Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 800 Raiding Central Asia

Slyudyanka, a small town on the shore of Lake Baikal, was built in 1906. After the Far East Empire was released, it became the border between the two countries.

Perhaps it can be said that this is the most uneven border in the world. People in Russia couldn't stand the majority and fled to the Far East. People in the Far East couldn't stand China and ran back to Russia.

The defenders on both sides are constantly chasing down the defectors, and they often fight each other coldly.But these little tricks are not enough.On June 6, the commander of the Russian army Yegorov officially issued an attack order.

The three elite Russian divisions concentrated along the line launched a fierce attack on the Far East.For this day, the Russians have endured it for eight years. When the Chinese were able to cut and eat the meat of the polar bear, it would be a shock.

More than 300 artillery pieces were furious together, and the red hammer hit the land in the Far East.The artillery shells swept through the air and exploded continuously on the squadron's position. The earth-shattering sound of the artillery set off wave after wave of metal storms.

"These old men are really desperate!" Liu Guiwu couldn't help but said.Although their headquarters is still more than ten kilometers away from the front line, the violent artillery sound is still clearly audible.

"Russians have always believed in cannonism. They used to be too poor. Now that polar bears are recovering, they will naturally bite people."

"Hmph, it's just a big stupid bear, China is a majestic real dragon, can't it hold them down!" Liu Guiwu said indignantly: "Commander, I'll go ahead now and make sure to keep the Russians at bay!" .”

Ding Chao nodded: "Be careful, everything is about preserving your strength, don't compete with the Russians for consumption."

"I see!"

Liu Guiwu immediately rushed to the front before the protection of the guards. At this time, the Russians were almost ready for artillery fire.On the wide front of nearly three hundred kilometers.The Russians charged.

Liu Guiwu could clearly see the situation of the Russians through the binoculars. At the forefront of the charge, there were more than [-] tanks acting as the leader, followed by a large number of Russian soldiers.

"It's good enough, but don't forget that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high." Liu Guiwu calmly issued an order to prepare the anti-tank positions.

The Russian torrent of steel has attracted worldwide attention. When the polar bear was in its heyday, the entire Eurasian continent was threatened by the red monster.Starting from East Germany, we hit the English Channel in a week.This is not empty talk, but a real threat.

And in this time and space.The Russians suffered from tanks in the Far East, learned from the pain, and they also accelerated the development of tanks.With reference to the Vick tanks purchased from the United Kingdom, the first batch of Russian tanks were developed.

Now they are mainly equipped with t26 tanks, because they were stimulated by China.This kind of tank appeared five or six years earlier.Limited by Russia's industrial production capacity, the Russian army is currently equipped with more than 300 vehicles.More than 200 of them are concentrated in the Far East.This also shows how big the Russians are.

The t26 is undoubtedly a relatively good light tank, with powerful firepower and outstanding maneuverability. Although the protection is a little weaker, it is enough as a light tank.It was this tank that the Russians drove.In the battle of Nuomenhan, the Japanese were severely injured and beaten to the ground.

When Zhang Tinglan first developed the tank, he also followed the t26 as the blueprint.Proposed ideas for the development of Chinese tanks.After all, China and Russia are both giants, their industrial levels are relatively backward, and the quality of their soldiers is relatively low.

If we follow the high-tech route of the German system, the country will go bankrupt.The durable Russian equipment is actually China's first choice.However, in this time and space, China has already taken a big step forward, and the development of tanks has entered the second generation.

For tanks of the t26 level, the Chinese side is very familiar with it.Liu Guiwu did not rush to order an attack, but waited for the best attack distance.

Russian tanks ran over barbed wire and ditches with ease, as if nothing could stop them.The Russian soldiers behind also cheered, and their morale rose even higher.

Just after the distance between the two sides entered 1000 meters, the anti-tank guns on the position had been aimed at the Russians. At present, China is mainly equipped with 37mm anti-tank guns.For early tanks, this caliber is already enough.

The artillery quickly adjusted the angle and locked on to a tank rushing forward. This tank was in sight, and it was getting bigger and bigger, which meant that the distance was getting closer and closer. Finally, the distance between the two sides was within 500.


A shell accurately hit the Russian tank that was rushing forward, a ball of flames rose, the turret was lifted into the air, and the tank driver inside was turned into a pile of coke.

"Looking at the fangs and claws, it turned out to be a thin-skinned straw bag."

