Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1643 Mirror of Space and Time

Chapter 1643 Mirror of Space and Time
  Taurus was surprised to find that his body was complete.

You must know that when he entered the palace, he only had the left half of his body, and the right half of his body was located on the ninety-ninth floor of the infinite abyss with the black-faced man.

And only the left hand on the left side of the body touched the round jade plate in the box.

Therefore, even if you leave the palace and the infinite abyss, you should only leave with the left half of your body.

Why would everyone leave the infinite abyss and be above the sea of ​​clouds?
  "This infinite abyss is beyond my expectation. It seems that every forbidden place in the world of sea of ​​clouds has its own unique features."

Taurus nodded secretly.

The infinite abyss was beyond his imagination, and he never expected that he would be forced to leave the infinite abyss.

Although this way, he didn't have to worry about not being able to get out of the infinite abyss, but this also caused the black-faced man to be trapped in the ninety-ninth layer of the infinite abyss.

Taurus wanted to save the black-faced man, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that there seemed to be nothing he could do.

Because when he was on the ninety-ninth floor, he had not yet found a way to leave.

At that time, he could only return the left half of his body to the previous level, but the right half of his body, his true body, was still in the ninety-ninth level of the infinite abyss.

The left half of his body was able to return to the upper level because he found a vortex in the cave maze to return to the upper level.

But he didn't know how to let his true body enter the cave maze.

Therefore, if he had not touched the circular jade plate in the final hall, he would not have known how to leave the infinite abyss.

Now that he's out, he naturally doesn't want to take risks anymore.

He has always been cautious in doing things, and naturally he is not willing to take big risks for a subordinate.

"Black face, black face, it can only be said to be bad luck, everything is destined by God."

Taurus sighed, and then stopped thinking about it.

The black-faced man will be trapped in the infinite abyss, mainly because of bad luck, not because he is a cruel Taurus.

Then, Taurus looked at the round jade plate held in his left hand.

I don’t know what this thing is used for yet, but one thing is for sure, it must be a treasure.

"You have to figure out how to use this thing."

Taurus raised the round jade plate in his hand and examined it carefully.

While checking, his body moved slowly.

Suddenly, the round jade plate lit up, and a scene was displayed on it.

In this picture, there is a powerful man holding a sword and killing a monster with one sword.

"Huh? The people in this picture should not be from our time and space."

Taurus took a closer look and discovered it immediately.

The people in this picture are not from the Sea of ​​Clouds world, but from other worlds.

"So, this treasure allows me to see other times and spaces?"

Taurus couldn't help but think.

But it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

First of all, the legends about the infinite abyss all focus on topics related to time and space.

Secondly, the time and space of the last ten levels of the maze of the infinite abyss are complicated. If he had not had the ability to escape into other times and spaces, he would not have known how to enter the next level or return to the previous level.

Therefore, it is normal for there to be some kind of treasure related to time and space hidden in the infinite abyss.

"Look again."

Taurus continued to hold the disk and slowly turned around while looking at it.

As his body continues to rotate, the pictures on the circular jade plate will also change, showing pictures from different time and space.

After careful study, Taurus finally decided.

The picture displayed on the circular jade plate is related to the direction in which he holds the circular jade plate.

When he points the circular jade plate in different directions, different pictures will appear.

And what is shown above are all pictures from different time and space.

Therefore, the pictures displayed on the circular jade plate and their corresponding time and space directions are related to the world of sea of ​​clouds.

"Then let's call this magic weapon the Mirror of Space and Time."

Taurus nodded secretly.

He decided to name this magic weapon the Mirror of Space and Time, because it was like a mirror that could reflect images of different time and space.

"In that case, I have a way to find the time and space where Lin Yu once stayed. I can use the time and space mirror to find Lin Yu's hometown!"

Taurus took a deep breath.

This trip was finally not in vain.

After taking such a huge risk, I finally got a valuable magic weapon.

