The strongest militia

Chapter 236 Soviet Intervention

The war that broke out on the border between China and Mongolia was naturally telegraphed by spies from all sides, and all forces in China were also paying attention to the progress of the war.As the Kwantung Army who also paid attention to this war, I am very happy that their fisherman's plan has finally been realized.This time, the militia corps that annoyed the polar bear must have lost some troops!

The Soviet adviser who always felt that the military operations of the militia corps were more just to frighten Mongolia, heard the seven-day limit order, and when the militia corps dared to launch an offensive boldly, the first reaction was how could it be possible.Secondly, he ordered the Far East Army Corps stationed in Mongolia to start marching towards the border of China and Mongolia, repelling this ignorant militia corps.At the same time, what happened here was reported to the Soviet "government" in Moscow as soon as possible.

Knowing that this militia corps really dared to provoke Mongolia, which was protected by the Soviet Union, for the death of a few ordinary herdsmen, the Soviet "government" naturally ordered their representatives in the Far East to protest to the militia corps immediately.And ordered the militia corps to withdraw from Mongolia immediately, and at the same time compensate Mongolia for the losses caused by the war.

It was just for the surprise attack launched by the militia corps. When he learned that the Far East Army in Mongolia had also started to dispatch, Deng Chenggong knew that these old men were really arrogant.Previously they kept saying that it was the internal affairs of Mongolia and China, and they would not interfere.Now that Mongolia is suffering, I really can't wait to compete with the militia corps.

Come on!Anyway, this battle will be fought sooner or later! [

The battle situation was changing so rapidly. When Deng Chenggong received that the Far East Army had begun to assemble and prepare to come over to teach the militia corps, he immediately ordered the 35st Division and 31st Division of the [-]th Army to stop the recovery of Datong.The two main divisions immediately returned to Suiyuan territory to stand by, waiting for the next combat mission of the corps at any time.

At the same time, the cavalry division of the Shanxi-Sui Military Region, which has entered within a range of [-] kilometers in one day, and the three infantry divisions following behind, began to stop advancing to the hinterland of Mongolia, and build defenses on all military arteries leading to Suiyuan. fortifications.In addition, we know that the strength of the armored forces and air force of the Far Eastern Army cannot be underestimated.Deng Chenggong immediately ordered the rocket artillery division stationed in Chahar, and the two main combat brigades were dispatched to fight in Suiyuan.

The artillery division also dispatched an air defense brigade to enter Suiyuan territory for air defense.The bazooka used by the arsenal as a war reserve was also urgently dispatched to all front-line infantry units.To prevent the armored forces of the Far Eastern Army from attacking at that time, the infantry units have no effective means of defense.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the militias in the three liberated areas would not be affected, Deng successfully issued the first war mobilization order since the liberation of the three provinces.Except for the main force of the Northeast Military Region, which was on standby for 24 hours at the border facing the Kwantung Army, all the main militia brigades and reserve militia units in the base area were mobilized before the war.The air defense forces of the city fortresses also entered a strategic state at the same time.To prevent the Far East Army air strikes that may occur at that time.

This series of military orders made the Soviet spies who also had intelligence personnel ambushed in these three provinces quickly realize that this militia corps was really not a joke.He really dared to fight the Soviets desperately!

And seeing the main forces assembled one after another going to various places, the Soviet spies realized that the strength of this militia corps had far exceeded their expectations.In a sense, the strength of the militia corps in the three provinces far exceeded that of the Kwantung Army at that time.If the Far Eastern Army stationed in Mongolia and the militia corps fight against each other, it is really unclear who will win and who will lose.

With this information as a reference, the Soviet "government" also felt that it should proceed with caution.After all, they also don't want to be enemies with the Kwantung Army.Then anger such a militia corps that is also comparable in strength to the Kwantung Army.This will undoubtedly bring great trouble to their military deployment in the Far East.

So they decided to let their representatives in China successfully negotiate with Deng first, and if they can avoid fighting, it is better not to fight.After all, the Soviet Union is now focusing more on the European battlefield.And they have already seen a trend that the flames of war are about to burn into their Soviet Union.If the second-line or even third-line battle is to be fought at that time, with the current strength of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that there is no guarantee that it will win.

Out of this consideration, the Soviet "government" immediately sent a telegram to the Far East Army troops stationed in Mongolia.Without the order of the Soviet "government", large-scale conflicts with the militia corps are not allowed, and everything waits for the results of the final negotiations before disposing of this conflict.

Mongolia has been quiet for more than ten years.As the militia corps advanced [-] kilometers in one day, the calm situation was finally broken.Many think that no matter how powerful Mongolia is, there is no way to deal with the Mongolians who are serious about dealing with them. In the past ten years of independent life, they do not feel that the life of Mongolia after independence is really as good as the legends say.

And with the rapid development of Chahar and Suiyuan, many Mongolian princes who had contact with the local princes also had the idea of ​​returning to China again.Because they all know that the ethnic policy implemented by this militia corps is still kind to them, the Manchu and Mongolian princes.The attitude towards them is still different from that of the previous populist "government". As long as they have the ability and strength, they can even participate in the political affairs of the militia military "government".

For the Manchu and Mongolian princes, this is quite tempting.What's more, although those Mongolian princes who joined the militia corps in the early days don't manage pastures, they lie comfortably at home every month, and the ocean is flying around.Life is far happier than they are guarding a dilapidated pasture!

