Crimson Dawn

Chapter 123 no_name

Chapter 123 no_name

The large meeting room of the People's Party covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters. More than [-] pillars support simple wooden beams. Straw mats are used as walls on the outside. Straw mats are hung between the wooden beams to divide the required rooms .Because of the meeting of the landlords, all the straw mats were rolled up and tied up with ropes, and the whole space was completely connected.In the empty conference room, only Chen Ke and Shang Yuan were sitting face to face.

The two had already talked for a while, and there was no grievance between them at all.And the topic also quickly slipped from personal point of view to work.

"Brother Wangshan, do you have any thoughts on the method of cadre selection?" Chen Ke hesitated when he asked this question. The big issue of cadre selection determines the future direction of the People's Party.Although the People's Party claims to rely on the majority to set the direction.However, Chen Ke did not want to make any concessions on the party's basic program.He has decided that no matter what, he must be able to take charge of the direction of the People's Party.

Shang Yuan doesn't care about Chen Ke's "leadership".China's political tradition requires someone to act as a leader. Chen Ke's status has been won by his performance all the time. Shang Yuan has no intention of replacing him now. A smart person like him knows very well that it is definitely not possible to do this now. the timing of the event.To seize power meaninglessly, the result is only to cause a dog-eat-dog bad debt.

"Wen Qing must have a charter, let me listen to it first." Shang Yuan said indifferently.One of the reasons why he didn't agree with Chen Ke's ability before was that Chen Ke didn't pay much attention to listening to other words at that time.True Confucian believers like Shangyuan understand one thing in their personal practice. Your own heart is full of things, so how can you accept other people's opinions.As the saying goes, a prime minister can punt a boat in his stomach.To put it more elegantly, it is "open-minded like a valley".Shang Yuan is 34 years old, almost ten years older than Chen Ke.Chen Ke, who is 24 or [-] years old, has seen a lot of young people who are full of revolution.The little things in the stomachs of these young people are mediocre.But that desire is endless.This is the reason why Shang Yuan hated Sun Yat-sen's kind of revolutionary party the most.

The reason why Shang Yuan was able to accept Chen Ke at the beginning was because Chen Ke talked about a path that was not very reliable, but at least it was able to go deep into the grassroots and actually make a revolution.On this road, Chen Ke only emphasized class contradictions and advocated the development of "productive forces" through the construction of a new social system, instead of labeling some people as "counter-revolutionaries" and thinking that getting rid of these people would make the revolution a success up.If Chen Ke is also full of revolutionary principles, he only wants to ascend to the throne of power in his heart.Shang Yuan had already kicked Chen Ke away.

Since Chen Ke wants to propose a comprehensive party building work, as Chen Ke's subordinate, Shang Yuan first listens to Chen Ke's opinion according to his own personal cultivation habits.

"The law is above, and what is in the middle. The law is in the middle, and what is in the bottom. What is the party's philosophy? It is to build a new world." Chen Ke continued.

Shang Yuan is one of the few members of the People's Party who has actually discussed communism with Chen Ke, and he is not too cold about communism.But what Chen Ke said was the principle of party building, he didn't refute it, he just continued to listen.

"However, I am not very confident about how the people's party members can have communist consciousness." Chen Ke said what was in his heart.

Hearing this, Shang Yuan just smiled lightly, "Wen Qing, you are just afraid of death. You are afraid that so many people we worked so hard to pull out will die, so you can run away. As far as I am concerned, there is no need to worry about this matter." The communist consciousness is invisible and intangible, but we all know what people with the communist consciousness will do. We set the rules, we will promote and commend those who can do it, and criticize and educate those who can’t. Rewards and punishments Clearly, comrades will really understand and learn what communism is.”

Although he knew that what Shang Yuan said was right, Chen Ke couldn't help sighing: "This kind of elimination is a bit too cruel."

Shang Yuan didn't care about Chen Ke's exclamation at all. He said with a serious expression: "Wen Qing, why do you think everyone has followed you until now? Because you have two advantages. One is to lead by example, and the other is to have strict orders. I will not lead by example." I praise you. The strictest order is that you never trust people, and you do everything yourself. Comrades actually don’t know what to do. After you do it yourself, you set an example and set the rules. In the future, such things, This is what I want to do. I really didn’t expect our revolution to advance to such an extent. With the scale of tens of thousands of people, you can’t experience everything personally. So I think it’s right for you to promote cadres now. Even if you If you are not planning to promote cadres, I will also propose it. Since you want to promote cadres, you must have the heart to let them do wrong things. Saints have no mistakes. If you want them to be innocent in everything, wouldn’t they all surpass saints? .It's illogical."

