
"on fire!"


Accompanied by shrill shouts, countless people frantically ran out of their homes. At this time, raging flames had already burned over.Accompanied by the strong wind, the flames flew everywhere, igniting one house after another, and the fire devoured everything mercilessly.

Residents of Aktoka have suffered unprecedented disasters. Planes fly over the city from time to time, and bombs fall on their heads like hail.

The flames caused by the explosion raged in the city, and there was no way to stop them. Countless people could only run around, and what they wanted most was to rush out.

However, martial law has been imposed at all intersections, and a large number of Russian soldiers are equipped with machine guns, all of which are aimed at these people.

"Quick, let's go out, we don't want to wait to die in the city."

"Go back!" Facing the demands of the people, the commander of the Russian army widened his eyes and said viciously, "You bastards, go back honestly, don't challenge my patience, or I will kill you."

"Kill me if you can, you bloody robbers, get the Russians off our land!"

A middle-aged man suddenly yelled loudly, and he rushed towards the Russian army recklessly, getting closer and closer to the Russians.Suddenly flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and countless bloody sprays appeared on the chest of the big man, the chest was smashed, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this man's tragic death, the other Central Asians couldn't take it anymore, and rushed towards the Russian army frantically. If they stayed, they would be killed by bombing, and if they were beaten to death, they would die.

These people immediately forgot the humbleness and cowardice of the past, and rushed towards the Russians desperately.At this time, the Russian machine guns finally rang, and the people who took the lead in the attack were killed one by one.

When it comes to killing people, the Russians will never be soft-hearted, and the battle has already been fired to death.It is impossible for them to allow these people to escape.Not only will they disrupt order, they may even bring out the situation in the city.You must know that Central Asians and Russians are not of one mind.

The gunfire gradually weakened, the gunpowder smoke dispersed, and a pungent bloody smell rushed into the nostrils.There are hundreds of corpses piled up in disorder on the ground, and there are still people who survived by luck and are groaning in pain.After some killings, the Russians gradually calmed down, and they drove these people back.Cruel killings are the seeds of hatred, and the eyes of these people are full of poisonous light.Staring at those Russian soldiers.

While they were escorting these ordinary people, a messenger ran over panting suddenly, and said with a change of face: "The big thing is bad, the Chinese are coming, go defend!"

Russian soldiers heard this.It was also a big shock, they really couldn't imagine it.How could it come so fast.Didn't they just break through the Alashan Pass? How come they are here in a blink of an eye. Could it be that the Chinese fell from the sky?

But no matter how confused they were, the order from their superiors had already been issued, and the Russian soldiers rushed to the front line of the battle in a panic.At this time, they encountered the most terrifying scene in their lives.

On the horizon in the distance, streaks of dust appeared.Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, with rumbling roars, huge tanks rushed towards them.The high muzzle is full of power and wildness.Fierce, majestic, blended together.In the face of this modern war machine, any resistance is humble.

The Russians are also equipped with tanks, but compared to the tanks in front of them, they are simply nothing.Their views were not wrong. The main tank used by Zhang Henian this time was already the latest second-generation main battle tank developed by China.

The basic tonnage of the original tank was between 10 tons and 15 tons, which was about the same as the t26.The tonnage of the second-generation tanks has increased to about 27 tons, which is almost doubled.

Larger tanks mean that they can be equipped with larger caliber main guns. This batch of tanks has been equipped with 30 main guns with a diameter of 76 times.Looking at countries around the world, their tank main guns generally stay between 40 and 50 mm, and China has undoubtedly taken a big step ahead.

And China is also the first to adopt the inclined deck, Christie suspension system, and 50 cm wide super large track.In addition, China and Germany have also engaged in joint research and development, and jointly developed a 12-cylinder diesel engine with a horsepower of 400, which is also outstanding in its contemporaries.

Relying on the powerful engine, the new tank can reach 40 kilometers on the road and 32 kilometers per hour off-road.From all aspects, the new generation of tanks is quite close to the Soviet t34.There is no doubt that the t34 was also a well-designed tank in the early days of World War II.