With the mirror of time and space, there must be a way to find Lin Yu's hometown.

Taurus wants to see what Lin Yu's hometown looks like.

Let Lin Yu have such unpredictable means.

"Let's go back first."

Taurus moved and quickly left with the mirror of time and space.

At the same time, in the ninety-ninth layer of the infinite abyss.

The black-faced man had been observing Taurus to see what progress Taurus had made.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that the Taurus disappeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.

Just like that, without any warning, he suddenly disappeared.

"Where did Lord Taurus go?"

The black-faced man was filled with doubts.

"Did Lord Taurus find the exit from the vortex to return to the upper level?"

The black-faced man remembered what he had to do before entering the next level, which was to find a way to enter a grassland, and then find the entrance and exit of the whirlpool on the grass.

At that time, the whole person will leave the maze where he was originally.

So the same thing may be happening to Taurus now.

Taurus may have triggered some mechanism of the infinite abyss, and then the whole person entered another time and space.

The more the black-faced man thought about it, the more it made sense.

That's certainly the case.

After all, Taurus is always looking for whirlpools and always thinking of ways.

"I guess we can just wait here for a while."

The dark-faced man quickly calmed down and began to wait patiently.

After all, this is not the first time such waiting.

In the previous maze, he often waited for the Taurus to find the entrance to the next level of the maze.

So he is not panic now.

The black-faced man felt that as long as he waited patiently, he would wait until the Taurus came back.

And when Taurus comes back, it may be time to leave the infinite abyss.

The black-faced man believed that Taurus would be able to find a way out this time, just like before.

Time passes minute by minute.

The dark-faced man waited patiently.

One day, two days, three days...

As the black-faced man waited, a whole month passed without realizing it.

The black-faced man became more and more anxious as he waited.

There are more and more random thoughts in my mind.

"Such a long time has passed, and Lord Taurus still hasn't come back. Has he already been in danger?"

The dark-faced man paced back and forth anxiously on the ground, thinking worriedly in his heart.

He can now finally understand the mood of Jian Qingqing and others when they were waiting for the third elder Mo Lin. They were probably thinking the same way as he is now. I can't find the answer no matter how hard I try.

That's right, the black-faced man now has no idea whether Taurus has encountered any trouble or has left the maze.

"Master Taurus won't leave alone, right? He won't leave me alone."

The black-faced man didn’t want to believe this fact, so he chose not to believe it.

However, his intuition told him that Taurus is cautious in dealing with others and can ignore other people for the sake of personal safety.

At least you can ignore your subordinates.

Also, at this time, he remembered the situation when he faced Mo Lin.

Mo Lin was in a dilemma in order to make a deal with him, but in the end he chose to agree to his conditions and left Jian Qingqing and others to be slaughtered by him.

So the black-faced man felt that if Taurus encountered the same situation, he might make the same choice as Molin.

Taurus may choose to sell him.

"No, it won't be like this. I must be overthinking it."

"This infinite abyss is so complicated. Mr. Taurus must not be able to find a way out. He may be lost."

The black-faced man convinced himself.

He tried hard to convince himself that there was still hope.

But as time continued to pass, the hope in his heart became less and less, and the despair increased.

Eventually, the black-faced man collapsed.

He knew that Taurus might really go away alone.

Regardless of whether Taurus actively chooses to abandon him or passively chooses to leave, there is a high probability that he will leave.

Even if he didn't leave, he would most likely have encountered a danger that couldn't be solved at all.

The black-faced man knew that he could only rely on himself now.

"I can't get out of this maze on my own. I don't even know where the vortex is."

The dark-faced man was worried.

He had no idea how to find his way out.

Since entering the sixtieth floor, I have basically been following the Taurus.

Now that Taurus is gone, he simply cannot find a way out of such a complicated maze on his own.

You know, this ninety-nine-level maze is completely different from the maze before the ninety-level maze.

Everything here looks exactly the same, as if it were carved from the same mold.

