Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 162 Lead the snake out of the hole

If you want to destroy Zhuanghe's guards, you will inevitably offend the Japanese. Looking at the generals under your command, only Zhang Tinglan is capable of dealing with the Japanese, and the combat effectiveness of Zhang Tinglan's soldiers has been verified in actual combat. The party has more than enough.

Zhang Zuolin nodded: "Zhuoyan, this time you will lead a regiment over there, and let Linge follow you, and you can discuss things more."

Lao Zhang also sent Yang Yuting out, and asked his two most cutting-edge generals to handle the matter together. It can be seen that Lao Zhang attaches great importance to it. Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting rushed to prepare.

The independent brigade has been approved for expansion. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, large-scale recruitment of recruits will begin, and the adjustment of the establishment has already begun.The heavy artillery battalion originally hung under the independent brigade was transferred by Lao Zhang and became Zhang Zuolin's direct unit. As the most powerful artillery in Fengtian, it was only natural that Lao Zhang personally manage it.

According to the plan, an artillery regiment will be set up under the garrison division, with a total of three battalions, each with twelve 75mm artillery.At present, Fengjun's family background is not enough, there are only two battalions under the artillery regiment, but Lao Zhang has promised that all the artillery sent by Yuan Shikai will be handed over to the guard division this time, so that the artillery regiment will be complete.

For this battle, Zhang Tinglan dispatched an artillery battalion in order to strengthen the firepower for a quick victory, and at the same time to deal with possible Japanese intervention.In addition, Zhang Zuoxiang handed over the sniper platoon to Zhang Tinglan. These sharpshooters are becoming more and more mature and can often play unexpected roles.

When all the troops and supplies were ready, Lao Zhang called Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting over again.

"The situation in front of us is complicated, do you have a plan?"

"Commander, Zhuoyan and I have discussed it. Every crisis brings an opportunity. Take advantage of it. We can achieve the goal of killing many birds with one stone. We can severely damage Fengtian's revolutionary party forces and cut off the Japanese tentacles. We can also take this opportunity to show our loyalty to Yuan Shikai, we are sincerely dealing with the nurses, and let Lao Yuan give more benefits. In addition, we can also take this opportunity to send troops to the East Road, and take the East Road into our own hands. hands."

No matter what the banner of the Revolutionary Party is, they have been funded by the Japanese and have become a card in the hands of the Japanese. They can only play a role in disturbing the public order in Fengtian, so they must be severely punished.Completely destroying this card is abolished, which is also the main purpose of Zhang Tinglan's challenge.

Yuan Shikai was at the end of his life, his oil was exhausted, and he couldn't squeeze out much.But Fengtian's guards appeared, at least giving Fengjun a delay in sending troops.Opportunity to ask for benefits.Let Lao Yuan continue to believe in Feng Jun's loyalty.It can also block the mouths of other Beiyang high-level officials.

It is best to let Lao Yuan trust Zhang Zuolin until Lao Yuan dies. With this kind of love, Zhang Zuolin will have an extra card when he bargains with Beiyang again.

In fact, among these three points, Lao Zhang values ​​the third point the most.The idea of ​​restricting Ma Longtan has always been hidden in Zhang Zuolin's heart. As a sworn brother, Zhang Zuolin knows Ma Longtan very well, and even respects him a little.

It is different from reckless characters like Zhang Zuolin.Ma Longtan was born in a wealthy family, capable of writing and martial arts, excellent calligraphy, strict military management, and very popular among the people.Although Lao Zhang knew that Ma Longtan was not keen on fame and fortune, and would not jump out to fight for power and profit with him like Feng Delin, such a big brother also made Zhang Zuolin extremely jealous, and regarded it as a big threat to his throne as the governor.

If he could take advantage of the opportunity in front of him to let his subordinates break into the interior of Dongbian Dao and shake the foundation of Ma Longtan, it would be a dream. Zhang Zuolin was very happy, and the two subordinates were clear-headed, so he could rest assured.

"You go ahead and do it, and I will back you up in Fengtian."

Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting bid farewell to Lao Yuan immediately, and led the army to secretly go to Fengcheng. Zhang Tinglan has always attached great importance to intelligence work. After the army has not been mobilized, he has already inquired about detailed information, and now information is coming in one after another.

"Ling Ge, He Tianjiong brought 20 yen to Zhuanghe and contacted the local revolutionary party Gu Renyi. They have already used the money to start recruiting. It is said that the number of people gathered exceeded 1000."

"I haven't heard much about He Tianjiong, but Gu Renyi is quite famous. In the year of [-], he was the one who took the lead in rebelling against the Manchus outside the customs, and the entire Zhuanghe area was occupied by him. Later, Lan Tianwei came to the three eastern provinces, He wanted to take over the dominant power in the three eastern provinces without bloodshed, but he was calculated by the general and forced Lan Tianwei away by force. Gu Renyi and those who defected to the revolutionary party also lost their chance. Gu Renyi has been aggrieved for many years , I want to find a chance to make a comeback."

Yang Yuting talked about the old events of the [-] Revolution, and Zhang Tinglan also knew about this passage. Lan Tianwei and other revolutionaries wanted to get Fengtian, and then sent troops from outside the pass to attack Huanglong.

