Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 781 Ethnic Integration

It is also a common practice in various countries to fish out sunken warships and reuse them. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1912-[-], the Japanese even captured the Zhenyuan Ship and incorporated it into the United Fleet.In [-], the Japanese dismantled the Zhenyuan ship, but these bastards actually put the anchor and chain of the Zhenyuan ship in Ueno Park, Tokyo to humiliate the Chinese.

In addition, there are rumors that the Japanese even dismantled some parts from the Zhenyuan ship and made houses. The heroic spirits who died with the ship cried day and night in a foreign country, which is simply outrageous.Feng Shui took turns. During the battle with the Feng army, the Japanese also lost two battleships, and they were both big guys with more than 3 tons. They were more shocking than the Zhenyuan ship.

At the end of the war, Zhang Tinglan immediately ordered the King Kong and Kirishima to be fished out. After several months of hard work, these two large ships were finally brought out.Among them, the King Kong was relatively seriously damaged, it had been blown up from the middle, and lost its value of use, so it was just treated as scrap steel and recycled.

However, according to the Japanese practice, Zhang Tinglan also sent the anchor and chain of King Kong to the Fengtian Military Museum at that time. The exquisite accessories were given to the meritorious soldiers of the navy.

As for the Kirishima, due to sinking in the sea off Lushun, the damage to the hull was serious, but the structure was not damaged, and there is still value for use. The huge hull has been left in the Lushun Shipyard, and Chinese engineers have also studied this ship many times. Battleships, from which to find out the weaknesses of Japanese warships.

Wu Yulin smiled and said to Zhang Tinglan: "Vice President, in the past we wanted to repair the Kirishima and fill the gap in our sea power, but because the power system for large warships could not be produced in China, this wish has never been realized. Years ago, we finally made progress. It was a fluke, and we succeeded in repairing the Kirishima."

The power system of a large warship is not an easy task. To make a behemoth of tens of thousands of tons move quickly and smoothly on the sea, there are considerable requirements for materials and craftsmanship. There are only a handful of countries in the world that can produce power equipment for large warships. It can be counted. Although Germany has similar technology, it is due to the problem of the Mackensen.The Allies have tightened their constraints on Germany, and large-scale equipment is not allowed to be exported to China.

The shipyard had no choice but to turn to other directions. In the end, Wu Yulin and the others set their sights on the General Electric Company of the United States.General Motors, which is well-known in later generations, is not considered the most important military enterprise at this time.

They are responsible for providing steam turbines for the US Navy warships, and the Americans are also faced with two choices.One is a reaction steam turbine and the other is an impulse steam turbine.The reaction steam turbine is the technical solution of the early steam turbine.Because it is relatively simple and easy to implement.The representative is the British steam turbine.

However, the reactionary technology is relatively simple, but its disadvantage is that it is difficult to increase the power.GM did not adopt the reactionary style, but the impulsive style.Later generations of marine steam turbines are impulsive steam turbines, which are more efficient.However, the Americans encountered the problem of strong vibration during high-speed operation. Because the relationship between the high speed of the impeller and vibration has not been fully grasped technically, the general-purpose impulse steam turbine is not mature.It has become a chicken rib that can't be high enough to be low.

It made American battleships all slow tortoises, but in order to encourage domestic production, the Americans had to adopt them. In fact, speaking of them.Any industrial country has such a process.

After some weighing, although American gadgets have flaws, this is already the only realistic choice. If they are perfect and good things, they may not be sold to you.So Wu Yulin gritted his teeth and introduced a full set of technology and production lines from GM.

This transaction was completed in 1923. After getting it back, China hired a large number of ship power experts from Germany to engage in joint research, but when they were confused and made no progress.A paper published by the British Wilfred Campbell on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers solved the problem of rotor high-speed rotation stability.It played a vital role in the development of contemporary impulse steam turbines.

Relying on his achievements, General Motors has made rapid progress in impulsive steam turbines.At this time, GM regretted it, but there was no other way. Their full set of technology had already fallen into the hands of China, and because the window paper was pierced, China also instantly figured out the key.

And thanks to the help of a large number of German experts, China has not only trained its scientific research team, but also made hundreds of improvements.Just when the Fengtian was launched, China finally made decisive progress in the power of large ships.

All of a sudden, China has thrown off Japan in this field and squeezed into the world's advanced ranks.However, since there is no actual verification, Wu Yulin and the others did not dare to use it on the new ship rashly, but chose to repair the Kirishima first and practice their hands.

After repairing, the armor of the Kirishima has been strengthened, and a large number of anti-aircraft weapons have been added, making this battleship an out-and-out fire hedgehog. The displacement has also increased by 3000 tons, and the full-load displacement has reached 39000 tons. .

