The strongest militia

Chapter 238 Militia Corps vs. Far East Army

Facing the first shelling by the Soviet Far East Army, the front-line militia units that had been prepared for a long time suffered very few losses in the shelling.And just as the armored units of the Far Eastern Army began to prepare for the assault, their armored units had just appeared in the sight of the militia columns, and a burst of violent artillery fire directly enveloped their entire armored units.

This sudden violent artillery fire caused heavy losses to the armored divisions of the Far Eastern Army stationed in Mongolia. When they were seeking the support of the artillery units in the rear, the artillery units already in place of the militia corps were also unceremonious. The attack began with the shelling of the artillery positions of the Far Eastern Army.

Watching the start of the second round of shelling by the militia corps, facing their surviving armored units, the main force of the militia infantry divisions defending the front line unexpectedly began to countercharge their positions abnormally.Did they really think that the surviving armored vehicles were vegetarian?

Just when those armored vehicles that survived the rocket attack were about to wipe out these ignorant militia infantrymen, among the infantrymen who were close to their tanks and armored vehicles, the infantryman carrying a long tube lay on the ground excitedly. They fired a rocket that was really, really fast.

When the armor-piercing rockets attacked the tanks and armored vehicles of the Far Eastern Army, the chariots that were originally unstoppable in the Mongolian plains were knocked down one by one by these nimble infantry as targets. .This gap in equipment made these Far Eastern Army troops, who had been holding a sledgehammer to kill chickens, begin to realize that they might have kicked the iron plate this time.The militia corps in front of them was stronger than they imagined. [

Watching the tanks and armored vehicles in front of them being wiped out by the infantry carrying the bobbins.The commander of the Far East Army, who was in charge of the rear of the town, immediately ordered all surviving tanks to start retreating.At the same time, they telegraphed their air force to come and support them.At least the Far East Army is very clear that the militia corps is not their opponent at all in terms of the air force.

But in the face of these armored vehicles that started to flee, Deng Chenggong, who also observed the situation on the battlefield, immediately ordered the cavalry division to be surprised.Today, he wants to annihilate the armored division of the Far Eastern Army deployed to the front line, so that the Soviets can really feel what it means to feel pain.

At the same time, he ordered the main force of the infantry division to rush out and began to attack the positions of the Far East Army.He wants to work hard today and wipe out the infantry division and armored division of the Far Eastern Army in front of him.At that time, if the situation permits, he will continue to advance the front to Mongolia.Anyway, Mongolia will be recovered sooner or later, so it is normal to grab some territory first and come back.If it doesn't work, start the second-line battle from now on!

Facing the menacing militia attack, they thought they would fight against such a Chinese militia force.It's not the Far Eastern Army that can be easily captured, and the defensive positions built are not formal at all.So that when facing the group charge of the infantry division, they suddenly felt in a hurry.

It wasn't until the Air Force of the Far Eastern Army appeared behind them that they felt a little more at ease, but facing the entangled troops below, the Air Force of the Far Eastern Army didn't dare to throw bombs down casually.Learn about the rear of the militia corps.When there were also oversized artillery units that needed to be cleared, the air forces of the Far East Army immediately went to the rear positions of the militia corps to start bombing.

But when their bomber group arrived at the rear position of the militia corps, the group of anti-aircraft guns with their muzzles raised high was ready for defense.When these aircraft enter the shooting range, they spit out a dense anti-aircraft firepower network.For the first time, these Far East Army pilots felt chilling from the bottom of their hearts.

The air force of this militia corps is indeed not strong.But their anti-aircraft firepower is what their Far East Army needs to look up to.To pass through such a dense air defense firepower network, these air forces also need to pay a heavy price.

Watching the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces of the Militia Corps attack the guerrilla warfare, the front-line Far Eastern Army finally lost its last hope. Facing more and more militia troops, the two main divisions of the Far Eastern Army dispatched this time finally Started to flee in defeat.But in the face of the roundup of the cavalry division of the militia corps, where can they escape again?

Seeing that some soldiers who surrendered with their guns survived, these soldiers of the Far East Army quickly surrendered to the cavalry of the militia corps after knowing that they could not escape.Let the infantry come from the rear, tie them up one by one and rush them to the rear of the militia corps.As for the air force that came to help, after losing most of their aircraft and seeing the situation of defeat below, they knew that their Far East Army had been defeated in the first battle.If they want to regain their position, I am afraid that they need to increase the investment in frontline troops.

These air force pilots began to return to the airport established in Mongolia one after another, and at the same time reported what they saw and heard today to the headquarters of the Far East Army.I hope that those high-level headquarters who only know how to fight but don't know how to inquire about the opponent's strength can make corresponding strategic adjustments in response to today's collapse in World War I.Otherwise, at today's speed, the hundreds of thousands of Far Eastern troops stationed in Mongolia may not be able to fight for a few days!

When the Soviet advisers sitting in the rear heard that the battle had started less than a day later, the two main divisions of the Far East Army they sent to the front line of Erenhot were wiped out.Such a rapid attack allowed the Soviet advisers to ask for reinforcements from the country as soon as possible.In addition, the Mongolian "government" was ordered to start conscription, and recruit as many soldiers as possible to block the menacing attack of the militia corps.

As Erlianhao's militia corps officially launched a counterattack, the main force of the Jinsui Military Region, which was confronting the Mongolian army, launched an attack accordingly.Unlike the Far Eastern Army that Deng Chenggong faced, the Mongolian Army was confronting the Shanxi-Sui Military Region.Facing these Mongolian troops that were much weaker than them, the main force of the militia in the Shanxi-Sui Military Region spent more time capturing prisoners.

