Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 726 Seizing the Concession

Tan Yankai, Deng Xihou, and Li Zongren, these three people look very interesting. Tan Yankai has been famous for a long time. At the beginning, Tan Sitong and Chen Sanli were called "the three sons of Huxiang". After the Republic of China, he served as the governor of Hunan several times. The highest and oldest political veteran.

These are nothing, but there is one thing that surprised everyone. Tan Yankai made great contributions to Hunan's inter-provincial self-government.But this time Zhang Tinglan held high the banner of opposing the federal province's self-government. It stands to reason that Tan Yankai's not being liquidated is already considered good. How he still has the opportunity to be reused is really puzzling.

In addition, Deng Xihou and Li Zongren can only be regarded as the local emperors of one side. Not many people know about them outside the province, but Zhang Tinglan promoted these two juniors.

Using the old and the new together is really confusing to Zhang Tinglan's tricks.Outsiders can't see through it. Zhang Tinglan has a reason for such an arrangement. This crusade against the south is actually the first step in unifying the world.

If you want to unify the world, you need to recruit all kinds of talents, not limited to the three eastern provinces, and you can't miss the talents available in the south, not to mention that Deng Xihou has been on the line with Fengjun early, and Zhang Tinglan also wants to promote him.

In addition, the military talents of Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi of the Gui family are not weak, Zhang Tinglan also intends to win over, and it happens that Li Zongren's fortune is relatively late, and he has not yet become a prince, so he can just start.

More than a year ago, Feng Jun and Li Bai got on the line, provided them with a loan of 200 million, and sent a batch of obsolete water lianzhu rifles there, and even secretly sent some military instructors there, unceremoniously It is said that Li Bai is Fengjun's spokesperson in Guangxi.

Now the time is ripe to show these cards. They are in Sichuan all the way and Guangdong and Guangxi all the way. In fact, they just formed a crescent-shaped encirclement against these rebels in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.At the same time, it also shattered the dream of some people to separate the south. In the south of the Yangtze River, there are still a large number of forces close to the Fengjun. It is wishful thinking to want to rule across the river.

As for Tan Yankai, Zhang Tinglan didn't have much of a good impression. This guy was like a crystal ball with all sides.Live Feng Dao who accompanies Hua Nuo.A full-fledged old bureaucrat, Zhang Tinglan didn't want to use such a person. [

However, when Fengjun just started going south, Wang Yongjiang specially sent a secret message to Zhang Tinglan. If others, Zhang Tinglan might not care, but Wang Yongjiang is also a teacher and friend.Zhang Tinglan dared not take it seriously.

In the telegram, Wang Yongjiang analyzed the situation, and he also believed that this is a good time to extend his power to the whole country.However, Wang Yongjiang also bluntly reminded Zhang Tinglan that with the current strength, it is still too difficult to control the whole country, so it is necessary to make as few grievances as possible and win over people's hearts as much as possible.

In fact, those bureaucratic gentry who advocate inter-provincial autonomy.Most of them are fools. If they succeed, they will take the opportunity to expand their power. If they fail, they will immediately change their doors. Since the Republic of China, these guys have been swaying between the north and the south.This action has been extremely skilled.

Although he also looks down on Yongjiang, the king of the wall, but it is not necessary to drive them to a dead end, especially when the strength in their hands is not enough.

It was precisely because of Wang Yongjiang's warning that Zhang Tinglan decided to appoint Tan Yankai, in order to set an example for sitting on the wall, as long as he can change course.There is still a chance.

Tan Yankai, an old fox, also knew the elegant meaning by listening to string songs, and immediately published a telegram, claiming that he originally advocated inter-provincial autonomy for the sake of his hometown.seek well-being.But this claim has been usurped by a group of secessionists as their umbrella.Therefore, Tan Yankai said that he retracted his previous views, supported Beijing wholeheartedly, and tried his best to equalize the chaos and restore peace to the world.

This old fox can be so obedient, but he was overwhelmed by the powerful force of the Feng army, not even the British, let alone these domestic warlords!

However, Tan Yankai also had some reservations. He yelled loudly, but did not take much real action. The old fox was still observing, wanting to see whether Fengjun could resist the British revenge, and finally he was deciding where to go.