Moreover, in the super attrition war between the big powers, the Soviet-made tanks proved their strength with their record.The new tank actually had its prototype around 23 years, and it began to be equipped on a small scale among the troops.

Obviously, this kind of tank that leads the world by a large margin is not so easy to produce. Problems continue to appear during the test, and they are constantly fed back to the military factory, and then continuous improvement is made.For example, the 60-degree slanted armor was initially used, and finally changed to 45 degrees, which can strengthen the ability to bounce shells and enhance the defense.

Of course, the biggest improvement is the problem of comfort. The early tanks could torture the driver to death, which shows how bad this tank is.Soviet-made tanks are also notorious in this regard. Don't think that comfort is a trivial matter, which is directly related to the ability of armored soldiers to continue fighting.

The Chinese side also worked hard, and finally this type of tank was finalized in 26 years and was named the Snow Leopard Tank.After two years, the main force of the Guards Division has basically been refitted.

The Central Asian battlefield was the first show of the "Snow Leopard". Not long after the war started, soldiers developed a strong love for this tank.First of all, the snow leopard is comfortable and has excellent off-road performance. Facing the yellow sand in Central Asia, the snow leopard is like walking on flat ground. The 50 cm wide track provides strong support and can easily cross one sand dune after another without worrying about getting stuck.

Moreover, the 76mm main gun is fatal to any fortification of the Russian army. As long as it is directly hit by a shell, all the fortifications will be smashed to pieces.And the outstanding defensive ability can easily block shrapnel, even small-caliber artillery.

Strong firepower, fast speed, outstanding protection.And it's relatively comfortable, making it the perfect fighter. More than 200 "Snow Leopards" rushed to the forefront of the whole army.

When these tanks appeared on the outskirts of Aktoka, the guarding Russian soldiers were frightened. The tank soldiers did not hesitate. They drove the steel chariot and rushed over quickly.The shells exploded around the Russians, and death fell on their heads.

More and more Russians were killed. With one charge, the position was cut into several sections, and the follow-up troops divided and surrounded them.Then eat it quickly.

Originally, there was a brigade of the Russian army guarding Aktoka, but within two hours, thousands of people were killed, and more than 2000 people fled, and the rest became prisoners of the squadron.

until caught.These people were still dazed, and they never thought that they would be so vulnerable.Facing the squadron.There is no resistance at all.But Zhang Henian didn't care about them. Speed ​​was the life of the armored soldiers. Before Akdouka could settle down completely, he immediately assembled the army and moved on to the next target.

The squadron entered Central Asia, and a huge rock fell into the water.A huge wave was set off, and the whole of Central Asia was affected, and all interested people were eager to move.

As early as the Han Dynasty, Central Asia had in-depth exchanges with China.In fact, the history of Central Asia is much longer than that of Russia.There have also been many powerful countries here. After the Tsar forcibly annexed here, the resistance in various places has never stopped.

Especially after 1916, the Basmachi movement rose here. The so-called Basmachi means bandits.There has always been a tradition of looting in Central Asia. For the convenience of suppression, the Tsar called the troublemakers Basmachi.

After the Russian Revolution, this force quickly turned into a national independence movement. They tried to split from Russia, restore their former glory, and establish their own country.Their constant struggle with the Russians, with both sides winning and losing, lasted even more than ten years.

As Russia becomes stronger and stronger and the country becomes more stable, the intensity of the attack becomes more and more astonishing.They can only retreat to hilly mountains and desert areas to protect their own safety.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they have failed, and even the British, who were once the benefactors, are unwilling to help them.

At this time of life and death, the Chinese suddenly extended a helping hand.Just after Yang Yuting went to Xinjiang for inspection, he determined the policy of supporting the national movement in Central Asia. He wanted to use these people to consume Russia's energy and pave the way for China's actions.

