Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1642 Golden Palace

Chapter 1642 Golden Palace
  The left half of the Taurus' body moves quickly through the maze.

But no matter how fast you go, you won't get anywhere fast, because this cave maze is very narrow. Not only is the cave narrow, but the passage can only be passed by squatting.

Taurus has a very difficult time walking in such a small maze.

But fortunately, although the maze is complicated and narrow, at least in this maze, the magic weapon of finding the way can work again.

This cave maze is different from the maze where his true body is.

The structures of all the caves and passages in the labyrinth where the real body is located are exactly the same, and there are no distinguishing features at all.

Although this cave maze is very small, each cave is different and has obvious characteristics that are easy to distinguish.

It is precisely because of its obvious characteristics that the pathfinding magic weapon has another use.

"According to what is shown on this magic weapon, the left side should be the correct way."

"Hopefully we can find an entrance there."

Taurus glanced at the path-finding magic weapon, and then moved on.

Detouring all the way through the complicated passages, he soon arrived at the destination shown on the magic weapon.

"There is no entrance here, it seems we have to continue moving forward."

Taurus glanced at the path-finding magic weapon again, and then moved on.

In this way, he explored forward while checking the path-finding magic weapon.

Finally, after three full hours, he arrived at a small cave.

In the center of this narrow cave, there is a slowly rotating vortex.

"I don't know if this is the entrance or the exit!"

Taurus looked at the whirlpool, with a flash of joy on his face.

It is still unclear where this vortex leads, whether it leads to the next level or returns to the previous level.

"Let's take a look at the situation over there first."

Taurus slowly stood up on the right side of his body and began to examine his surroundings.

Look for signs of whirlpools.

However, after searching for a while, he could not see any sign of the vortex.

Beside Taurus, the dark-faced man suddenly became interested when he saw Taurus suddenly stood up as if he was looking for something.

He quickly walked to Taurus and asked, "Master Taurus, have you found the entrance and exit?"

Taurus nodded and shook his head.

The black-faced man took a look and it seemed that there was some result, but the result was not yet certain.

It seems we still have to wait.

Afterwards, the black-faced man followed closely beside Taurus, and he followed wherever Taurus went.

After Jinniu inspected the cave for a while, he suddenly flew up and flew towards a passage on the cave wall.

The black-faced man also hurriedly followed.

The two of them flew all the way to another cave.

After arriving at the cave, Taurus immediately looked down, looking for signs of the whirlpool.

"Not on this level either."

Taurus shook his head, and then quickly flew to another passage on the cave wall.

That's right, he is now searching for the vortex in this maze of time and space.

Let's see if this time it will be the same as the previous layers. When a vortex appears in another time and space, a vortex will also appear in the time and space where the true body is located.

If so, then it can be basically determined that the vortex in the time and space where the true body is located returns to the previous level, while the vortex in the cave maze leads to the next level.

That way, both the exit and the entrance will appear, and you don't have to worry about being trapped in this infinite abyss.

The black-faced man also vaguely guessed this at this moment.

He felt that Taurus must be searching everywhere to find whirlpools.

It is estimated that the vortex was found in another time and space, so I have to look for it in this time and space as well.

While the black-faced man was thinking, the golden bull moved again, heading to the next passage and the next cave.

The two of them moved forward one after another, going around the east and west of the maze.

After searching all the way, Taurus didn't see any trace of the vortex.

"It seems that there is no vortex in this time and space."

He has now arrived at the place corresponding to the left half of his body.

There are no vortexes here, so there should be no vortexes in this time and space.

In other words, the only vortex he can find now is the one in the cave maze.

It seems that the next step is to let the left half of the body enter the whirlpool and take a look.

Taurus nodded secretly in his heart.

The left half of his body can be retracted at any time, so there is no fear of problems.

Without thinking any more, he took a step forward with the left side of his body and walked directly into the whirlpool in front of him.

There was a flash of white light.

