Crimson Dawn

Chapter 125 no_name

Chapter 125 no_name

Chen Ke actually got angry too, and with the sound of anger, he poked his fingers on the broken table in the brigade.With that powerful movement, the table shook.

"Organizing people to eat a meal can also kill people." This is something Chen Ke has never thought about. "Is everyone so distrustful of us? If you eat today, there will be no tomorrow?"

The comrades looked at Chen Ke in confusion, as if raging anger was burning on his forehead. When in a disaster year, fighting for this kind of relief food didn't cause people's lives?Comrades who have seen this kind of thing feel that Chen Ke is really making a fuss.Let alone tens of thousands of people, hundreds of people can die in disaster relief activities.In comparison, this incident is nothing at all.In fact, everyone couldn't figure out why the labor activities originally carried out for the 359th Brigade of the Insurance Corps should also improve the food for other agricultural reclamation "troops".Those "troops" are basically ordinary people temporarily attached to the insurance group. There are men, women, old and young in the "farming reclamation brigade", even if they are fighting to find people to die, such a mixed force is not the first choice.

You can think so in your heart, but you can't say it with your mouth.Everyone has been in the venue for a long time and already knows that talking nonsense will not bring any good results.

Look at the comrades who neither support their position, nor do they feel that they have done anything wrong.Chen Ke was also a little discouraged.Thinking about his own era, queuing is something that can only be achieved by a well-trained organization. Chen Ke felt that his anger was indeed a bit inappropriate.

But the mood will not be reversed so easily, Chen Ke said with a dark face: "We have negotiated an agreement with the landlords, they will lend their land to the county government within two years, and the county government will entrust us to insure the land." The regiment operates these lands."

This news immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the comrades, Hua Xiongmao was so happy that he almost stood up, "Sure enough, the deal is done!" His excitement was beyond words.Hua Xiongmao's family is also a landlord, and he knows how difficult it is for the landlords to make such concessions.

Chai Qingguo looked at Hua Xiongmao with some jealousy. Although they were all comrades in the party, even though he was the deputy head of the delegation, he didn't know that Chen Ke was conducting such negotiations.As the group leader, Hua Xiongmao could know in advance.The party says it is equal, but it is obvious from a distance.At this time, there are quite a few comrades who have this idea.In fact, they misunderstood it. It is impossible to notify military cadres of this kind of civil affairs.All seven members of the People's Party's Provisional Central Committee knew about it.

Although Yuwen Badu didn't read much, he was much more tactful when it came to human affairs. Seeing everyone's expressions, he smiled and said, "This matter was discussed within the Communist Party Committee. At that time, I was afraid that everyone would accidentally reveal the news. There is no announcement. Now that Mrs. Chen has completed it, I will tell everyone.” After hearing this explanation, the comrades felt relieved, and their originally complicated eyes softened a lot.

Chen Ke didn't think that much at first, but Yuwen Batu's words reminded him very well.The People's Party is no longer that small team in Shanghai.With the division of the Party Central Committee and other ordinary party members, one must be careful when speaking.

"Although the landlords have a lot of land, the people also have a lot of land. We have acquired the land from the landlords. The land is not to be distributed to the people, not to loot their homes, rob the rich and help the poor. It is to centralize the land of the entire Fengtai County. Use. Use the new system so that everyone can live a good life. I hope comrades can be sure of this. If you can’t accept this most fundamental starting point, then raise it now. I changed my mind. Once the organization's resolution is formed, everyone must implement it meticulously!" Chen Ke gritted his teeth in the last sentence.Every time he said a word, Chen Ke tapped his fingers on the table.

Some comrades can understand Chen Ke's sharp attitude, and some are puzzled.Everyone has always resolutely carried out Chen Ke's orders, so what's the point of emphasizing this again?

"Brigade Commander Chen, what exactly do you mean?" Chai Qingguo has developed a habit in the past six months. As long as he is in a party meeting, he will always ask the question to the end.As for the reason for doing so, it was the sequela left over from being expelled from the meeting by a collective vote at the Beijing party meeting, or he was a little puzzled by Chen Ke's seemingly simple but actually far-reaching orders.He couldn't tell the difference himself.But Chai Qingguo knew that whenever Chen Ke spoke like this, something big would always happen.

Chen Ke didn't mean to hide anything, "We will soon promote large-scale cadres and conduct large-scale party school training. I want Comrade Xiong Mingyang to introduce a little about the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty. Comrade Xiong Mingyang, you come explain."

Xiong Mingyang got the order and got up immediately.His family is a bureaucrat, and he knows the inside story of many things very well.His opening was very simple, "Have you heard of Dream of the Red Chamber?" The comrades half shook their heads and half nodded.

