Crimson Dawn

Chapter 124 no_name

Chapter 124 no_name

As soon as the morning light dimly illuminated the window, Chen Ke woke up.This is a standard army officer dormitory, imitating Chen Ke's university dormitory, with a room of four meters by five meters, four double-decker wooden beds of one meter by two meters, and eight people in one room.This is the officer's dormitory, and the ordinary soldier's dormitory is the Datong shop.The current conditions are so simple, except for Chen Ke and his wife, there is no one else in the dormitory.The young couple snuggled together, and He Ying slept deeply on Chen Ke's left shoulder.

Chen Ke looked at his watch, it was almost five o'clock.Last night, he was busy preparing gifts for the soldiers until ten o'clock. Chen Ke, who had always been quite neat, returned to the dormitory shyly.Since the insurance regiment moved to Yuezhangji, Chen Ke finally lived with his wife.

Chen Ke has always felt that he has the obligation to lead by example. The insurance group does not provide a dormitory for husbands and wives. For the convenience of management, there are only male dormitories and female dormitories.Due to the large transfer of troops, many rooms were vacated.Only then did Chen Ke temporarily live with his wife He Ying.Back in the dormitory, Chen Ke was at a loss, and He Ying also had no experience in married life.This young couple has been apart more and less together since they got married.Less than two months after their marriage, the two arrived in Anhui.Then Chen Ke was busy outside all day, and they didn't live together.

After finally getting the chance to live together, He Ying knew very well that this was just a temporary measure.He Ying's family background is not low in this era. Children from such a family like her have learned to understand the rules since childhood.The rules of the people's party and the insurance group, He Ying, had long since talked with You Gou, who shared the dormitory, and understood them clearly.Even though she can be with her husband, He Ying also knows that the distance is very short.

The husband and wife just snuggled together silently. He Ying felt that Chen Ke hesitated to speak several times. She knew that Chen Ke wanted to apologize, but she was afraid that she would get angry.He Ying rested her head on Chen Ke's shoulder and said softly, "Wen Qing, you don't need to apologize. You can work at ease, and I won't be angry with you."

With his wife being so considerate, Chen Ke's impulsiveness as a man came up, and he blurted out the words to make a wish, "Wait for me..."

As soon as I said this, He Ying's slender fingers pressed Chen Ke's lips, "Don't say anything. If you do something for me one day, you just need to tell me where to go and what to do. Days Just grow it, just live it day by day." While speaking, He Ying adjusted the angle of the pillow on Chen Ke's shoulder to make herself more comfortable.The young husband and wife stick close to each other, fingers interlocking.

"I feel so quiet and comfortable in my heart." He Ying's voice was low.

Chen Ke also felt the same way. He turned his head, kissed his wife's forehead lightly, and said in a low voice, "Me too." He was busy outside all day, fighting this and that.Chen Ke finally knows how luxurious it is to have a person with a common destiny by his side.We don't have too many needs, just snuggle together so simply, we feel happiness from the bottom of our hearts.No matter how fierce and cruel the outside world is, two people who care about each other and love each other are together, it is enough for this moment.After a minute or two, the two just fell asleep.

The blissful sleep time was so short. When the sky was twilight, some people in the barracks had already woken up. These slight commotions woke Chen Ke up.Although he really wanted to hug his wife tenderly, but Chen Ke didn't.He slowly withdrew his arm, then got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and straightened his clothes.My wife is still sleeping, and there is still some time before the wake-up call at six o'clock.Chen Kefu gently touched his wife's hair, then turned and went out.The gentle expression on his face has disappeared, and Chen Ke's spirit has switched from her husband to the leader of the People's Party and the supreme commander of the insurance regiment.

Not only Chen Ke has woken up, but according to yesterday's plan, Lao Jun's transportation troops have also woken up, and got up earlier.The pig has been killed overnight, and all kinds of supplies are ready.A simple labor order requires 30 people to work all night.This is true for any organization of a certain size. It only takes one sentence to give an order from the top, but the joint efforts of many links and manpower are needed to realize this order.If it is under the old order, there is still a hierarchy to maintain this system.And for the new revolution, it is bound to find a more effective organizational concept that can unite comrades.

