Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 727 Disintegration and Disintegration

The british people, who are usually arrogant, are facing tens of thousands of people at this moment. The overwhelming anger can almost melt them. These people also feel fear from the bottom of their hearts. Although they have guns in their hands, they don't have the courage to fire. , They can't guarantee that after firing, countless people will rush over and tear them to pieces the next moment.

But just enduring it like this, all kinds of sundries embarrass them again. Several British soldiers have been smashed with bruised noses and faces, and they are in a panic. At this moment, two clear gunshots suddenly sounded from nowhere.

The commander of the British army was also taken aback immediately. He hurriedly looked at his subordinates, wanting to know which reckless man fired the shot.

But after hearing the gunshots, the angry people had completely lost control. They threw all kinds of things that could be thrown at the heads of the British.A rotten egg hit the commander right in the forehead.

The sticky, foul-smelling liquid left from above the forehead, the smell would drive people crazy.


The British military officer couldn't bear it any longer. As soon as he gave an order, the gunfire of the British soldiers rang out. In an instant, more than a dozen people fell to the ground, and the ground was stained red with blood.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, from nowhere, countless gunshots rang out. The British who had been shooting the last second suddenly became targets and fell to the ground. Some groaned in pain, and some died.

After dozens of British soldiers fell, a loophole finally appeared in the originally tight cordon. After waking up from the shock, the people poured into the concession like a raging tide. It was too late to shoot to stop them. Suddenly, the surging crowd overwhelmed the British soldiers.

On the other side of the concession.Dozens of middle-aged men, holding thick logs, slammed into the fence violently. The tall fence was knocked down, and the people also poured into the concession.

The entire concession was in chaos, a turbulent flow of people rushed in, and a group of young people climbed directly to the roof of the building, tore off all the Mizi flags that symbolized British rule, and threw them on the ground, allowing thousands of people to trample on them. Thousands of people step on it.

The atmosphere at the scene has reached its peak.They stormed British police stations, post offices, banks, companies, churches.Smash everything that belongs to the British.Broken statues, like garbage.dropped on the ground.

The British in the concession did not expect to end up today.After hearing the gunshots, these people knew something was going wrong, so many British people had already frantically ran into the French Concession.But there were still some British people who were surrounded by angry people before they could escape.

Many ordinary people wrestled with them, trying to kill these nasty guys, but at this time.Someone will always show up and take all the British away.

These people are of course made up by the military and police. Zhang Tinglan wants to use the people to attack the concession, of course he will not ignore the lives of the people.Therefore, a large number of people were arranged, disguised, mixed with the crowd, all of them secretly carrying guns, and as long as the British dared to fire, they would shoot immediately.

But this time the British seemed to restrain themselves a lot and did not open fire immediately.But don't forget that the British also taught Fengjun a trick. If you don't fire, it doesn't mean that others won't fire.

Therefore, someone from Fengjun fired two shots, retaliated against him in his own way, disrupted the whole scene, and there was the next scene.After taking down the British Concession, they took all the British captives away. This was not to pity the British, but in the negotiation between the two countries, these hostages played an extremely important role and could force the other party to make important decisions. concession.

After all, no government can afford the notoriety of disregarding the lives of the people, which Zhang Tinglan specifically explained.Just after the common people cheered and won the Tianjin Concession, similar situations occurred in Hankou, Jiujiang, and even Guangzhou and Xiamen in the south. The Mizi flag of the United Kingdom was replaced by the five-color flag of China.

In the five days before and after, the concessions that Britain had painstakingly managed for decades in China were almost lost. Apart from the public concessions, only the concessions in Shanghai and Zhenjiang remained, and these were still under the control of the direct rebels. The power of the people Not strong enough, but those same concessions are crumbling.

Many shrewd businessmen withdrew their capital from the concession and left as soon as possible, otherwise the common people would rush in and suffer a little loss, and they would have no place to cry.The territory of the foreigners is no longer safe, and the good times of these overlords are coming to an end. Many wealthy businessmen have all gone to Beijing, and even to the three eastern provinces. That is the home of Fengjun, so there will be no problems.

Seeing the loss of these concessions, the British have been mad with anger. The majestic British Empire has been bullied by the Chinese people, and it has become an international laughing stock.And the most painful thing for the British is the loss of interests in China. The British are far from healing the injuries of World War I at this time. If they lose the opportunity to extract benefits from China, how can the British Empire return to its heyday?

It is precisely based on this consideration that the British Parliament has already expressed the voice to declare war on China, and to fight another Opium War to completely defeat China and safeguard British interests in China.

