Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 163 Bloody Suppression

Hearing Zhang Tinglan's introduction, Ma Longtan said unhappily, "Zhuoyan, is this Yuting's plan?"

"No, it was agreed between Chief of Staff Yang and I."

"The murderous intent is too strong. You must keep a line in everything. The same is true for the Revolutionary Party. You young people may not understand it, but I have seen it too much. Now the Southern Revolutionary Party is victorious. If they really replace Lao Yuan, it will be natural. He will settle accounts with us, why set up a mortal enemy, just defeat it."

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Ma Longtan suppressed the actions of the revolutionary party many times, and even killed many revolutionaries, but he was getting older and older, and the Confucianism and the mean in his bones were gaining the upper hand, and the future situation of China How, no one can tell, so he is unwilling to kill, and it is precisely because of his idea that the revolutionary party can continue to grow.

Zhang Tinglan has always believed that some things can be compromised and tolerated, and some things are absolutely not negotiable. The Revolutionary Party's attempt to riot in Fengtian and mess up the old nest is beyond Zhang Tinglan's red line and is absolutely unforgivable.

"My nephew thinks that to eradicate all evils, weeds must be eradicated. The revolutionaries and the Japanese side are unclear. As long as there are remaining forces, chaos may occur at any time. The place is uneasy, and Fengtian will not be able to develop the economy. I think decisive action must be taken. , would rather kill by mistake than let it go!"

Ma Longtan saw that Zhang Tinglan insisted on his own opinion, and the old man was also a little unhappy. Originally, Zhang Zuolin sent troops to Fengcheng, and he was very dissatisfied. Can't you?

In the end, he still didn't trust him and wanted to seize his power. Thinking of this, Ma Longtan felt very unhappy: "Zhuoyan, since you think the matter is serious, then let you handle it. I'll let the local government cooperate with you."

After Ma Longtan finished speaking, he picked up his teacup and made a gesture of seeing off guests. Zhang Tinglan and Yang Yuting had no choice but to say goodbye. Ah, the envoy Ma is not welcome."

"Ningge, welcome is secondary. What I'm worried about is Ma Longtan's attitude. Dongbian Road is next to North Korea, and the southernmost point is Luda. It happens to be surrounded by Japanese forces, and it is also the most serious Japanese infiltration. The area. However, the vigilance of Malongtan is insufficient, and there will be other hidden dangers in the area."

As if to prove Zhang Tinglan's judgment.Just when they returned to the barracks.A staff officer sent news that there was a large-scale riot in the Xiuyan area near Fengcheng. The hungry people smashed and looted grain stores and major warehouses, with a scale of several thousand people.

After receiving the news, Yang Yuting said with a stern expression: "Zhuoyan, there is civil unrest at such a time. It always makes people feel uneasy."

Zhang Tinglan was also alert, they took out the map, Zhang Tinglan pointed with her finger: "Linge, Xiuyan is adjacent to Fengcheng on one side and Zhuanghe on the other. The location is very important. If there is a problem here, it will affect the to the whole of Liaodong."

"That's right, if it's pure civil unrest, it's easy to deal with, as long as you appease it. If there is a revolutionary party behind it, it will be really troublesome."

Yang Yuting's worries are not unreasonable. Although the revolutionary parties in the past were full of enthusiasm, their strategies were too poor and they were often only reckless, so they were not difficult to deal with.But this time they were not in a hurry to start a riot. If they knew how to instigate civil unrest to attract Fengjun's attention, it would prove that the Revolutionary Party's behavior style had changed, and it was worth being more careful.

"Humble words, I suggest that we take the initiative to go to Xiuyan to solve the civil unrest, and then use Xiuyan as the base camp to find out the situation of the revolutionary party first, and then seize the opportunity to eliminate them in one fell swoop. As for Fengcheng, there is a heavy army in Malongtan Keep guard, there should be no problem."

Zhang Tinglan agreed to Yang Yuting's proposal, and asked Ma Longtan to resign the next day, and went to Xiuyan to solve the civil unrest. Ma Longtan was also happy to send them away, so he sent his staff officer Zhao Pei to follow and help them coordinate the relationship between all parties. .

Zhang Tinglan led the army on a starry night, and went straight to Xiuyan.Xiuyan is located in the middle of the Liaodong Peninsula, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, especially famous for its rich Xiuyan jade.

After entering Xiuyan territory, Zhang Tinglan felt something was wrong. It seemed that the common people here were very resistant to the army. Since the establishment of the Independent Brigade, the discipline was very good. Your resentment is not welcome at all!

"Mr. Zhang, Xiuyan is different from other places." Zhao Pei said with a wry smile: "Xiuyan jade is famous all over the world. The Qing government sent a large number of garrisons. Up to now, more than [-]% of Xiuyan are Manchus. Our Han army is against it, so when you come to Xiuyan to do business, you must be careful not to cause trouble."

"Trouble? The Manchu nobles have turned the world into a mess. It's good that we didn't trouble them. If we dare to make trouble, we are looking for death."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tinglan looked at Zhao Pei again, and then asked: "Officer Zhao, how many people have caused troubles in Xiuyan in recent years? How are they dealt with?"

As soon as Zhao Pei heard Zhang Tinglan's words, he knew that the young head of the regiment was very murderous, and he didn't dare to hide anything, so he could only tell the truth: "Ordinary Manchus are fine, and they are not much different from us Han people. The nobles are all yellow belts and red belts from the former Qing Dynasty, they are very restless, I heard that they all joined some kind of social party."

As soon as Zhang Tinglan heard the word Zongshe Party, his head buzzed, and he immediately knew that things were going to be bad, and a trace of horror flashed in Yang Yuting's eyes.Both of them knew very well that the Revolutionary Party and the Japanese were inextricably linked, and the Zongsha Party was supported by the Japanese.

