Chapter 1086 Glory Moment
  After the most pressing problem of throat discomfort was relieved, Tianming discovered another problem.

It seems that I not only have a sore throat and dry throat, but also feel uncomfortable all over!
  I feel dizzy, my limbs are weak, my throat is burning, and oh... I seem to have a runny nose.

Tianming subconsciously stretched out his hand to wipe his nose in a hygienic manner, but his hand was stained with bright red.

" turns out to be a nosebleed..."

"Huh? Nosebleed?" Tianming was stunned when he came back to his senses, "Am I sick? How come I have a nosebleed?"

This problem did not bother Tianming for too long. He soon realized that his top priority was to find someone to save his life.

He staggered towards the door, but after taking only two steps, he suddenly frowned, raised his hand to touch the back of his neck, and stumbled back two steps with a look of pain.

" feels so uncomfortable!"

At this time of dawn, I felt an inexplicable severe burning sensation in the back of my neck. It was not just a burning sensation on my skin, but also as if my internal organs and even my brain were on fire.

In this state, the previous dizziness is no longer a problem.

In addition to the pain, Tianming felt a muffled sound coming from his ears.

  What followed was the sound of the door being opened.

"It's dawn, it's dawn!"

"Uncle, I...I'm a little uncomfortable." Tianming watched his elders rush into the room with hazy eyes, and immediately his eyes darkened.

Gai Nie quickly reached out and hugged Tianming, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Without stopping, Gai Nie hurriedly left the room with Tian Ming in his arms, and rushed to the nearest suspended corridor as quickly as possible.

This is one of the few places that is not haunted by poisonous gas.

Of course, Gai Nie didn't know exactly how much area of ​​the organ city was covered by the poisonous gas, but he was sure that places like the suspended corridors must be safe.

During this short journey, Gai Nie saw a few scattered Mohist disciples who had fallen to the ground, including the guard in charge of his door.

To be honest, he had expected that something would happen to the city sooner or later, but he didn't expect that Wei Zhuang would choose poison, a plan that was actually not very easy to use.

And the government city actually got tricked.

For Guigu Zongjian, who is well-read, he has dabbled in many theories from hundreds of schools of thought. Unfortunately, medical skills are not within the scope of his study, let alone someone like Yu Yu Qianye, who is unpopular in the world. It's hard to find a few people who know this strange poison.

Although he felt it was outrageous, Gai Nie didn't have the desire to spend too much time exploring the reason.

It doesn't matter what the process is. Anyway, knowing that the city is in danger is enough.

He had just placed Tianming next to the corridor fence and it happened that Shaoyu and Qiantaki also arrived.

The two people saw this scene from a distance at the other end of the corridor and ran over quickly.

"Mr. Guy, Tianming...are you okay?"

Shaoyu looked at his motionless friend and felt nervous, fearing that he and Qiantaki would be late.

"It's nothing serious. Tianming was just affected by the poisonous gas and temporarily fainted. Now that he's out of the range of the poisonous gas, he recovered quickly."

Gai Nie responded to Shao Yu casually, but part of it was a lie.

Tianming's fainting was related to the poisonous gas, but that was not the direct cause.

For some reason, the poisonous gas attack on Tianming did not paralyze him, but instead activated the sleeping curse seal in his body.

This made him immune to the poisonous gas, but the sudden activation of the sleeping spell quickly overloaded the child's spirit and he passed out under self-protection.

After the stimulation of the poisonous gas is gone, the sleeping curse seal will begin to gradually become silent, and the morning will soon calm down.

"That's good." After receiving this reply, Shao Yu patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it just the two of you?"

Gai Nie did not ask how the two came here. Looking at the gauze scarves on their faces, he knew that they were probably something that could ward off poison.

What he wondered was, at such a dangerous moment, why would these two children come alone, and what about the other adults? And what about the kid who always follows Chitaki?

In fact, Ah Ci is definitely not a child at his age, but... who can say that Ah Ci is not a baby?

Qiantaki heard the words and explained, "We wanted to come to Tianming on the spur of the moment. There was no poisonous gas in the city at that time, but on the way..."

"Fortunately, I have the poison-proof gauze that Sister Rong gave me before, otherwise I would have been in trouble."

Shaoyu then added, "Aci was originally with us, but we met the killer of Luowang on the way. He was dragged away, and only the two of us ran away first."

"Huh?" Gai Nie was startled and glanced at Qiantaki.

