on a trip!
  That’s outrageous!

Tathagata Buddha felt that his mind was completely blank, and his three views seemed to have been refreshed a thousand times.

Xitian finally set up such a big trap. Amitabha used all the favors from countless years ago.
  If Chu Hao was really delayed by something, Tathagata Buddha would also admit it, it would be a blessing in time.
  But nothing like this happened. Chu Hao was so arrogant and wanton that he asked for leave on the first day of work and avoided this disaster. That was absolutely incredible!

Did this person not take Journey to the West at all? Otherwise, how could he be so wanton and dare to ask for leave on the first day of work!
  Tathagata Buddha was furious and roared at the door of the Law Enforcement Hall:
  "I will never allow such a relaxed and undisciplined person to appear. The important events of Journey to the West are related to the rise and fall of my Western Heaven!"

"Chu Hao has to go to work today. He is not allowed to ask for leave. I won't approve it. Even if he breaks his leg, he has to crawl back and go to work!"

The Jade Emperor's eyes turned cold, and he slowly wiped the sword, his face full of cold murderous intent.
  "Presumptuous! Chu Hao now respects him as Emperor Gouchen, how can you be so oppressive!"

"Tathagata Buddha, I see that you haven't figured out your position yet. Chu Hao is one of the four emperors of my heaven. Joining the journey to the west is exactly what you cried for in the west."

"How he does things will not be tolerated by you in the West. If you continue to talk nonsense, my heaven will not tolerate you!"

The Tathagata Buddha's face turned black and blue, and turned blue and black again. It was simply unspeakably uncomfortable.

In his heart, he was scolding the Jade Emperor and Chu Hao like crazy. None of them follow the rules. I, Xitian, have given so much merit and deeds to me,

Now Chu Hao is asking for leave and fishing in person!

It also caused Xitian to lose a big favor, which directly caused the loss of a quasi-sage. That is simply incredible!

Tathagata Buddha could only gnash his teeth and suppress his blush, but he only said one sentence,
  "Law Enforcement Hall, well done to you!"

Naturally, he did not dare to criticize the Jade Emperor, so naturally he had to choose the soft ones.

But at this moment, a faint voice came from behind Tathagata Buddha,

"Hey, isn't this little Tathagata? He's so good. He actually came here to deliver the merit water in person. It's really hard work."

After walking around for most of the day, it was already midnight. Chu Hao and Fairy Nishang held hands and happily returned to the law enforcement hall.

And when Chu Hao saw Tathagata Buddha blocking the door of the law enforcement hall, he didn't feel scared at all. Instead, Chu Hao's face was full of excitement!

In Chu Hao's opinion, this was just a cutie who came to give away merit and divine water for free!

Who would reject a walking meritorious water?
  Fairy Nishang had a lot of fun with Chu Hao today, her little face was flushed with a happy smile,

"Husband, you seem to be busy with official business. I'm going back."

Chu Hao grinned,
  "Let's go together, it's already this time, how can I be busy with any official duties? Do I look like the kind of person who will be exploited by capitalists?"

Fairy Nishang smiled secretly, you look like the kind of person who would exploit capitalists! Fairy Nishang was tired and wanted to go back, and Chu Hao also wanted to follow.

However, Tathagata Buddha was furious and shouted at Chu Hao's back:
  "Chu Hao, stop!"

"Shouldn't you say something?!"

Chu Hao's head was full of questions and his face was full of doubts.

Chu Hao looked at Tathagata Buddha and suddenly stopped his hand, with a look of joy on his face.
  "Hey, I remembered it. Come on, bring me today's salary. I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!"

Tathagata Buddha's eyes widened and he almost vomited blood because of Chu Hao's anger!
  Is this so fucking outrageous?
  Asking for leave on my first day at work has caused me a heavy loss in Xitian. How the hell do you dare to ask me for salary? ! !
  Do you really want a paid trip in a relationship? !
  Tathagata Buddha was so angry that he pointed at Chu Hao and roared:
  "Prison God Chu Hao, how dare you do such an arrogant thing!"

"You promised the saints that you would join the journey to the west, serve the journey wholeheartedly, and do your best for the safety of the three realms and six realms!"

"Look what you are doing now!"

Chu Hao looked confused, tilted his head and said helplessly:
  "Paid travel."

Tathagata Buddha was so angry at Chu Hao's innocent face that he almost vomited blood.

I'm waiting for you to go and throw yourself into the trap. Are you here on a paid trip?

Is this reasonable? !
  Tathagata Buddha was extremely angry and roared:

"Paid travel?! How dare you travel with pay at your age!"

"You have a heavy responsibility, and now you are also responsible for the journey to the West. How dare you travel with pay?!"

"Don't you feel indebted? Everyone in the scripture collection team is waiting for you, don't you have a sense of collective honor?"

Chu Hao spread his hands and showed a shy smile on his face.
  "It's okay. In fact, I have never put so much pressure on myself."

"Also, we agreed to have fifteen days of annual leave per year, and I just took one day today. Isn't that kind of me?"

Tathagata Buddha was so angry at Chu Hao's indifference that he suddenly felt that he couldn't breathe smoothly and almost had asthma.

What the hell have I done!
  In the past, when Chu Hao sabotaged Journey to the West outside, he could forget about it if he couldn't control it.

Now Chu Hao is on the journey to the west, and the journey to the west is completely under the control of Xitian.

But now Chu Hao will be completely out of Xitian's control, and Tathagata Buddha is still angry to death!

What went wrong?

Chu Hao saw Tathagata Buddha standing angrily at the door of the law enforcement hall. Chu Hao counted with his fingers.
  "At this time, I obviously don't want to keep you for dinner."

"You can keep Rijie's meritorious water, and then you can go back in peace."

Chu Hao held Fairy Nishang's hand, with a happy smile on his face, and was about to leave again.

The Tathagata Buddha was as if he was having asthma on the spot, his chest was rising and falling violently, and he suddenly roared,

(End of this chapter)

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