Chen Ke's reason was convinced, or he knew this a long time ago.But his feelings were unacceptable.Shang Yuan may not know how cruel the road ahead will be, and what great sacrifices will be made.But Chen Ke knew that the data recorded in the party history ruthlessly explained this fact.And the more cruel fact is that the more loyal a party member is, the more sacrifices he will make, and the sooner he will die.

In 1906, if the party organization could be brought close to the strength of the party led by Mao Zedong, it could be said that there was no opponent at all.Chen Ke believes that the gap between China and the world has been completely widened to an almost irreparable level after the completion of the second industrial revolution.The emergence and popularization of electricity and the internal combustion engine have greatly developed productivity.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the gap between China and the industrial countries armed with steam power was not too big.Even the Red Army with very outdated weapons could not be defeated by the great powers in the internal battle of defending the country.But after the second industrial revolution, the gap between China and the world was completely widened. The Eighth Route Army had to rely on infantry tactics far superior to its opponents to be able to resist the invaders at a high price.

As a time traveler, Chen Ke believes that he can effectively develop China's industry and allow the army to master advanced infantry movement tactics.China's losses will be small.But even so, these early party members, as well as those outstanding party members who worked hard to develop, must use their own lives as the price.At this stage, Chen Ke couldn't accept the sacrifice of these people emotionally anyway.

"Does Wen Qing have any questions?" Shang Yuan asked Chen Ke silently.

Chen Ke rarely sighed for the third time, "Brother Wangshan, let's do it this way. Can I entrust you with the first draft of these specific requirements? I have to go to the army and I don't have time for it."

"I can write the original drafts of civil servants' regulations, but I don't understand military matters. Those parts of the drafts have to be written by you personally, Wen Qing." Shang Yuan replied seriously.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare for the labor. I will hold a meeting in Yuezhangji and come up with the manuscript within ten days."

"I'm also ten days old."

Both Shang Yuan and Chen Ke had no plans to continue chatting, and confirmed their work arrangements.Just do your own thing.

After the news that Brigadier Chen was coming to the Lao army was brought back to the army by Chai Qingguo, it spread at an extremely fast speed.There are many artists in Anhui, and everyone has heard about "rewarding the three armies" from various literary and artistic channels.That night, the atmosphere in the army was very exciting, and the soldiers were very much looking forward to the reward tomorrow.

As a group of ordinary soldiers, Zhao Chengnian felt a little uneasy when he heard the excited discussions of his comrades in the camp.He is the son of an ordinary tenant farmer in Yuezhangji. Both parents are present, a younger brother and a younger sister.In fact, his family also has two acres of land, but the five people cannot support themselves on these two acres of land.So his family simply gave the land to others, and then cultivated the land for others.For small families with very little land.The land that is rented out is at least somewhat productive, and the land cultivated by others can also be somewhat productive.

When the People's Party was still in Shanghai, this social characteristic was discovered in the social survey conducted in the name of Huangpu Publishing House.The People's Party report commented on this, "It's not that these farmers are unwilling to plant their own land while renting other people's land. It's because the rural land is dotted with dots. Two acres of land may be divided into four or five places. We are far away from each other. For ordinary families, it is very difficult to cultivate and take good care of these lands at the same time. So there is a strange situation where the landlord also rents the land, and the poor peasants also share the land.”

But what Zhao Chengnian was worried about was that the land deed of his home was ruined in the flood.After the flood, all the ridges disappeared.It is impossible to accurately retrieve your own land again.When encountering such a situation, one should have relied on the prestige of the clan elders, but after such a catastrophe, those clan elders must first consider the interests of their own family.If it is a big family, it is better to say, the Zhao family is a small family in the local area, and it is impossible to compete with those big families.The land of my own home will definitely not come back much.What's the point of fighting to the death if you can't beat others in a fight.

