Crimson Dawn

Chapter 176 no_name

Chapter 176 no_name

Liu Guangying has never spoken loudly. As the eldest lady of the Liu family, she has been taught to be kind since she was a child, and not to speak loudly to others.She has never failed her parents' education.Miss Liu's reputation in the enclosure is actually very good.And when Liu Guangying saw the charred bodies of her parents and elder brother not far away, she looked at the men in blue clothes with knives and guns around her, and her own relatives.Miss Liu's family could no longer maintain her original gentleness, a magma-like emotion boiled in her chest, making Miss Liu Guangying's voice extremely sharp.

The man in blue in front of him actually dared to say that because his family's food was not grown by his own family, he wanted to beat his own house and kill his parents.A kind of resentment burned in Miss Liu Guangying's chest. "It's only natural to pay rent for farming. If our family hires our own workers, we will only earn more." Although knowing these words will only make her end worse, Miss Liu Guangying doesn't care about these anymore. "Without my family, those Those who pay rent die faster."

For the people's revolution, the first and last enemies we encountered were the landlord militias.This is what *** talked with Snow that year.The same is true in history. All landlords wanted to resist the land reform policy.They only have the question of whether they dare to resist, not whether they want to resist.Chen Ke never had the slightest doubt about this.

Before the water detachment was dispatched, Chen Ke held a training class for the political commissars.It specifically talked about the core of political work in this battle - winning the support of the people.Any political force has its class position.The class position of the People's Party is the people.The BJP is not a party that existed to safeguard the interests of the ruling class in 1916.Nor is it the kind of party that bills itself as the “party of the whole people.”For this battle, the People's Party must rely on the people in the disaster-stricken areas, and the People's Party's enemies are the landlords in the enclosure. Anyone who supports these landlords is the People's Party's enemy. The common people are the friends of the People's Party.Before the troops set off, the political commissars at all levels of the troops were repeatedly emphasized on these.

Seeing that the girls from the Liu family wanted to reason with him, Xiong Mingyang was actually a little worried.If the kid is just pretending to be pitiful, it will only have a very bad effect on morale.But when the girl started to speak from the standpoint of the landlord, Xiong Mingyang firmly believed that this was an opportunity to boost morale and clarify the truth.

There is no common ground between the exploiting class and the exploited class. Chen Ke has repeatedly emphasized this point.No matter how the wolf states the fact that it will die if it does not eat meat, this is not the reason why the sheep will be eaten by wolves.This is the case with class struggle, and the establishment of the relationship between the exploited and the exploited.The exploiter must create the principle of being exploited, and in order to maintain the existence of exploitation, the exploiter must also maintain the existence of the exploited, and also maintain the existence of the exploited within a certain limit.Even if the exploited did not resist, they were exploited obediently to death.But exploiting all the exploited to death at one time only makes the exploitative relationship unsustainable.The exploiter not only wants to be a tyrant while he is alive, but also wants to leave objects of exploitation for his descendants.

Xiong Mingyang himself did not know this truth before. After receiving a relatively systematic theoretical education, when he understood this truth, this young man became a real "revolutionary."In the past, he only had deep-seated hatred for foreign invasions of China, but now Xiong Mingyang is full of deep hatred for both Chinese and foreign exploiting classes.He couldn't understand why the Qing army kept fighting and losing repeatedly before, but now he already knows that the ordinary soldiers of the Qing army have no obligation to work for this decadent regime ruled by exploiters.Even the stupid loyalty of a few people is not enough to save the fate of this regime.

To save China, a new regime must be established.A regime that truly serves the people.Now, Xiong Mingyang is working with the comrades of the People's Party to establish this new regime.Only when the people know the meaning of participating in the war, only when the people know that they bravely fight against the enemy's bullets and shed blood and sacrifice, what they get in exchange will be true liberation.Only then will the people stand up and follow behind the front-line members of the People's Party to wipe out all exploiters at home and abroad, and build a new China and a new world that truly allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

For Liu Guangying's questioning, Xiong Mingyang didn't think it was meaningful at all.If it was before, Xiong Mingyang would probably be caught in a dispute over land ownership, and then the result of the dispute would be that the landowners may or may not deserve death.That is because the premise of this discussion is the recognition of land privatization.To fall into this trap is just downright stupid.This is the principle of the landlords, not the principle of the common people.Chen Ke has long said that the good and evil of the landlord himself is meaningless to the revolution.Justice is not about the quality of individual morality, but the quality of social systems.Xiong Mingyang knew very well that what he wanted to persuade and educate was the fighters who fought with him, not the little girl in front of him.

"Comrades, have you all participated in this harvest? At least you have heard of this harvest?" Xiong Mingyang asked loudly.

"I participated!"

"I know!"

Comrades responded one after another.

The harvest in early October was a big event for both the soldiers and the masses in the base area, and no one could not help but rejoice over it.After several months of hard work and hard work, the people of Fengtai County finally believed that they could survive this terrible disaster year and survive.And the future promised by the People's Party, which leads the people, has also changed from an illusory pie to a future that is completely credible and can be pinned on.

"If there were no landlords, what would our life be like?" Xiong Mingyang continued to ask loudly.

The soldiers of the insurance regiment who participated in this large-scale breach of the fences in various places were all politically active fighters. Even so, after listening to Liu Guangying's confident and even hysterical questioning, everyone was somewhat affected by Liu Guangying's emotions.Hearing Xiong Mingyang's question, many people couldn't help but paused a little before responding: "It will be better."

