Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1087 Dangerous situation in the city

Chapter 1087 Dangerous situation in the city ()

"Uncle!" Tianming's eyes suddenly opened, his hands subconsciously grabbed forward, and he exclaimed.

Because he was unconscious due to the onset of the Sleeping Curse, Tianming's physical condition was not as weak as when he was first poisoned. This shout was so powerful that it frightened Shaoyu and Qiantaki on the side. Jump.

"Are you okay, kid?" Shao Yu poked Tian Ming's forehead, who was still a little confused, and asked cautiously.

"Ah!?" Under the influence of external force, Tianming finally came back to his senses, turned his head blankly and looked around the surrounding environment, and asked a series of questions blankly, "I...why am I here?"

"Also, Shaoyu and Qianlong? Why are you here too? Where is uncle?"

"Hey! You don't know how to take drugs and become stupid, right?" Shao Yu looked at Tianming's stupid look and couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha..."

Chitaki explained the situation gently, "Tianming, you were poisoned and passed out just now. Uncle Gai brought you here."

"Poison gas?" Tianming continued to be confused, "Where did this come from?"

"Also, since uncle brought me here, where are the others?"

Chitaki's little head shook cutely, and she replied in a low voice, "We don't know about the poison gas... we don't know. Anyway, it just appeared suddenly. I guess the entire machine city is now shrouded."

"Ah!" Tianming was shocked when he heard this, scratched his head and said in distress, "Is it so serious? What about those people from the Mo family?"

"I don't know the specific situation yet, I guess it's not optimistic." Shao Yu spread his hands, with regret and uneasiness on his face, and answered about Gai Nie by the way, "As for Mr. Gai, he will leave you to me for the time being. After the two of us, they left first."

"Guan City is in a sudden disaster now. I think he should go to help."

"Well!" Upon hearing this, Tianming immediately became excited, jumped up from the ground, and shouted energetically, "Then let's go help out!"

After Shaoyu and Qianlong looked at each other, they unanimously chose to forget what Genie had told them before leaving.

After all, they are all teenagers at heart. It is simply unrealistic to expect them to be good children and listen to adults honestly.

Even the little angel Qiantaki is only a little better than a young boy like Shaoyu Tianming who seeks death - a little better, not much.

Besides, neither of them felt that staying here was safer than leaving.

It's not a safe house, it's just a corridor, no different from lying on the ground. Anyway, they have poison-proof scarves, so they won't be afraid wherever they go.

"Here, Tianming, put this on." Qiantaki took out another silk scarf from his sleeve and handed it to Tianming, "Sister Rong gave this to me. It can prevent poisonous gas from entering the body. Please put it on quickly."

"Oh!" Tianming suddenly realized. He took the thing and put it on his face and said cheerfully, "I wonder why you two suddenly put something on your face. It turns out it is useful."

After putting on the gas mask, Tianming couldn't wait to pick a direction, waving his fists excitedly, "Let's go! We can't be late!"

"You're going the wrong way..." Shao Yu rolled his eyes and reminded the other person angrily.

"Oh! Hehe..." Tianming showed a silly smile, "A mistake, a mistake..."

"Huh..." Shaoyu shook his head helplessly.

Chitaki, on the other hand, was covering her mouth and laughing secretly.


  Duan Murong held the Yuhua Sword that was filled with light green sword energy. Following the sound, she took a few steps back to relieve her remaining strength. She stared at the troublemaker in front of her with cold eyes.

"Hmph!" Hong Lian held the plain white jade girl sword with a beautiful sword flower. She looked at the unhappy Duan Murong in front of her with a smile and said cheerfully, "This time, you have no place to run. Alright?"

"The last fight must be finished today!"

Compared to His Highness Honglian who was enthusiastically exploring the lower limit of the Seven Swords, Duan Murong was in no mood to accompany her.

She was waiting to find the child.

However, Duan Murong also knows that the chance of quickly settling the trouble in front of her by force is really slim, so...      Have to play the emotional card!
  Although she really didn't want to have a relationship with the delicate princess in front of her...

"Your Highness Honglian, the poisonous atmosphere is spreading in the city at this time. I must find Qianlong as soon as possible. Please make it convenient for you." Duan Murong tried to say this in a soft voice, but the actual effect was still chilling.

The main reason is that it is really difficult for her to have a good attitude towards Guren.

It concerns her little...well, she can be considered half a daughter. Logically speaking, Guren must give way.


She doesn't accept this.

If it were Purple Girl or Jing Salamander here, they would definitely give priority to ensuring that Chitaki appeared in their sight, but Guren was different.

She is more playful, and she is more... lethargic towards Chitaki.

The attitude is similar to that of Gu Xun. It hurts when she is at home, but when she is outside, choose to give her freedom!

In her opinion, no matter how Wei Zhuang operates, he will never forget Qianlong's safety, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Hey, it's no problem to find Chitaki-chan, as long as you pass my level." Guren showed a pleasant smile and answered in a high and steady tone.

Duan Murong did not give up and wanted to persuade her again, "Your Highness Honglian, I..."

"Oh! Where did all this nonsense come from!" Honglian was impatient to listen to the other party's nagging. She waved her left hand and shouted, "Take the move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped forward with his sword and attacked.

Duan Murong had no intention of joining the fight, but had no choice but to accept the move.

With little actual combat experience, she was at a disadvantage as soon as they fought, just like last time.

Although he could respond to every move, the initiative in the battle was firmly controlled by Honglian, making it difficult for Duan Murong to find an opportunity to escape even if he wanted to fight and retreat.

Before the two sides fought for a moment, the faint sound of shouting for death could be heard in their ears.

Duan Murong's face couldn't help but become more gloomy upon hearing this.

She understood that this sound meant that the imperial army had completely invaded the city.

But she could never get away.


In fact, although Duan Murong's situation is not good, compared with others, it is enough to be called comfortable.

The one who suffered the most was undoubtedly Gao Jianli.

He had previously organized a group of Mohist disciples who barely maintained a certain fighting capacity to go to the back mountain direction to meet the enemy, hoping to block the imperial army and delay the attack.

However, due to the shortage of manpower, the solid defense line built by the Mohists with a large number of defensive equipment was almost destroyed.

Gao Jianli could only take his few troops to directly meet the imperial army's offensive.

It is really not a good choice for Jianghu disciples to join the regular army. Not to mention the Mohist family, which rarely conducts military training, even the peasant disciples with the blessing of the twenty-four formations of Dize and the strength of their numbers will find it difficult to gain favor.

The Mohist disciples who were affected by the poisonous gas declined in combat effectiveness and were unable to compete with the Qin army, and the defense line collapsed at the first touch.

Gao Jianli could only lead the remaining soldiers to retreat.

Although it is important to resist the enemy, he cannot lead his brothers to kill him. He must let them go if they should.

(End of this chapter)

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