Xiong Mingyang started from the "official protection talisman". The masters in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were very developed, and the industry of "masters" often inherited the father's business, forming a very family-oriented industry.Master Shaoxing is particularly famous.One of the important reasons for this situation is that the masters of Shaoxing have mastered the "insider rules" of the officialdom, and even have various secret pamphlets.These pamphlets describe in detail how to deal with official affairs.The relationship between the various factions and families, the amount of silver that is allocated for different things.Only when officials master these things can they "not break the rules" and be considered "one of our own".The reason why Shaoxing masters are famous is not that this place is naturally suitable for becoming masters, but because they have accumulated the most knowledge and inside information in these areas, and the master industry organization is the most complete, thus forming a monopoly industry.

Most of the comrades present at the meeting knew about this for the first time, and among them there were no less than people who dealt with bureaucrats. They confirmed their past experience in their hearts, and they all felt suddenly enlightened.

After Xiong Mingyang finished speaking, Chen Ke took over the conversation and roughly explained why the master industry has experienced a relatively large decline in the past 30 to [-] years.Because China's social system has also undergone considerable changes.After foreigners came in, the rules accumulated in the past were destroyed due to the rapid changes in the political situation.In particular, with the rise of the Westernization School, many new production methods were introduced, which left a blank area for the Shaoxing masters who could have covered officialdom all over the country.The masters also have rules that they cannot know.The rise of the Westernization School continued to affect the political structure of the imperial court, and the original rules continued to collapse.Everyone spends money to support masters in order to be able to do things. Naturally, masters who can't do things will not be welcomed by others, so the industry of masters began to decline rapidly.

"Brigade Commander Chen means to set rules for us." Xu Dian asked excitedly.As a graduate of the law department, Xu Dian has a natural love for making rules.

"It's not to set rules for you, but to establish the rules of the People's Party. I must be the first to abide by the rules set." Chen Ke replied a little angrily.

Xu Dian, who was criticized, did not feel dissatisfied at all. He was still full of excitement and longing, "The new system must have the rules of the new system. I firmly support it." As a student of the law department, Xu Dian has always hoped to formulate a The perfect law, Chen Ke's instructions have shown this master of the law department the avenue to practice his ideals.

The other comrades were not as excited as Xu Dian, and of course they didn't expect the legal provisions flying in Xu Dian's sea of ​​computers at this time.For those comrades who are more politically savvy, what they care about is what kind of rules to formulate, what kind of authority they will get through this new rule, and what kind of restrictions they will be subject to.The less politically sensitive comrades thought they were ready to accept the new rules if they were not so harsh.

Looking at the completely different reactions of his comrades, Chen Ke also had mixed feelings in his heart.It's finally here!For more than a year, Chen Ke has always dared not tell his comrades what he really thinks, because there is no basis, and he cannot count on the basis. Political debates are never feasible at all, and they are just a round of empty-to-air nonsense. blow.Now, Chen Ke can finally fully explain his political ideas.Those who are willing to make a revolution will stay, and those who are not willing to make a revolution will break up amicably.Although Chen Ke knew that this kind of excitement of being able to show off his ambition was meaningless, he still couldn't suppress it.

"Calm down, calm down." Chen Ke said to himself silently in his heart.Even now is not the time to finish talking.If you want to control the situation, you must first get the support of several important cadres.In other words, it has the support of seven members of the Central Committee of the People's Party's Provisional Central Committee.If you put it more simply, you must get the support of the army.We must firmly control the army in our hands.And that requires a few more convincings.

Chen Ke's eyes swept across the comrades, and several key figures, Hua Xiongmao, Chai Qingguo, He Zudao, Xu Dian, Xiong Mingyang, Kuroshima Jinichiro, etc., among these army cadres who were already in high positions, slipped past Chen Ke one by one. G's sight.As well as the newly promoted cadres Bai Bao, Dai Enze and others also entered Chen Ke's sight.

Start with the army first, then persuade the party and government cadres, and finally solicit the opinions of the civil affairs cadres.Chen Ke has already determined his strategy.

Thinking is really fast enough.In fact, Chen Ke had already thought about it in the process of "setting the rules".He suddenly felt a little uneasy. "Setting rules" means cleaning up.There are bound to be people who rise politically and others who are left behind.Chen Ke himself never liked campaigns like the anti-revolutionaries, because these campaigns were very uncontrollable, and without a strong executive organization, they would become a terrible disaster.As for the people's party and the insurance group, where the labor force can kill people in the "reclamation group" which is equivalent to a "refugee camp", Chen Ke deeply understands the value of cadres.

Do it first.Chen Ke persuaded himself.But he is very clear that according to the current plan, as long as the cadre team is expanded on a large scale, the subsequent large-scale rectification and even the elimination of counter-revolutionaries will be inevitable.With the mission of saving the people, I have drawn many people to the positions of cadres, but human nature is not so easy to change.Once power is gained, all kinds of depravity will inevitably surface.Corruption, enriching one's own pockets, treating these people, Chen Ke has no choice but to criticize and punish them from a standpoint of justice, and even kill their heads from a standpoint of justice.This is really a kind of speechless black humor.

Chapter 125 no_name

Chapter 125 no_name, to URL

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