Fengxian Jiangshan

Chapter 802 The hard bone is coming

Facing the confrontation between the two countries, the life-and-death fight, the most fatal thing is to make a strategic mistake. Once the strategy is misjudged, the consequences are quite dire, and even one wrong step, one wrong step, and finally a result of losing everything.

Now the senior officials in Moscow are in such an embarrassing position. They put their main force in the Far East, but the Chinese opened the prelude to the attack in Central Asia.

The Russians had also received similar information before, saying that China was increasing its troops in Xinjiang, but Moscow did not believe that the Chinese were conducting large-scale military parades, bombing the Far East, and making frequent promises to the Far East.Obviously, China wants to focus on the Far East, not other regions.

Until the squadron crossed the Alashan Pass and entered Aktoka, the Russians still suspected that China was just a feint, but then the squadron went down the Balkhash Lake and went straight to the hinterland of Central Asia. Finally woke up, the main location of the Chinese is Central Asia.All the previous actions were just a performance, just to confuse myself.

Once they found out that they had been duped, the senior officials in Moscow were also very annoyed. They all knew that Central Asia was the area where Russia's control was weakest. Once the squadron entered, the consequences would be disastrous.

Comrade Iron and Steel also felt an unprecedented crisis. Compared with history, Comrade Iron and Steel's power is still expanding rapidly. However, due to the First World War in the Far East, his confidant Budyonny and other generals were severely injured, making the forces in his army If it is greatly weakened, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. This has been true since ancient times.

The military power has been weakened, Stalin is still some distance away from the supreme power, and Trotsky and others still have considerable power to speak.The disturbance in the Far East this time was largely instigated by Trotsky.

Trotsky hoped that through foreign wars, the morale of the leftists would be reunited and everyone's revolutionary beliefs would be strengthened.Moreover, taking back the Far East also played an important role in exporting the revolution, so after careful weighing, Trotsky took such a risky move.

But the start was not smooth, and now Trotsky's situation is more difficult than that of steel. These high-level officials in Moscow sat together, their faces sinking, and no one wanted to say a word.

After a full 5 minutes of silence, everyone's eyes fell on Trotsky.Stalin also said: "Comrade Trotsky, what measures do you think the Chinese will take next?"

"I think they have two options." Trotsky also said: "The first is to capture the coastal areas of Lake Balkhash, go north to attack Karaganda and Astana, and then further threaten Omsk, as the Siberian Railway The hub above. Once Omsk is threatened, the Far Eastern Army is in danger of being destroyed."

"Since it's so dangerous, why didn't you notice it when you proposed the battle plan, but waited until the Chinese launched an attack before saying it. Is this a responsible attitude?"

Facing Stalin's questioning, Trotsky could only bow his head. He did make a mistake on this issue.I could only be silent for a while, and then said: "This route is unlikely. The Chinese simply do not have the ability to penetrate more than 800 kilometers into the Soviet Union. I think they are more likely to choose the second option. That is, go around Going down through Lake Balkhash, attacking Almaty and Bishkek. The Chinese have repeatedly declared that this is China’s former territory and they want to take it back from us.”

After Stalin and others listened, they were noncommittal. At this moment, the intelligence officer ran in in a panic and sent the latest information.

Stalin took it over, just took a look at it, and suddenly became furious, almost furious.The Chinese government has just announced a canonization list, and a total of twelve Central Asian princes have been canonized.China encourages them to stand up and establish an independent self-governing country belonging to the people of Central Asia.

China has turned the rule of the Russians into a complete colonization. They deprived the people of Central Asia of their land, wealth, and even their lives.The people of Central Asia have reached the point of life and death, China and the whole world will help you.

Of course, the help is not just in words. The used arms in China are sold again, and they are all half-sold and half-given, and handed over to these princes.Moreover, China also instructed Junaid Khan to promulgate a terrible decree, which is the so-called property law.

The reason why the people of Central Asia oppose Russia is very simple, that is, they brutally implemented agricultural collectivization, forcibly deprived the people of their wealth, and adopted a brutal policy of extermination of rich peasants.

China prescribes the right medicine and has come up with a property law, which promises to protect private property and make it sacred and inviolable.Leaflets in various languages ​​were printed, and they were disseminated to various places by airplane.At the same time, a radio station was set up, and the invisible radio waves transmitted the voice of China.

The war is not just a battle on the front line, but also a battle for the hearts of the people. Especially in Central Asia, where Russia's traditional power is not strong, there are quite a lot of grievances among the people, and they have long hoped to drive Russia away.Coupled with the agitation of the property law, all the rich peasants in Central Asia saw the hope of maintaining a prosperous life.

