Shi Jianfei led a few brothers and walked around the market. There were merchants picking laborers everywhere. Rows of aboriginals were all tied up by their arms with ropes, just like a herd of animals, free to choose.

The old and weak were thrown out, and the young and strong were taken away after negotiating the price. Some old people were not wanted, so they had to be discounted. Two people counted as one, and three counted as one.

"Boss, there are more than 30 old and weak workers over there, three people for two yuan, shall we buy some and ship them back to China?"

Shi Jianfei sneered: "You're out of your mind, don't you know how hard it is to be adrift at sea? It's normal for these old and weak people to take them back, and it's normal for them to die, and they can't sell them for a price, and they consume a lot of food. Maybe you will lose money. Be careful, if there is a bargain, someone else would have bought it, why stay here!"

"Boss, you are still smart, and the brothers are pointing at you."

Shi Jianfei brought a few people around and returned, but none of the natives bought it.It wasn't that he was reluctant to part with money, and there was 1000 yuan in his bag, which was a little savings from years of being a pirate, enough to buy [-] laborers.

But after all, he was born as a pirate, so Shi Jianfei always wanted to earn a little more in everything he did. It was really meaningless if he only made a few hundred yuan after such a hard trip.

After turning back and forth a few times like this, he suddenly found a native leader, leading dozens of women, walking over dejectedly.Seeing this, Shi Jianfei's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly stopped the leader.

He has been a pirate for many years, and he also understands the native language. After questioning, he found out that the leader heard that someone here bought slaves.He just wanted to change some arms, during the native battle.Young men are often killed, and women are taken back as captives. As a result, the headman thinks that women are more valuable than other young men.

But when he came here with dozens of women, only young and strong were accepted here, and he had no interest in women, so he had to go back.

Shi Jianfei listened and looked at those indigenous women, but after looking at them, his brows were also wrinkled, they were pitch-black.Thin and shriveled, not good-looking, and with a smell on his body.

The subordinates also frowned a little: "Boss, these women are like monkeys. They just go out to sell. No one wants them."

"Shut up!" Shi Jianfei's eyes suddenly lit up, he grabbed the leader and said, "I'm willing to exchange one gun for thirty people. How many. How much do you think?"

When the native leader heard this, his eyes lit up. The price was much more expensive than that of Qing Zhuang, so he nodded immediately.

"We still have more than 100 women, all of them are for you!"

When Shi Jianfei heard it, he still had it.Even more overjoyed, he immediately ran to the army, stuffed two fountain pens into the officer in charge, and spent 200 yuan.Bought ten guns, the officer was doing well, and put twenty rounds in each gun.

Holding these things, Shi Jianfei immediately found the native leader, and exchanged 180 women from him. After searching, he gathered more than 320 women in total, and escorted them all to their boat.

Shi Jianfei had a total of four boats, two large and two small, all of which were fully loaded. He took another five hundred yuan from his hand and handed it to his subordinates.

"Go, buy more food and water, and it's better to buy some clothes and medicine."

"Boss, you won't be sympathetic and sympathetic. It's enough to eat some of these things. Why do you need clothes and medicine? Could it be that you can't raise your wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let me tell you, if we can send them back to China safely, all my brothers' wives will be settled!"

The subordinates didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly prepared the things to use, and then their four ships set off immediately. Shi Jianfei has been in Nanyang for many years, and he is quite familiar with the sea.

But this time is different from the past. If he really does what he thinks, as long as he succeeds this time, he will be able to transform from a pirate to an entrepreneur and become a big boss. This bandit leader can also sneak into the upper class like a dog. At that time, who would know that he was born as a pirate and started his business by trafficking people.

But speaking of it, human trafficking is not a shameful thing. Almost all European powers have sold black slaves.Decades ago, the United States engaged in the Westward Movement, overhauled the railway, and the colonists in Southeast Asia vigorously developed resources, and all of them sold Chinese laborers. Shi Jianfei personally came into contact with those piglets.

They had no clothes on them, and they were painted with marks to prevent them from escaping. Some of them even carried instruments of torture, which were worse than black slaves.As a result, over the past few years, Westerners have developed almost everything, their pockets are full of money, and then they pretend to be civilized, pointing at this and that, and don't know how to look at their own ass.