However, due to the replacement of a new type of steam turbine, it reached 125000 shaft horsepower. During the sea trial, the speed reached 30 knots, which has exceeded the original design data. With such a speed, it can already keep up with the aircraft carrier formation. It's no wonder that when Wu Yulin said it, his eyebrows were beaming and triumphant.

After listening to the introduction, Zhang Tinglan was also very happy. It is not easy to take advantage of the Americans these days, and the new Kirishima not only took advantage of the Americans, but also severely slapped the Japanese in the face. fast.

"Vice President, since the Kirishima has been repaired, please change your name and officially join the naval formation. We can't wait!"

Zhang Tinglan also nodded with a smile: "I think it's called Changbai Mountain. In the future, battleships and battlecruisers will be built, and they will all be named after famous mountains."

"Vice President, do you mean to build battleships?" Wu Yulin stared wide-eyed. After all, Zhang Tinglan also said that he would also focus on the development of aircraft carriers. If battleships were to be built again, the cost would increase again.

"What kind of warship to build depends on strategic needs. At the beginning, the main consideration was to fight in the coastal waters, and it might be protected by shore-based aircraft. The aircraft carrier formation does not need battleship escorts. But now that Borneo has been captured, our navy has a mission, which is to Maintain the safety of the South China Sea route. The distance of more than 2000 nautical miles, the terrain of the island is very complicated, and there is no battleship escort. I am worried that the aircraft carrier is too fragile."

Shen Honglie also nodded frequently when he heard it: "The vice president's consideration is reasonable. In fact, building a battleship does not necessarily waste too much money. We position the battleship as the bodyguard of the aircraft carrier. The firepower does not need to be particularly outstanding. As long as the speed can keep up, the protection is almost the same. , it is fully capable, and the main attack task is still handed over to the aircraft."

"That's right." Zhang Tinglan said: "The battleship shipyard has to start designing, but it can only be built after the aircraft carrier is launched."

Wu Yulin also nodded hastily. He is in charge of naval armaments. The more he pays attention to it, the more funds he will get, and the happier he will be.

"Vice President, we have designed a new generation of aircraft carrier. The standard displacement is 23000 tons, the full load displacement is 27500 tons, the length of the flight deck is 260 meters, and the speed is 31 knots. It can carry 70 aircraft, and it can carry 90 aircraft in wartime."

Wu Yulin said that he sent the blueprints to Zhang Tinglan, and then continued: "This level of aircraft carrier is the first level officially built by China. Everything is safe and the main function is technology accumulation, so there is no direct increase in tonnage. To more than [-] tons. However, looking around the United States, Japan and other countries, they have not formally built a real large aircraft carrier, and we are ahead of the curve in this regard.”

In Zhang Tinglan's mind, some early aircraft carrier data, such as Japan's Canglong class, American Yorktown class, and Wasp class, all have a displacement of around 2 tons, or even less than [-] tons.With the current situation of carrier-based aircraft, an aircraft carrier of [-] tons is enough. Of course, by the time of World War II, it will be a bit outdated.

But it doesn't matter if you are outdated. Zhang Tinglan is not planning to let these two aircraft carriers serve until World War II. For example, Italy, which is ambitious, or Germany after Mustache came to power. If there is an aircraft carrier, it may bring greater losses to the West. .

The Americans dare to call themselves the arsenal of a democratic country, and China will be the logistics department of the Nazis to see who can play with whom.Zhang Tinglan has secretly made up his mind.

"The navy can increase investment. The major shipyards in Lushun, Qingdao, and Jiangnan are all mobilized. In addition to the aircraft carrier, the rest of the escort ships and logistics supply ships must also speed up the construction. As for the funding issue, you don't have to worry. From the Borneo Development Fund."

This so-called Borneo Development Fund is actually a huge loan from the bank after the founding of Nanhua, using the island's land and resources, with a total of more than one billion yuan.For Nanhua, the stronger China's navy is, the safer they will be. Therefore, it is a very normal choice to support the development of the Chinese navy.

Zhang Tinglan stayed in Lushun for three days, and finally decided to build two aircraft carriers, four heavy cruisers, ten light cruisers, and five oil tankers.When this huge order is spread out, the entire military enterprise is rejoicing. There are tens of thousands of shipbuilding supporting enterprises. This order can at least increase hundreds of thousands of jobs.

After arranging everything, Zhang Tinglan hurried back to Beijing, and Wang Yongjiang took the initiative to find him just after arriving in Beijing.

"Zhuoyan, I made a suggestion below, which is to encourage domestic women to marry Nanyang women and realize ethnic integration as soon as possible. I think this method is good. In Borneo alone, there are millions of indigenous people. If they are all killed, not only will they attract Criticism, and it is also a loss. I think it is better to use it. The young and strong men are consumed as much as possible, and the old people let them fend for themselves, while those children are fully educated in Chinese. As for women, try to intermarry as much as possible. After ten years, they all became mixed blood, and the ethnic issue was resolved.” (To be continued..)

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