Crimson Dawn

Chapter 205 Architecture

After the execution of Cai Yuanpei and others, the guys who interceded for Cai Yuanpei all died down.In a sense, the working people are "fickle and forgetful". For them, they must follow the changes in society.Cai Yuanpei and others are just one figure in the political struggle.Without Cai Yuanpei and others, the sun would still rise in the east and set in the west.Delaying any trace of livelihood for Cai Yuanpei is irresponsible to himself and his family.

Therefore, after Cai Yuanpei's death, the latest hot news on the market became the news that the people's party's silk factory in Hangzhou was recruiting a large number of workers.More than ten days later, the news about the recruitment of workers at the Hangzhou Bamboo Ware Factory temporarily overwhelmed the news about the Silk Factory and became the focus of attention on the streets.

The serious unemployment problem in the late Qing Dynasty has always been the biggest problem in society, and so is Hangzhou and even Zhejiang as a whole.It's not easy to find a decent job, you have to rely on a lot of connections and get to know a lot of famous people.Like the People's Party, you only need to apply for a household registration to sign up as a worker, but there are not many opportunities.

However, the People's Party built factories and recruited workers like magic.Traditional silk, bamboo ware, papermaking, and even a boy named "salesman" have begun to recruit people.Those who have the strength can go to various construction sites to be "masters".

Workers in Hangzhou are a little uneasy about accepting those beautifully printed banknotes, but the various grain stores and supply and marketing cooperatives opened by the People's Party only accept banknotes.No matter how uneasy they are, the locals in Hangzhou can only exchange gold, silver and copper coins for banknotes, or go to work to earn banknotes.The stomach always gets hungry very quickly, and the working people can always show extraordinary endurance in order to survive.

When the "Compulsory Education Law" propaganda team carried out publicity with gongs and drums in Hangzhou, the surprise of the working people reached a new peak.It is no news that the People's Party mandates that children go to school. It is unbelievable that adults must also receive cultural education in the Compulsory Education Law.

"What will we do after school? Be a teacher?" Many citizens are very excited about this.There is more joy in this emotion.Everyone wants to make more money, and everyone has their own evaluation of the industry. The salesperson needs to know the abacus, write, and keep accounts.These things are not something ordinary people can learn.

As for doctors, teachers, and nurses in hospitals and schools, this is a job that citizens envy.In the beautiful big house, the wind can't blow, and the rain can't get wet.Of course, all these have to go through a longer period of study, there must be a strict apprenticeship process, and more professional knowledge education will be spent at a high price.Under the rule of the People's Party, these high-ranking industries have opened their doors to ordinary people, which cannot but be exciting.The hot topic of discussion in the streets has turned back to schooling and, more recently, the ever-growing astonishing work of property registration.

In September 1917, the hot news in Hangzhou turned into the election of the People's Congress.There were parliamentary elections in Zhejiang and Hangzhou, and this news made local people very interesting.Candidates for elections in Hangzhou used to be extremely demanding, and ordinary people had no interest. The current local election conditions are that Chinese citizens, with household registration, have the right to vote and to be elected.

The focus of discussion at the local level is who is willing to sign up.After 412 and the subsequent big trials, all the gentry in Hangzhou City were basically finished, and there were only a few prominent figures left.There are not so many people. Everyone is curious about the election method.

Zhou Shuren has been told more than once that everyone wants to elect him as a representative to the National People's Congress.Now in Hangzhou, deputies to the National People's Congress are not popular at all, although there is no such thing as spending a lot of money for elections.But those who can afford a big price have already been killed and arrested, and the rich people who were lucky to escape this incident are refusing to show their faces again.Of course Zhou Shuren knew that these people were going to avoid the limelight before saying that Zhexi was indeed killed badly enough.However, in the Zhejiang Parliament, those who were killed by Beiyang and the People's Party, including those who were sentenced to death in absentia, had a death rate as high as 98%, which was basically as tragic as the massacre in western Zhejiang.The Hangzhou Council was slightly better, with a mortality rate of 95%.Zhou Shuren knew the situation in his hometown of Shaoxing. Members of the Shaoxing local council were killed, sentenced to death, and sentenced to death in absentia, creating a 100% miracle.

