The Soviet negotiators who have been waiting here for three days, although they are provided with delicious food and drink every day, they know that the longer this matter is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for their negotiations.And on the way here, seeing that the militiamen of the militia corps were full of fighting spirit, these Soviet representatives knew that the militia in front of them was different from the Chinese troops they had seen.

Even, from these militia units, they saw more shadows of the Soviet Red Army after the October Revolution.It is not easy for such troops to accept a series of conditions brought by them, so war can only be avoided.

Realizing that in the end it is still necessary to rely on war to let this militia know that they are representatives of the Soviet Union that cannot be easily offended, and they are eager to report this awareness to the country.But in the face of the militia protection personnel who are watching 24 hours a day, they have no way to leave easily.And they found that the attitude of these militiamen towards them was not even as good as the translators sent by the two people's parties.

Just when Sergeyev was about to cancel the negotiation, the Eagle squad leader who had escorted them here before finally told them that the commander had returned and was already waiting for them in the meeting room.

Hearing this, the Soviet representative breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of endless waiting is undoubtedly the most tormenting.When the group of them arrived at Feiying's so-called negotiating conference room, they saw only Deng Chenggong and two representatives with the rank of major general on their shoulders in the entire conference room, and there was not even a civilian staff.They realized that this kind of negotiation might not be easy.After all, soldiers are the kind of people with the strongest sense of honor.The conditions they brought were probably impossible for the militia corps to agree to. [

Fortunately, Sergeyev was already prepared for the breakdown of the negotiations, and after shaking hands with Deng Chenggong, the three of them one by one.Before starting the negotiations, Deng Chenggong expressed a little apology for meeting them so late.But from Deng Chenggong's tone and attitude, these Soviet representatives could not see the sincerity of an apology at all.

Sergeyev, who knew that the words were not speculative, also started to get to the point: "Commander Deng, the "government" of our country expresses strong protest against the war you launched this time. I hope you can quickly withdraw the troops that entered Mongolia. At the same time compensate for the losses caused by the war.”

for this condition.Deng Chenggong had been mentally prepared for a long time, and he didn't seem to be angry at all. He said: "Sher, I want to ask you a question. My war with Mongolia has nothing to do with you. As far as I know, when I asked them to hand over the murderer, The answer given by your Soviet "government" is that we will not interfere in our internal affairs. Then you said something like this today. Can I think that this is the politics of your Soviet "government" interfering in China's internal affairs, and at the same time, as a big country, you are turning back on your promises? principle?"

Such a sharp question stunned Sergeyev for a moment, but he quickly replied: "As for our country's political principles, I, as a representative, cannot comment. What I want to tell Commander Deng is that Mongolia and Our country is a military ally. We have signed an agreement on mutual military assistance. The war you launched this time was originally intended to be aggressive. This is intolerable for our country.

Therefore, on behalf of the "government" of our country, I solemnly propose a few suggestions to you.One, immediately withdraw your army that invaded Mongolia.Second, compensation for the losses caused by the war to Mongolia.Third, you must make a guarantee that you will not engage in military actions similar to this one with aggressive intentions in the future, otherwise our "government" will send troops to interfere in your military actions. "

The three conditions seem to be very few, but Sergeyev's words undoubtedly made the Chinese people present have a bad look on their faces. Even the two people's party representatives who acted as translators were surprised that the Soviet negotiating team would propose such an insulting proposal. Conditions come.

Originally, the representative of the People's Party thought that Deng Chenggong would be angry after listening to these three conditions, but instead he said with a smile on his face: "Then, according to Comrade Xieer's conditions, how much do you think our militia corps should compensate you this time to be reasonable?" "

After the unknown representative of the People's Party translated the words to Sergeyev, he was taken aback by the Soviet negotiator.Originally, they thought that after talking about these three conditions, it would almost announce the breakdown of the negotiation.The result didn't come to fruition, Deng Chenggong didn't seem to be angry, but instead asked about the amount of compensation.

When Sergeyev came, he knew that the militia corps seemed to be a wealthy owner. The dragon medicine they exported to the Soviet Union alone earned tens of millions of rubles a year.So I thought for a while and said, "We still need to make statistics with the Mongolian side, but the minimum amount cannot be less than 1000 million rubles."

Rubles are still quite valuable these days. If these 1000 million rubles are exchanged for oceans, it would cost tens of millions of dollars.These polar bears are really greedy!

When the representatives of the People's Party looked a little bad and translated the number, Deng Chenggong stood up under the gaze of these Soviet representatives and said: "I think this compensation figure is about the same, and it just fits my heart. However, the object of the compensation should be reversed. Since the war was initiated by the Mongolian side. Our militia corps paid a certain amount of damage for this. I will be generous with the amount of compensation, and it will be calculated as 1000 million oceans. If the time comes** If the "government" does not compensate the loss of my militia corps, then don't blame me for taking the troops to ask them for it.

Also regarding your Soviet Union's attitude on this matter, as the commander-in-chief of the militia corps, I announce that from now on, I will cut off all ties with your Soviet Union and abolish all cooperation plans we signed before.In addition, I trouble you to go back and tell your Comrade Stalin that Mongolia is an inalienable part of China no matter from history or now.We have no way to regain Mongolia for the time being, but it does not mean that we admit the fact that they split the country.