The plan is good, but without strength, everything is a dream. Lao Zhang resolutely led the army to support Governor Zhao Erxun, drove away Lan Tianwei, and the revolutionary party had no leader, so nothing could happen.

It's just that they are unwilling to be lonely, and they will jump out whenever there is a slight disturbance, shouting slogans loudly, but whether it is to save the country or to disrupt the country, everyone has an account in mind.

"Ling Ge, looking at the behavior of the Revolutionary Party for many years, it is a professional rebellion gang. They rebelled during the Manchu Qing Dynasty. When Yuan Shikai came, they still want to make rebellion, and they will not stop for a moment!"

"Zhuoyan, from your tone, you are very repulsive to the Revolutionary Party, but young people support the Revolutionary Party's ideas. There are not a few people who worship Sun Wen and others, thinking that he can save China."

"Linge, needless to say anything else, the relationship between Sun Wen and the Japanese proves that he can't save the country, he can only disrupt the country. The Japanese are eyeing China covetously and want to devour it. Anyone with a discerning eye knows this. The Japanese They are not fools, can they support a person who can lead China to become stronger?"

Yang Yuting said with a smile: "Zhuoyan looks at the problem from a strange angle, but it also makes sense. Every time Sun Wen failed, he went into exile in Japan. With the support of the Japanese, he made a comeback again and again. It seems that he is really in the hands of Japan. a card from

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with using foreign power. Our Fengtian development must also rely on the power of foreigners. It's just that the Revolutionary Party blindly relies on Japan, but does not think about independence. What I don't like the most is that the Revolutionary Party only knows how to destroy, but not how to build. Democracy cannot be exchanged for strength, and republic cannot be exchanged for steamed buns. In the final analysis, if the country is to be strong and the people rich, it is necessary to develop industry, strengthen education, promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages, and rectify the administration of officials. The Revolutionary Party does not have any of these practical tasks. Do it, just rely on slogans, and fool the passionate young people, they are not making a revolution, but killing their lives for money."

Zhang Tinglan's argument is actually exactly the same as what he said at Peking University. The core is two words: hard work!Originally, Yang Yuting was more or less inclined to the Revolutionary Party and agreed with some of their propositions, but now he is quite emotional after hearing what Zhang Tinglan said.

There is not much value in what you say, the key is to see what you do. Sun Wen opened his mouth and said that there is a 20-kilometer railway. Demonstrate the route of each railway, weigh various options, and choose the best.

In fact, China's mountainous terrain determines that it cannot build unlimited railways like the United States. Even in later generations, the railway mileage has not reached 20 kilometers.

While marching, Yang Yuting discussed various issues with Zhang Tinglan. The more he talked, the more Yang Yuting admired Zhang Tinglan. A young man under the age of 20 can calm down, do things down-to-earth, and not be fooled by those fancy slogans. .

The tacit understanding between the two people also continued to increase, and soon they came to Fengcheng, and Ma Longtan also received a telegram from Zhang Zuolin. The old man was very unhappy, and when he saw Zhang Tinglan, he said, "Yuting doesn't trust me as a big brother." Well, a few revolutionaries can't afford to cause trouble, so is there any need to send troops from Fengtian?"

Looking at Ma Longtan's attitude, Zhang Tinglan knew that although he was known as a man of intelligence and martial arts, his mind had not kept up with the times, and he couldn't see clearly the dangers of the Revolutionary Party.

"Guardian envoy, Yu Shuai got the information that the revolutionary party has already got the support of the Japanese. Once there is a disturbance, the whole Liaodong will be unstable, so we are asked to come to help." Yang Yuting explained hastily.

Ma Longtan's brows were still frowning, and he said: "That may not be the case. Many people in the Revolutionary Party are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and their methods are different, but they are all for the good of the country. Moreover, Yuan Shikai's perverse actions are indeed unpopular and unavoidable. There will be objections."

"Little nephew has a different opinion. As the saying goes, whoever eats, he will turn to whomever. The revolutionary party has taken money from the Japanese and will do things for the Japanese. This is a matter of course. You have been fighting with the Japanese for so long. Hand it over, have they done anything good?"

Ma Longtan has a straightforward temperament, and he can still listen to advice. He stroked his long beard, pondered constantly, and then asked, "Have the revolutionaries really colluded with the Japanese?"

"It's absolutely true. He Tianjiong just came back from Japan, holding a lot of Japanese yen bills in his hand, and is recruiting troops. There are nearly a thousand people under his command."

"Since this is the case, it should indeed be wiped out. Do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Tinglan wanted to pass the map, spread it in front of Ma Longtan, pointed to Dalian and Lushun, and then pointed to Zhuanghe and other places.

"Have you ever noticed that the Japanese support the Revolutionary Party to make trouble in Zhuanghe, in fact, they are extending their influence beyond Luda. After Zhuanghe is Yingkou and Dandong, this is a step-by-step encroachment on the entire Liaodong Peninsula. In the near In Luda area, there is already a very strong revolutionary party force. I think it is best to take the method of luring the snake out of the hole, so that the revolutionary party that is usually hidden in the dark will jump out, and then encircle and wipe out the Japanese in one fell swoop. Only in this way can the Japanese claws be cut off .” (To be continued..)

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