Crimson Dawn

Chapter 221 Liberation War

Political Commissar He Zudao has to pay attention to the development of political and socialist theories, as well as the application of theories in practice, but obscure and "anti-common sense" theories have never been the focus of most people's attention.Although the complexity of the theory gave him a headache, the system construction needed to integrate theory with practice made He Zudao realize that his own ability is really not enough to build such a system.However, since everyone lives in the material world, all actions must accept the laws of the material world.

Marching into Sichuan required land and water cooperation. After three days of talking with He Zudao, the political commissar of the Yangtze River Fleet came to see He Zudao seriously again. He frankly admitted that he could not formulate a "correct plan" at all.After reflection, the political commissar realized that it was the biggest mistake to let the vanguard take on tasks beyond its capabilities.So after carefully analyzing your own mistakes, the political commissar should not use his own affairs as an example if he asks for nothing.

No one wants to be ashamed in front of everyone, He Zudao can understand the thoughts of the political commissar very well.In the military plan of the Military Commission to enter Sichuan, the expanded Yangtze River Fleet undertakes important tasks of transporting troops and materials.It is not a good way to put pressure that the political commissar of the Yangtze River Fleet cannot bear.However, He Zudao still rejected the request of the political commissar.This kind of example may not be enough now, but it will be a very typical case in the future.

He Zudao said: "I will try to extract the core contradiction of this matter, so you don't have to worry too much. Never mention any names, and try to weaken the specific facts that are easy to associate. But this case is very typical."

The political commissar looked helpless, and He Zudao felt very sympathetic, but there was nothing he could do.The reality is like this, "Threesomes must have my teacher, choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones." This has been said for thousands of years, but most people who read this are laughing at others. The way to obtain their own satisfaction, to create a false imagination of "I have the ability, I am better than others".This is also one of the many practical instructions of the "Human Behavior Research Center".Although these guidances really confront the dark side of the human heart, they are quite scientific, at least they are very experienced and inductive.But He Zudao can accept this fact, but he doesn't like this fact. [

However, regardless of personal thoughts, the People's Party's military operations into Sichuan have not stopped.In history, as long as a few natural dangers can be broken through and troops can be transported to a few key points, the local regime in Sichuan will basically be destroyed very quickly.The People's Party did not focus on land this time. The action of blowing up Yanyudui made all kinds of forces in the Fengjie area terrified.After blowing up Yanyudui, the water troops of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army could move up the river. After thousands of marine troops landed, Chongqing almost surrendered without a fight.

The remaining important area is Chengdu. The Revolutionary Army of Workers and Peasants dispatched a large number of small boats of about 300 tons to transport the troops across the waters from Yibin to Leshan.With the preparatory work of the advance fleet, it took less than a month to seize several strategic locations along the Yangtze River in Sichuan.

Liberating mountainous areas is not an easy job, you can take your time.Starting from June [-]st, the People's Party, mainly based on the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, hired a large number of local people in Chengdu to carry out emergency repair work on Dujiangyan, which had not been maintained for a long time.

For thousands of years, Sichuan has used bamboo cages made of bamboo tendons to fill a large number of stones, and used such materials to repair Dujiangyan.The weir body of the ancient bamboo cage structure was not stable under the impact of the rapids of the Minjiang River, and the Inner River channel could not avoid siltation even though it had a sediment discharge mechanism.Dujiangyan therefore needs to be refurbished on a regular basis in order for it to function effectively.In the Song Dynasty, a system of annual repairs was established in the winter and spring when the water was dry and the farm was slack, which was called "Chuan Tao".During the annual repair, the weir body is repaired and the river channel is deeply cleaned.The depth of cleaning the beach shall be based on the excavation of the stone horse buried at the bottom of the beach, and the height of the weir shall be equal to the water on the rock wall on the opposite bank.

The People's Party actually wants to protect Dujiangyan in June when the flood season is approaching. The local people in Chengdu think that the People's Party is too reckless.However, the machinery and equipment transported by steel ships with thick smoke spraying from the chimneys opened the eyes of the local people in Chengdu.Steel plates, steel bars, cement, iron wires, bamboo bars made from processed "moso" bamboo purchased locally, as well as generators, steam engines, and winches.The hired masses are only doing auxiliary work, and the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army has undertaken the heaviest and most dangerous work.And most of these jobs are done by machines that keep roaring.