In fact, compared with the domestic public opinion, there was an uproar in the world. China sank a British warship, and a public colony in the eyes of the world challenged the world hegemony.

Many conservative British media have clamored to severely punish China and reorganize the Eight-Power Allied Forces so that the Easterners can taste the harshness of the Western fists.Of course, this time is completely different from 1900, and many media controlled by the United States are gloating.

The British monopolize the most affluent Yangtze River Basin in China, which has aroused dissatisfaction in the United States for a long time. At this time, someone finally came out to challenge the British, and even made the British ashamed. Many people in the United States felt relieved.After all, on the issue of the League of Nations, Britain and France put the United States together, temporarily shattering the dream of this emerging country to attack the hegemony. Now that the British are unlucky, they naturally gloat.

The controversy in the media actually represents the differences among the great powers. Since the attack on the warship, the whole of the UK was alarmed. As a veteran overlord, the British bureaucracy is still quite efficient. For these emergencies, the British It also has its own set of countermeasures.

First of all, the British used the banner of unification of the great powers to summon all the ministers of various countries, trying to pull everyone together to put pressure on China.

British Minister Ashton first said: "Gentlemen, the Chinese shamelessly attacked a warship of the British Empire. This is a very serious provocative act. I think severe measures must be taken to punish the daring Chinese."

"I support Mr. Eston's views. If necessary, I think war should be declared against China immediately, the Zhang Tinglan regime should be completely overthrown, and a new regime that can respect the interests of all countries should be established." [

It was the Japanese Minister Kenkichi Yoshizawa who spoke. China and Japan had just conducted an in-depth and friendly international exchange, and Zhang Tinglan regarded Japan as a life-and-death enemy.During this period of time, the Japanese have been preparing their troops, licking their wounds, and preparing to fight Fengjun again at the right time.

After the conflict between China and Britain, the Japanese believed that the opportunity they had been waiting for had finally come, so Fang Ze appeared to be more active than the British, and said loudly: "At any time, the Japanese Empire is willing to stand with Britain and jointly protect the Far East. order."

Ashton is no fool. If war could be declared, the British would have declared war long ago.Why call all these people over again!The Japanese seem to be very supportive of Britain. In fact, to put it bluntly, they want to put Britain on fire and let a war break out between China and Britain, so that they can profit from it.

The French minister Qi Leye also said: "What the humble China needs most is a lesson. The huge British fleet should take immediate action, using cannons and blood. Wake them up."

As the saying goes, those who watch the excitement are not afraid of big things, France also jumped out and encouraged Britain to send troops.Qi Leye also seemed filled with righteous indignation.

Schulman, the new US ambassador to China, looked disapproving: "Mr. Ashton, it is of course regrettable that China attacked the British fleet, but the British fleet appeared in China's civil war. And helped Rebels in the South, I think that's equally inappropriate."

Eston was stunned for a moment, and he did not expect that the Americans would have such an attitude. To be honest, Americans are becoming more and more important in the world. As the largest industrial country and the creditor of the British, the United States cannot Willing to stand with the UK.For Britain, it is definitely a tragedy.

However, when Eston was thinking about how to persuade Schulman, the Italian Minister Edward also said: "Britain's unilateral intervention in China's civil war will have a very bad impact on the Chinese people, and even arouse the resentment of the Chinese people." , as they did in 1900. But I'm afraid the Italian lads don't want to cross the ocean. Come to fight in this unknown land."

At this time, Italy's prime minister was already Mussolini. As a country that had signed a large number of cooperation agreements with Fengjun, Italy obviously would not stand with the United Kingdom.A few words from Edward completely shattered the dream of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

The times are different, and there will no longer be any coalition forces of great powers.Excluding Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary, only Japan and France sided with Britain.

Japan because there is hatred.That's why they tried their best to persuade Britain, while France was angry because Zhang Tinglan vetoed the gold franc case, which broke the dream of the French to blackmail.Stand with the UK.However, although these two countries support the United Kingdom, they also have their own calculations, and they are not really willing to serve as the United Kingdom's small partners.

As for the United States and Italy, they value cooperation with China more and are unwilling to take chestnuts from the fire for the British.

