Chapter 957 What about you?

"After all, the Wolf Clan is not as powerful as Donghu now. Once the two sides go to war, no matter how old and foolish King Donghu is and his command is improper, it will not be easy for the Wolf Clan to completely invade Donghu." Han Feikan said.

"Although the pace of war between these alien races is always very fast, this war is expected to last for nearly a year, which is enough time for the Yuezhi Kingdom to take the opportunity to send troops and stab the Wolf Clan from the rear."

Gu Xun raised his head and squinted his eyes, tapping his fingers on the table a few times, "In an ideal world, the three parties will form a deadlock and continue to be at war with each other. When the Central Plains side takes action, they can be easily eliminated. "

Han Fei spread his hands and said, "I think the probability of this happening is low."

"When the Wolf Clan is surrounded by enemies from both sides, either Maodun will be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the Yuezhi Kingdom, defeat Donghu, and enter a stalemate with the Yuezhi Kingdom, or else Maodun will be unable to sustain itself and will be defeated directly. , declining again.”

"Of course, it's also possible that the wolf tribe can forcefully defeat the Donghu Yuezhi one after another."

Gu Xun raised his eyebrows, not commenting on this, and just asked, "Which possibility do you think is more likely?"

"In my opinion, Donghu must be the first to perish, and the Yuezhi will be squeezed out by the wolf clan and lose a lot of living space." Han Fei answered without much hesitation, "The wolf clan seems to be divided between the two clans. Caught in the middle, however, their foundation is the best among all the grassland tribes. Once they prepare for war with all their strength, the potential they can unleash must be the strongest."

"The probability of the Yuezhi Kingdom and Donghu becoming allies is extremely slim. They just happen to have the same enemy during a special period. It is difficult for the two parties to achieve real cooperation at any level."

Gu Xun clicked on the table again and reminded, "The key is time."

"How long will it take?"

"Uh..." Han Fei frowned and estimated, "It will take at least three to five years."

Han Fei's prediction is already a very conservative calculation.

After all, it took Yingzheng ten years to destroy the six countries. On average, it took more than three years for each two countries. How much faster could Mao Dun do?
  No matter how fast it is, it won't be enough for the wolf soldiers to escape.

"There is another factor." Gu Xun reminded again.

"Wusun..." Han Fei understood immediately upon hearing this.

"Wusun, Yuezhi, and the Wolf Clan form a triangle. Once Wusun intervenes, it will definitely speed up the end of the war."

Han Fei scratched his head and replied helplessly, "The problem is that Wusun is too far away, and we can hardly get any relevant information."

"We can barely even maintain the intelligence network currently under the Wolf Clan and Donghu Bu."

"Unless, Brother Gu, you can find a way to get the empire's support."

Gu Xun didn't answer Han Fei's question.

Of course, the support from the empire that Han Fei mentioned cannot be just a few empty words of support from Ying Zheng, but substantial support in terms of manpower and material resources. However, the empire is now focusing all its energy on Baiyue. Go to war.

Nearly one-tenth of the population was directly involved, and more than half of the population was indirectly affected by this war. How could Ying Zheng have time to take care of the northern grasslands?
  Regarding the actions of the wolf clan and other grassland tribes, only Liusha personally took action.

Gu Xun raised his head, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and said slowly, "It is precisely because of the trouble that Chen Ping's trip is meaningful."

"As far as his goals are concerned, motivating the Yuezhi to launch troops against the Wolf Clan and awakening King Donghu are just trivial matters. The most important thing is to start from within the Wolf Clan."

"Speaking of which, do you have any further information about the tribe you mentioned before?"

When he mentioned this, Han Fei suddenly became more energetic and said enthusiastically, "Not to mention, Brother Gu, this small tribe is really not simple if you look closely."

"First of all, this small tribe called the Moon Wolf Descendants has existed for a very long time, at least hundreds of years ago."     Is hundreds of years a long time?

For the Central Plains, it actually doesn’t count.

However, for a grassland where the demise of a tribe is as common as the sun rising and the moon setting, it is very strange. Especially for small tribes, this is almost impossible.

"Descendants of the Moon Wolf..." Gu Xun didn't care about the survival time of this tribe, but felt that the name was familiar.

Did it appear in the plot of Qin Shi Mingyue?
  Gu Xun couldn't remember that when he was watching anime at that time, he skipped the scene where Meng Tian beat the Huns.

Although he couldn't remember it, Gu Xun didn't worry too much. After all, it was just a small tribe, used as a tool, and there was no point in caring about it.

"Aside from the long time?" Gu Xun asked following Han Fei's words.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly." Han Fei waved his hand, indicating that Gu Xun listened carefully, "The population of this tribe is very small, and I don't know the exact number, because these people all live under the strict control of Mao Dun. "

"However, based on the little information we have gathered, we can at least confirm that these people are not ordinary herdsmen, but skilled craftsmen."

"People in this tribe are generally proficient in rare technologies such as medicine and toxicology, animal husbandry, and livestock breeding. To use what you said before, they are an out-and-out treasure tribe."

Han Fei introduced the special features of the Moon Wolf tribe to Gu Xun with great emotion.

Gu Xun nodded again and again, "So, this tribe is indeed of great value. It's no wonder that Mao Dun will make great efforts to bring everyone under his absolute control."

"It's also very important to us. It seems we can't just be a raft to deal with Moton."

Han Fei nodded, "I think so too, but you still have to take advantage of it!"

"I lost almost half of the secret agents I had managed to insert into the wolf clan, and then I managed to find the only suitable target, the descendant of the Moon Wolf. If I changed it, I would have no other choice."

"I know, there's no need to change, just do both without delay." Gu Xun replied with a smile.

"Then what's the next step? Let Chen Ping do whatever he wants?" Han Fei curled his lips, but didn't try to argue with Gu Xun. He drank lazily and asked.

"I believe he will be able to make some operations that will surprise and admire us, but..." Gu Xun smiled heartily and said, "It may not be what I need, so I still need to give him appropriate guidance."

Gu Xun only remembered that one of the most famous heroes in the early Han Dynasty seemed to be good at talking, but he didn't know who it was.

There is a high probability that it is Chen Ping, because he was specially selected by Han Fei to go to the grassland.

From Han Fei's eyes, he must believe that the other party has this talent.

However, no matter how smart Chen Ping is, there is a huge gap in the amount of information he and Gu Xun know from the beginning. The choice he thinks is suitable may not be really suitable, so Gu Xun has to try to give some guidance.

Han Fei held his head in interest and asked, "Brother Gu, what do you think?"

Gu Xun did not answer, but asked, "What do you think?"

 I have had severe insomnia every day for the past two days. I go to bed at 3 or 4 o'clock and wake up at 7 or 8 o'clock. I can't sleep during the day and my brain is going to explode.

  (End of this chapter)

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