Once he leaves this cave, he will no longer know where he is and will not be able to find his way back here.

Moreover, even if he wandered around, he could not find the vortex leading to the next level or returning to the previous level.

Because he simply does not have the ability of Taurus to escape into other time and space.

He simply didn't know how to start the potential mechanism of the infinite abyss and find a way out for himself.

"No, I absolutely can't leave here."

"Even if we have to find a way, we have to find a way in this cave."

The dark-faced man thought secretly.

Taurus suddenly disappeared in this cave, so even if he wanted to leave, he would have to find a way here.

If you can find some kind of hidden mechanism in this cave and trigger it, then you may be able to successfully leave here.

The man with the black face firmly believes this.

He now knows very little about the deep maze of the infinite abyss, so he can only act based on the known information.

The biggest information now is that the Taurus suddenly disappeared in this cave.

This is the biggest and most critical information.

The black-faced man began to walk around in the cave, checking the surroundings as he walked.

He must find a way to find out the rules, find out the rules for leaving this cave and leaving the infinite abyss.

Otherwise you will be trapped here forever.

While walking, suddenly...

The black-faced man heard something.

He quickly followed the sound and looked up, looking at the entrance to a passage on the cave wall.

As a result, at this glance, he actually saw a person.

The black-faced man did not recognize this person, but judging from his expression, he seemed very happy to find the black-faced man.

"You saved me?"

This mysterious person quickly fell from the sky and came to the side of the black-faced man.

The dark-faced man looked at the other person carefully.

The man in front of me was of average height, but his face was old and his clothes were a little ragged.

Combined with what the other party just said, it can be judged that the other party has been trapped in the infinite abyss for many years.

The dark-faced man quickly deduced this.

He was not surprised at all by this, because this infinite abyss was a forbidden area, and there were more than one or two people trapped.

It's just that he and Taurus were lucky and didn't encounter anyone trapped along the way.

But now I encountered it.

However, the black-faced man was a little afraid of the mysterious man in front of him.

Because the opponent can be trapped on the 99th floor, his strength must be extraordinary.

Definitely not worse than Taurus.

Otherwise, the other party would not be able to come to this level and would eventually be trapped here.

"My name is Xiao Ning, what's your name?"

Xiao Ning asked.

Yes, this person is Xiao Ning that Lin Yu has been looking for.

"Xiao Ning?" The black-faced man nodded, and then replied: "My name is Heimian."

Seeing this, Xiao Ning asked again: "Did you save me?"

After hearing this, the black-faced man thought carefully, and then said truthfully: "No, I have just been waiting here, waiting for my master. Maybe my master did something to save you."

The black-faced man knew that the other party was very powerful and would definitely not be able to evade him, so he could only tell the situation honestly.

Otherwise, if the other party finds out that he is lying, things may become very troublesome.

"Your master? What is your master's name? Where is he now?"

Xiao Ning asked repeatedly.

After thinking for a while, the black-faced man replied truthfully: "My master's name is Taurus. He was always with me. I was waiting for him to find a way to take us away, but more than a month ago, he suddenly disappeared. I don’t know where I went.”

Hearing this, Xiao Ning nodded and said, "It was probably your master who saved me more than a month ago."

"What did he do then?"

Xiao Ning asked again.

"He..." The black-faced man hesitated and didn't say anything for a while.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Ning said: "Everyone is trapped here now. Don't hide information. Tell me everything you know. Maybe I can find a way out."

Upon hearing this, the black-faced man finally made up his mind and said: "My master has the ability to escape into other empty spaces. He..."

The black-faced man described the situation of Taurus truthfully and told Xiao Ning that Taurus had the ability to escape into other time and space.

It was this ability that took him all the way to the ninety-ninth level of the infinite abyss.

But he didn't know how the Taurus suddenly disappeared. He didn't know what happened at that time. Everything was very sudden.

"I see."

After listening to the black-faced man's description, Xiao Ning nodded slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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