At present, the primary task of our militia corps is to drive the Japanese aggressors out of the country, so we don't want to do things like fighting in the same room.But if you, the Soviet Union, think that our militia corps is easy to bully, then you can try to fight a war with your stance.As far as I know, your troops deployed in the Far East are only about 70, but the main force of our militia has already exceeded one million. Why should I be afraid of your threats?

If you really want to fight us to the end, I, Deng Chenggong, will pay you.But once a war is provoked.You, the USSR, will bear the responsibility for all wars.Because what you have done is not at all like the tolerance that a big country should have.You say you don't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.But what are you doing now?

You know, it is the Republic of China now, and our militia corps is not the current ruling party.We are willing to sacrifice our lives for the great rejuvenation of the country. Any country or army that dares to invade China is the target of our militia corps.

Also, after you go back, ask your comrade Stalin if you change a leader, you can obliterate the decision made by your comrade Lenin before the ceremony, and return the land that originally belonged to our China.Now that you have changed a leader, you will backtrack.Then you just wait for me to lead the militia corps to personally reclaim these inherent territories that belong to China!

In addition, comrades, please tell these Soviet representatives that I will give you three days to leave the defense zone of my militia corps.If you haven't left after three days, don't blame me for detaining you as spies.Once the Far Eastern Army starts to attack our militia corps, I will regard the Soviet Union as unilaterally instigating the war, and I hope you will think twice about the consequences!I still have military affairs, so I won't spend more time talking nonsense with you.farewell! "

Seeing that Deng Chenggong's attitude suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and he didn't even mean to shake hands with these Soviet representatives to say goodbye, so he left with two equally angry major generals.When the representative of the People's Party was extremely excited, but his face was still very calm after translating Deng Chenggong's words just now.

Sergeyev and others suddenly felt that they had been tricked by Deng Chenggong.In particular, Deng Chenggong also stated the promise made by Lenin, the leader who established the Soviet Union, which made all the Soviet people present feel.Just now I really got carried away.They knew very well that with Comrade Stalin's attitude of not allowing anyone to challenge their Soviet authority, the battle with the militia corps might really be a deal. [

However, if what Deng Chenggong said is true, then the Far East Army will only be able to compete with the militia corps if all of them are dispatched.Unfortunately, this is simply impossible.Although the strength of the Soviet Far East Army is strong, the border they need to defend is also broad.

In addition, the Kwantung Army who stayed by the side and was ready to take a bite at any time.It is impossible for them to concentrate all their forces to successfully fight Deng.Unless the Soviet Union is willing to increase support for the Far East Army.Otherwise, I really don't know how long it will take to finish this war.

It's just that Deng Chenggong, who left this evil behind, has already left the negotiating table in advance, which means that what he said just now is the ultimatum of the militia corps.Sergeyev and others, who were worried that they would not be able to leave as scheduled within three days, left the rear headquarters that had been turned into a barracks with some concern.

Not long after they left Deng Chenggong's headquarters, senior officials in the Soviet Union received a telegram from Sergeyev that the negotiations had broken down.At the same time, they also received a telegram from the militia corps to abolish all cooperation intentions.And in terms of the sale of Shenlong medicine, they will be directly removed from the list.This means that this "drug" that is currently extremely popular internationally will have no share with the Soviets from now on.

This tough attitude undoubtedly made Comrade Stalin feel humiliated. He resolutely ignored the further discussion and decision of other "government" senior officials and ordered the Mongolian Far East Army, which was confronting the militia corps on the front line, to launch an attack.In his opinion, it is necessary for this reckless militia corps to make them realize that confronting them with the Soviet Far East Army is courting death.

But is it true?

The Soviet Far East Army stationed in Mongolia, as soon as it received the order, began to launch a violent artillery attack on the defensive positions of the confronting militia corps.At the same time, their air force and armored forces also began to attack the militia corps in batches.

When the shelling of the Far Eastern Army sounded, a clear-coded telegram that had been prepared in the headquarters of the Militia Corps was sent out, which immediately made the senior officials of the Japanese Kwantung Army cheer, but made all the forces in China look a little worried.Because, this is a telegram negotiated by Deng Chenggong, declaring war on the Soviet Union.

In the telegram, Deng succeeded in publicizing the Soviet Union's brutal interference in China's internal affairs, and at the same time announced that in the future, the Huaxia Militia Corps would fully recover Mongolia under appropriate circumstances.If the Soviets ignore the facts and want to split China, then the militia corps will fight to the end!

The sending out of this telegram made the whole country aware of the domineering and bloody spirit of the militia corps. Countless patriotic students and Chinese businessmen, when they received this telegram, began to join the militia corps. Patriotic Chinese businessmen also lost money one after another, hoping to give support to Deng Chenggong's militia corps with their meager strength.

As for the European and American countries, their attitudes towards this telegram declaring war seemed vague, only when Germany received this telegram.They actually sent a secret message to their representatives in China, hoping to increase their cooperation with the militia corps.At the same time, I hope that they will transfer all the Shenlong medicines that were deducted from the Soviet Union to them for purchase. Of course, if the militia corps needs anything, the German side will also strongly support it.

Looking at the condolence telegram sent by the German side in the form of a secret telegram, Deng Chenggong knew that the general environment in his previous life had not changed, and this noise really got the idea of ​​the Soviet Union.Once Germany started to invade the Soviet Union, Deng Chenggong really wanted to see if they could still be as confident as they are now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass,. Mobile phone users, please go to read

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