Eston secretly sighed in his heart, in fact, not only these countries have changed, but even the British Empire has changed. Britain, which was hollowed out by World War I, really did not have the courage to cross half the world and fight a life-and-death battle with China up.

"Gentlemen, for China's provocation, Britain naturally reserves the right to use force, but before that, strong sanctions are also very important. All countries stop all trade with China, and the warships of other countries must be dispatched together. Block the Yangtze River and prevent the Feng army from going south."

After saying this, both Schulman and Edward lowered their heads slightly, and their eyes fell on the toe of the leather shoes, as if they could see a flower from the inside. Obviously, these two were not interested in these proposals that were harmful to economic interests. willing.

Ashton looked at them with a stern face: "Gentlemen, you must be clear that today's challenge to the British Empire may fall on everyone tomorrow. If we indulge the Chinese blindly, we will lose this place forever! "

Facing Ashton's threat, both Schulman and Edward reluctantly nodded in agreement, but whether they really did so would depend on the situation.


"Vice President, the British made a strong protest and listed several conditions, asking us to reply immediately." Rong Zhen introduced the situation to Zhang Tinglan.

A happy smile appeared on Zhang Tinglan's face: "In the past we always protested against others, but now we are suddenly strongly protested by the British. With anti-China slogans, we've achieved the right result!"

When Rong Zhen heard this, he also smiled and said: "Vice President Mingjian, the British only protested, and did not really declare war. In fact, it is a manifestation of cruelty."

Zhang Tinglan smiled slightly, and looked at the conditions proposed by the British, including compensation for the loss of the warship, an apology to the British, the return of the prisoners, severe punishment for the pilot who caused the accident, and the return of the stranded Yarmouth to the British, and promised that this would never happen again matter……

After a few glances, Zhang Tinglan put it aside, and said with a sneer, "The British are delusional. Not only can they not compensate them, but they will also make them suffer even more! From now on, drive the British power out of the country."

Rong Zhen was also very perceptive, and smiled immediately: "Vice President, do you mean attacking the concessions of the great powers?"

"It's not a big power, but Britain!" Zhang Tinglan corrected: "For the time being, it is not appropriate to make too many enemies. Britain seized the concession first and occupied the largest area. Once the British are settled, everything else will be easy."

Rong Zhen nodded hastily: "Vice President, how do you think about taking it back? Do you just drive the army in?"

"No." Zhang Tinglan still shook his head: "After the army enters, it is easy to irritate other big powers, and the British Concession is spread all over the country, and our troops have not arrived in many places. I think we might as well use public opinion, not everywhere now Is it okay to be anti-British? If the common people are outraged and rush into the concession, no one will have anything to say."

Zhang Tinglan learned this idea during the war with the Northern Expedition. The people of Hankou and Jiujiang rushed into the concession and drove away all the British military and police. The two concessions were returned to the Chinese side.

However, Zhang Tinglan's handwriting is obviously bigger. Hankou and Jiujiang are definitely not enough. Tianjin, Zhenjiang, Xiamen, and Guangzhou are all in Zhang Tinglan's plan. These large and small countries have long become Zhang Tinglan's heart disease. Why should a piece of Chinese land be seized by the great powers.

Now that we have an opportunity, we must not let it go. The first place to take action is Tianjin, which is the closest city to Beijing. As the gateway to Beijing, Tianjin has one of the largest concessions in the country.

Beginning in 1860, the British seized the concession in Tianjin. After several expansions, the British concession bordered Haihe River in the east, Tonglou along Racecourse Road in the south, Haiguangsi Avenue (now Xikang Road) in the west, and Baoshitu Road in the north. Adjacent to the French Concession, it covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu, making it the largest of the foreign concessions.

However, this concession area, which used to be full of feasting and feasting, is now under the most serious threat. Outside the concession, tens of thousands of angry people have gathered, and the number is still increasing.

The Yangzhou tragedy is still simmering, the anger of the people has been ignited, and the government is behind it. These people are afraid and surrounded the British concession area.

Rotten eggs, rotten leaves, stones, clods, and even poop fell into the concession like raindrops and hail. (to be continued...)

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