Crimson Dawn

Chapter 220 Liberation War

He Zudao was familiar with most high-level political commissars. His job was to engage in political propaganda and ideological work. Generally speaking, when fleet political commissars approached He Zudao, he would always receive them.The political commissar was asked to sit down on the brown cushion fabric sofa in the office, and He Zudao began to listen to the complaints of the political commissar of the Yangtze River Fleet.After listening, He Zudao suggested: "I suggest you go to the new psychological counseling department and talk to them."

The political commissar became excited as if being scalded by a fire, "What? The department that catches criminals and lunatics?"

The People's Internal Affairs Committee is the first unit of the People's Party to create a psychology department, followed by the behavioral psychology department of the public security system. The coverage of this department and discipline soon surpassed the scope of these two powerful departments, and then there is discipline supervision Committees and various departments related to social behavior, but BJP comrades have a bad impression of these two departments.The original purpose of these two departments was to find all kinds of counter-revolutionaries and psychological maladjustments.From the perspective of comrades, it means catching criminals and lunatics.

"Look, look, you're not seeking truth from facts right now." He Zudao said with a smile: "Our core philosophy is to seek truth from facts, but it turns out that we need a suitable method to achieve truth from facts. This method is suitable for everyone. They are all different. Everyone has their own characteristics, so this department is organized to create this discipline.”

The political commissar knew that He Zudao was right, but he couldn't overcome his disgust towards the psychological counseling department.Turning his head away, the political commissar simply looked at the insignificant office.The office couldn't be simpler. Except for the new fabric sofa, all the tables, chairs and furniture in the house look like they have been used for a while. The cleanliness of this office is like that of a general political commissar.The only thing that can be called an ornament is the words "seeking truth from facts" hanging on the wall. [

There was really nothing in the room that could stimulate or comfort the political commissar, so the political commissar could only look back, "Political Commissar He, I think you must be better than that department."

He Zudao replied calmly, "You haven't investigated it, how do you know?"

The political commissar said hastily: "Every time I listen to you, I always feel my heart light up. Of course it's because you are doing better than those people."

He Zudao shook his head slightly, "That's because you heard my logic. Everything I said was based on my own personal logic to explain the truth from facts. If there is anything I said that can resonate with everyone, it is only Because I may have pointed out the truth of the matter. But the way I see the truth is only my own way. What is the use of seeing the result? To walk on that way, you must find your own way. How to find this way, I think the comrades in the psychological counseling department are more skilled and professional than me."

Speaking of this, He Zudao couldn't help laughing, "But let me make it clear first. Once psychoanalysis simply analyzes the psychology, it is the religion of Shenhan. Our psychology department only solves one problem. How can comrades be able to seek truth from facts? Treat the world, treat yourself. It’s not about making any inner confession, playing that kind of literati stuff that sighs.”

Hearing this, the political commissar was a little tempted, but this kind of tempting only happened for a moment, and the political commissar quickly abandoned this idea.Chen Ke never did any psychological counseling, He Zudao didn't do any psychological counseling, why did the political commissar do it?

"Political Commissar He, it would be better for you to talk to me," said the Political Commissar.

"That's fine." He Zudao replied. Instructing the political commissar to receive psychological counseling will only have side effects, and it is unlikely to have good psychological effects with a hostile attitude. He asked, "Saved How did you feel after that child?"

"Feeling?" The political commissar was a little surprised by this question. After hesitating for a moment, the political commissar replied, "I don't really care about that child. I just feel that I should do my best to do more things that are helpful to the revolution."

He Zudao continued to ask: "Then after hearing about the child's death, what do you think?"

"I'm very disappointed, I feel very disappointed." The political commissar's tone became a little excited, "I failed in this matter, and Commander Zhu Ting had predicted this outcome at the time. Even though I knew there was such a possibility at the time , but I still believe that such a thing will not happen. There are so many appendectomy operations in the base area without any problems, I actually think this kind of thing is impossible."

The original voice of the political commissar was still low, but after talking about it, his emotions were completely agitated.

