Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 798 Alashankou

The car is chaotic, the horse is Xiaoxiao.

The armored soldiers of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the patriots of the Song and Ming Dynasties, all once stepped on the yellow sand in the northwest to fight outside the Great Wall and guard the beautiful China.Thousands of years have passed, and now the army is heading north again, and it is still unprecedentedly grand and inspiring.

Amidst the military music, one after another soldiers walked in front of Chang'an Avenue. Their neat steps, vigorous stature, excellent equipment and high morale attracted cheers from the crowd.

The parade square was immersed in a frenzied atmosphere, the national flag was fluttering, countless Chinese and foreign journalists gathered, and hundreds of thousands of people were eagerly looking forward to it.

Every time a phalanx passed, it attracted enthusiastic cheers from everyone, especially towed artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, and self-propelled artillery. These modern steel weapons walked in front of everyone. The rumbling sound gave all Chinese people the greatest sense of security.

The display of these equipments greatly boosted the morale of the people and gave everyone more confidence in the battle.Since the crisis in the Far East spread, the situation between China and the Soviet Union has become more and more severe. Both sides are actively preparing for war. The war is about to break out, and what is lacking is not an excuse.

Just half a month ago, a Russian reconnaissance plane along the edge of Lake Baikal tried to detect the deployment of China's defenses, but was shot by Chinese anti-aircraft artillery.The pilot escaped by parachuting by chance, but it happened to land on the forward positions of China and Russia.

The Chinese soldiers chased down the Russian pilot decisively, and rushed into the Russian territory like this, and the two sides began to exchange fire.There have been cold shots on the border in the past, but this is the first time that they have rushed directly into the opponent's territory.

Both sides invested more and more troops, first a platoon, then a company, and finally.The two sides each dispatched 600 people, and a small conflict turned into a big fight.The Russians paid more than 20 lives, the pilot was also killed, and more than a dozen Chinese soldiers died. [

This exchange of fire completely detonated the battle between China and Russia. As soon as the exchange of fire occurred, both China and Russia held press conferences.The Russians claimed that the existence of the Far Eastern Empire was illegal and a product of China's conspiracy to split Russia. Therefore, Russia wanted to recover the former land and rescue the Russians who were suffering from a humanitarian crisis.

Saw this statement.Zhang Tinglan also sneered, and even used the excuse of China's interference in Nanyang. If you really care about humanitarianism, you'd better look at the plains of Ukraine!

China also responded immediately, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that the existence of the Far Eastern Empire was seriously threatened.At the invitation of Her Majesty the Queen, the Chinese squadron resolutely entered the Far East.Assist the military and civilians in the Far East.Resist Russian invasion.

In fact, from the statements of both parties, it can be seen that everyone is very cautious and did not directly declare war. Russia wants to regain lost ground, and China wants to protect the security of the Far East.

Doing so is suspected to leave room for maneuver.After all, when two giants collide, no one can predict the consequences.Just like the war between Fengjun and Japan, the two sides are still fighting without declaration.

Of course, this is the case on the surface, and no one dares to relax in a real battle.Even said that it will only work harder.Both sides are constantly mobilizing the most elite forces to the front line, and war materials and resources are continuously being sent over.

The Chinese side even organized an unprecedented military swearing-in ceremony. Hundreds of thousands of people in the capital watched it in person, cheering and praying for the departing soldiers.

The sick man in East Asia in the past, now has such a powerful army, many old people see tears in their eyes, and the young people are all eyes shining, holding everything tightly, wishing that they could be one of them .

"Mr. Doihara, what do you think of the Chinese army's performance?"

"Very good. They have strong morale and excellent equipment. To some extent, they have already caught up with the imperial army."

As a military attache stationed in China, Doihara naturally would not let go of the opportunity to observe the squadron at close range. He and Yoshizawa Kenkichi squeezed into the crowd to watch this majestic military parade.

Seeing some of the equipment of the squadron, Doihara also showed greed. China is already ahead of Japan in terms of army construction.

Especially China, a country with a vast land and rich resources, is willing to spend money on weapons, and its tanks and armored vehicles are far ahead of the Japanese.Although the Japanese tried their best to develop the army after the defeat of North Korea, the limited resources and the huge demand of the navy made the Japanese army far away from China.

