() As for the Harbin General Factory, Zhang Tinglan was determined to win, so without hesitation, he dispatched the strongest troops under his command. The combat power is comparable to a battalion.

The Russians also put a lot of effort into the defense of the factory, especially placing two machine gun bunkers at the gate, all of which were built with strips of stone and were very strong.As a hub to control the Middle East Road, Russia has a large garrison in Harbin, and the Fengjun is basically in a canine-toothed form. You have me in you and you in me.

Therefore, the Russians concluded that the Feng army would not use artillery in large quantities unless they wanted to destroy Harbin. As long as they did not use artillery, then in offensive and defensive battles, these machine gun bunkers would be the sickle of death, which could easily harvest a large number of lives, especially Their angles are tricky.

Just facing the street intersection, as long as someone rushes over, they will face crossfire. The Russian design is very good, but the reality is a bit different from what they thought. Fengjun did not use cannons, but Fengjun still has mortars , Feng Yongshuang and the others carried a total of four 82mm mortars.

They were still outside the firing range of the machine guns, and they acted first. Since the firing distance and angle had been calculated in advance, the four mortars directly fired a three-shot burst, and a total of twelve shells hit the factory. At the gate, the Russian bunker was covered in an instant, and the Russian troops guarding the gate were killed and wounded.

If this is the case in the past, when attacking such a heavily guarded gate, there are not dozens or even hundreds of lives, and it is impossible to take it down at all. But after being equipped with mortars, the effect is very different. Very exciting.

Seeing that the Russian army on the opposite side was a little confused, Feng Jun immediately launched a charge and quickly seized the gate.Then a crazy shooting was carried out on those Russian soldiers, and the corpses piled up in a blink of an eye.

After breaking through the gate, the Feng army quickly used machine guns to mop up the Russian troops assembled in the courtyard. For the convenience of movement, they all carried Madsen machine guns, followed by short shots.The Russians kept falling like wheat.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and these Russians were at a loss in the face of the sudden attack. They could never have imagined that the Chinese were usually cowardly.There is such a strong burst of blood, and the attack is so sharp.As for the Fengjun side, he only felt happy from the bottom of his heart. He had long been displeased with these domineering Russians, and now that he was finally able to attack them, no one would be polite.

The training for several months finally showed amazing results. The Feng army had arranged combat orders more than two months ago, and then each army formulated a detailed action plan.It even went down to the details of each class, each person, after the war, where everyone wants to seize, and what kind of resistance they might encounter. These have been drilled repeatedly, and everyone is familiar with it.

On the other hand, the Russians never dreamed that Feng Jun would dare to attack them.Even if Zhang Tinglan issued an ultimatum, Horvath firmly believed that as long as they were ready, the Feng army would not dare to attack them, and the Russians would not have to worry at all as long as they were not chaotic.

When it came time to start the war, the Russians paid a heavy price for their arrogance.Feng Yongshuang led the soldiers and quickly entered the factory, and the workers followed closely. It stands to reason that they should be terrified when they saw such a bloody scene for the first time.

But when I think that all the Russians who died were those who did evil.I also thought about those fellow workers who died tragically. They all gritted their teeth. This is a good time for revenge, and no one can admit defeat.

These workers led the Fengjun soldiers into the factory separately, and Russians were shot and killed one factory building after another, workshop after workshop, and all the Russians retreated steadily.

At the beginning, the Fengjun soldiers were still a little worried about the Russians' combat effectiveness, so many of them wrote their suicide notes before they went to battle, and they had already prepared for the worst, but after the real battle, the big guys found out that the Russians were just like that That's all.

Especially these Russian soldiers guarding the Middle East Road, they have lived a comfortable life these years, and their comfortable life has exhausted their fighting spirit, and their combat effectiveness has also weakened exponentially.

An excellent army needs two things, one is suffering and the other is victory. Without suffering, the army will have no tenacious will, and without victory, the army will not have strong morale. These two things are the key to victory.

Since modern times, the Chinese have endured too much suffering. The country and family have been trampled on unprecedentedly. Many people have lost their minimum dignity and can only live humble and cowardly.

They joined the Feng army and had the opportunity to change their destiny. Everyone held back their energy and trained hard. Moreover, the Feng army developed rapidly. They even fought against Ri himself several times and won all of them, which made them full of confidence. , high morale.

On the battlefield, as the most elite assault force of the Fengjun, it was already able to deal with the Russians easily. More and more Russians fell under their feet, and the entire factory area basically fell into the hands of the Fengjun.