With Zhou Shuren's sensitivity, he didn't even know what to say to such a situation.Do you praise the counter-revolutionaries and revolutionaries for their firm stand and fighting spirit?Zhou Shuren couldn't say such words.However, Zhou Shuren finally refused to run for the Hangzhou National People's Congress, not because he didn't want to cause trouble, but because the people's congress representatives cannot be government employees.Zhou Shuren, as the deputy director of the Education Bureau, is not eligible to run for election.

With just this one incident, Zhou Shuren clearly felt that the People's Party was going to completely weaken the attitude of the National People's Congress.At least in the near future, they are preparing to fully weaken the authority of the National People's Congress.The most powerful organization in China is the People's Party. If this organization gives up its leadership position in the National People's Congress, it only means one thing.No one can imagine that those in power in the People's Party will bow their heads to the National People's Congress.

As proof, Zhou Shuren found that the Party Congress of the People's Party was extremely lively.In this party conference held behind closed doors, even Zhou Shuren, an outsider, could feel the fierce internal competition.In order to win the qualifications of representatives to the Third Plenary Session of the People's Party, even the Hangzhou area is fiercely competitive.

Zhou Shuren discussed the matter with Fan Ainong, but Fan Ainong was not so sensitive.He said with a smile: "There are so many jobs at the moment, what do you think about these things? We haven't seen enough of the consequences of participating in politics? If I didn't run fast back then, now you can only go to the grave to see me."

Fan Ainong seemed very relaxed when he said this, but it was not a joke. Zhou Shuren really didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "Ainong, I want to become a deputy to the National People's Congress after I resign."

"What?" Fan Ainong was taken aback, "The job is good, why did you think of resigning?"

"You also know that I'm just a name now, a white-collar salary. In addition to writing, I still write. This is not a long-term thing." Zhou Shuren replied.

Zhou Shuren said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, the Chinese Department of Hangzhou University wants to invite me to be a teacher, and now I can also get paid for acting. I really can't get along. I can always make a living when I go back to the hospital to be a doctor. Besides, you know my family After the land reform, I sold everything, so I could buy a house in Hangzhou. It’s not a problem to rely on these two incomes.”

"Are you ready to concentrate on writing?" Fan Ainong asked seriously.

"Yes. This era has changed so much, and there are so many kinds of nonsense. I can finally confirm that I really like writing. It would be even better if I could strengthen the spirit of the people through writing."

Fan Ainong's expression became more solemn, "We are all working under the People's Party now. You must know that the People's Party is determined to eradicate the literati, so why did you choose this job on the cusp of this crisis?"

"They want to eradicate literati, not culture. Now it is because some people can't distinguish between literati and culture, and entangle the two. Those who want to write are afraid, and those who want to vent their dissatisfaction through writing must be It’s nonsense like it was a while ago. Would it be a good thing to condone those people’s misconduct? At this time, someone has to stand up.”

Fan Ainong shook his head slightly, "Brother Zhou, you are right, but it is really difficult to do it. If the People's Party doesn't do anything now, it doesn't mean they won't do anything in the future. Do you think those literati will end well? They can't shoulder their hands I can’t mention it. Before long, even the ancestral family business will be unreliable. With their appearance, do you think the People’s Party will let them become officials? After such a downfall, what do you think they can do.”

"Because of this, don't you think there is a need for someone to write more?" Zhou Shuren replied.

Fan Ainong knew that he could no longer persuade Zhou Shuren, so he finally said: "Brother Zhou, aren't you afraid that someone will scold you for being an imperial literati?"

To such a question, Zhou Shuren just smiled contemptuously and did not answer at all.

Fan Ainong knew that Zhou Shuren had made up his mind, so he poured a cup of tea for Zhou Shuren and stopped talking.

Since none of the upper echelons was willing to stand for election to the National People's Congress, the quota for the Hangzhou National People's Congress became a personnel arrangement in the end, and most of the people elected were quite capable workers.Even if Zhou Shuren resigned from public office, he is still a celebrity.After a simple election, Zhou Shuren was elected as a deputy to the Zhejiang People's Congress, and after another simple election, Zhou Shuren was elected as a representative to the National People's Congress.

