"The power of the people is like water. It needs to be suppressed, blocked, and more importantly, it must be unblocked. Only by cooperating with each other can we get twice the result with half the effort. Li Jinglin is playing beautifully!"

Yang Yuting seldom praised a single person, but Li Jinglin's anti-insurgency operations in the Far East were indeed beyond normal. He first killed people to gain power, and then used the power of the Chinese militia to keep the Russian peasants in check.

In this way, the group of White Russians who caused trouble in the Far East lost their upper-level leadership and at the same time lost their lower-level foundation.It settled down in a short time, but this stability is still temporary. After all, there are still a large number of Russian citizens in the city. These people are not as honest as farmers, and once they are incited, they will still be a big trouble.

At this time, Li Jinglin played a trick. He sent a report to all the citizens, saying that he could help them leave the Far East.There are two options. The first is to return to the Soviet Union and become citizens of the Soviet Union again. China has reached an agreement with the Soviet Union and can send them away safely.

There is another way, that is, the former White Guard general Denikin persuaded Europe, the United States and other countries to accept the exile of White Russia in the Far East.

On the one hand, there are bloody killings and precarious days, and on the other hand, the hope of survival. The Russians quickly divided into two factions. One faction wants to return to the Soviet Union. Even if the majority party is a scourge, it is also their motherland. want to go home.Take a look at Moscow, see Yekaterinaburg, take a boat ride on the Volga River...

The Russians who had this intention quickly registered, and then they were all taken away.However, these people were not sent back to the Soviet Union at all, because there was no such agreement between China and the Soviet Union.They were sent directly to concentration camps in Outer Mongolia.Was included in the labor group.

And because these people are close to the majority party, Li Jinglin issued a death order, and must use the most arduous labor. Basically, no one is allowed to come out alive.

Of course, the other faction didn't end well either. The so-called Denikin was also a beautiful legend, and what Li Jinglin had to do was to find the loyalists of Belarus from it.Once identified, these individuals were immediately put on a train.Some went to Vladivostok, some went to Huludao.They were then sent to a new rubber plantation in Hainan. [

The fate of these people is the same, they become coolies.

After diversion, there are still many Russians in the Far East, but more than half of them are young and strong. Among the urban residents, the number of Russians has dropped from one-third to one-fifth, and many of them are old, weak, women and children.Basically killed.

The speed of restoring peace in the Far East has far exceeded everyone's estimates. After receiving the report, the Chinese high-level officials greatly appreciated Li Jinglin's actions.Even though this guy doesn't read much and is usually quite rude, but his ability to punish people is still first-class, so he solved a big problem so quickly.

China is happy, but the Soviets will be troubled.When they found out that the queen was fake, they were overjoyed and finally found a chance to disturb the Far East.

According to the experience of the Russians, this kind of riot is the most difficult to solve. Blind massacre will only lead to greater rebellion, and if there is no killing, the resistance will continue.

Take the Russians as an example. It has been ten years since their founding, and there are still rebellions in some areas from time to time.Therefore, the Russians expected that China would want to resolve the chaos in the Far East.It will take at least half a year, even if it is discounted in half, it will take three months. This period of time is enough for the Russians to make full preparations for war.

When the Chinese army was tortured by the uprising and lost its vigor, they were fighting over and took the Far East back into their hands in one fell swoop.This abacus was played very shrewdly.But China's response speed far exceeded the Russians' expectations.

In less than two months, the Far East has disappeared on a large scale, and due to turmoil.Chinese militias everywhere have been formed. In fact, the Chinese side has completed war mobilization.

This speed is much faster than the shortest time estimated by the Russians.This ability stunned the Russians at once, whether to fight or not.How can I do!

Just when the Russians were indecisive, the Chinese side had completely grasped the initiative.The war is not fought by the Russians as they want, and it depends on what China means.

As the saying goes, public opinion comes first before the army moves, and Zhang Tinglan has already asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote the Soviet threat theory.Subsequently, the propaganda department headed by Shao Piaoping also showed unprecedented efficiency. They exhibited a large number of film materials, not only domestically, but also internationally.

During the civil war, how did the Russians treat the former dignitaries, and how did they engage in agricultural collectivization!Those rich peasants weeping and crying, their property was taken away, their house, property, food, land, farm tools, everything was taken away, even their daughters and wives disappeared.

We must know that due to China's pressure, Russia has carried out the issue of agricultural collectivization earlier than before, and the methods are more extreme.After seeing this, many landlords in the country even felt a little grateful to Zhang Tinglan. Fortunately, this person did not learn from Russia and left a way out for everyone, otherwise they would lose their heads.

