Chapter 853 Entering the wolf den
  Wang Ye walked over as he spoke. He was not afraid. If it were a living corpse, he would have rushed towards him long ago, but Wang Ye saw that his legs were placed vertically.

That means he might have been hung.

As Wang Ye expected, when Wang Ye walked over, he also saw the rope hanging around the neck of the corpse, but the clothes on the corpse, including his face.

However, Wang Ye was able to tell that this was a student, perhaps one of Shang Yu's younger brother's companions.

But he couldn't figure out why these people hung up the body.

The fat man looked at the scene in front of him and originally wanted to say some humorous words to lighten the atmosphere.

But at this moment, he found that no matter what he said, the fear in his heart could not be suppressed.

"I feel like this place has been cleaned by them."

"Do you think it's a game and you can clean the battlefield?"

Wu Tianzhen rolled his eyes. It wasn't that he was nitpicking, but that the fat guy spoke without thinking, which made him feel a little irritated.

When the fat man heard what she said, he touched his nose, and a moment of embarrassment flashed across his face. He didn't expect Wu Tianzhen to speak so directly, but the fat man explained seriously.

"I just thought they must have been in this place, so cleaning is normal."

Fatty's tone was full of seriousness, but more nervous. He was afraid that he would be reprimanded by Wang Ye.

When Wang Ye heard the fat man's words, he didn't refute too much, but nodded.

"There is a possibility."

But what exactly is going on with the corpse in front of me, we still have to get closer to find out.

Wang Ye walked up to the corpse and looked at it. His eyes flashed with a bit of complexity, and he just stared at it intently.

However, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes. At this time, Wang Ye discovered that the corpse's neck had been densely sewn up with needles, which meant that the head was directly severed.

When he suddenly opened his eyes, Fatty was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but Fatty quickly reacted. Wang Ye looked at Fatty with a bit of impatience in his eyes.

It was just an ordinary thing, but it scared him like this.

The fat man saw Wang Ye staring at him, a bit nervous flashing on his face, and then he spoke again.

"Why do I seem to have touched something...?"

As the fat man spoke, he pinched it, but he didn't expect it to be a bone. He took a torch and took a closer look, only to find that it was a skull, and he was pinching the other person's toes.

The fat man's face became extremely ugly.

He jumped up in a hurry, and his startled look made everyone a little dissatisfied. Zhang Qiling walked over directly, looked at the fat man, and said with an indifferent expression.

"We don't know the mechanism here yet, but if you are still as startled as you were just now, I believe it will be a matter of time before the mechanism is triggered."

There was only impatience in Zhang Qiling's tone. The fat man nodded blankly when he heard it. He touched his nose with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

When Wang Ye saw the fat man's appearance, his face showed some confusion. He shook his head and then walked up to him.

The head of that corpse had been sewn shut, which meant that it posed no threat.

It's just that this scene is so bloody and terrifying.

Wang Ye only saw complexity in his eyes. What exactly had he experienced here? No one could tell him the answer.

And when he looked at the skull in front of him, he found that all the clothes on the skull had been taken off by others. Apart from this point, Wang Ye even dared to imagine that this skeleton might have existed in this place a long time ago. In other words, they missed another important point.

In addition to asking them to bring his brother up, Shang Yu also wanted to solve these problems here.

I believe that Shang Yu's purpose is not that simple, and after his brother is brought here, Shang Yu will definitely force them to come up with something here.

When considering these factors, Wu Tianzhen's face became extremely ugly. He looked at Wang Ye, and then said while holding the newspaper in his hand.

"I bought a newspaper when I just went up the mountain, and then I just took a look at the place at the bottom. They said that Shang Yu has gone bankrupt."

"That means..."

Shang Yu really wanted them to come in and touch gold and bring him a steady stream of money.

Wang Ye's face showed a bit of contempt. No wonder this guy would try his best to trick them into this.

Presumably Shang Yu was born into gold before, otherwise he would not be so skilled in this kind of thing.

After thinking of this, Wang Ye chuckled and looked at the skeleton in front of him. He even knew what was going on. Even Shang Yu must have understood.

Shang Yu knows better than anyone why these things exist.

Besides, this place must have existed a long time ago.

When considering these factors, Wang Ye's eyes became extremely strange. He frowned and couldn't say a word for a long time.

The same was true for the fat man. The fat man patted Wang Ye on the shoulder, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's over. This time we were really tricked into the wolf's den."

The fat man's face was full of complexity, but when Wang Ye heard the fat man's words, he looked disapproving.

"Forget it, what if I'm tricked into the wolf's den?"

They can only act according to circumstances and proceed step by step instead of giving up halfway or even getting discouraged at this moment.

When considering these factors, Wang Ye also patted Fatty on the shoulder and urged Fatty to set off with him.

When the fat man saw the look on Wang Ye's face, he and he continued to walk down to the corpse. Neither of them paid attention to it.

Why are you hanging here? Wang Ye didn't know.

But when he looked back at the body, he discovered that his rope was in the form of a hanging.

Wang Ye frowned and suddenly stopped. He turned around and looked at the corpse. The clothes on his body were a bit thick, and Wang Ye slowly explored inside.

Unexpectedly, he found a lot of notes inside. When Wang Ye spread out the notes, everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

The fat man even took one of the notes, which was filled with signals for help.

But one of the notes was filled with desperate messages.

"I have been trapped here for 15 days. For 15 days, there was no rescue inside, and there was a madman who tried his best to kill me."

"I can only run. I have no other choice but to run to these places. I just hope that I can take these things out after I die and let my family know the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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