So when all parties were finally guessing where the war would go, many princes in Mongolia who had been deprived of a lot of power began to contact their princes in the militia liberated areas, hoping to negotiate terms with the militia corps .If they are willing to lead the herdsmen back, what kind of treatment can the militia corps give them?Regarding the conditions proposed by the princes, Deng Chenggong directly entrusted Xu Mingyuan, the political director who specializes in handling such government affairs, to handle them.

And he gave Xu Mingyuan only one suggestion, instead of allowing these Mongolian princes to take away their ethnic groups and move to the liberated area, it is better to find a suitable way to keep them in Mongolia.As long as they really want to return to Huaxia's embrace, the militia corps will retain some of their princely rights.

And provide financial and military support, let them act as the vanguard of recovering Mongolia, and create some troubles for the independent "government" of Mongolia and the Soviets when the militia corps does not want to launch a comprehensive recovery operation for the time being.This is what Deng Chenggong said, and these Mongolian princes formed an army to specialize in making troubles and sabotage.

And as long as these princes are sincerely willing to accept the management of the militia corps.When forming this kind of army, they can even send specialized military backbones to form a training army for them.This practice is often done in the United States and the United States in later generations, and Deng Chenggong is naturally familiar with it if he wants to use it.

When both sides began to dispatch troops in full swing, the representatives of the Soviet Union finally arrived at the combat command on the front line of Erenhot.The negotiating team headed by the Far East Plenipotentiary Sergeyev, accompanied by representatives sent by the People's Party, was sent here after going through strict inspections all the way.

Sergeyev and his party still had a preliminary impact on the strength of the militia corps that they saw along the way.Even the representative of the People's Party who acted as an interpreter knew for the first time that this was the most powerful militia corps on the northern anti-Japanese battlefield.Its military strength is so strong that it is so powerful.No wonder they were able to snatch all the territory of the Kwantung Army!

Sergeyev and his party who arrived at the frontline headquarters were quickly arranged to rest in a tent near the headquarters. When they proposed to meet Deng Chenggong immediately.Flying Eagle, who nominally protects them but actually monitors them, said without any face: "Sorry, our commander-in-chief is busy with military affairs, and it is a coincidence that you are here. He has already gone to the front line to inspect military affairs, and he will not be able to return until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the earliest." .So, you are still here to rest for a while, we have sent a report to the Commander in Chief. If he comes back. If he is willing to receive you, you will be notified soon.[

In addition, let me tell you that this is the combat headquarters of our militia corps, and it can also be said to be an important place for military aircraft.I hope that representatives who come from afar can be cautious in their words and deeds.Otherwise, I can't guarantee that if you walk around at will, once it involves inquiring about our military intelligence, I'm afraid you will be shot dead as a military spy.

For this, without permission.You should rest here!If you have any needs, you can tell the guards outside at any time, and we will try our best to meet what we can.Our mission is over.You are also coming from afar, let's rest early! "

After throwing away such impolite words, Captain Feiying, who protected and escorted the group of negotiators along the way, quickly opened the tent and walked out.This made the Soviet representative, who was used to domineering in China, naturally angry after listening to the slightly embarrassing translation by the representative of the People's Party.

But they know that the task of this trip is relatively difficult, and they are on the territory of the militia corps. At that time, these guys will really charge them with investigating military secrets. If they were shot dead, there would be no reason for them to die. go.They can only rest in this tent specially set up for them under the comfort of the representatives of the People's Party.

At least for one thing, the militia corps did not appear too stingy when it came to entertaining them.Even, in order to take care of their eating habits, a few bottles of vodka were specially sent.In this regard, these Soviet representatives who felt that their freedom was restricted were slightly satisfied, and patiently waited here for Deng Chenggong's summoning.

In fact, when these Soviet representatives arrived, Deng Chenggong had been staying in the headquarters, but he didn't want to let the Soviet representatives succeed so easily.In addition, it will take some time for some of his military arrangements, knowing that this negotiation is indispensable, it is still necessary to promote peace through war.Therefore, Deng Chenggong decided to make more detailed preparations for launching a war.

Either don’t fight, or if you want to fight, you have to beat the coaxed Far Eastern Army stationed in Mongolia. The group of Soviets who fought know that they will continue to fight with the militia unless they are really willing to give up the territory in the Far East.You know, beside them, there is also the Kwantung Army who is eyeing them!Compared with the threat of the Kwantung Army to them, the militia corps should at least look kinder!

It was precisely because of this consideration that after Deng Chenggong received that the liberated areas of the three provinces had completed their combat readiness plans, he finally had these waiting and somewhat impatient Soviet representatives led to a specially built negotiation conference room.This time, he also wanted to hear what absurd conditions these Soviets, who had always regarded Chinese people as objects, would put forward everywhere.

You know, Deng Chenggong also prepared a series of conditions for today's negotiation.It is impossible to discuss the conditions of the two sides, so it will eventually turn into a head-to-head battle.Only the winner in the end is eligible to negotiate terms, not a simple negotiation like they are now, which can resolve this war that has attracted the attention of the whole world.

The militia corps, which has already made preparations for war, is just going through the motions of this negotiation. At the same time, it also wants the accompanying representatives of the People's Party to really see what the big brother of the Soviet Union looks like!

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