Taurus found himself on a familiar meadow.

"Huh? How did you get here?"

Taurus was confused and couldn't figure out how he ended up here.

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

The golden bull rose from the ground and flew all the way around.

He decided to look for signs of whirlpools first to see if there were any whirlpools on the grass.

Wait until the results are available before deciding what to do next.

Taurus searches quickly.

This grassland is very open, much wider than the cave maze just now, which makes him feel like he is escaping from the constraints.

After a while, Taurus saw the whirlpool.

"Is there a whirlpool?"

The Taurus body flashed and flew quickly towards the whirlpool in the distance.

His speed was extremely fast, and he reached the edge of the whirlpool in just one breath.

After standing next to the whirlpool, Taurus thought to himself: "It seems that this grassland is not the grassland on the 99th floor, but on the 98th floor."

"In other words, the vortex in the cave maze just now is the exit back to the previous level."

He carefully searched the grassland on the 99th floor of the maze and couldn't find any whirlpools at all, so this grassland was definitely not on the 99th floor.

It could only be the ninety-eighth floor.

"Go in and have a look."

Taurus walked directly into the whirlpool ahead.

In a flash of white light, he appeared again on another patch of grass.

"Look where this is."

The golden bull immediately flew up.

After searching all the way and roughly searching the entire grassland, he was sure that this must be the grassland on the 99th floor.

I searched for the whirlpool on the grassland on the 99th floor before but couldn't find any trace. It was the same this time, but there was still no harvest.

"This way we can be sure that the vortex found in the cave is the exit back to the previous level."

Taurus took a deep breath, and then retracted the left half of his body.

In the time and space where the real body is, Taurus's body quickly returned to its original state.

The black-faced man on the side saw this scene and said, "Lord Taurus?"

"No results yet."

Taurus replied lightly, and then immediately fell to the ground to meditate and sit down.

He decided to search the cave maze again.

Because judging from the structure of the cave maze, in addition to the exit to return to the upper level, there should also be an entrance to the next level.

After all, the structure of the cave maze is the same as the maze before the ninetieth floor.

In the maze before the ninetieth floor, there was both an entrance and an exit.

So since you can find the exit in the cave maze, there is a high probability that you can also find the entrance.

Taurus decided to go back and look for it.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you search in the maze where the true body is, you will get no results.

The left half of Taurus's body quickly disappeared, and the black-faced man looked at this scene.

And soon, the left half of Taurus' body came back again.

But then, the left half of Taurus's body disappeared again.

This keeps repeating.

When the black-faced man saw this scene, he immediately knew that Lord Taurus must be trying to enter that new time and space.     Just the same as before.

Taurus tried again and again, with a high probability of entering the grassland every time.

But after hundreds of attempts, he finally made it to the cave maze.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Taurus immediately took out his path-finding magic weapon and started to find the path.

While planning the route, Taurus thought.

He had probably explored less than half of this cave maze, so he found the exit fairly quickly.

Calculated this way, the entrance is not necessarily here, and some people are probably looking for it.

Also, after finding the entrance, how to get the real body to come here?

This is another nuisance.

If the real body cannot come here, then he can only let the left half of his body enter the next level.

This is not a big problem.

The key question is, how should he go back?
  It is now clear that the exit to return to the previous level is within this cave maze.

So if you want to leave this infinite abyss, you must find a way to get your true body here.

"This is really a headache."

Taurus shook his head secretly.

Afterwards, he continued to find the route on the pathfinding magic weapon.

It didn't take long for the route to be found. Taurus dwarfed and got into a passage ahead.

In this way, while searching for a route and moving forward, time flies by.

On the other side, there is the time and space where Taurus' true body is.

The dark-faced man waited quietly, waiting for the Taurus to find a way out.

He believes that Taurus can definitely do this.

Before I knew it, two full days had passed.

For their level of strength, two days was just a fleeting moment.

Because the black-faced man didn't feel anything at all.