He Zudao listened quietly, watching the political commissar getting more and more excited, but he didn't say a word.The psychological counseling department often learns from the political commissars at all levels. After discussion, the comrades think that it is very efficient to interrupt others and point out the wrong logic in the words.An army-like command system can have some effect in a short period of time.But if you really want to make people feel something, you must first let the other party continue the topic according to their own logic, and finally let him sum up his own logic.Any guy who can't be realistic will find his logic conflicting with the facts.

He Zudao listened quietly, and sure enough, the political commissar gradually showed this tendency.After some talking, the contradictions in the political commissar's heart converged on two main points. The effort to save the child failed, and this failure could have been avoided.Since there has been a failure, there must be someone responsible, and the political commissar's inner law determines the responsible person.He Zudao is not sure for the time being, who the political commissar thinks should bear the greater responsibility between himself and the fleet commander Zhu Yao.

When the political commissar couldn't continue, He Zudao said, "Do you think the child's mother did something wrong?"

The political commissar nodded reflexively, then frowned and shook his head, "Political commissar He, I thought there was something wrong with the child's mother. If she had followed the doctor's orders, the child would probably not have died. But now I I feel that even if the mother of the child listened to the doctor's advice, the child may die after the operation. I think there is something unclear in this, but I think Commander Zhu Yao's attitude towards the masses is too indifferent. It’s not at all the sentiment that a member of the People’s Party should have.”

"Then what do you think Commander Zhu Yao did wrong?" He Zudao continued to lead the topic down.

The voice of the political commissar was raised a lot, "Commander Zhu Yao thinks that he must either complete the process, or take whatever step he has reached. He only sees what to do, and doesn't care about the result at all."

For such severe accusations, He Zudao remained silent.It is perfectly normal to encounter such questions and confusions in political work. In fact, most political disputes revolve around such issues. [

After the political commissar’s high-profile criticism of Zhu Yao, the tone dropped a bit, “But the facts have proved that Commander Zhu Yao’s judgment on the future is correct. Unless I disobey the order of the Military Commission, otherwise things can only develop like this. Even if I say something, the current The fact is that Commander Zhu Yao was right. So I can't figure this out."

He Zudao continued to listen quietly. He should have kept silent until now, but He Zudao couldn't help but think about whether the psychological counseling system should be enforced.The political commissar said that it took more than half an hour at this time, and He Zudao originally thought that the reception time would be half an hour at most.However, professional psychological counselors have enough time to solve these problems.

But since it started, He Zudao had to try his best to solve the problem.So he went on silent.

The idea of ​​the political commissar can no longer continue. He has actually discovered the problem himself. He believes that everyone has a responsibility to bear, but he dare not blame the people or the Military Commission, let alone blame the priority. System of military missions.But the child is innocent, and the disappearance of such a life should not have happened.The political commissar at least doesn't want to blame the disease. When the people can't find the person responsible, they often give the responsibility to the germs with no thinking ability.After all, the political commissar has learned medical knowledge. If he does the same, what is the difference from the feudal superstition that believes in the supernatural power of "Plague God"?

With all kinds of thoughts mixed together, the political commissar felt that he had figured out the main points, but fell into more confusion.Simply admitting that Zhu Yao's ruthless approach was right would be a solution, but the political commissar just doesn't want to admit this kind of thinking. If you have no sense of human life, you just use a so-called "scientific" perspective to understand the world , the political commissar absolutely cannot admit that it is a revolution.

Seeing that the political commissar's round of thinking was finally over, He Zudao asked, "Do you think it's wrong for the child to die?"

"Yes." The political commissar replied simply.

"Then I hope you will do the following work and re-formulate this action plan based on what you think is the right way of thinking. Is it possible?" He Zudao said.

"Okay." The political commissar replied.

He Zudao nodded, "And this discussion will also become a typical case for us, and we will conduct a comprehensive discussion in the training of the Political Department in the future. So you have to cooperate with the psychological counseling department to conduct psychological analysis."

The political commissar was stunned, "This..."

"This is an order." He Zudao did not give the political commissar a chance to refute. The execution of the orders of the Political Department is not weaker than that of the military department, and the orders of the superiors are more coercive to the subordinates.