The last surviving Russians were forced into the maintenance workshop, which is the largest workshop in the entire factory area. There is also a garage around it, which parks a large number of locomotives that need to be repaired. These locomotives have become the best defensive bunkers for the Russians. Soon the Russians hid in the train and continued to attack Fengjun.

They hoped to stay here and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. They also knew the importance of the factory. Once it was lost, the upper echelons of Russia would not let them go. Therefore, these Russians resisted desperately, and the battle reached its fiercest point.

Under the cover of a machine gun, several Fengjun soldiers rushed towards the Russian army. At this time, several Russian soldiers suddenly shot from the adjacent carriages, and all these Fengjun soldiers fell on the charge. on the way.

Feng Yongshuang, who was observing from behind, also frowned, and the staff officer next to him also showed an anxious look: "The Russians are desperate, and we will wipe them out with mortars!"

"No, if mortars are used, those locomotives will also be damaged a lot. The chief of staff has already explained that these things must be kept as much as possible. We must take over the Middle East Road completely!"

"Then you can't watch your brothers sacrifice in vain!"

While they were talking, the young worker suddenly came over: "Sir, you can crawl over from the nearby factory building and attack from the roof, so that you can kill those Russians!"

As soon as his words came out, Feng Yongshuang became interested. He hurriedly took a look, and sure enough, there are two factory buildings next to this garage, one seems to be a warehouse for stacking coal, and the other is for storing water. The current train They are all steam locomotives. If they want to run, they cannot do without coal and water.

If Feng Jun could climb onto the roof, he would be able to condescend and shoot, the effect would definitely be astonishing.

"Well, it's indeed a good idea. Immediately organize two groups of soldiers and seize the commanding heights for me!"

"Sir, can you give me a gun, I also want to kill those Russians." The young worker showed a very determined look on his face, and his fists were clenched unconsciously.

Feng Yongshuang looked at him, and then said: "I can understand your feelings, but fighting a war is not a child's play. If you have not been trained, you will die if you go up. I will not agree!"

Hearing Feng Yongshuang's refusal, the young worker's face was filled with disappointment. He put his head in his hands and squatted down. In less than two years since he came to the factory, he saw more than a dozen workers who were either beaten to death or killed. They were beaten into disabilities, and there were countless others. It can be said that there was a deep blood feud between them and the Russians, and it was difficult to count it cleanly. On the ground, tears flowed silently from his eyes.

At this time, a pistol was handed to him, and Feng Yongshuang smiled at him.

"Little guy, take it!" The young man was overjoyed, and he took the cold pistol, and his whole body became energetic.

"Follow me, don't be brave, if you want to settle accounts with the Russians, there are too many opportunities, not this time, just learn your skills!"

Feng Yongshuang had already taken a fancy to this young man and wanted to receive him under his command. He briefly demonstrated how to use the pistol and gave some instructions.At this time, the Feng army had seized the commanding heights on both sides, and began to shoot wildly at the Russians inside the factory area. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen Russians fell to their deaths on the spot.

The remaining Russian troops were all shocked and confused. At this time, Feng Yongshuang commanded the Feng army to take advantage of the situation and rushed in, and started the most primitive hand-to-hand combat with the Russians.

Fighting bayonets can ensure the safety of machinery and equipment to the greatest extent, so great efforts have been made at the beginning of the training of the Route Guard Army. These soldiers formed combat teams with each other and kept picking out the Russians.

The bayonet saw the red, one shot at a time, Feng Jun's skill was very sharp, the remaining Russian army was defeated, Feng Yongshuang was very good at fighting, and he was also a master of stabbing. He knocked down two Russian soldiers in a row, and then focused on On a person who looks like a commander.

This guy held a saber in his hand, and he was the most ferocious. Seeing that a soldier from the Feng army had already injured his hand, Feng Yongshuang rushed over. Fight, and then fight back.

At this moment, a shot rang out behind him, and half of the head of the Russian commander was instantly lost. Like a rotten watermelon, it was scattered all over the ground. It was the young worker who fired the gun, and Feng Yongshuang also stretched out his big thumb.

"Good job, boy!"

The battle at the locomotive factory was both reasonable and unexpected. Zhang Tinglan had already calculated several ways to start the war in his mind. He did not expect that the battle would start because of the Chinese workers. But now that it has reached this point, Feng Jun You don't have to be polite.

"Pass my order, all troops along the Middle East Road, according to the pre-designed plan, launch an attack on the Russian army, and strive to seize control of the railway with the fastest speed!

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