In December 1917, the National People's Congress was officially held in Wuhan.

In November, the First Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee of the People's Party has ended.Zhou Shuren is very clear that this is a national meeting of the National People's Congress, but it is actually doing things according to order.Sure enough, at the meeting, the representatives of the People's Party raised a series of issues.

The country name is the People's Republic of China, the national flag is the five-star red flag, the national anthem is the March of the Volunteers, and the national emblem has all been determined.Even the National Day is determined by the People's Party, "Because China has not yet been truly unified, the National Day is temporarily uncertain."

Feeling like he was being forced to raise his hand to cast a meaningless vote, Zhou Shuren agreed with the decision.The People's Party did not think arrogantly that it is the legal government of China in name, so it hastily set a day as its founding day.If the People's Party does something like this, Zhou Shuren will really feel that he has misjudged the target.

Among all the issues, it is said that the national flag was suggested by Chen Ke, and the national emblem is a combination of the traditional symbol of the People's Party and the national flag.The national anthem was also made by Chen Ke.Zhou Shuren voted in favor of several other issues, except Zhou Shuren voted against the national flag.

This objection is not aimed at the style of the national flag, Zhou Shuren thinks the flag is very beautiful.

Zhou Shuren's dissatisfaction was not aimed at the red background of the national flag. "The national flag is dyed with the blood of martyrs." This explanation is indeed inspiring.And this is indeed a fact. Without the martyrs who were not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, China would not be where it is today.

Even the yellow five-pointed star on the visual effect of "near big, far small" in the visual effect is not the object of Zhou Shuren's dissatisfaction.Yellow represents the color of the emperor in China, and only yellow can match red on the national flag.

What Zhou Shuren is dissatisfied with is the big star and the small star. The People's Party explains that the small star represents the working class, the peasant class, the urban petty bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie. These four classes equally surround and supervise the People's Party as the leading political party. .

In this era, "Little Star" is a metaphor, referring to concubines.Zhang Chuanshan from the Qing Dynasty was one of the four great talents in Sichuan. He got a concubine in Suzhou. This old and unscrupulous Zhang Chuanshan even arranged for the concubine and Zhang Chuanshan’s wife to meet in the Kezhong Pavilion. The meeting was very happy. Madam was kept in the dark.This Zhang Chuanshan is very proud of his means, and he has given full play to the essence of a poet. He wrote a poem saying: "Tian Sun Leng was laughed at by the cow, and he explained the Milky Way to reveal the little star." It means that the Weaver Girl is still waiting at the other end of the Milky Way. Lang has a concubine.

Although the People's Party calls the national flag the five-star red flag, this kind of boring debate has been avoided to a certain extent.But Zhou Shuren can guarantee that there will be literati who will rise up to oppose it.

However, the opposition of a few people was meaningless. At least Zhou Shuren knew very well that none of the workers, peasants and soldiers in the Zhejiang People's Congress delegation understood this metaphor.These workers, peasants, and deputies to the National People's Congress who came from the army really thought the flag was beautiful.

So Zhou Shuren also had to reflect on his own thoughts. If he thinks that "his own vote should be a crucial vote", then Zhou Shuren has every reason to think that the national flag approved by others is "uneducated" or "contains malicious".But from the point of view of the minority obeying the majority, since the final voting result is that most people agree with the national flag, Zhou Shuren, as a representative of the National People's Congress, is obliged to maintain the common voting result.No matter how upset he is, he has to admit that this flag is the flag of China.

Regardless of whether it is political theory or democracy, Zhou Shuren can't find anything to blame for the voting results.But Zhou Shuren just felt uncomfortable in his heart. For him, this was really a brand new experience.

Apart from this content, the National People's Congress, as an organ of power, really enjoys enormous power.For example, the report on the work completed in 1917 in the government's 1917 work report, and the 1918 financial budget.Seeing all kinds of data made Zhou Shuren dizzy.What is finance, how is the government's money issued, and what does the money return plan mean.Zhou Shuren found that he could not understand at all.This is not just a matter of technical terminology, but Zhou Shuren has no way to have a concept of the whole country.