And all of this requires leaders to be more able to lead by example.

Chen Ke appeared in good spirits before the transport team, carefully inspecting every item of labor supplies.Originally, it was time to change clothes, but the comrades who are working are now covered in mud and water, so it is inappropriate for Chen Ke to dress brightly and decently.A suit of old clothes and a pair of straw sandals are enough.Make sure there is no shortage of labor supplies.Chen Ke had breakfast with his comrades.The cadres and soldiers have long been used to eating with big cadres. No one looked up at Chen Ke, and everyone concentrated on eating.So many materials need to be transported by everyone, and the road is very hard.

It was exactly six o'clock in the morning when the troops set out, "Brigade Commander, do you want to wait for Hu Xingzhi?" asked the guard beside him.

"No need. You inform the guards, if Hu Xingzhi comes, tell him that we have already set off." After finishing speaking, Chen Ke said loudly, "Comrades, set off."

Lao Jun's team moved quickly, and not long after leaving the county, they saw signs that the rush to plant had begun.The thick silt left by the flood has been turned over piece by piece.Some of the land that first came out of the water has already been seeded with seedlings.Everything else has been dealt with.In the ground, there are piles of excavated sundries, stones, branches, and some debris left by the victims' houses and furniture that drifted over with the water.I can't see what those sundries were originally. In short, there are piles of things that can't be distinguished.

Just start working.Chen Ke was at least very pleased with these.

In the late stage of the flood, the insurance group began to prepare for rush planting. After the disaster, it was impossible to plant normally. The insurance group only cultivated three kinds of crops, rice, sweet potato, and potato.Fengtai County is located on the edge of the Huainan Plain and on the north bank of the Huaihe River. It has a mild climate and is a good producing area for one crop of wheat and one crop of rice.Now the wheat must have not been washed, and only late rice can be grown.Sweet potatoes and potatoes have large yields and do not require much land. They have always been the first crops for disaster relief.As for the taste, the disaster relief period is not the time to care about such issues at all. 1906 was not a new China, and it was impossible for one party to be in trouble and all parties to support it.Man Qing's disaster relief was completely useless, and Fengtai County had to rely on itself to save itself.

The terrain of the county seat is relatively high, and if you go further to the lower terrain, the disaster relief work is even more obvious. Teams of soldiers, led by commanders at all levels, are digging ditches for drainage.In just one night, a lot of water seeped out of the ditch.soldiers jumping into the water

Chen Ke grew up on the great plain in Henan, and the land he saw was all very flat land.When traveling in a car as a child, Chen Ke would feel drowsy looking at the land that had not changed for several hours.Many years later, Chen Ke and his classmates at the Agricultural University occasionally talked about the past. The students at the Agricultural University told Chen Ke that this model is very convenient for irrigation and drainage.The land of the great plain that Chen Ke has seen is actually slightly sloped. The purpose of this construction is very simple, which is conducive to the natural irrigation and drainage of water through the slope of the ground.In dry weather, the water is lifted to a high place through the irrigation station, and then irrigated along the waterway.When it rains, the excess water will flow down the sloped ground and follow the waterway into the drain.Such a construction mode requires a huge investment of manpower and material resources in farmland water conservancy projects for construction. In the *** era, rural water conservancy projects consumed a huge amount of labor.A large number of labor is spent on such projects.

In 1906, large-scale irrigation and water conservancy construction had no effect at all.The characteristic of the small-scale peasant economy is that it is self-sweeping, and the land is cut into pieces. It is impossible to realize such large-scale farmland construction.If it hadn't been for the simultaneous occurrence of floods and insurance groups, Fengtai County would have to wait at least half a century if it wanted to start large-scale rural water conservancy construction.