For a while, the sound of war was raging, and at this time the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was the Canadian-born Andrew Bernal Law.As a politician of the Conservative Party, Law is also a hardliner on China, but he has a small trouble, that is, his physical condition is too bad, and he cannot undertake the heavy task of foreign wars at all.

Moreover, Britain's military strength in the Far East is also very limited. If it wants to go to war, it must mobilize troops from the mainland, but in this way, it will take at least a few months. Exhausted.

Moreover, the expedition of labor teachers spanned almost half of the world, and the chances of winning were too small. This is not the era of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. A random gathering of 2 people can make a country surrender.

You must know that the strength of Fengjun alone exceeds 20, and these soldiers have fought against Japan and Russia with real swords and guns. If the UK wants to defeat this force, it must send at least 10,000+ people.

With so many troops dispatched, what to do with supplies, what to do with weapons and ammunition, and what to do with logistics support, a lot of troubles are placed in front of the British.Of course, some people also proposed to send out the colonial army, that is, to transfer troops from India and Southeast Asia, but this proposal was quickly rejected.

India and Southeast Asia are extremely unstable, and the army must stay to strengthen control. Once they are transferred away, Britain may lose these areas first without doing anything to China.And to be honest, there are also sensible people in the British government. These colonial troops are a bunch of young soldiers, and they are really unusable.

After all the calculations, the UK really doesn't have the courage to completely break the skin with China and declare war, so the British can only continue to win over other powers, especially the United States, to jointly put pressure on China.

Regardless of the fact that it is impossible for the Americans to make an expedition, but as the largest trading nation, the Americans still have a lot of bargaining chips. For example, China will also import a large amount of oil, agricultural vehicles, aircraft engines, etc. from the United States. If the Americans are willing At least China's arms industry will be fatally hit if it is shot, so that there is hope for that young Chinese warlord to succumb.

The British are still a little sure about persuading the United States. First, both sides are Anglo-Saxons, and the bones are connected.Second, both parties have a lot of interests in China. The so-called death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox, the Americans have to extend their hands.Therefore, the British began to concentrate their efforts and communicate with the United States.

But the British saw this, and Zhang Tinglan also saw it a long time ago. It is impossible for the British to go to war with the Feng army. The only means they can use is economic sanctions.But if the United States, the world's largest trading country, can be held back, any sanctions by the British will become a dead letter.

Therefore, when the people attacked the concession, Zhang Tinglan specifically requested that only the British concession be attacked, and the others should not be touched. Then Zhang Tinglan also issued a statement, claiming that this was a spontaneous behavior of the people, and the government had no intention of abolishing the concession immediately.

Such a statement left the possibility of continuing negotiations. The Americans are also very shrewd. Minister Shulman immediately called on Zhang Tinglan in secret, wanting to see how much benefit China can get, and which side the Americans should put their chips on. .

"Mr. Minister, there is a regrettable conflict between China and the UK, but I can assure you that this will not be a blind xenophobic action. On the contrary, I myself, including key officials of the government, believe that we should open up to the outside world and share with the world Above all, we are willing to treat all countries in China as equals and carry out friendly economic cooperation."

Having said this, Zhang Tinglan picked up a document and said with a smile: "This is a development plan we want to implement in the near future. The government has decided to spend 8000 million yuan to build a railway that is basically parallel to the Yangtze River within five years." Arteries. It is mainly divided into the Sichuan-Han Railway from Sichuan to Wuhan, the Ning-Han Railway from Wuhan to Nanjing, and finally the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway. In this way, materials from western China can move to the eastern part at the fastest speed."

Before Zhang Tinglan finished speaking, Schulman's breathing became heavy. This is definitely a railway full of temptations. The Yangtze River is the most economically developed area in China.Moreover, this railway runs from east to west, breaks up the geographical space, and can directly transport commodities and goods to the vast west. The profits in it are simply incalculable.

Moreover, Schulman also saw another meaning in it. Whoever controls this railway can replace Britain and become the controller of the Yangtze River Basin.No matter how much racial affection there is between Britain and the United States, when it comes to real profits, no one can keep calm.

Looking at Shulman with red eyes, Zhang Tinglan smiled again: "In fact, this is just one of many investment projects. The southeast needs to develop, and opportunities are everywhere. The United States has developed industries, and China has a huge market. If you really want to Doing business with sincerity will bring ten times and a hundred times more benefits than simple deprivation.” (To be continued..)

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