On June [-]th, the emergency repair work in Dujiangyan was completed.The newly established "Government of Sichuan Province" of the Republic presided over the ceremony of opening the gates and waterproofing.The hoist slowly pulled up the sluice made of riveted steel plates, and the water of the Minjiang River rolled in, continuing to irrigate the [-] mu of fertile fields on the horizontal plain.

On July [-], the Anlan Bridge was reinforced with steel columns and steel bars, canceling the expensive bridge toll.At the same time, taking advantage of the geographical conditions of Feishayan on Dujiangyan, a simple cable bridge was built with materials such as steel columns and iron chains, and no bridge tolls were charged.At this moment, the people near Chengdu immediately praised the "new government".

It is not even necessary to formulate a special strategy. Chinese history has long recorded the next expansion strategy if Bashu is controlled.That is Hanzhong.There is an idiom called Delong Wangshu, which is what Cao Cao said after he defeated Zhang Lu and felt that he could not complete the attack on Bashu strategically.However, it didn't take long for Liu Bei to send troops from Bashu to capture Hanzhong.After capturing Hanzhong, you can send troops from Hanzhong to march into "Guanzhong", that is, Shaanxi.

At this time, the People's Party already owned Henan and controlled Shan County.Duan Qirui, who fled to Shanxi, not only controlled Shanxi, but also controlled Shaanxi, Ningxia and other places to a certain extent.For this last enemy, the Military Commission can now even point out the country by just drawing a map.

"To attack Shanxi, you don't even need to go through the Taihang Baxing. It is also possible to fight all the way from Inner Mongolia."

"To attack Shaanxi, you can go to Tongguan from Shanxian County, and go to Hanzhong the other way. If the two sides attack, Duan Qirui will be difficult to care about both ends. It will be a situation of catching a turtle in a urn."

"This is not two routes, at least five routes. Inner Mongolia, Hebei, and Hanzhong are three routes, and Henan soldiers enter Shanxi and Shaanxi in two routes."

If Duan Qirui heard the discussion of the Revolutionary Committee of the Central Committee of the People's Party, his nose would probably be crooked.The main point of the discussion turned out to be marching rather than fighting.The comrades of the Military Commission indeed considered this way. If the advance can be guaranteed, the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army will smash them wherever the Beiyang remnants intercept the attack. This is a natural consideration of the comrades.

Chen Ke didn't care too much about how to eliminate Duan Qirui. He considered more far-reaching issues, "Tibet, Xinjiang, and Outer Mongolia. These areas are the most difficult challenges we face. These areas have rugged roads, difficult supplies, and more involved to the question of reclaiming the land."

It is very easy to open a map. If you sit in a comfortable conference room and chat while drinking tea, it is even a great pleasure to open a map.But the troops on the front line were completely different. Tibet had a plateau climate and poor supply conditions. If they wanted to go to Xinjiang, they had to go through the Gobi Desert outside Lanzhou.As for Outer Mongolia, where the former Golden Family of Inner Mongolia exiled criminals, if the climate was really pleasant and the water and grass were abundant, that place would never be regarded as a place of exile.As for places such as Nerchinsk, which is further north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, the climate is even harsher than that in the Northeast.What the soldiers of the army have to face is by no means an easy and glorious march.

Chen Ke briefly explained the situation to the comrades, and the faces of the comrades who were inexplicably excited because they wanted to recover the main areas of China also calmed down.The reason why the frontier is a frontier is because the environment in those places is indeed too harsh compared with the Central Plains.

The People's Party overhauled the railway, dredged shipping, built ships, and passed the "difficult to go to the blue sky" Shu Road with minimal resistance. This fact has indeed made comrades a lot duller about difficulties.

This time, the commanders of the major military regions in the north also came back to attend the meeting. Chai Qingguo did not speak at first, but when everyone fell silent for a while, he suggested: "I think it is better to make full use of the expanded Beijing-Suizhou Railway and liberate the Inner Mongolia, then march into Outer Mongolia."

"What about Duan Qirui?" Hua Xiongmao asked. [

Chai Qingguo replied: "Back then Zhang Liang was able to disperse Xiang Yu's [-] disciples by playing the flute. I think it would be good to recruit Duan Qirui."

"Surrender Duan Qirui? I don't think so." Hua Xiongmao was very skeptical about this.

Chai Qingguo replied with a smile: "If Duan Qirui does not surrender, his subordinates may not be willing to die with Duan Qirui. Now many Beiyang soldiers who fled to Shanxi with Duan Qirui have sneaked back to Hebei. As long as the propaganda is effective, I don't think the soldiers of the Beiyang Army are that determined."

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