Now the Zhuanghe Revolutionary Party is contacting everywhere, and most of the Zongsha Party will join it. In addition, there are Japanese instigation behind it. Once it breaks out, it will definitely be a big trouble.

"Consultant Zhao, since Xiuyan has Zongshi Party activities, why didn't the guard Ma take decisive action? Just a while ago, Fengtian arrested Shanqi and Shengyun. These people are determined to restore the monarchy, and there is no good thing. How can we let them mess around?"

Facing Zhang Tinglan's questioning, Zhao Pei looked embarrassed and hesitated to say anything.When Zhang Tinglan saw Zhao Pei's appearance, he also guessed the reason. It was probably because Ma Longtan deliberately waterproofed it.

These old people who came from the Qing Dynasty all believed that they were deeply favored by the Qing Dynasty.Thinking of a piece of incense and affection, so he condoned the activities of the Socialist Party in every possible way.Take Shanqi and Shengyun as an example. After Zhang Tinglan captured them and squeezed them dry, they were sent to Beijing. Many officials of the Beiyang government interceded. After a delay, the two guys were released again.

This is true of Yuan Shikai, let alone Ma Longtan.In fact, this is also Zhang Tinglan's poor history. During Yuan Shikai's accession to the throne, the Zongsha Party was supported by the Japanese.Actively expanding the army, some people in the Japanese government and the opposition want to take advantage of this opportunity to instigate Manchurian independence.

Only after Lao Yuan died, the Japanese changed course and supported Zhang Zuolin.Man Lili was suppressed.But the situation is different now, because of Zhang Tinglan.Zhang Zuolin did not completely fall to Japan.On the contrary, it is still softly resisting Japan, restricting Japan's expansion of power everywhere.

Therefore, many people in the ruling and opposition parties in Japan advocated using the Zongsha Party to launch riots and split the three eastern provinces.

Although Zhang Tinglan didn't know this period of history, he was very clear that the current situation was very bad, not just the revolutionaries.The Socialist Party also joined in, so the army was ordered to march faster.After they walked out for more than a day, another news came that there were five or six thousand hungry people.During the siege of the Xiuyan County Government, a large number of police guards were injured or even killed. The situation was almost out of control.

"Linge, Staff Officer Zhao and I rushed to Xiuyan immediately with the vanguard, and you followed with a large army. At the same time, you must report the situation to the commander and let him be prepared. If there is trouble in southern Liaoning, let him immediately Send troops to support."

Yang Yuting also knew the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly said: "Humble words, heavy codes are used in troubled times. At this time, you must be ruthless." Zhang Tinglan also nodded in agreement.

Zhao Pei also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he hurriedly led the way. Zhang Tinglan led three hundred soldiers and a sniper platoon, each with two horses, and rushed to Xiuyan County.

After running for a day, Xiuyan County finally appeared in front of him. Zhang Tinglan rushed into the city regardless of the lack of people and horses. The rifle is not a regular army at first glance.

They saw Zhang Tinglan rushing over with the cavalry, and one of the pawns jumped out and blocked Zhang Tinglan's way.

"Which unit do you belong to? Stop quickly and don't enter Xiuyan!"

"Yes, you corrupt officials just want to rob us of food, but you are not allowed to enter."

These gangsters are even more arrogant than the regular army, Zhang Tinglan's face is gloomy, judging from the current situation, it is not known whether Xiuyan has fallen into the hands of these gangsters, but Zhang Tinglan will not be polite.

He waved his hand behind him, and suddenly the gunshot rang out. Tian Mu shot the leader off the sky cover. At a distance of dozens of steps, this group of people stood still again. It was too easy to shoot them, and soon These guys have all turned into corpses.

Zhang Tinglan rushed into Xiuyan with his soldiers. At this time, Xiuyan County was in chaos, with thousands of people besieging the several blocks where the county government was located.

Inside are Xiuyan military police, trying their best to guard, but their condition is not good. Among the refugees outside, there are five or six hundred armed thugs mixed in. Their number is five times that of the military police. Mixed among the people, used the people as cover, and aimed their guns at these military police.Once they shoot and attack, I am afraid that whether the military and police can hold it is still in doubt.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black cloth robe jumped onto a high platform and shouted to all the refugees: "Fathers, brothers, everyone, look at them, the Han people are in power, and the warehouses are full of food. Let’s share a little bit among the people, they want to starve us to death. We ruled them before, but now they gain power, they want to punish us, young and old, we are all the children of Eight Banners, we can’t be bullied by others, let’s drive all the Han people away together , Manchuria is up to us!"

After this guy yelled for a while, many people shouted loudly, and some thugs aimed their guns at the military police in the encirclement, and were about to shoot.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a rush of gunshots from outside the city. The group of people were all terrified and inexplicable. They didn't know what happened. The subordinates rushed in.

From a distance, he noticed that there were a sea of ​​people besieging the county government. Seeing this, Zhang Tinglan breathed a sigh of relief, at least the county town did not completely fall into the hands of these people.

But what followed was fury. If he came a little later, Xiuyan would be in trouble. Therefore, Zhang Tinglan waved his hand unceremoniously, and his cavalry swept towards the crowd like a gust of wind.

At the same time, they all opened fire, and dense bullets hit these rioting crowds. Dozens of people were killed in no time, and blood flowed all over the ground. on these people.

Immediately, countless people were knocked into the air, fell heavily to the ground, their arms and legs were broken, and their parents screamed all over the place.The guys who led the clamor just now were also dumbfounded at this moment. This cavalry seemed to emerge from hell. Killing people was like chopping melons and vegetables, and they were not merciless at all! (To be continued..)

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