China's main support is Junaid Khan, who is the prince of Central Asia and has a large number of troops in his hands. Originally, they were not in the same way as Basmachi, who was a bandit, but after having a common enemy, Junai Dehan gradually merged with Basmachi.

After receiving funding from China, Junaid Khan quickly bought a large number of leaders of Basmachi, and his army expanded rapidly, exceeding 2 people.And after receiving the arms provided by China, their equipment has been greatly improved.

These fierce bandits have long been eager to try. The Chinese army entered Central Asia like a spark, completely igniting a pile of dry wood.The bandits who had already retreated into the desert and mountains rushed out again.

Because Russia's campaign to forcibly promote the collectivization of agriculture has had a great impact on local people's livelihood, many people are dissatisfied with Russia, but they dare to be angry.

Now that there are leaders, these people also stand by Basmachi without hesitation.Junaid Khan's team expanded by more than half in just a few days.

These bandit armed forces are useless in a head-on confrontation, but it is enough to add chaos to the Russians.They raided trade routes, massacred the Russian populace, and even attacked governments everywhere.As long as the members of the majority party are caught, they will be killed without hesitation, creating strong terror.

After a lot of massacres, Junaid Khan's troops controlled the Pamirs in the east, the coast of the Caspian Sea in the west, and the Amu Darya and Syr Darya in the north.This area is about one-third the size of Central Asia.Although the terrain is rugged, it is the commanding height of the entire Central Asia. It controls Central Asia to the west, looks to Afghanistan and South Asia to the south, approaches Iran and other places to the west, and extends outward from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the east.

This area is right at the heart of Asia and offers unrivaled value.It fell completely into the hands of a group of bandits. Of course the Russians are not reconciled, but what can they do!

The Russians still had bigger troubles. After Zhang Henian occupied Aktoka, they took a brief rest and began to march north to seize more land.

In the long yellow sand, China's steel army is advancing rapidly.Wherever they passed, the Russians fled in the face of the wind, in a panic.

"Zhuoyan, good news!"

Holding the battle report, Yang Yuting walked up to Zhang Tinglan excitedly, and said with a smile, "Zhang Henian has won a good start in Central Asia."

Zhang Tinglan was still watching the battle reports from the Far East just now. The Russians were attacking more and more fiercely. The pressure from China was enormous, but there was no army at hand, so Zhang Tinglan was also a little worried.

With the news of victory at this time, Zhang Tinglan also seemed to have received a booster, and hurriedly said with a smile: "How is the situation in Central Asia?"

"It's better than we thought. The Russians are quite weak in Central Asia, and they didn't expect us to launch an attack from here. Zhang Henian and the others have already entered Central Asia for five days, and they have eliminated more than 2 Russian prisoners. Thousands of people, the Russian army on the border was wiped out. They have seized Aktoka, and maneuvered through the railway, seized Sayak and Balkhash, and Karaganda and Astana are below. If it goes well If not, within half a month, Central Asia will fall into our hands."

"How's the logistics going?"

The armored force looks majestic, but it is actually a monster that devours supplies, especially not only the armored force, but also the air force.Two to three hundred tanks and nearly a thousand other vehicles every day are like tigers swallowing oil when they are in motion.To some extent, the war in Central Asia is a logistical war, which is why Zhang Tinglan asked this question.

"Don't worry, since the completion of the Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway, with our support capabilities, we can maintain at least 10 combat needs. Although there is no railway connection from Xinjiang to Central Asia, we have recruited a large number of civilians. Especially the Chinese The common people in Asia hated the Russians and offered to help us. This was unexpected, and with their help, the logistical pressure has been greatly relieved."

"Do people in Central Asia really hate Russia so much?"

"No, it's just that many people have been robbed of their land. They are all local dignitaries with some charisma. In addition, there are some religious elders who are also dissatisfied with the Russians because of their beliefs."

Zhang Tinglan nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Since the people's support is available, we might as well light it up again. Go and draw up a list of princes and princes of Central Asia, and immediately canonize these people, encouraging them to jump out and oppose Russia." (To be continued..)

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