Are the people in the trap so brave now? Dare to take action against Gu Xun's daughter?
  Although he did not see the scene with his own eyes, Ge Nie still made his own judgment. There must be other hidden reasons behind this.

The snare killer who could entangle that young man was probably a top-notch killer. Killers of this level did not exist. Leng Tou Qingyi said that there must be a reason behind Tou Tie.

But...this has nothing to do with me.

"Shaoyu, Qianlong, you stay here and watch Tianming, don't run around." After making sure that Tianming's condition improved, Gai Nie stood up and warned the two teenagers.

"Uncle Gai, are you going?" Chitaki asked suspiciously upon seeing this.

"Remember, stay in a safe place." Gai Nie did not answer her, but emphasized his words again, then held Gai Nie tightly and walked away.

From the words of Shao Yu and the other two, it is not difficult to judge that the government city is now most likely enveloped by poisonous gas, and the defense force in the city is probably as good as paralysis.

This means that Wei Zhuang's real attack is coming.

And he must be faced by Gai Nie himself.

As for the safety of these children...Gai Nie chose to play rough.

With Chitaki, the little princess of quicksand, there is little chance of something happening to them, as long as they are careful not to get poisoned.


As time goes by, the sun becomes more and more fierce.

It has to be said that today is a really sunny day. Unfortunately, the brighter the sunshine, the colder the hearts of everyone in the Mo family become.

Under the influence of the scorching sunlight, the rare poison of Yu Yu Qianye fully exerted its effect, and the invisible poisonous mist almost completely buried the entire city.

As the poisonous gas spread, the Mo family's defensive front completely collapsed in a very short period of time.

Under the influence of the poisonous gas, the Mohist disciples fell to the ground in severe cases, and the combat effectiveness of those with milder symptoms was also severely reduced. They were no match for the elite soldiers of the empire.

Gao Jianli could only lead a few disciples who still retained a certain fighting capacity to retreat continuously.

In contrast, thousands of imperial soldiers marched straight in, effortlessly attacking this 'paradise on earth' that was beyond the reach of manpower.

There are many reasons why so few soldiers invaded the city, but the core ones are two.

First, it doesn’t require too many people.

The interior of the organ city has almost lost its ability to resist at this time. There is no point in sending too many people in and out to occupy space. The second reason is that the antidote is not enough.

Imperial soldiers also need to breathe, and the poisonous gas in the city does not discriminate between friend and foe.

If they want to be safe, they must take the antidote in advance.

Wei Zhuang provided the army with a total of two thousand people's worth of the Antidote for Qianyu Qianye.

Han Xin did not use all of them at once, but kept some for emergencies, so in the end he only had about a thousand soldiers available for attack.

Anyway, it’s enough, so it doesn’t matter.

Han Xin could use the remaining large forces for other purposes.


"Han Xin, do you know what kind of poison this is? It's too outrageous!"

On a peak near the machine city, the main and deputy generals of the imperial army occupied the commanding heights, observing the general situation of the machine city at this time from a high position.

Zhong Limei looked at the defeated Mohist disciples. While feeling emotional, he couldn't help but be full of curiosity about the ruthless Qianye who had caused this situation.

Han Xin cast his eyes downwards, glanced down at the government city, and then glanced sideways at Zhong Limei without saying a word.

Zhong Limei couldn't stand the other person's look just now, and couldn't help but bumped the other person's shoulder, "You are talking, why are you looking at me so strangely?"

"Most of what I read are military books, what do you want me to say?" Han Xin responded with an indifferent look and his usual mournful tone.

"...Ha, if you don't know, just say you don't know, there are so many actions!" Zhong Limei rolled his eyes and snapped at him angrily.

"..." Han Xin didn't want to speak, and silently turned his attention back to the machine city below.

However, his inner thoughts now are actually similar to Zhong Limei's. They are both sighing and curious about the poison that permeates the city at this time.

Since they didn't understand the mechanism of action of Zhen Yu Qianye, its actual effects, or even its name, these two people only had the most basic understanding of this poison - it had a huge range of effects and the poison was released extremely quickly!

Just looking at these two characteristics, this poison is undoubtedly an artifact for attacking cities. Any army or city is like a floating cloud in front of it and can be defeated overnight!

Even Han Xin couldn't help but be very envious of this thing.

Of course, as a resourceful future soldier, Han Xin has not been baptized by the modern advertising industry, but he also understands that some pictures are for reference only, please refer to the actual product.

He had some basic guesses about the conditions for using Zhen Yu Qianye, thinking that it might not be easy to use this kind of poison.