He Zudao also felt sorry for sending away the political commissar of the Yangtze River Fleet.Adhering to the attitude of seeking truth from facts will bring a lot of pain to people. If one can really achieve the realm of seeking truth from facts, then it is probably the realm of God.In fact, the official name of the psychological department established by the People's Party is "Human Behavior Research Center", and its research direction is "seeking truth from facts", so most of the first batch of research results are "anti-common sense".

The sharpest example is the characteristics of human thinking. The latest hypothesis holds that human cognition is a process in which "thinking combines observed fragments into coherence with imagination".Even if this hypothesis is still problematic, it is even "incomplete".But its core is that it is impossible for human beings to have a comprehensive determination of every movement link due to the observation and analysis ability of human beings. The basis of all cognition is various fragments and fragments. Even with the help of various instruments and devices, it can only be approached to a limited extent. Facts, but the exact facts cannot be portrayed.

Such a cognition alone caused a huge sensation in the discussion, and everyone believed that what they saw was real.But this theory is based on the factual basis of materialism to prove that it is impossible for human beings to see the real now.This shakes common sense in the first place.

Fortunately, the philosophy of the People's Party is Marxism and materialism. Relative truth and absolute truth have been repeatedly talked about in political classes, which finally did not cause confusion.But how to guide everyone's actions based on this scientific attitude will make the heads of comrades who study theory explode.

More importantly, the group of "psychopaths" in the Human Behavior Research Department also coldly raised another very real question, "Even if you are willing to accept the attitude of seeking truth from facts, you will still encounter so many problems. So why do you feel pain? How do we persuade those who choose not to accept the truth to go through a great deal of pain to face the truth?"

Although Zhou Shuren did not participate in this ethological discussion, he wrote an article as if he had a telepathy, which mentioned in the form of answering:

"Suppose an iron house is completely ruined and impossible to destroy. There are many sleeping people in it. They will soon be suffocated to death. However, they don't feel the sorrow of death when they go from sleep to death. Now you shout, Do you think you are doing them a favor by rousing a few more sober people and causing this unfortunate few to suffer a salvageable deathbed?"

"However, since a few people got up, you can't say that there is absolutely no hope of destroying the iron house."

Yes, although I have my own conviction, but when it comes to hope, I can't erase it, because hope lies in the future, and I must not convince him that it is possible with the proof of my necessity.

Because of this article and Zhou Shuren's medical professional background, the Human Behavior Research Center simply sent an invitation letter to Zhou Shuren to hire him as a researcher. [

Leaving aside the issue of the "Human Behavior Research Center" recruiting troops everywhere, deeper discussions about the "mass line" gradually emerged.Originally, many people believed that "people are born different" based on experience, but now they gradually have more material research foundations.Due to the tolerance of science and the system within the People's Party, some comrades simply raised the issue of "self-reform initiative".

People's Party members have all been tested, or in other words, birds of a feather flock together. This group of people has a certain degree of initiative. If we simply equate the initiative of these people with the strong initiative of everyone , is obviously an unscientific cognition.

If you make a fairly narrow judgment, there will be a "paradox". The process of seeking truth from facts will bring about "a great increase in the success rate based on the pursuit of different interests", so is seeking truth from facts itself a kind of success?Does not this become the cause of the reverse effect?

Similarly, if the discussion is based on the nature of the world, there is another problem of combining the theory and practice of social transformation, how to promote the "advance" of human beings?How to treat someone if they feel able to accept the situation they are in.

The most important thing is that someone proposed to define "ruling class" and "ruler" "on the basis of science".This undoubtedly opened a very troublesome door.

Compared with the ideological confusion caused by these people's theoretical turmoil, the troubles of the political commissar of the Yangtze River Fleet are nothing at all.As the general political commissar, He Zudao himself could not even simply study these ideas to the comrades in the party. After all, in terms of ideological work practice, the political commissars are responsible.

Many comrades with firm revolutionary ideas believe that what the revolution wants to build is an equal world.So if the theoretical department came up with a theoretical basis that "people are born completely unequal", the consequences would be completely subversive.

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