Since the ancestors of Westerners started their fortunes from pirates and did human trafficking, Shi Jianfei's behavior is nothing!

Their fleet was getting closer and closer to the mainland, and Shi Jianfei's heart was getting more and more excited. Sitting on the bow, sometimes he frowned, sometimes he couldn't help laughing, and he looked crazy.

"Boss, I'm going back to China in one day. If you sail for a few more days, I'm afraid you will be stunned!"

"What nonsense, you will follow the boss to get rich."

After all, buying and selling people is not a glorious thing. All the ships transporting people first arrive in Sanya for delivery, and then are approved by domestic personnel, packaged as overseas laborers, and sent back to China in batches.

Shi Jianfei took more than 300 aboriginal women to Haikou. After getting off the boat, he found that many businessmen were registering these aboriginals, and exchanged them for new identity documents and labor certificates. Sent back to other areas.

And according to the amount of transport labor, they can also get some extra bonuses.These businessmen who buy and sell people come back and forth one by one, and they can get money from three places. First, they emigrate to Nanyang.

At the same time, after changing people from the natives, they can be sold to domestic construction sites and mines, and they can get another sum.Moreover, the government will also give a little allowance according to the work situation, which is a few hundred yuan at least.More can even earn thousands of dollars.

For the Chinese government, it is extremely cost-effective to exchange such a small amount of money for a coolie who can work for several years. Of course, these indigenous people will not last too long. Within three to five years, they will basically be exhausted. Physical strength, completely exhausted.

The person in charge of registration was registering laborers, but when he saw Shi Jianfei bringing a group of women over, he immediately frowned.

"What the construction site wants is to be able to carry rocks. A young man who can swing a sledgehammer, what kind of thing is it if you get a bunch of old women back, I'm afraid I can't help you register."

"Don't, sir, listen to the little one." Shi Jianfei said hastily: "It's a common saying that men and women match. Work is not tiring. These aboriginal women are black spots and ugly spots. But at least they can give birth to babies. At least they are women. The young ones also come from poor places. How many bachelors can't find a wife for the rest of their lives, and even find fools and cripples in order to continue the incense. These aboriginal women are of suitable age, in good health, and the most important thing is that they don't need bride price. They are also obedient and honest. Send it back to China, no one should scramble to get it, don’t you think?”

The registration officer couldn't help laughing when he heard this.He looked Shi Jianfei up and down, a big black man, and said with a smile: "You are thick, but you have a delicate heart. I will report to the superior and see how they deal with it."

This situation was soon reported to Ge Yuexuan, who was originally in charge of intelligence work in Guangdong and Guangxi, but is currently in charge of the trade with Nanhua.Domestic weapons and materials, Nanyang specialties and labor are all under his control.

After Ge Yuexuan met Shi Jianfei, he was immediately enlightened after hearing what he said. This big black man gave him a good idea.In fact, the higher-ups also have ideas about buying and selling indigenous laborers. It is not just about extracting labor, but also about changing the population structure so that the Chinese can maintain their advantage in Borneo.

Now that I think about it, in addition to killing people and arresting laborers, intermarriage is also a good strategy. As Shi Jianfei said, the medical conditions are poor, and a woman's childbirth is a life-and-death hurdle.

There are quite a few bachelors in the country, and it would be a supplement if we could get more women back in Nanyang.In addition, those Chinese who have arrived in Nanyang, can they also marry more aboriginal women to speed up intermarriage and assimilation?

Thinking of this, Ge Yuexuan immediately realized the value of Shi Jianfei's idea. He arranged for someone to take Shi Jianfei and these women back to China to see if anyone wanted it.In addition, he hastily reported to the higher authorities, if it was adopted, it would be considered a credit.

In fact, compared to the hustle and bustle below, the top is quite silent about Nanyang's problems, and even the news reports are unwilling to say more.

Of course, the world is quite lively about this, and major newspapers are scrambling to report on it. After the Versailles and Washington conferences, the world situation has basically stabilized, but this time Nanhua Jianguo broke this situation.