This kind of information has a huge impact on the Western world. For a long time, they have been extremely afraid of the Red Empire.However, due to the lack of first-hand information, they don't know what happened in Russia, but now that these things are spread, it is also a shock to the Western world.

Those rich people have become panic-stricken, and they must not let Russia export revolution, otherwise they will only die!These people acted quickly and used all their forces, whether they were some or not, to discredit Russia desperately and to make anti-Russian voices desperately louder. [

Any mass propaganda is two extremes. If Russia is labeled as evil, China's image will naturally become great and glorious.This kind of public opinion environment has won China an extremely favorable position, and there are a lot of supportive voices both domestically and internationally.

Zhang Tinglan also complied with public opinion, publicly issued a strong condemnation of Russia, and announced that he would continue to send five divisions to the Far East to defend the independence of the Far East.

After this statement appeared, everyone smelled a smell of gunpowder. The two most vast countries in the world are finally about to collide.Politicians from all over the world are almost holding their breath, wanting to watch a good show.

In fact, whether it is Russia or China, in the eyes of Westerners, they are all threats. Once these two big countries complete industrialization, they will impact the Western-led world order. Therefore, from the bottom of their hearts, they are all looking forward to a losing streak between China and Russia. All hurt.

Zhang Tinglan is very clear about this, but he knows very well that there must be a war between China and Russia to settle the border issue. This is almost the fate of the two countries.

The sooner it is resolved, the better, and the easier it is to control the scale of the war.On the issue of expansion routes, Zhang Tinglan and Hiroren are a bit similar, that is, they both covet the fertile lands of Nanyang.

Siberia is very good and has all kinds of resources, but the climate is too bad. It costs fifteen dollars to extract a barrel of oil in later generations, while it only costs three dollars in the Middle East. The gap between them is really too big.Moreover, due to the high latitude and the freezing period of more than half a year, in fact, except for the outer northeast, the development of Siberia is too difficult.

In contrast, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and even Australia and Africa are more attractive to Zhang Tinglan.In this war with Russia, Zhang Tinglan's goal is very clear. The Far East is merged into China, and the territorial boundaries of Central Asia must be resolved. Then, with the help of this war, it will attack Russia's industrialization process and prevent polar bears from expanding faster.

As for killing Russia completely, Zhang Tinglan doesn't have that big ambition, nor does he have that ability. As for whether there will be a chance in the future, let's wait until World War II.

After some discussions among the top management in China, the big strategic goal was finally determined, and everyone accepted Zhang Tinglan's opinion, but on the next issue, there were serious differences among the people.

"President, at present the total force we can put into the battlefield is not too much. There are only about fifteen divisions. Because we need to strengthen the Far East, Outer Mongolia, and Xinjiang, the troops need to be dispersed in large numbers. We can concentrate the troops as fists, and the limit is only 10. Therefore, I propose to invest these forces, especially the Guards Division, in the direction of the Far East to fight the main decisive battle with Russia." Jiang Baili has proposed his battle plan more than once.

The generals present also nodded frequently, agreeing to this proposal very much.But neither Zhang Tinglan nor Yang Yuting nodded. Obviously, they both had other ideas.

"Chief of Staff, this proposal is sound, but I think it violates our strategic goals." Yang Yuting said slowly: "The Far East is thousands of kilometers across, and both we and Russia have ample room for strategic detours. If we fight, it will only end No more, it has become an out-and-out war of attrition. And by that time, the battle situation is out of our control."

Jiang Baili also said: "Minister Yang, I know what you are thinking. You want to break through in Central Asia, concentrate your armored forces, enter the Central Asian plains, and hit the soft belly of the polar bear directly. But I think that if we start a war in Central Asia, our supply lines will If it is too long, the Russians will be able to wait for work. Once the surprise attack does not work, they will fall into a protracted war of attrition, which will be even more detrimental to us."

The two big think tanks fought, and Jiang Dengxuan and others didn't know how to choose. Zhang Tinglan thought for a while and said, "Brother Baili's worries are justified. But fighting can't be done in a regular manner. You have to win by surprise. Central Asia is a part of the Russians. Weakness, until now, there is still a lot of resistance. We should work hard on how to ensure the success of the surprise attack."

Jiang Baili is undoubtedly a master of military science, but when later generations evaluated Jiang Baili, he used the term military theorist very prudently instead of using the term military strategist.Jiang Bailimiao was fine, but when it came time to decide the outcome on the battlefield, he still lacked some courage.

Zhang Tinglan said confidently: "This is a big gamble, but I don't want everyone to pin their hopes of victory on luck, but to make a perfect plan and let the Russians be fooled!"

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