Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 298 make a lot of money

()"Put your hands up!"

Soldiers of the Feng army rushed into the post office quickly, all of them carrying glaring bayonets, these staff members, as long as they dared to resist, would kill them without hesitation.After a few people died, the rest of the staff became honest. Feng Jun imprisoned them unceremoniously, and then took over the entire post office with his own people.

This situation is happening along the entire Middle Eastern Road. The Fengjun controls all the post offices and telegraph offices along the railway line. The telephone lines and telegraph lines near the Russian army command post are all cut off, even the power lines are not spared. All of a sudden, all the Russian commanders on the Middle East Road became blind and deaf.

Before the war, the Feng army had already obtained detailed information. The Russian garrison did not have a du-li communication system, so they had to rely on civilian telegrams and telephone lines to deliver messages.As long as these are cut off, the Russian army's information transmission system will be paralyzed, and then they can only fight on their own. Without cooperation, the combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be severely discounted.

The Russian army stationed on the Middle East Road, a total of more than 1 people, stationed along the railway, forming a long snake formation of more than 1000 kilometers. In Suifenhe and Manzhouli, there are about 1000 people each, and there are more than 2000 people along the line. People, about 1000 people in Changchun, and the remaining troops were concentrated in Harbin.

This kind of deployment method is actually being beaten everywhere. In the past, the squadron was too useless and didn't dare to confront them head-on. As a result, the Russians were so arrogant. Now the Fengjun is fully prepared, and the first move is like thunder.

Cut off the connection, and the command system of the Russian army was quickly paralyzed. Not only could the various armies be unable to communicate with each other, but also there was no way to send news to the outside world, they could not ask for help at home and abroad, and they could not issue a statement to the media to explain the situation in the Middle East. condition of the road.

This is exactly what Zhang Tinglan wants to achieve. To attack the Russian army on the Middle East Road, there must be a feasible excuse.Zhang Tinglan had already thought about it a long time ago, and shifted the responsibility to the majority party, saying that they launched a rebellion, and the Fengjun decisively sent troops to intervene when they found out that the situation was not good.

Of course, for this excuse to hold water, Horvath would have to be silenced, as long as he couldn't make a sound.The media and the big powers can only listen to Fengjun's explanation, no matter how many excuses they have, they have no real evidence, and they can't take the opportunity to attack, Fengjun can save a lot of trouble.

The entire attack was staged according to Feng Jun's script from the very beginning, and Horvath, a big bear, was completely isolated in the Governor's Palace.All he could control were the more than 3000 soldiers guarding the Governor's Mansion and along the railway line. The two Russian camps outside the city had lost contact and fell into a situation of fighting alone.

Horvath was unprecedentedly passive, but the old guy still didn't give up struggling. He issued strict orders to build dense fortifications along the Governor's Mansion, erecting a large number of machine guns and artillery.I want to fight Fengjun to the death. <The garrison, in fact, Zhang Tinglan solved the long trouble, it is very likely to give.Take command in person. <The commander of the Russian garrison is Zhang Xueliang. When Zhang Tinglan assigned the mission, he did not let Zhang Xueliang lead the army because of safety considerations. The young commander was also very unwilling. He originally wanted to go to Manchuria with Guo Songling. <, and even pulled Zhang Tingshu over, and the two worked out a battle plan together.These two have always had a bunch of ghost ideas since they were young, and they are very capable of causing trouble.They are full-fledged brats, even though they have all entered the military academy, they still don't like playing cards with common sense. <There is a big trouble, that is, this is a place where China, Japan and Russia are intertwined. If Feng Jun takes action, Japan will also get involved. No matter what, as long as there is a conflict, Japan will have an excuse to intervene.

The two of them discussed for a long time, and Zhang Tingshu came up with an idea, which is to buy them with money, because this method works quickly and has the best effect.In the past, when Zhang Zuolin and the others were suppressing bandits, they often used it to bribe the other party's important subordinates and lure them to defect.

But this only worked on the Chinese, whether it would work on the Russians, they had no idea in their minds, and finally sent the plan to Zhang Tinglan.

Zhang Tinglan's thoughts on them are also bright, the Russians are also known for their greed, this idea is really not a bad idea.