No matter how arrogant Doihara is, he will not open his eyes and talk nonsense, but there is still a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth: "From this military parade, we can clearly see that the Chinese people are proud, and they think they can easily Defeat the enemy, so they show their strength without any scruples. But as the Chinese book of war says, arrogant soldiers are bound to lose. The more confident they are, the easier it is to stumble.”

Don't look at the stereotyped and rigid impression of the Japanese army, but most of Japan's senior generals still advocate conspiracy and strategy.When fighting wars, we pay attention to surprise and surprise. There is no reason to show our strength. The Japanese can see it, and presumably the Russians can also see it. At that time, China will definitely suffer a big loss in the Far East. [

By that time, the Japanese will be able to reap the fruits of victory. Being a neighbor of such a behemoth as China, the pressure on the Japanese will be considerable, and they will definitely not look forward to any good days for China.


"Watch out! Airplane!"

Zhang Zizhong shouted loudly. The soldiers hurriedly hid their bodies in the trenches. The Russian fighter jets flew over the air and hit the ground.Zhang Zizhong got up from the trench, brushed off the dirt on his body, and yelled: "Old man, if you have the ability, I will challenge you one-on-one!"

Before Zhang Zizhong could speak, he saw that the fighter jet suddenly had a few flames flashing on its wings, and then it fell to the ground quickly like a stone.

Peng!A ball of flame rose into the sky, and everyone including the pilot turned into a pile of red light.The soldiers happened to see this scene and couldn't help laughing immediately.

"Battalion Commander, you are really amazing. If you say such a word, just say a Russian plane. I'm afraid to say a few more words. The Russian air force is gone!"

After saying this, all the soldiers around laughed, and everyone relaxed a little.Of course, Zhang Zizhong did not say this, but was shot down by a Chinese fighter jet.

A few Chinese fighter planes flew over Zhang Zizhong's head, and on the horizon behind, more planes appeared, a large black mass, passing through the air, and the huge roar made the ears hurt.

But every time I see this scene.The soldiers couldn't help but feel their blood boiling, which is a symbol of China's power.During this period of time, Chinese fighter planes often formed a huge fleet and carried out bombing operations towards Russia.

On the front lines in the Far East, the Chinese army is actually not as strong as the Russians.But being able to suppress the Russian side prevented them from attacking with all their might.The role of the Air Force has been quite astonishing.

"Battalion Commander. I just counted. This time at least [-] or [-] bombers were dispatched, and dozens of fighter jets escorted them. It is really spectacular. The old man will have a good show."

Zhang Zizhong also nodded: "Cheer up, don't be so envious of others. In the future, we will rely on our army to decide the outcome. No one is allowed to be cowardly!"

Zhang Zizhong and the others guessed rightly. The target of so many planes dispatched this time was the Russian Baikal Fleet.Since the establishment of the Far East Empire.Lake Baikal became the forward position of both sides, and the Russians formed a lake fleet with more than [-] gunboats of various types.

Killing this fleet will greatly weaken the Russians' water transportation capabilities and disrupt Russia's war deployment.Therefore, China is determined to win.

The aircraft fleet appeared above Lake Baikal, facing a sapphire-like lake surface, shimmering, and the flag of sickle and hammer could be seen in the distance, fluttering in the wind.

The Baikal Fleet never expected that they would become the target of attack.The sailors screamed in fear. They set up all their weapons and kept shooting into the air in an attempt to resist.

But the sparse firepower network could not threaten the Chinese fighter planes at all. The bombs fell from the planes, and explosions came out one after another.

Some fell into the water, splashing more than ten meters of white waves, and some landed on the shore, blowing up the Russian army to pieces.The lake water seemed to be boiling.One big wave after another, the gunboats of dozens to hundreds of tons turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron amidst the violent explosion, and sank into the lake.

The Russian sailors suffered heavy losses and staggering casualties. In less than half an hour of bombing, the Baikal Fleet became history.These pilots still had more to say, and when they withdrew, they circled around the heads of the Russians again.

