Crimson Dawn

Chapter 206 Architecture

Before Chen Ke learned how to surf the Internet, he once believed Lenin's claim that he would return all the territories Russia had encroached on China, but Stalin later denied it.Later, when he learned how to surf the Internet, especially after various professional discussions began to appear on the Internet, Chen Ke realized that this statement was a lie.

When Soviet Russia wanted to withdraw from the war, it signed the "Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty" with the Germans.This contract fully shows how old and cunning the great Comrade Lenin really is.

The Bolsheviks have always been a minority. Lenin led the Bolsheviks to success because of Comrade Lenin's outstanding personal ability.At that time, the situation in Russia, which participated in the First World War, deteriorated to the point where the people had no food or clothing. The greatest desire of the people was to cease the war. They hoped that the country could devote all its energy to national construction, so that the people could at least have food to eat.

Comrade Lenin saw through the situation at that time. If the Bolsheviks could not gather their forces in a very short period of time, once the European war ended, Soviet Russia would inevitably perish.So Comrade Lenin signed the "Brest Treaty" with Germany.The signing process was also full of twists and turns, and the Germans asked for extremely high prices in the contract.The Bolshevik Central Committee was not happy, so Lenin's opinion was rejected in the first and second votes.Among them, Bukharin danced very happily, and took the lead in several oppositions.This is probably also one of the reasons why the line "Bukharin is a traitor" appeared later in "Lenin in October".

Lenin finally threatened to withdraw from the government and the Central Committee. Bukharin did not care about this, and Stalin did not waver.Trotsky disagreed with Lenin, but in order to prevent Lenin's resignation and the split of the party, his attitude changed.Under his influence, there were 4 abstentions.As a result, Lenin's proposition was adopted by 7 votes in favor, 4 abstentions, and 4 against.

On February 2, the Soviet Russian government resent a negotiating delegation to negotiate with Germany.

On March 3, the Brest Peace Treaty was officially signed.According to the contract, Soviet Russia ceded 3 million square kilometers of territory and paid 323 billion marks in compensation.Trotsky was dismissed as Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

After Germany was defeated, it signed an armistice agreement with the Allies on November 1918, 11. The Soviet Russian government immediately announced the abolition of the treaty on November 11, making the content of the treaty a dead letter.

Soviet Russia, which was the first to withdraw from the First World War, seized the precious time to complete the assembly of forces. Therefore, the Bolsheviks' vicious and decisive methods when eradicating the enemy also had a great relationship with the situation at that time.Of course, Chen Ke, who has studied this period of history, would not believe that Comrade Lenin really wanted to spit out the crap that Tsarist Russia invaded and occupied Chinese territory.

The People's Party has never paid attention to Russia because Chen Ke didn't know whether the October Revolution would break out. Now that the October Revolution broke out, Chen Ke would certainly not be so stupid as to believe Comrade Lenin's words.

"The Bolsheviks also believed in Marxism?" Comrades in the People's Party didn't understand the Bolsheviks very much. In fact, the People's Party had no time to talk to its neighbors in the north.

"Yes." Chen Ke replied, "There are some outstanding people in this political party."

To be called an outstanding person is already very remarkable, but to be defined as "out of the world" above an outstanding person is even more formidable.Especially since this was the evaluation made by the leader of the People's Party, the comrades at the plenary meeting of the Politburo of the People's Party Central Committee immediately cheered up.

"Chairman Chen, have you ever been to Russia?" You Gou couldn't help asking.

"I read Comrade Lenin's article, he is very powerful." Chen Ke replied lightly.The People's Party has connections with the Second International. Although the relationship is not good, the Second International has provided the People's Party with a lot of documents that can be made public.

"Then how do we deal with this matter in Russia?" You Gou continued to ask.

"I want to reach a good-neighborly and friendly relationship with Russia, but the premise is that China and Russia can restore the Nerchinsk Treaty. If possible, I still hope that the birthplace of our great poet Li Bai can return to the territory of China." Chen Ke is still Replied lightly.

The Central Committee of the People's Party did not misunderstand Chen Ke's attitude. Although everyone did not want to win Chen Ke's favor by observing words and deeds, everyone knew that the more lightly Chen Ke spoke, the more Chen Ke was full of heart. fierce.Everyone read it right, Chen Ke's eyes looked like he couldn't find the focus, and there was not even a trace of expression on his face.This is enough to prove that Chen Ke is also thinking about how to deal with the future situation.

This is also what comrades find Chen Ke very interesting. He seems to be able to enter an inexplicable state at any time. In that state, Chen Ke will look at the world with a vision that comrades cannot imagine.In this state, Chen Ke can even have a basically normal conversation with everyone.

"We don't have any troops to fight Russia right now. Even if we mobilize urgently, we can maintain at most 30 troops in the Northeast," Hua Xiongmao said.