"Hanqing, second child, you also reminded me that Russia is already in chaos, and all military officers at all levels are in danger. Maybe the majority party will riot after something, and can the temporary government Retaining the original tsarist officers is also a question. At this time, we will take out a sum of money. As long as they are willing to give up the army, we will help them hide their names and take the money to live in a comfortable little house. I think absolutely Someone will agree!"

In fact, spending money to buy off opponents is not a shameful thing. Wars are all-consuming. When the Americans in later generations took care of Iraq, they also paid a lot of money to buy off all Saddam's generals, so that the Americans could go all the way unimpeded.

Hearing that Zhang Tinglan agreed with their views, both Zhang Xueliang and Zhang Tingshu were very excited. Zhang Xueliang said with a smile: "Zhuoyan, since you support our action plan, shouldn't the task of attacking Changchun be entrusted to us!"

Zhang Tinglan thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I can leave it to you, but you must inform me of your action plan in advance. Recovering the Middle East Road has too much to do with it, so don't play tricks!" His name is Sheri, and he has German blood. After the war, he was very unpopular because of his blood, and his promotion path was cut off. He could only wait for death in the army.

Especially after the tsar was overthrown, he was even more terrified all day long. After understanding these situations, Zhang Xueliang and the others focused their breakthrough on Sheli.

Just three days before the first shot was fired, Zhang Xueliang and the others finally got in touch with Sheli. After the two parties met, Zhang Xueliang put a check for 50 yuan in front of Sheli without saying a word.

"Mr. Colonel, there is a serious rebellion in your country. Your loyal Tsar Majesty has been overthrown. Those thugs may cause more trouble at any time, and your troops are not safe. Haven't you thought of some way to get yourself out of here?" Can you be rescued from the troubles in front of you?"

Sheri was very depressed. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't have met Zhang Xueliang in secret. The guy sighed and said, "I'm tired of life in the army. I just want to stay away from politics, stay out of trouble, and live a peaceful life. son!"

"We understand your thoughts very well, and we are also willing to help you, take your relatives over, provide you with enough funds, and then let you leave freely, you can choose any place you are interested in!"

"Can you guarantee that you will do what you say?"

"Of course no problem. I will pay you a deposit of 50 yuan first. As long as you follow our instructions when we need it, you will still get 50 yuan."

Shirley was just a colonel, and he had never seen so much money in his life, and it was an eventful time. Taking the money and running away seemed to be the most suitable choice, and this guy finally nodded in agreement.

After taking down the commander of the Russian army, Zhang Xueliang was full of confidence. At the same time Zhang Tinglan gave the combat order, Zhang Xueliang invited Sheli out. This guy still hesitated, but after seeing the 50 check, this guy immediately Ruthlessly, under Feng Jun's arrangement, he quietly left Changchun.

After solving this problem, Zhang Xueliang and Zhang Tingshu were ecstatic. They commanded the Feng army to surround the Russian army from all sides, and first used mortars to take down all the strongholds around the camp.

Then they commanded the army and rushed into the Russian camp. At this time, the Russian had lost his commander, and suddenly became leaderless, and he was so chaotic that he couldn't fight.

Feng Jun came from all directions. These Russians were either killed or captured. Some of them tried to escape, but Feng Jun had arranged several layers of nets outside to deal with all the escaped Russians.

The battle lasted less than two hours, and nearly a thousand Russian soldiers were all eliminated. The speed was beyond Zhang Xueliang's imagination. <The Russian forces were wiped out at a speed that was jaw-dropping. Before the Japanese on the opposite side could act, the battle here was over.

"Sixth brother, do you see what I found?"

While cleaning the battlefield and checking the trophies, Zhang Tingshu found a password box in the office of the Russian army, and then called Zhang Xueliang over. He said with a smile: "We spent 100 million oceans to take down the Russians. This is my brother's fault. We need to find a way to make up for this hole, otherwise we will both be in debt. I hope that there will be millions of oceans in it, so that not only will we not lose money, but we will also make a lot of money. few!"

"What are you thinking? Even if you have a deposit, it's still rubles. How could it be ocean." Dare the young marshal is also looking forward to money!They hurriedly ordered their soldiers to pry open the safe. The safe was still very strong. A dozen soldiers worked hard for more than ten minutes, and finally the box was opened.

Zhang Xueliang took the paper in his hand, and suddenly a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and he shouted excitedly: "Tingshu, we have made a lot of money!"

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