In addition, the founding of the country by the Chinese also aroused the fear of the yellow peril deep in the hearts of Westerners, especially as China became stronger, and various unfavorable arguments also appeared.Some white supremacists are instigating the Western world to unite again to help Holland and destroy Nanhua.

However, although the media is lively, the governments of various countries are still relatively restrained. Of course, there are more and more private confrontations.

Among them, the United Kingdom actively pushed the United States and France, and even pulled Japan together to put pressure on China, forcing China to give up support for Nanhua, so that they could destroy this country.

But these three countries have their own plans. France controls Vietnam and other places. If they fall out with China and attract troops to the south, how will they keep their colonies.

As for the United States is very dissatisfied with the founding of Nanhua, especially worried about affecting the Philippines, but they have huge investments in China, and the Americans are also weighing the pros and cons.

The Japanese are quite active, hoping to suppress China's momentum. After seeing through the faces of these powers, Zhang Tinglan immediately took measures. He focused on the Japanese for breakthroughs. China and Japan are the most hostile recently. Zhang Tinglan It is also the most fearful that the United States and Britain will support Japan in launching an all-out war against China.

Therefore, Zhang Tinglan instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to set conditions for Japan. The two sides can jointly develop and utilize Borneo, and Nanhua can provide the Japanese with 500 million mu of land for rubber plantation, and can also give the Japanese the right to explore oil.

After this condition was released, the Japanese immediately salivated. It was impossible to say that they were not tempted. Oil and rubber are out-and-out strategic resources, and land is something that the Japanese dream of.

Moreover, from the success of Nanhua, the Japanese also saw the weakness of the West, and the Southern Movement faction in Japan also raised its head instantly.Why stare at China, why think about fighting this behemoth every day, if you turn your finger on Nanyang, maybe you will gain more and benefit more.

After some discussions, China and Japan reached a secret agreement, and Japan provided Nanhua with 20 decommissioned warships to help Nanhua form a transportation company with [-] tons of merchant ships.On the other hand, Nanhua is open to investment, providing oil and rubber to compensate for the cost of warships.

This kind of transaction seems to be a bit of a disadvantage for China, but if the Japanese are tied to the chariot, there will be an extra layer of support, and the pressure on China's shoulders will also be reduced a lot.

After stabilizing Japan, they put the focus on the United States. As for the British Zhang Tinglan, they don't care anymore. Even if they offend this old empire, they can't do anything to China.

After some negotiations between China and the United States, Zhang Tinglan agreed to open Borneo to the United States. In order to avoid the uprising in the Philippines, the Chinese in the Philippines can be immigrated to Borneo, and China promised to respect the interests of the United States in Southeast Asia.

After a tense exchange of interests, the crisis brought about by the founding of Nanhua has been resolved a lot, leaving only the Netherlands screaming wildly and the British sighing behind their backs. Take it easy.

However, Zhang Tinglan still felt a little distressed when he took the initiative to cut the meat. After all, he was still not strong enough, otherwise he would have eaten it all by himself.Zhang Tinglan also had a growing desire for sea power, so he immediately took the time to go to Lushun Shipyard to assign new tasks.

Navy Commander Shen Honglie and Director of the Naval Armament Administration Wu Yulin gathered together with the Navy's generals and military personnel.

Zhang Tinglan glanced at it, and then said: "This time there is only one task, and that is to start construction of two aircraft carriers, and another four heavy cruisers. We will build two aircraft carriers within three years, and strive to build them within five years." Within a short period of time, build the most powerful maritime aviation force in the Far East."

As soon as Zhang Tinglan said this, everyone present was extremely excited, and Shen Honglie clenched his fists tightly: "Vice President, after many times of training and experiments, we found that aircraft carriers have unique advantages over battleships. If China wants to catch up with the world In the development of the navy, the aircraft carrier is the most important part.”

Wu Yulin also smiled and said: "The aircraft carrier is indeed important, but I have some good news to tell you, Vice President. Just a few months ago, we made some repairs to the battleship Kirishima, and the Navy will also have its first battleship." , the bodyguards of the aircraft carrier are also thicker!" (To be continued...)

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