A bucket of oil was poured into the fire, and Central Asia immediately boiled.The most exasperating thing is that Chinese planes not only drop leaflets, but also throw guns.People in Central Asia are fierce and fierce. After seeing the leaflets, they grabbed their guns and organized teams to resist Russia one by one.

Coupled with the former Basmachi, the prince's followers, a wave of resistance swept across Central Asia began.The seat of the Russian government, barracks, warehouses, roads, and railways were all harassed, and Russia's control of Central Asia was almost reduced to zero all at once.

Only the Russian army in a few cities is still struggling, like an isolated island in the sea, which may be swallowed at any time.Regarding the situation in Central Asia, the Russian high-level officials have some understanding, and they also know that the situation is not good.

The Russian high-level officials were shocked three times a day, and could only increase the intensity of recruiting troops, but it took time to deploy troops, and it also took time to raise supplies. Obviously, time was not on Russia's side.

Just when they were in a hurry to make adjustments, another bad news came, Zarek was attacked by air!

Hearing the news, Stalin immediately slapped the table and almost scolded Trotsky for being stupid.Zarek is the southern gateway to Karaganda, which in turn is the barrier to Astana.When the squadron attacked here, it obviously chose the road going north, and the target was Astana, or even Omsk.

Trotsky also felt a burst of blush. There is no doubt that he was wrong again. The Chinese were even more daring than imagined. They dared to go deep alone and attack the hinterland of Russia. They simply did not take Russia seriously.

"Comrade Stalin, I am willing to lead the troops to fight in person, and I will defend Astana to the death, and never let the squadron come in." Annoyed and angry, Trotsky said loudly. He was ready to go into battle shirtless and fight with the Chinese side. .Don't think that Trotsky was a scholar.

This guy's military talent is also quite powerful. He is known as the founder of the Russian Army. He climbed through the trenches with the soldiers and fought desperately with the White Army. He is also an old soldier who has experienced many enemies.

Stalin frowned slightly. Trotsky couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to go to the army himself. , but what if...

Thinking of this, Stalin said calmly: "Comrade Trotsky, the situation in the war is very dangerous. A strong commander is needed to turn the situation around. I think it is completely right for you to come forward. It is not only about defeating China in the military. People, we must stabilize the situation in Central Asia and resolutely attack the momentum of those feudal princes."

The Russians are quickly adjusting and deploying, but although their speed is fast, they are not as fast as the Chinese side. They have entered the era of mechanization, and the attack speed of the Central Asian Front Army led by the Guards Division far exceeds the Russians' imagination.

The army was soaring all the way, as if entering no one's land. From the beginning of the war to now, it took less than two days to take Akdouka, occupied Balkhash on the fifth day, and captured Agadir and Zarek on the tenth day. .

After advancing more than [-] kilometers in ten days, the Supreme Command was asking almost every moment, where did it go, where did it go!

Regarding the progress of the armored forces, the Chinese side couldn't believe it. This was not a war, it was simply an armed rapid-fire battle, and the attack was far smoother than imagined.It seems that the only thing that can stop the tank troops is fuel, and only when they run out of gas can these guys stop and take a break.

In fact, the same is true. The hurricane of the armored forces must have sufficient logistical support. Since the start of the war, the greatest pressure has been the logistical forces.In order to ensure the supply of the front line, the reclamation corps in Xinjiang and other places were completely mobilized, drawing manpower and animal power from them.

Set up a special convoy to transport supplies, and after leaving the country, they recruited local laborers from Central Asia to assist in the transportation.Out of dislike for the Soviet Union, people in Central Asia even offered to help.

On the entire transportation line, a total of more than 30 people were mobilized, as well as more than 1000 vehicles and tens of thousands of mules and horses.However, the attack speed of the armored soldiers is still beyond imagination, so that the logistics troops are always left behind.

The tank soldiers often had to stop and wait for fuel, which made the soldiers very distressed. Huang Xiansheng was like this. His troops had rushed to a place only [-] kilometers away from Karaganda, and the troops had to stop again because of insufficient fuel.

The strong winds in Central Asia in the past few days have caused many soldiers to suffer enough, their lips were cracked, and yellow sand was everywhere in their clothes and hair.After finally being able to take a break, everyone also seized the time to eat something to restore their strength.

At this moment, a large group of planes suddenly appeared in the distance, rushing towards this side quickly.

"Have our bombers moved again?"

"No, Zarek's temporary airport is still under repair..."

Before the staff officer could finish his words, Huang Xiansheng yelled, "Quick, the enemy air strikes, disperse!" (To be continued...)

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