The insurance group now has only 8000 people, and it is unable to build the large-scale water conservancy construction after the founding of the People's Republic of China.After discussing with Chen Ke, Wu Longfu, chief of the water conservancy section of the insurance group, formulated a plan.That is to first create a piece of the lowest-lying land, and then dig a large pond here, and dig drainage ditches on the land everywhere. During this rush to plant, let the water temporarily flow into this large pond.More comprehensive rural water conservancy construction can only be discussed after the rush to plant and harvest is over.

The soldiers all ate breakfast instead, but none of them had any enthusiasm for labor.Obviously, it looks like a monk hitting the clock for a day.Not only that, but the emotions of the commanders at all levels are not much higher.When the army team passed by, the cadres and soldiers saw the pigs that had been slaughtered, their eyes lit up, and then they all stood there with a smile on their faces.Seeing their appearance, Chen Ke suddenly gave a wry smile.

"Brigade Commander, would you like me to say a few words to them?" Behind Chen Ke is Zhu Zhenji, the deputy chief of the logistics department. He is from Hunan. .He had no choice but to go out to look for his brother in Shanghai, but he couldn't find him, but he was living on the street.Last year, when I saw the opening of Shanghai Renxin College, I recommended myself to be an accountant.I didn't become a cashier, but I became an ordinary worker.After all, he is a person who has suffered. Knowing the warmth and coldness of people, Zhu Zhenji didn't feel that he had misunderstood his talents, so he worked hard, because he was promoted because of his hard work.When Chen Ke and the others arrived in Anhui, Zhu Zhenji insisted on coming with them.Now I have finally returned to my job as an "accounting house".After the disaster, Zhu Zhenji also grew up a lot.Hearing Chen Ke's wry smile, he knew what Chen Ke was lamenting.

"No need, it's because our work is not in place, and everyone doesn't know what hard work to do. What's the use of scolding everyone now? It just makes everyone more dissatisfied." Chen Ke said.

Zhu Zhenji has always admired Chen Ke, thinking that Chen Ke is reasonable and a rare good boss.If not, he would not have followed Chen Ke all the way from Shanghai to Anhui.Because he was persecuted by petty officials at home, Zhu Zhenji naturally has enthusiasm for "revolution".Knowing that the People's Party and the Insurance Group wanted a revolution, he was not afraid, but enthusiastically participated.After hearing Chen Ke's words, Zhu Zhenji just nodded, thinking it was logical.If Chen Ke hadn't said such words, Zhu Zhenji might be disappointed.

"By the way, are the bags ready?" Chen Ke asked Zhu Zhenji.Chen Ke once heard a story from a classmate. In the 70s, a certain village held a "remembering bitterness and thinking sweetness" meeting.Even though it’s about remembering bitterness and thinking about sweetness, it’s impossible to really get some weeds to cook for everyone, and it’s still normal stir-fried vegetables.On the second day, it turned out to be pork.Because eating meat was not popular at that time, and the cooks in the village were inexperienced, so the stewed meat was fishy and oily, which led the masses to privately say that eating meat is not as delicious as eating vegetables.Chen Ke's father has the characteristics of a gourmet. He often ate his own stewed meat since he was a child. Chen Ke was full of praise for his father's craftsmanship.His father once devoted himself to teaching Chen Ke the skills of cooking, how to prepare ingredients, and how to effectively remove the fishy smell of large pieces of meat. Chen Ke remembers it very clearly.

"It's fully prepared according to the brigade commander's prescription." Zhu Zhenji replied.After all, Shanghai is a port city, and these spices can still be bought.Since Chen Ke has the intention of building a large-scale breeding farm, canned meat must also be considered.Spices are essential.This time from Shanghai, Chen Ke brought some spices.I didn't expect it to be effective when working in the army.

The troops were stationed separately in battalions. Chen Ke and the others sent condolences to the eight battalions along the way, and each battalion left a cook personally trained by Chen Ke to be in charge of the stew.There are only ten pigs. If the meat is ruined, it will be too much for the loss.

The laboring soldiers saw Chen Ke enter the barracks with gifts of condolences, and then come out again.One by one is happy.When work was over at noon, as soon as the team returned to the vicinity of the camp, a scent that had never been smelled entered the nostrils.All the comrades who smelled this smell immediately salivated.