"It's not time for the military to solve the problem yet." Chen Ke's eyes were still unfocused, but he still rejected Hua Xiongmao's suggestion.

"Then when will it be?" Hua Xiongmao asked.

This question finally made Chen Ke close his eyes. After a while, Chen Ke opened his eyes and looked at Hua Xiongmao with sharp eyes. It's better now. And just aiming at adding some trouble to Comrade Lenin, that's too much."

Even though they don't know exactly how Chen Ke plans to cause trouble for Comrade Lenin, the Central Committee of the People's Party already understands that how to deal with the Bolsheviks led by Comrade Lenin and Soviet Russia has already been set.

The People's Party has little experience in dealing with allies until now. After confirming that Comrade Lenin is a potential enemy, the comrades of the People's Party feel a lot easier.Zhang Yu asked: "Comrade Lenin's envoy has come to us, how should we treat it?"

Chen Ke replied: "Tell them that we have always opposed imperialist wars, but for the benefit of China, we cannot withdraw from the Allied Powers. This is a multi-faceted interest. I hope Comrade Lenin can understand our difficulties."

"Oh? You want to tell the truth to Comrade Lenin!" Zhang Yu immediately became interested.If the other party can really understand this, and can face the people's party's attitude in a realistic way..., he is really a great person.

Chen Tianhua frowned slightly, "But we, as a political party that believes in communism..."

"First of all, we must seek truth from facts." Chen Ke cut off Chen Tianhua's words. "Marxism first emphasizes materialism, and the first thing Marxism needs to liberate is the Marxists themselves. We should not be bound by empty theories, because we live in the In a material world. Revisionism is of course out of the question, but can socialism and even communism be achieved through metaphysics? The reason why socialism and communism are advanced is first of all because they are science, not religion.”

"Then how to explain the scientific nature of Marxism?" Chen Tianhua was very interested in this topic.

"The first characteristic of science is that it can be falsified. The essence of non-science lies not in whether it is correct or not, but in its unfalsifiability. So I said that mathematics and logic are non-science, because they do not need any experience to verify They. If we want to prove that socialism and democracy are a science, then we need to be able to prove that they can be falsified. There is a way to prove that they are wrong. If we can take these mistakes one by one Verify, then what is the rest? The rest is the correct method." Chen Ke couldn't help talking about these things that were too far from the topic, but as a guy who believed in Marxism-Leninism-Mao, Chen Ke couldn't help receiving Lenin Talk about these after the news.The example of the Soviet Union is too great, and it is too much for Chen Ke to let go of.If it weren't for Mao Zedong's vigorous elimination of the Soviet model in the party in history, God knows what bad results will happen in China.

But these words are too mysterious. As a political party that believes in Marxism, it wants to falsify Marxism. No matter how it sounds, it is suspected of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.The comrades looked at each other, very puzzled what Chen Ke meant.

Chen Tianhua said: "Chairman Chen, can you explain in simpler words?"

Chen Ke snorted coldly, and said loudly: "Tao can be Tao, but it is not eternal. Name can be named, but not eternal. The beginning of the unknown world is named, and the mother of all things is named. Therefore, you can always have no desire to observe its beauty; you can always have desire to observe It’s important. These two come from the same place but have different names, and they are both called Xuan. Xuan is also Xuan, the gate of all mysteries.”

This is the opening sentence of the "Tao Te Ching", which condenses the basic attitude of Chinese philosophy towards science and the world.It reads much more mysterious than the "Conjecture and Refutation" plagiarized by Chen Ke.

Chen Tianhua was able to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Dangkou, and he didn't have nothing to eat. When the other members were either frowning in thought, or simply dumbfounded, Chen Tianhua laughed and said: "I think it's a tool, and it's useful if it doesn't exist. When there is no room, there is a room for use. Therefore, it is beneficial to have it, and it is useful if it is not.”

"That's it. Marxism believes that truth in the world is relative and dialectical. We adhere to Marxism, and we insist on using theory to practice. We believe that productivity is the driving force for social development. What we believe is Labor creates man himself, and we have to learn the advanced parts of all cultures. However, we must not invite Marxism as a god, as a tablet. If we can't do it, we can't fight imperialism, let alone Lenin Comrade." After saying this, Chen Ke heaved a long sigh of relief as if exhaling poisonous gas.

When Chen Ke said this, even if comrades did not understand the classical Chinese, they had already fully understood Chen Ke's attitude. "On Contradiction" repeatedly stated that contradictions exist forever.Since the Bolsheviks led by Comrade Lenin came into contact with the People's Party, the moment such relations were established, contradictions already existed.What remains to be done is how to resolve old contradictions and meet new ones.In the eyes of Marxist revolutionaries, contradictions are all the truth of the world.At least that's what Chen Ke instilled in his comrades, and everything in the past has proved this fact.

