Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 958: Mediocre people bother themselves

Chapter 958: Mediocre people bother themselves
  The wheel of the car turned, and the conversation turned back to him. Han Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes, but he didn't reject Gu Xun. He put down the wine glass, lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then replied:
  "From what I feel, Brother Gu, you are always concerned about the wolf clan the most. You are worried that once they develop, they will become a serious problem in the Central Plains."

"As for the wolves, the most important thing to deal with is their leader, Shanyu Maodun."

The wolf tribe has almost no concept of family, country or even race. In theory, there is no subordinate relationship between the various tribes. At most, the weak ones are controlled by the powerful ones and become vassals of each other.

The wolf tribes scattered across the grassland can gather together purely because of their interests. This requires a strong enough leader to make this tribal alliance truly resemble a whole.

At that time, Touman could barely be regarded as a hero. He integrated all the tribes of the wolf clan, established the wolf clan royal court, and became the first generation of Mu Chanyu.

However, the current second-generation Memoton, compared to his father Touman, not only has the same outstanding and decisive courage and skills, but also understands the necessity of compromise, and is obviously a more difficult guy.

"Hiss..." After saying this, Han Fei's tone suddenly stopped, and then he suddenly changed his words and said, "No, Mao Dun is not important. You can kill him at any time if you want."

"The important thing is Shanyu!"

"You need to take control of this position!"

Gu Xun nodded, "The Wolf Clan... plus the Donghu, Yuezhi, Wusun, Qiang, and even the almost non-existent Linhu, there are too many nomadic alien races on the grassland. Once they develop, they will attack the Central Plains." It poses a near-fatal threat, but after all, it is impossible for us to completely eliminate these groups directly from the physiological level."

"With the courtesy of Zhu Xia, assimilating them is the only option."

Han Fei frowned unconsciously and curled his lips, "That doesn't sound like the way I like it."

For Han Fei, who admires central unification and unlimited expansion of royal power, Ying Zheng's approach is what suits him, which is to conquer these barbarians with hegemony.

"I don't like it very much, but...you can't kill them all." Gu Xun shrugged.

Han Fei rubbed his chin and retorted, "Then it's not necessary to implement the empire's restraint method in Bashu, right?"

Gu Xun glanced at him and replied, "First of all, I don't plan to use the policy of restraining the emperor, at least it is different from the empire's policy in Bashu."

"Second...do you have a better choice?"

"Like what the empire is doing to Lingnan now, directly sending troops to attack?"

"Can't you?" Han Fei spread his hands and asked with a smile.

Han Fei supported the empire's conquest of Baiyue to a certain extent. He just felt that Ying Zheng was a little too hasty and should not think about eating a fat man in one bite. He could take steps to occupy the entire Lingnan step by step.

He had roughly the same opinion as Gu Xun on this point, but he did not agree with the strategy of restraining the army and believed that as long as it was defeated, it should be brought under the direct rule of the emperor.

Fortunately, although the two had different views, neither one tried to convince the other, and they had a very tacit understanding and never argued on this point.

A gentleman is harmonious but different.

This time it happened to involve differences in this area, so Han Fei just followed the principle of talking about it when he wanted to, and skipping the topic if he couldn't talk about it.

Gu Xun did not directly respond to the Lingnan topic, but said briefly, "Not to mention how effective the empire's strategy for Lingnan will be in the end, the key question is, can the geographical environment of the northern grasslands be compared with that of Lingnan?"

"The empire can occupy the entire territory of Lingnan, but can it conquer the entire grassland?" The Xiongnu Empire in history was almost as large as the two Han dynasties at the same time, and controlled Wusun, Hujie, Lingding, and Jian. There are many grassland tribes including Kun, among which the Jiankun tribe in the north is thousands of miles away from the royal court of the Xiongnu.

Regardless of how much control the Hun Royal Court had over these areas, its ability to capture such a large territory was fundamentally due to the unique way of survival of the nomads and their strong mobility.

It is impossible for the Central Plains Dynasty to achieve this level - an agricultural country where the people cannot live without the land, how can it compare with the herdsmen who live in pursuit of water and grass?
  Gu Xun, or the empire, can now find a way to cripple the wolf tribe, even to the point of near extinction and never rise again. However, without the wolf tribe, there may still be other nomadic tribes to replace it and unify the grassland. .

Moreover, the probability of completely wiping out the wolves is almost zero.

The grassland is so big that we can't stay here anymore. At worst, we can go north or west. There is always a way to survive, but we will just have to compete with the local tribes for survival resources.

The nomadic people have always lived a life like raising gu.

The Han Dynasty has been entangled with the Xiongnu for more than three hundred years. The Xiongnu... are still alive, but their lives are bleak. The real decline is due to the rise of other nomadic peoples.

Han Fei was not distracted by Gu Xun's rhetoric and replied calmly, "It is impossible for the empire to conquer such a vast grassland, but the empire...or should I say, what we need is only valuable land."

"Just defeat the wolves and make them unable to resist."

Just as Gu Xun was about to open his mouth to reply, Han Fei said first, "I know what you want to say."

"The Central Plains will not always be stronger than the wolf tribe, or the alien races in the grassland. The decline and fall of the other is the normal state of the world. There is no guarantee that one day, the grassland will rise and the national power of the Central Plains will decline."

"But this kind of worry is meaningless. All we can take into consideration is our own era."

"The affairs of future generations can only be left to future generations to deal with."

"Besides, your restraint method can't guarantee that the empire's control over the grassland will always be stable, right?" Han Fei finally joked with a smile, "I heard that Bajun is already a little restless now."

"..." Gu Xun was so choked by Han Fei's words that he couldn't say anything in response. He could only scratch at some insignificant mistakes, "I said, I don't want to impose restrictions on the grassland. .”

In fact, Han Fei's words were very clear. Gu Xun had too many complicated and unnecessary ideas about the grassland because of his impression of the Hun Empire in history.

After all, he is just a mediocre person who knows a little more, not a wise man.

After a moment of silence, Gu Xun defended himself again, "I just... want to handle the matter on the grassland as perfectly as possible."

Han Fei shrugged and responded sadly, "In the past, I always had this idea."

"Looking at it now, I don't regret it, but it's really unnecessary."

"Haha, tell me what you plan to do?" Han Fei laughed at himself, then brought the topic back to business.

"Huh..." Gu Xun took a long breath, and his mind became much calmer. He replied in a deep voice, "Nothing, I just want to support a more obedient Shanyu of the wolf clan."

(End of this chapter)

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