Chapter 852 Brother
  "The minds of these rich people are weird. He is just a younger brother. Why are they so worried?"

The fat man rolled his eyes as he spoke. What the fat man said was so down-to-earth that others no longer wanted to talk to him.

But Wu Tianzhen looked at the fat man and nodded with interest, because he himself also noticed something was wrong.

Fatty saw Wu Tianzhen agreeing with him, and while happy, he added again.

"Isn't it okay for children like this to be born randomly? And what they focus on is money."

When these words were spoken, Wu Tianzhen nodded without any emotion on his face.

This time, they haven't noticed a particularly important detail.

At this time, Wang Ye also walked to the stairs with them. The four of them walked slowly inside the stairs, with the direction of leaving behind them.

"Besides, Shang Yu has countless rich talents, so what if he has one younger brother?"

As soon as the fat man said these words, he looked at the surrounding environment.

Then he stared at this pitch-black place, even if he lit the torch in his hand, its visibility was extremely low.

The darkness here seems to absorb light, and the walls next to it are made of light-absorbing materials.

The fat man frowned, with a strange look in his eyes.

When Wang Ye saw the fat man's appearance, he couldn't help but smile and said to him.

"I think you got a little bit right."

The fat man ignored Wang Ye, but looked at the environment, and then cursed.

"We have fallen into a trap. How can a live broadcast be broadcast in such a dark place and who can see it? And there were more than 20 people at the time, so what? They definitely don't have that many tools in their hands."

The fat man's eyes widened and he said with dissatisfaction, then he ran back.

But the fat man's movements were still a second too slow, and the people above decisively locked the large iron door, which they had welded here.

They heard Shang Yu's voice ringing in their ears. Shang Yu put eavesdropping tools on them, so Shang Yu heard clearly what the fat man said.

He was also lucky that Fatty and the others had already entered the underground passage, otherwise he would not have been able to trap these people in it.

While Shang Yu was laughing, he also spoke to the fat man extremely seriously.

"What I forgot to tell you is that the one who needs the old one is indeed my brother, but my brother is no longer a living person, similar to some kind of corpse transformation, so I need you to bring his body."

Shang Yu said this with a smile on his face. When Fatty heard it, he got goosebumps all over his body. He never thought that this guy's thoughts would be so vicious.

He clenched his fists and his face was full of anger, but even being angry now could not solve the problem.

After saying that, Shang Yu hurriedly added another sentence.

"And I don't want body parts. If you don't bring it up intact, I will cut it into pieces and feed them to the dogs."

Wang Ye also heard Shang Yu's voice clearly, although the fat man was still kicking the iron door in front of him angrily, trying to open it.

But what the man said next made the fat man stop moving again.

Don't tell me, I didn't remind you. If you retreat now, I will drag you out and cut you into pieces.

Anyway, there are only four of them, and he has a total of 40,000 people with him.

Although 1/3 of the people are stationed at the foot of the mountain, catching up is not a problem at all.

Shang Yu's face was full of confidence.

But the fat man was so angry that he jumped up. Wang Ye came over and talked to Shang Yu.

"You wish you had said this earlier. You must play this insidious trick. Now everyone is angry."

Wang Ye said this calmly, as if he didn't care at all about what Shang Yu did. Seeing Wang Ye's behavior, Shang Yu was about to add a few words, but he didn't expect Wang Ye to speak again.

"I'm quite curious. There shouldn't be any problems with the blood jade you gave me, right?"

Shang Yu shook his head decisively when he heard Wang Ye's words.

How could there be a problem? He wears it himself, and he also takes a fancy to Wang Ye's ability, so he pays such attention to it.

He himself was afraid. He used some random things to fool Wang Ye. After Wang Ye found out, he would not get any good results.

Now, Shang Yu also said with a smile to Wang Ye.

"You follow my instructions and do things well inside, and you will definitely benefit from it when you come out."

After Shang Yu said these words, he left directly with his men.

Wang Ye, on the other hand, took Fatty's hand and continued walking down with him.

Getting angry at this time won't solve the problem, and they have no way to fight against people like Shang Yu.

While he asked the fat man to calm down, he looked at the fat man and sighed softly.

"Why bother competing with this kind of person? It's better to think about how we are going to deal with the monster in front of us next."

Wang Ye said this very realistically. Although Fatty couldn't accept it, he still chose to nod.

As they walked down, the sadness on Fatty's face became more and more obvious, but because it was so dark here, no one paid attention to the expression on Fatty's face, so everyone's mood was not affected.

Zhang Qiling was the first to walk in front, holding up the knife in his hand.

But Wang Ye handed over his sweeper, and Zhang Qiling laughed.

But his smile was extremely stiff. He was just imitating Wang Ye's smile.

Wang Ye pointed to the road ahead and asked Zhang Qiling to continue walking forward. Although he asked Zhang Qiling to take the lead, he kept following Zhang Qiling.

Whenever there is any danger, Wang Ye will rush out to solve it immediately.

At that time, the fat man thought of the most important point, and suddenly heard a strange sound of water in his ears.

There were water drops falling from the top of his head one by one, and the sound of hitting the brick surface made the fat man feel his scalp numb.

The fat man suddenly took Wang Ye's hand and said.

"Didn't he say there are many agencies here? I think we still have to be careful."

The fat man's tone was full of solemnity.

Wang Ye nodded when he heard the fat man's words, but he frowned and couldn't help but look at the fat man and said.

"It seems like something is approaching."

After Wang Ye said this, he took the flashlight in his hand and shined it into the distance, only to see a blurry black figure appear in front of him.

Looking at this black shadow, everyone froze in place, and they couldn't even speak.

The fat man's forehead was covered with cold sweat as he looked at Wang Ye and stammered.

"This, could it be that one?"

Before the fat man finished speaking, Wang Ye shook his head in denial.

"This is not Shang Yu's younger brother. Shang Yu's younger brother is trapped in a secret room and cannot escape easily."

(End of this chapter)

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