After distributing the first round of battle reports in the form of power-ups, the Soviet Union was naturally outraged.The Far Eastern Army was ordered to increase the number of troops in Mongolia, and at the same time, a harshly worded clear code was sent, accusing the militia corps of launching a sneak attack against their Far Eastern Army.This kind of undeclared war is immoral.The Soviet Union will definitely take severe retaliation.

For such power-on, Deng Chenggong ignored it at all.Instead he ordered to enter the militia units that had begun to advance into Mongolia, to proceed as slowly as possible.Send corresponding troops to defend all the counties they recovered, and at the same time implement ethnic policies corresponding to Chahar.

At the same time, the "government" personnel in these counties are also regarded as pseudo-"government" personnel and undergo public trials.If they have no corresponding evil deeds, the militia corps will retain their corresponding freedom after the public trial is over.As long as they do not openly oppose the rule of the militia corps, they can still move freely in the liberated areas.

And went with the troops.There are also those Manchu and Mongolian princes in the liberated areas. They were notified by Deng Chenggong to come and earn war dividends.As long as the herdsmen in the occupied areas are willing to submit to the management of the militia corps, they can give priority to working for these princes to obtain corresponding benefits.

The confiscated pastures and livestock were handed over to these princes for purchase at extremely low prices.All they need to do is to appease the Manchu and Mongolian herdsmen who have been ruled by the independent "government" for more than ten years for the militia corps as much as possible.This kind of action of winning a place and building a place.Let the independent "government" far in the rear finally begin to realize that the militia corps' claim of recovering Mongolia is not a joke.What frightened them most was that Deng Chenggong had declared them, officials of the independent "government", traitors.If they don't change their course again, what awaits them will be a public trial by the Huaxia Militia Corps.

For the steady progress of the militia corps.The happiest suspect is the Mongolian prince who had previously released the goodwill to the militia corps.After the militia corps began to march into Mongolia and their identities were confirmed, the elite military cadres dispatched by the intelligence department in cooperation with the grassroots militia troops also began to enter the locations of the Mongolian princes who wanted to belong to China in small groups and began to replace them. Form the largest army.

So much so that the Far Eastern Army and the Mongolian Army began to focus on the battle between the front line and the militia corps.Little did they know that a spark had begun to ignite in their own backyard.These militia units are organized in independent battalions and companies.After receiving the weapons "medicine" provided by the militia corps, they began to carry out guerrilla warfare against the Mongolian "government" from time to time.Especially when the flag sacrifice objects selected by these guerrillas were concentrated on the pro-Soviet Mongols. [

Many Mongolian princes who began to look for a way out, also began to appear stymied in the face of the conscription order issued by the Mongolian "government".The independent "government" that relied on the Soviets to control the situation in Mongolia suddenly felt that when the militia corps came, the foundation they had worked so hard to lay before seemed to be destroyed in one fell swoop.Moreover, the Far Eastern Army, which has been continuously invested in the front line, does not seem to show too much of an advantage in the face of this militia corps that has grown up for only a few years.

In this turbulent battle, time slowly arrived at the Spring Festival of 1941.Compared with the previous two years, Deng Chenggong was able to go home for the Spring Festival, but this time, the first Spring Festival after getting married and starting a family, because the front line was still fighting the Far East Army, it became impossible to escape.The three wives had some opinions on this, but at the same time they also knew very well what Deng Chenggong was doing at this time.As the wives of the commander-in-chief of the militia, they must also be mentally prepared for this in advance.

When the soldiers of the militia corps began to stop at Joyel, which was hundreds of kilometers away from the Mongolian capital, the Far Eastern Army and the militia corps had fought no less than hundreds of times.Facing this nascent Huaxia army, the Far Eastern Army felt for the first time what a formidable opponent was.

In fact, they are very clear that a large part of the militia troops they fought against were recruits who had just entered the battlefield.But their Far Eastern Army was not much better. The suppression and purge of the Soviet Army also wiped out many outstanding commanders when they formed the army.In the face of these officers who know how to shout "charge for the revolution" at every turn, many soldiers of the Far Eastern Army have been used as targets for the militiamen.

Compared to the fact that the Far Eastern Army has been ordered to stop the militia corps' offensive near Joyle, Deng Chenggong also feels that the militia corps has now recovered these territories and can come to an end for the time being.For this reason, regarding the attack of the Soviet Far East Army, the militia corps also changed its previous offensive strategy and concentrated on consolidating the existing fruits of victory.

Now it depends on which of the two parties can't hold on, and finally fell into the tragedy of having to declare a truce.At least compared to the material supply line of the Far Eastern Army, relying on the militia corps in the rear is undoubtedly more advantageous. With this confidence, Deng Chenggong naturally believes that the Soviet Far Eastern Army will be the first to be exhausted!

And in order to let the Soviet Union end this confrontation as soon as possible, Deng Chenggong has already ordered the Mongolian Revolutionary Army, which has begun to form a large scale, to assemble in an orderly manner, preparing to launch a sabotage battle against the Soviet Union's longitudinal railway connecting Mongolia.Once there is a problem with this strategic supply line, Deng Chenggong would like to see whether the Mongolian "government" alone can effectively provide the strategic supplies needed by the Far East Army.Even in Deng Chenggong's view, once the railway is destroyed, the war that has been fought since the end of last year will soon come to an end! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.

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