For example, what are the newly established three northeastern provinces like?Why should Jehol be revoked?What is the purpose of the People's Party's proposal to discuss the abolition of provinces and counties in the next 30 years?Zhou Shuren found out that not to mention the whole country, even Zhejiang Province was abolished to build counties, what was the reason for the establishment of counties, and how many counties were divided into Zhejiang.As a native of Zhejiang, he couldn't understand it.

Zhou Shuren feels that the only thing he can understand is the "accountability system", that is, how to establish the supervision of the working people over the government and the National People's Congress.Zhou Shuren really understood.However, he is suspicious of the People's Party's "mass line", "rule of law framework" and "protection of civil servants".

The People's Party has really raised the question of "cognition level", which is about the people's awareness of various systems, the equality advocated by the People's Party, and the equality of people's cognition, what is the difference between the two? .How to deal with this difference.

Zhou Shuren has a good understanding of the dark side of human nature, and once he has power in hand, he will carry out orders, which is the same for everyone.If it is an unequal society, everyone will hope to stand above others, what is the criterion for judging.This is a very difficult thing.

Anyway, the National People's Congress is held like this, and the deputies to the National People's Congress come to learn more.The People's Party described the appearance of one China to everyone. Everyone was dizzy, and they established correct or incorrect ideas, and finally voted for the issues raised by the People's Party.

Even Zhou Shuren found that when he really faced major national affairs, even though he really wanted to exercise people's power, in actual operation, he could only follow the trend.

All the representatives at the meeting understood that Chen Ke was elected as the president of the country, and even Shang Yuan was elected as the prime minister. Many deputies to the National People's Congress didn't know who Shang Yuan was or what the wounded had done.When everyone voted for Chen Ke, they still knew what they were doing.When they voted for Shang Yuan, many people didn't know what this solemn vote meant.

After this NPC meeting, Zhou Shuren felt that he had grown a lot.It's easy to sit in the study and criticize the affairs of the world. If you really put the affairs of the world in front of you, these deputies to the National People's Congress don't even know what it is.

In January 1918, after the end of the National People's Congress, as Zhou Shuren thought, literati were extremely opposed to all classes becoming "little stars."Boring people everywhere came up with all kinds of jibes.

Instead, Feng Xu and Shen Zengzhi, deputies to the National People's Congress, published articles trying to refute this kind of slander for the Book of Songs.

"Xiaohe Xiaoxing, three or five are in the east. Su Su Xiao Zheng, Su Ye stays in the public, and the official life is different." It is a chapter in "The Book of Songs? Zhao Nan? Xiao Xing".These two scholars believe that this refers to the feelings of a small official.

Later, many people interpreted it indiscriminately, thinking that the meaning of this poem was to praise the virtue of the concubine.Zheng Xuan of the Han Dynasty believed that "little stars" were many unknown stars, which were used as a metaphor for the concubines of the king of Zhou.Zhu Xi’s opinion in the Southern Song Dynasty is similar: “Mrs. Also...then it is said that the reason for this is that the points assigned to it are different from those of the noble ones, and it is because it is the wife's favor to be controlled by the king that she does not dare to complain about the diligence in dealing with her." It is extremely profound.Therefore, Xiaoxing used to refer to "concubine" in ancient times.

Feng Xu publicly believed that this kind of refutation was purely a distortion caused by the thinking of the three cardinal guides and five constant principles.

Although there were far more literati who opposed Feng Xu than those who supported Feng Xu, Feng Xu tried to establish his own position through this incident.

The BJP has absolutely no interest in these debates.For the People's Party, the real big event came in November 1917, when the October Revolution broke out in Russia.Lenin led the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Provisional Government and gained the leadership of Moscow and other large cities, as well as a considerable amount of Russia.

The Soviet established by the Bolsheviks formally sent a telegram to the People's Party, requesting the Chinese government to join Russia in withdrawing from World War I.The telegram stated that the Soviet had officially sent envoys to China to conduct formal negotiations with the People's Party.

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