However, he felt that it was acceptable to be harsher, after all, the effect was too domineering.

Unfortunately, what Han Xin didn't expect was that the conditions required for Yu Yu Qianye to exert his greatest influence were far more demanding than he imagined.

In fact, as a poison, Zhen Yu Qianye is extremely unqualified because of the conditions for its effectiveness.

This poison must rely on water to be effective, and the water area cannot be too large.

For example, the water flow system in the organ city is still within the range that Yu Yu Qianye can exert its effect. If it is larger, it can barely survive, but if it is a water area as large as Zhenze (Taihu Lake), it will no longer be able to produce substantial effects. .

As for the endless flow of living water, let alone it.

When it comes to human activity areas, it can basically only be used in small ponds, ditches and the like.

To carry out large-scale killings, the water area is not enough, and the actual scope of influence is extremely limited.

When carrying out targeted assassinations, the timing is difficult to grasp. The poisonous gas will spread as soon as dawn. If the target is not near the water, it is easy to poison other people first and alert the target.

Moreover, the production was extremely difficult, and it took three years. If there was not even the slightest mistake, all the efforts would be wasted.

This kind of poison, which has a narrow scope of application, cannot be flexibly controlled, and has a troublesome pharmaceutical process, is not a qualified product no matter how you think about it. It is more like a trick created by some pharmacists.

Yu Yu Qianye's fame also matched his embarrassing position - he was almost completely forgotten in the long river of history.

The saying 'when the day is right, slaughter the whole city' is all false. Just say a few people know about it, right?

High emotional intelligence: a rare poison!
  Low EQ: a piece of garbage!
  For a highly purposeful product like poison, people tend to only pay attention to what they use and what they use well. As for the overall work, no one cares about it, even if it has some eye-catching unique effects.

If you want to have fun, there are plenty of ways to do it, so why seek it through poison?

Coincidentally, Yu Yu Qianye is a weirdo, and Guan Yu City is also a weirdo.

The former mainly has a derogatory connotation, while the latter has a more positive connotation. Unfortunately, when the two collide, the praise and blame are meaningless.

The internal water circulation system of the organ city, which has both unique characteristics and technical beauty, gave Yu Yu Qianye the perfect space to perform perfectly, allowing this waste in the poison world to successfully create his own glorious moment.

For a long time to come, the name of Yu Yu Qianye will be spread throughout the world along with the fall of the Demon Realm outside the world.

Of course, this does not change the reality that this thing has extremely low use value. Sooner or later it will be completely forgotten, and even the production technology will be completely lost.

But now, Han Xin and Zhong Limei can still be happy for a while.

After watching the situation in the city for a while, Han Xin silently made a note in his mind that he must try to see if he could get this poison from inside the quicksand if he had the chance.

Then, his attention turned elsewhere.

He deliberately chose such a commanding height with an excellent view, not to watch the imperial army beat the sick young man of the Mo family.

"Pick one." Han Xin suddenly said to Zhong Limei.

"Ah? What to choose?" Zhong Limei withdrew his gaze from watching the battle and looked at his friend blankly.

"Mountain road or waterway?" Han Xin stretched out his hand and pointed toward the ridgeline and mountain stream.

"Please! Speak! Someone! Words!" Zhong Limei, who still didn't understand what was going on, responded angrily.

"The city has been destroyed and settled. It won't be long before we chase down the defeated army." Looking at his friend's unkind eyes, Han Xin was finally willing to speak clearly, "The mountains move north and the water flows east. This is their only choice. There are two escape routes, you choose one."

"Can't it be explained clearly in one sentence?" Zhong Limei rolled his eyes and did not rush to answer. He first looked at the two ways of survival that Han Xin pointed out.

"The mountain roads are complex and the waterways are dangerous... They are indeed good choices for those who are running for their lives."

"So?" Han Xin tilted his head.

"I choose the water route!" Zhong Limei made his choice without hesitation.

"What a pity." In response, Han Xin shook his head and sighed.

If his tone were less indifferent, I believe people would be able to feel his disappointment more.

Regarding Han Xin's reaction, Zhong Limei seemed to have expected it. Not surprisingly, he just responded with a bright smile.

Mountain and water routes each have their own advantages and disadvantages, both for those who are running away and those who are pursuing them.

However, the mountain road has a shortcoming that neither Han Xin nor Zhong Limei likes, that is, the route is complicated.

Complex in two ways - long distance and wide range.

This means that people who choose mountain roads are more tired.

(End of this chapter)

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