Crimson Dawn

Chapter 177 no_name

Chapter 177 no_name

Pu Guanshui saw the chaos in the enclosure, and when he arrived near Liu's house, the body had already been covered with a white cloth.The blood of all Miss Liu's family has not completely coagulated.Liu Guangyi, who had fallen into a sluggish state, had already been dragged into the captive team by his relatives.Xiong Mingyang is commanding the troops to start verifying the list of relatives of the Liu family.It would be too embarrassing if the Liu family was left with remnants of evil.

"I'm afraid to be serious about everything, and we People's Party members are the most serious." Xiong Mingyang shouted to the party members who were called,

This is Chen Ke's "famous quote".If a person does not think about how much he will get after finishing the work, but puts all his attention on the matter itself, then he can explode infinite subjective initiative.

All members of the People's Party have this kind of awareness.According to the characteristics of human nature, the roll call first separates the children.Then ask the children to name their parents.Children are not good at lying, and many children are terrified after being led alone into a group of strangers.As soon as they found their parents, shouts of "Father, Mother!"Those parents were terrified to see their children being taken away.When the "bandits" wanted to take Liu Guangying away, the members of the Liu family still thought that the bandits only wanted young women.Unexpectedly, after the "bandit leader" said some "fallacies and heresies", he said he would kill Liu Guangying, who dared to do something, and was killed.This kind of action made these people understand that Xiong Mingyang and these "bandits" who claimed to be the insurance group were ruthless masters.It's not that no one has great grief and indignation for Liu Guangying's death, but when expressing this grief and indignation, the price of death must be paid, and those people lowered their hatred eyes.

The children are not sensible, and they were terrified to see such a tragedy.When someone told them to find their parents, the children without exception showed a strong sense of urgency, and they pointed out their parents in a hurry.After these identifications, the family-based Liu family was gradually separated.

After the first screening, they will be numbered according to their names.According to the pre-numbered, the shoulders of these people were all stitched with signs.The family members of the Liu family showed great panic about this sign.The soldiers in charge of managing the prisoners immediately told the prisoners that if one member of the family took off the sign, the whole family would have to starve for a day.Now that the family unit has been separated, even if the parents want to take it off, they must also consider the punishment of implicating them.They finally gave in.

These people will be screened again by representatives of the disaster victims.The living and dead of the Liu family were seated according to their numbers, and then began to be escorted separately.

The fleet transporting the captured persons began to concentrate towards the base area.The members of the Liu family were neither the first nor the last batch. They shuttled back and forth on the big boats on the river, and what they brought back were all small and soft belongings, not even a single grain.If the insurance group dares to transport food back to the base from the disaster area.Once discovered by the victims, it was a terrible shock.In order to avoid trouble, the insurance group brought their own food instead of eating it in the disaster area.Since the People's Party wants to take over these areas, for them, anything that tarnishes the image must be prohibited.

The fleet of the water detachment has special prison ships, and the refitted awning boats have separate cages, and the conditions are not too bad.All enemies need to be eliminated in a planned way, but Chen Ke really has no intention of killing all the landlord families.At the same time, Chen Ke is not prepared to let the landlords stay in the local area, so that the newly opened areas need to be on guard at all times.

Class struggle has always been very cruel. The Weizi landlords and their families who were captured in various places were sent to the base areas for centralized management.These influential people were forcibly concentrated, and the possibility of private resistance by the common people was greatly reduced.These former tyrants were arrested, and no matter what the people in the enclosure thought, they would temporarily keep quiet under this deterrent.

The fleet set off with the prisoners that afternoon.These captives were held in small cages, completely unaware of what the outside world was like.But the escorts of the insurance group can't take it lightly.Those people on the bow are looking far and wide, ready to spot suspicious signs at any time.

The commander of this operation was Umekawa Kamiyoshi, trainee platoon leader of the first regiment, first battalion, second company and fourth platoon.Under Chen Ke's personal order, the Communist revolutionary finally temporarily left the work of the farm.Comrade Umekawa Umeyoshi was incorporated into the Canal Detachment to work.Even though the soldiers of the Canal Detachment have received sufficient compulsory education, there is still a shortage of comrades who have received high school education like Mei Chuan.Moreover, Mei Chuan had been the head of a breeding farm, and he managed dozens of people under his command. In terms of rank, he should be a company-level cadre, but because he had no combat experience, he was appointed as a trainee platoon leader, and took on the task of dispatching the fleet.

Umekawa Kamiyoshi was not happy or disappointed because of the job transfer, he just didn't understand why Chen Kewei did this.But the order of the party organization cannot be disobeyed.And Mei Chuan didn't have time to think so much.The many regulations of the fleet made him focus all his attention on understanding these regulations.Mei Chuan, who went to high school, has enough knowledge, and Mei Chuan is only the chief dispatcher, and there are special personnel in charge of the actual work.What Mei Chuan needed was to issue orders and be responsible for those orders.Therefore, Mei Chuan was under great psychological pressure.