"Then our recent work should focus on reducing social operating costs through transportation and infrastructure construction?" You Gou asked happily.The recent infrastruc- ture has paid off, and the unprecedented pressure on the steel and cement industries has allowed the BJP to fully recoup its investment in the large pulverizer project.Even if you don't measure the problem from the perspective of making money, wherever the railway and shipping go, the reduction of transaction costs has greatly promoted the development of labor everywhere.The development of the labor force driven by social needs has also promoted the social awareness of the local masses.This is a very simple reason. The masses know very well that there must be people from outside to buy things, and they can sell things that they could not sell originally. They must know who is going to buy their products.And most of all they hope that people outside will continue to come and buy their products.Through infrastructure construction such as railways, roads, and water transportation, more and more people finally have more connections with the government-led society.

When talking about economic issues, the Central Committee of the People's Party will definitely not be as ignorant as the National People's Congress. The industrial part of the government work report is still proposed by the National Defense Commission of Science and Technology.Yougou pointed to the map and said: "The coal-iron composite group in Northeast China, the coal-iron composite group from Beijing to Handan, the coal-iron composite group in Henan, the coal-iron composite group in the Yangtze River basin, and the coal-iron composite group near Zaozhuang. It has been laid out, and the construction results in the south have already been achieved. But now I still feel wrong about the coal-iron complex group here in Zhanjiang. Especially why should we build a coal-iron complex on Qiongzhou Island?"

Of course, Chen Ke would not tell Yougou that the high-quality iron ore on Hainan Island was proved when Japan invaded China, and he would not tell Yougou that the book "Lingao Qiming" on the Internet in the 21st Century is very useful for the development of Hainan Island. The yy.Chen Ke just asked, "Did you find the iron ore?"

"I found it, and the taste is good." You Gou replied.

"Then build it." Chen Ke replied.

You Gou laughed and said, "How can our industrial sector be afraid of investment? We are only afraid of insufficient investment, but the Ministry of Finance is scared out of its wits. Chairman Chen, you have to convince them."

"Is it still necessary for me to convince you? The globalization of our People's Party has at most radiated to a part of Southeast Asia. Our tentacles have just reached India. Except for raw silk and heavy chemical products, other products have not been able to enter Europe. I asked the Ministry of Finance , the Ministry of Finance said that most of the cost is now spent on transportation. Not even talking about these large trades, we can sell as much soda ash as we have. But we can’t produce steel for high-temperature and high-pressure equipment, which makes Americans earn money How much do we have? We have developed electroslag remelting technology for more than six years and spent countless sums of money. Now we can build reactors ourselves, and our understanding of the reactions of various slags has not improved a lot? The money is in the blink of an eye. earn it back.”

The Minister of Finance was very unconvinced when he heard Chen Ke criticize himself, "The war in Europe, oh, once the world war is over, the British and the French owe a lot of debt, the production capacity of the United States has skyrocketed, and Europe is in ruins. How do you look at the world?" The market is going to be in a period of depression. We have expanded our production scale to such an extent that it is no wonder that nothing happens."

"If you think that China after World War I is exactly the same as it is now and will not change, you are right. But the world is changing, and China is changing every day. The second industrial revolution is not over now, but It is in the ascendant." Chen Ke was very clear about the fear of China when it joined the WTO, and the result was that not only was China not killed by foreign countries, but it was China that killed foreign countries.The era that the People's Party is now facing is very similar to the situation facing New China in the 21st century.

In every link, China is a little behind the world, but this backwardness can be offset by labor-intensive industries and the industrial chain advantages of "the whole country plays a game of chess" possessed by the Chinese system.So China has nothing to fear.The question is whether China's industrial R&D can forcefully eliminate backward production methods and technologies as quickly as possible.Can China cultivate its own powerful enterprises and entrepreneurial spirit?

If all kinds of feudalism in the field of production cannot be eliminated, China will sooner or later fall into the ending of Europe and the Soviet Union.This is what Chen Ke is afraid of.As for the tragic situation in the development process, this is the normal state of social development.With Chen Kezai in the People's Party, this process can definitely be described as smooth sailing.

The Minister of Finance knew that Chen Ke couldn't be screwed, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind, "I can only give another [-] million, not even a penny more."

"Yes." Chen Ke replied.

You Gou just started to smile like a flower, when he heard Chen Ke continue to say: "The commercial bank loan issue discussed last time, and all the corporate credit rating methods, I think we can try it out with the [-] million yuan."

Hearing this, You Gou's face darkened immediately.At that time, the Minister of Finance immediately showed a big smile, and he quickly nodded violently, "That's the way! That's the way!"

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