The artilleryman looked at the miserable state of the Russian tank, and immediately curled his lips, showing a look of disdain. He didn't expect the Russian tank to be so irresistible.Of course, it cannot be blamed that the T26 is not resistant to beatings, but within 500 meters, the anti-tank armor-piercing ability can reach 45 mm, which is absolutely accurate for light tanks!

The Russian tanks were constantly being blown up, and the soldiers behind were instantly exposed to the powerful firepower. It was like cutting wheat. The soldiers fell in pieces, and the ground was full of corpses.Seeing that the tanks with high hopes were constantly being blown up, the morale of the Russians was also seriously affected.

Soon the first round of Russian attacks was suppressed, and when the Russians ran back in shock, the news was immediately reported to the upper echelons.Failed to break through quickly as expected, Yegorov was furious immediately, and personally led people to the front line.When he learned that China was equipped with a large number of anti-tank weapons, he also decisively ordered all the heavy artillery to concentrate firepower to fire together, blasting China, and wanted to crush China's artillery positions with cannons.

The sharp howling sounded across the air, and clusters of sparks bloomed on the ground. The battle between the two sides became more and more fierce. Violent explosions continued to resound on the Chinese ground. The fortifications were blown to pieces and the soldiers inside were killed.The casualties are getting bigger and bigger, but everyone is clenching their teeth. This is the beginning. If they are shaken now, how can they cope with more brutal battles!

The Russian soldiers on the opposite side also became very crazy. Since they were dyed red, the Russians have gained something called faith.This is an invisible, but tangible.The officers took the lead in the charge.Compared to the gray cattle a few years ago, these red soldiers have become even more terrifying.

They stepped on the corpses of their companions and rushed towards the Chinese position. The sound of guns and guns continued, and one soldier after another fell to the ground, blood staining the ground red.

The Russians rushed up one after another, and the two sides gradually became red-eyed. From the ground, to the air, and even in Lake Baikal, both sides were fighting desperately, and the flesh and blood mill devoured countless lives.

"Commander, we lost more than 1300 soldiers on the first day. The pressure is really too great."

Ding Chao also sighed when he heard the report from his subordinates. More than 1000 soldiers who were alive and kicking died like this. As a commander, his heart was also extremely heavy, his fists gradually clenched, and his joints squeaked. ringing.

"No matter how much pressure there is, support me and drag these Russians to the Far East. Sooner or later, they will look good to me!"

Ding Chao knew very well that according to the strategic arrangement this time, they were the inferior horses in Tian Ji's horse race. If they were to be used to compete with the Russians' superior horses, sacrifices were inevitable, and they even had the awareness to pay the price in blood.

But they have no complaints, as long as the entire strategy can be implemented, no matter how much sacrifice is made, there is no problem.

The Far East battlefield was extremely hot at the beginning, but in comparison, the direction of Central Asia, which was given high hopes by the base camp, was very peaceful. Human defense is much weaker than imagined.

In fact, the two battlefields in the Far East and Central Asia both broke out around June 6. The difference is that one is dominated by China, and the other is dominated by Russia.

However, compared to the hard bones encountered by the Russians at the beginning of the war, the squadron can be said to be much smoother.Song Qingquan took the paratroopers and successfully seized the Alashan Pass after paying more than 50 lives.

Zhang Henian then led the army and rushed in. They passed through this narrow section of more than [-] kilometers without hindrance, and what appeared in front of them was the endless Central Asian Plain.

As a Chinese, seeing such a scene, everyone can't help but feel excited. It would be great if it was used to grow food.It's a waste of things to let those stupid people use it for livestock.

If you take all this land, you won't come here to get a thousand acres of land instead of mixing with the army.Landlords are not allowed in the country, so they come to work abroad. This time is a real happy day.

Just when everyone was drooling, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared in the distance. After the Chinese launched an attack, they rushed to help, but they were blocked by the Chinese Air Force and beat them into a mess. Until now, Just rushed over.

When Zhang Henian saw the prey appeared, he immediately widened his eyes: "Don't be stupid, quickly wipe out the surrounding Russian troops, and then move on."

For armored soldiers, there is only one word, that is rush!

Continuously advancing, cutting and annihilating the enemy regardless, the defense in Central Asia is so weak, and the terrain is so suitable for armored soldiers, it is simply a godsend battlefield.

The tank soldiers rushed to the forefront. When the Russian cavalry saw these giant beasts, they panicked and wanted to escape, but it was too late. The tanks were divided into two teams, clamping them in like iron clamps. center.The soldiers were also crazy. They leaned out and used the machine guns on the tanks to violently shoot these Russians. The corpses of horses and soldiers were all over the ground, and the yellow sand was stained red with blood. (To be continued..)

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