And in that cave maze, Taurus finally got a new clue.

"It seems that if you just keep going forward and then to the right, you should be able to find another whirlpool."

Taurus felt happy and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Half an hour later, he arrived at his destination.

And when he saw the scene of the destination clearly, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Because there is indeed a slowly rotating vortex here.

Taurus doesn't know where this vortex leads, but based on speculation, there is a high probability that it leads to the next level of the maze.

"Go and have a look first."

Taurus decided to go in first to see the situation.

The left half of his body can be retracted at any time without worrying about danger.

Then, he took a step forward and disappeared directly into the whirlpool.

White light flashed.

The next moment, Taurus found himself in a magnificent palace.

"Huh? This is it?"

Taurus couldn't help but wonder.

This level doesn't look like a maze, just a palace.

"Is this the end of the infinite abyss?"

Taurus thought to himself.

When he first stepped into the whirlpool, what he was thinking was that the next level of the maze might be a completely new form, and he would have to figure out new rules.

But looking at it now, it doesn't seem like this is a maze.

At least as far as the naked eye can see, it doesn't look like a maze at all.

After Taurus pondered for a moment, he decided to explore first.

Anyway, he can retract the left half of his body at any time, so he doesn't have to worry about getting into any trouble.

If you are really in trouble, leave immediately and then find a way to come back.

After all, he already knew how to find the vortex leading here.

Taurus moved forward, and before he knew it, he came to the center of the hall.

He walked and looked all the way, and the more he looked, the more shocked he felt by this magnificent palace.

Because he had no idea what material this palace was made of.

"I never thought there would be such a place in the depths of the infinite abyss."

"I don't know what treasures are hidden here."

Taurus thought to himself.

Soon, his eyes focused on a circular platform in the center of the hall.

This table is made of a material similar to gold, at least the texture looks like a mountain.

Of course, what really caught Taurus's attention was not the table itself, but the box placed on the table.

"What exactly is in this box?"

Taurus came to the table and stared at the box on the table.

He didn't know what was in the box, whether it contained danger or some treasure.

Taurus couldn't be sure of this, so he didn't rush to take action.

After staring at the box for a while, Taurus turned his head and looked around again.

This palace is huge.

At the edge of the hall, there are also square platforms.

There is nothing on these square tables and they seem to be just decoration.

"It seems that the only valuable thing in this palace is in this mysterious box."

Taurus's eyes focused on the box again.

At this point, he decided to open the box and take a look.

After all, he is only here with the left half of his body, so he is not afraid of danger.

You can retract this half of your body at any time in case of danger.

The real worry in his heart is that if the box contains some extremely precious treasure, and this treasure cannot be taken away until he is here, it will be troublesome.

It is precisely because of this worry that Taurus is not in a hurry to open the box.

And he decided to open it now because he thought that even if his true body was here, he still wouldn't dare to touch this box casually.

Because the real body is here, it will be very troublesome to face danger.

But the left side of his body was not afraid of danger.

Without thinking any more, Taurus stretched out his left hand and touched the box.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the box with force.

The lid of the box was slowly lifted, and golden light shot out from the weight of the box.

The golden light was extremely dazzling, but Taurus had no intention of looking away.

He stared closely at the inside of the box, observing all the changes inside.

Soon, he saw a round jade plate.

But to be precise, this may not be a jade plate, but made of some unknown material.

It's just that Taurus can't tell what material it is made of.

"What the hell is this?"

Taurus looked at the round jade plate in the box, wondering.

This is definitely not an ordinary treasure, and it must have a great background, but Taurus doesn't know what its use is.

After looking at it for a while, Taurus decided to pick it up and take a look.

So, he reached into the box and picked up the round jade plate.

However, the moment he picked up the round jade plate with his left hand, he suddenly noticed a flash of white light in front of his eyes.

When the white light faded, Taurus found himself above the sea of ​​clouds.

Taurus quickly looked down.

After seeing this, he was immediately surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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