Boom, boom, flames rang out one after another on the Russian position, the trenches were destroyed, and the fortifications were blown up.The huge fleet also attacked several Russian material bases and barracks.No fewer than 200 people were killed in the bombing and hundreds more were injured as flames devoured the supplies that had just arrived.

Although the Russians tried their best to strengthen their air force, compared with China, there is still a distance, whether it is quality or quantity, including the quality of pilots, so it is inevitable to suffer losses in battle.

Feng Yong was in charge of the bombing operations in the Far East. He was very satisfied with the results of the past few days, but the only thing he was not satisfied with was that they were not the protagonists of this battle.

When initially formulating the battle plan, Zhang Tinglan placed the real main battlefield in Central Asia, and the Far East was just a cover.

Of course, in order to convince the Russians of this lie, Zhang Tinglan also made careful arrangements. He demanded that the transfer of troops to the Far East must be upright and upright, so he organized a massive military parade.

In addition, in terms of the display of military strength, the Far East should far exceed Central Asia. For example, the scale of aircraft reconnaissance must be kept in the Far East to be more than twice that of Central Asia, and the bombing operations are mainly concentrated in the Far East.

Although Feng Yong was very lively, he was indeed a supporting role, which made him a little reconciled.However, he only dared to vent his anger on the Russians, and kept making the Russians pay a heavier price.

However, the Russians are still preparing for war at a fast pace. Moscow has dispatched Yegorov as the commander-in-chief of the Far Eastern Front. He has concentrated more than 8 troops on the front line of Irkutsk. These troops are all from the Soviet Civil War. Elite main force.

Back then, Budyonny suffered a disastrous defeat and lost Chita and other places, which became an eternal pain in the hearts of the Russians.Therefore, ever since it decided to recover the Far East, the Russian army has been gearing up and preparing to take revenge.

Yegorov is also one of the best commanders in Russia. He has experienced many battles and made outstanding achievements repeatedly.In the autumn of 1919, Denikin's troops approached Tula, the gateway to Moscow, and Yegorov was ordered to serve as the commander of the Southern Front, leading the battle to crush Denikin and keep Moscow.

From then on, he made steady progress and became one of the most dazzling stars in the Russian army. It was because of his outstanding military exploits that Stalin favored him and appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the Far Eastern Front.

But Yegorov didn't know that from the very beginning, he, including Moscow, fell into a fatal mistake, just when he was concentrating all his strength and preparing to launch an attack.

China's most elite guard division had already left Beijing long ago, along the railway line, and entered Xinjiang.Then they left Dihua, crossed the long yellow sand, and quickly advanced towards Central Asia. The place they wanted to seize was the Alashan Pass.

The Alashan Pass is a wide and flat channel about 20 kilometers wide and 90 kilometers long between Alatau Mountain and Barluk Mountain.It is connected to Ala Lake in Central Asia in the north and Aibi Lake in Xinjiang in the south. It is the main throat of China leading to Central Asia.

As long as this narrow mountain pass can be conquered, the Central Asian Plains, a natural armored battlefield, will be in front of the squadron.Before Zhang Henian set off, he thoroughly studied the topography of Central Asia.

The vanguard in charge of attacking Alashankou was the Chinese airborne troops. It can be said that the victory of a battle was entrusted to the paratroopers, which was the first time in history.But China is willing to take the gamble.

In the early morning of June 6th, 10 transport planes lined up neatly on the runway of the airport.Song Qingquan personally led the team, and all the paratroopers in a battalion were ready to fight.

As the plane took off, these heroic soldiers also flew towards the distance together with the Chinese people's desire for victory.

In order to ensure safety, they bypassed the Alashan Pass from the north, and the fleet entered the Central Asian Plain.At 7:50, they finally arrived at the scheduled skydiving site.

Blossoms of pure white umbrella flowers appeared in the sky, fluttering and falling towards the ground. The paratroopers have been trained several times in this movement, and Song Qingquan still took the lead in jumping down, and the soldiers behind him tightly follow.

But when they jumped down, a fatal problem suddenly appeared. Gusts of wind blew, and the air was full of fine sand and gravel, making it impossible to open their eyes, and these paratroopers were blown everywhere... ( To be continued..)

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