When the insurance company's boat came to rescue the people, Zhao Chengnian's father lost the title deed because he was in the water.Ready to commit suicide by drowning.He also fell into the water with a soldier from the insurance regiment.Fortunately, the insurance group was in place to protect the soldiers, and everyone was connected by ropes around their waists, so they finally rescued both of them.The fleet of the insurance group sent the rescued people to Yuezhangji. Zhang Youliang refused to let the rescued people out of the village, so the insurance group had to take them back to the county.

Anyway, the Zhao family was not a powerful person in Yuezhangji, and they recognized it when the insurance group brought them back.As soon as Zhao Chengnian heard that the insurance group was recruiting, he and his younger brother Zhao Chengri joined without hesitation.In this era, there are only people who have power.His purpose of joining the insurance group is very simple, "to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade", the insurance group has a large number of people, as long as he works hard and is appreciated, he will have some backing when he returns to his homeland in the future.

So the Zhao family brothers worked very hard in the insurance group. Fortunately for them, although the big and small leaders in the insurance group were not very approachable, they never bullied others.The most important thing is that everyone works harder, but they always let them eat.However, Zhao Chengnian was not used to one thing, and was even a little worried, that is, what the soldiers of the insurance group ate, the leaders also ate, and they didn't look like the legendary leaders eating meat, drinking and being happy at all.This shows that the insurance group is not that rich. If it is not rich, it will be difficult to last long.It seems that this insurance group may not be the backer of the future.

But when Zhao Chengnian saw that the "Bailihou" Shangyuan County Magistrate of Fengtai County was in the same group as the insurance group, he felt relieved.In the local area, the county magistrate is the law of the king, and a word from the county magistrate is the sky.With the support of Shangyuan county magistrate, his own land can definitely be resolved.When people have hope, it will naturally make a big difference. Zhao Chengnian worked even harder.On the contrary, Zhao Chengnian's younger brother, Zhao Chengri, became a little lazy.He doesn't work very hard, but prefers to get close to the cadres in the army.What is the political commissar of the army, he just doesn't like this.Zhao Chengri was reprimanded several times for not working seriously.This Zhao Chengri had a hot face and a cold butt.The whole person is completely slack.

When the insurance regiment attacked Yue Zhangji, Zhao Chengnian followed the large army and was unable to fight a tough battle.Get rid of Zhang Youliang, and the insurance group will occupy Yue Zhangji.Then there was a major adjustment of the troops. On the one hand, the insurance group expanded its army, and on the other hand, some people were cleared out of the team.Among these people was Zhao Chengri.Maybe he was implicated along with his younger brother. According to Zhao Chengri's performance, he should be a squad leader no matter what.But he didn't, he is still an ordinary soldier now.

This time the insurance group reclaimed the wasteland, and it seemed that no matter who's land was occupied first, but they didn't mention anything about the land distribution.This made Zhao Chengnian very awkward.What is the insurance company going to do?Zhao Chengnian knew that many soldiers complained about this, and this is also the reason why people in the army have been fluctuating recently.Although the cadres of the army have said it over and over again, it will take a long time to divide the land now, and it is necessary to spend time on the division of the land, so why not rush to sow and harvest.Everyone understands this principle in their hearts, but understanding this principle does not mean that they can accept it.

Hearing that Brigadier Chen Ke was coming to the army, Zhao Chengnian felt that he should ask the brigade commander what to do with this place.I have also been in the insurance regiment for several months. Although the work is hard, the work of the soldiers committee does not have much time.But at least after participating in so many meetings, Zhao Chengnian dared to speak in public.He had seen Brigadier Chen Ke, such a tall young man with a very imposing appearance.Although he is fierce when working, he is very easy-going on weekdays.Zhao Chengnian hoped in his heart that Brigadier Chen Ke could uphold justice.But really thinking about begging Brigadier Chen Ke, Zhao Chengnian was scared again.

Amidst the anxiety, Zhao Chengnian heard the troops blowing the lights out.Platoon leaders, squad leaders began to assemble the troops, and then took the troops to sleep.Now the army is considered semi-camping.The ground is wet, and the earthen walls can't be built. It's just a simple grass shed, often with grass on the broken wooden boards, and everyone just sleeps like this.

Although he still wanted to think about it, but the labor during the day was too heavy, Zhao Chengnian's mind suddenly went blank, and he fell asleep.

Chapter 123 no_name

Chapter 123 no_name, to URL

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