Seeing the soldiers express their views like this, Xiong Mingyang still had the same question, "If there were no landlords, what would our day be like?"

"It will be better!" This time, the soldiers no longer hesitated and answered in unison.

Xiong Mingyang then asked a new question, "If there are no more landlords in the future, how will everyone's life be?"

This is the most fundamental question, and it is also a question that Chen Ke never dared to raise out loud before.In the early days of the People's Party, not to mention that the common people would not have any supportive reaction to this issue, the common people would even think that Chen Ke's propaganda must have hidden evil intentions and had Chen Ke's personal purpose.After the first harvest in the disaster year, after eating the life-saving food provided by the People's Party for free for half a year, these fighters from ordinary people no longer doubt the People's Party led by Chen Ke, and these party members no longer doubt it. They have dark thoughts of their own.

After Xiong Mingyang raised this question, no one answered directly, but the atmosphere around the soldiers was completely different.That is not hesitation, but a real high.

"When the rent is collected every year, will people die?" Xiong Mingyang asked.

"People will die, people will be forced to die every year!" The soldiers shouted one after another.

"This year's flood, if we don't build a fence, can the thousands of people outside live for half a month? Are the landlords going to kill them all?" Xiong Mingyang asked.

"Yes, they just want to kill people. They just want people to die!" The soldiers' responses were filled with righteous indignation.

"Who gets the most of the grain we planted in previous years? Is it ourselves or the landlords?"

"It's the landlord!" shouted the soldiers.

"Do the landlords eat more of the grain grown each year, or do the common people eat more?"

"It's the landlord!" The pity, sympathy and intolerance that once appeared on the faces of the soldiers have disappeared, and what now appears on their faces is real anger.

The family members of the Liu family were completely shocked by such roars. It's not like they haven't seen the angry expressions of farmers, but that expression is only shown when farmers are desperate and launch an attack with no chance of winning.These blue-clothed men in the insurance group are obviously of peasant origin. There is no need to prove it one by one. As long as you see their skin color, their figure, some of their habitual movements, and their simple looks, can confirm this.Although these people in blue are different from ordinary farmers, and although they can't tell where the strange feeling comes from, the family members of the willow landlords can see that these people who hold weapons and fight fiercely and bravely are all from the past. farmers.When these farmers shouted out the anger that belonged to the farmers, it was the anger that had accumulated for countless days, and it was the anger that came from their hearts.These peasants who have already occupied the position of the strong, now look so terrible in the eyes of Landlord Liu's family.After the transposition of the former strong and weak, the fear of the former strong against the former weak will be doubled.

"That's because these people are lazy and stupid, and they don't do well on their own. They deserve it for being hungry!" Miss Liu's family was not intimidated, on the contrary, vicious curses spewed out from Xiuqi's mouth.This is what Miss Liu Guangying once listened to her parents, her elder brother, and her tribe's contemptuous evaluation of the common people.Although my parents tried to educate me to be a quiet lady since I was a child.But Miss Liu Guangying has never looked down on ordinary people.These common people are rough people who don't understand the life of the upper class at all, they are cunning and hateful guys, and they are scoundrels who never obey the orders of the Liu family honestly for their own benefit.This is Miss Liu's true thoughts.

Hearing these words, the corners of Xiong Mingyang's mouth turned up slightly, and the soldiers who heard these words looked at Miss Liu with cold eyes.

"Comrades, our people's party and our insurance group are the people's team, the people's armed forces. It's not because of this disaster year. We have only one sentence to say to the landlords. It's been so many years. These landlords have taken the people's money, Return it to the people! If you eat the people's food, spit it out for the people! Shouldn't it!"

"Should!" "Should!" "Should!"

This is already a voice that transcends anger. It is a firm belief in the justice of one's own actions, a firm belief in the inevitability of one's own actions.There was steel-like conviction in the voices of the soldiers.

"I'll ask again, do you want to surrender? If you don't want to surrender, just pick up the knife." Xiong Mingyang quickly drew out the knife, pointing the tip at the Liu family siblings, "I don't rely on the number of people. The two of you Two knives, one for each of me. Let’s use the knives to decide the outcome of life and death.”

Miss Liu's whole body trembled, she already understood that these people in front of her were not with her at all, and their reasoning was completely different from her own.If it fell into the hands of these people, all her previous life would be gone.Miss Liu bent down abruptly, grabbed a knife, and rushed towards Xiong Mingyang.Without blinking his eyes, Xiong Mingyang swung out the big knife, and the blade cut off Miss Liu Guangying's neck neatly. Her head flew into the air, drew an arc, and landed behind the body that continued to charge forward.

"Sister!" Liu Guangying's younger brother screamed. He wanted to hug his sister, but saw his sister's head rolling in front of him.Liu Guangying's younger brother's eyes were wide open, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground, his eyes were wide open, staring at his sister's head.

The members of the Liu family immediately started to commotion, "The captives who try to riot will be dealt with according to the enemy, and they will be killed without mercy!" Xiong Mingyang roared.

"Yes!" The soldiers roared in response.

The knives and guns have turned to face the members of the Liu family.Seeing the resolute eyes of the soldiers, the Liu family, who had fully understood their complete failure, lowered their hands and closed their mouths.Yield to the insurance group.

Chapter 176 no_name

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