The first two days were peaceful, but in the middle of the night on the third day, a fleet suddenly appeared ahead.The fleet is quite large, and the person in charge of the night guard report cannot see the end of the fleet.It stands to reason that the only insurance group that can use such a large-scale fleet on the Huaihe River now, but the security regulations require vigilance at all times.The security personnel immediately notified Mei Chuan, the dispatcher of the small fleet.

Mei Chuan was on duty in the cabin at this time, and the prisoners already knew that they were going to be taken to the lair of the "bandits".Although I was very scared in my heart, since I spent so much effort to take myself away, at least I wouldn't kill myself immediately.Otherwise, you can do it when the boat is halfway.It was night at this time, and the prisoners either tried their best to beg the guards during the day, or simply talked to each other, after all, they were tired at night.In the middle of the night, I finally fell asleep, or fainted.Mei Chuan took advantage of this time to silently recite the fleet regulations.

Hearing the news, he quickly boarded the bow.Looking at the dark shadow of the boat in the dark night in the distance, Mei Chuan, who has no combat experience at all, immediately felt nervous.After searching for the regulations in his mind, before he gave the order to release the signal fireworks, two lights had already flashed on the last ship of the opposite fleet.

"Who are you?" The signalman of the fleet interpreted the signal conveyed by the opposite ship through the semaphore.

"Is it our own fleet?" Mei Chuan asked in disbelief.The insurance group's fleet is now scattered along the entire Huaihe River, why did such a large fleet suddenly appear.

"Chief dispatcher, except for our troops, who would use such a signal?" The signalman disapproved of Mei Chuan's excessive worry.

"Be careful." Mei Chuan had never participated in a real battle, and being suddenly entrusted with such an important job, he was under great psychological pressure.Everything is hoped to be safe. "Tell them we are ships of the Water Division. And ask whose force they are."

The signalman lit the lights inside the glass cover, and then issued Mei Chuan's instructions.

After a while, the fleet over there replied, "We are a fleet directly under the Party Central Committee, and we cannot tell you the number. Our fleet is slow, and you need to overtake it. Please keep to the left."

Both Mei Chuan and the signalman were at a loss for this signal.This dialogue really shows that the other party is a unit of the People's Party, but everyone never imagined that someone would dare to say that they are "a unit directly under the Party Central Committee". This tone is a bit too much.The troops directly under the Party Central Committee now have only a small garrison.The other troops are all affiliated to the Military Commission. What kind of mystery are these people making a fuss about?

The doubts in my heart are doubts, but everyone really needs to hurry back to the base area.The sidelights of the overtaking were lit, and the small fleet commanded by Mei Chuan began to overtake.A long row of lights soon appeared on the Huaihe River.Candles burned in the latest glass windproof lampshade produced in the base area.In addition to the guards of the Meichuan fleet, all other cadres and soldiers who needed to board the ship boarded the deck.What shocked them was that there were hundreds of lights inside the glass cover, extending for several miles.This is an ever-large fleet.At least there are as many as thirty ships.The sides of each boat were pressed so close to the water that it was evident that they were full of cargo.On the mast and on the bow, there are regiment flags of the insurance regiment and dragon flags of the Anhui New Army of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.The deck was full of soldiers from the insurance regiment with loaded guns and live ammunition.Although I can't see clearly at night, many people's figures are somewhat familiar.

"Chief dispatcher, I probably haven't seen these ships before." The signalman whispered beside Mei Chuan.

"Haven't you seen it?" Mei Chuan asked suspiciously, "Where did these ships come from?"

"One five, ten, these ships are very new..., fifteen, twenty. These ships are very old..." The signalmen have very good eyesight, as they continue to surpass this strange fleet , while counting, he evaluated this strange fleet.It took a long time for the fleet, which was a mixture of new and old ships, to be left behind, and according to discipline, the two fleets almost simultaneously extinguished the lights used for guidance.

"Chief dispatcher, this should be a new ship. Our water detachment has a new ship!" There was uncontrollable excitement in the signalman's voice.Mei Chuan can understand the mood of the signalman. With more ships, there is greater power.After this flood, one of the reasons why the insurance group was able to rapidly expand its strength was that it had the largest and only organized fleet on the Huaihe River.In the absence of opponents, the insurance group transported supplies and mobilized troops.Became the overlord on the Huaihe River.The expansion of the fleet can greatly enhance the strength of the insurance group.As long as you are a soldier, you can't be unhappy when you hear the news that a new ship has joined.Perhaps Mei Chuan has only joined the fleet for a short time, and his interest in a fleet of this size is limited.He felt even more curious about what the fleet was loaded with.

"With their speed, when can we reach Fengtai?" Mei Chuan asked the signalman.

"Well, it has to be the morning after tomorrow." The signalman replied.

Chapter 177 no_name

Chapter 177 no_name, to URL

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