Without command, there were crowds of people in front of the big kitchens of the eight battalions stationed in different areas of the insurance regiment.Even an old unit like the First Battalion has the largest number of veterans.But the habit of queuing was also thrown out of the blue. Everyone squeezed in front of the big pot of stewing meat, and each of them stretched their heads to look into the pot.Everyone has the same thought in their hearts, if they don't take a bite of this meal, they will regret it in this life.

The commanders of each unit had to suppress it in person, but they didn’t need to use force, “Let’s line up for dinner!” With such a voice, the clever soldiers had already lined up, and the people behind saw that someone had taken the lead, and immediately rushed to the line .

"I'm ahead."

"Go away, I'm ahead."

The fighters in the back row are scrambling for the more advanced positions, while the fighters in the front row don't care about the disputes behind them at all.Their eyes are bright, and their arms are stretched straight forward holding the bowl.It was the turn of the soldiers to cook, holding the bowls in both hands, leaning forward, and staring at the big spoons that went between the rice pot and the bowl.The eyeballs almost popped out.

The army commanders didn't care so much anymore, they had to resolve the many quarrels caused by the queue issue.One by one, they pulled away the fighters who were arguing about the queue, and even had to curse a few times.At this time, the commanders are definitely not short of saliva.Because of the aroma of the meat sauce, the commanders had to swallow their mouthfuls of saliva back into their stomachs one by one.Since the commanders must be the last to serve the meal, if the team is chaotic, their meal time must also be delayed.

The stewed meat directed by Chen Ke this time uses the method of "baekji bun with cured meat".There is less pork and less meat. If the meat is cut into large pieces, it will definitely not be enough.The stewed meat is taken out and minced, and then soaked in the broth. The lunch is white rice, and a spoonful of meat sauce is poured on a bowl of rice, which is only one serving per person.Then Chen Ke saw with his own eyes something he could never have imagined.Many soldiers ate a mouthful, then froze on the spot, and then they cried.

How fragrant it is, the spices remove the smell of meat, so that the pork sauce has an indescribable deliciousness in the mouth.The sweet and salty taste is just right, the rich and delicate gravy is hot, mixed with the same hot rice, every chew is a kind of happiness.The whole person was intoxicated by the taste in his mouth, wishing to swallow his tongue together.These soldiers and cadres who were farmers never knew that food could be so delicious.They had no other way to react than to cry.The other soldiers may not be sentimental, they quickly put the food in their mouths, and licked the bowl from time to time.His expression was completely aroused.

"Wen Qing can cook?" Hua Xiongmao also asked with a mouth full of water.

Chen Ke was not elated about his "great" success. He saw the soldiers eating their meals with great excitement, and his emotions rose accordingly.Chen Ke hurriedly said to Hua Xiongmao: "Immediately maintain discipline for me." As soon as Chen Ke finished his words, he saw that some fast-eating soldiers had started queuing up again, asking for more food.Someone took the lead, and the rest of the soldiers started to line up, regardless of whether they had finished their portion or not.At this time, the meal is not over yet.Disputes immediately arose between those who had finished their meals, and those who had not yet received their meals.The scene immediately became chaotic.

Many years later, many of the fighters who participated in this chaos are now in high positions.When asked what was the best meal they had during the revolutionary era, almost all of them would talk about the meals of the laborers.This is the first time in their lifetime that they know that there is such a thing as "food" in the world.The old comrades-in-arms talked about this past event happily, and friendly ridiculed each other for their worthlessness.Reminiscing about the good times together.

But they all knew one thing, and they couldn't mention it to Chen Ke.Because this is one of Chen Ke's "big shame".The activities of the labor force led to riots among many troops because they competed for food. For the sake of food, they didn't care about anything at that time.The army had to dispatch a military law team to "suppress" the riot.

This is still a regular unit like the 359th Brigade. Other "reclamation brigades" composed of victims even caused casualties in order to compete for food.Dozens were injured and three died in the stampede amid the chaos.

Chapter 124 no_name

Chapter 124 no_name, to URL

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