Seeing these little devils on duty who were drinking so excitedly, the smile on the puppet company commander's face became more and more intense.Until the officer on duty seemed to feel that it was unreasonable to eat the wine and meat he brought, but not invite the other party to eat and drink with him.When he was about to stand up with a wine glass, he asked the puppet company commander who could speak fluent Japanese to have a drink together, but found that he seemed a little drunk and didn't even have the strength to stand up.

As he gradually felt this sense of powerlessness spread all over his body, the Japanese officer on duty realized that something seemed wrong. It stands to reason that this feeling of weakness is not a state of drunkenness.Then there is only one reason for the discomfort he feels now, and that is something wrong with the wine or meat.

Thinking of this, the Japanese officer was startled. Looking at the puppet officer who was also looking at him indifferently, he said, "There is something wrong with this wine. Who are you?"

The company commander of the puppet army saw that only this officer was still awake in the entire duty room, and walked forward with a smirk, "If you want to know, then go to hell and ask your goddamn emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly grabbed the weakened officer's head with both hands and twisted it. After hearing a crisp bang, the officer on duty immediately fell limply in the duty room the ground.

In the same way as twisting the neck, after all the officers in the duty room were dealt with, the company commander of the puppet army soon changed into the obnoxious smiley expression before, and sent the two gun-toting Japanese soldiers standing in the duty room , when the opponent was completely unprepared, he directly solved it with one punch and one knife.

After simply wiping the bloodstains on the ground, the corpses of these Japanese soldiers were moved to the duty room. The puppet company commander killed all the Japanese soldiers near the duty room in such a situation that the Japanese soldiers on the ship did not expect.When he came to the warehouse of the supply ship below, those little devil soldiers who had been guarding the porters with live ammunition were all piled up in the warehouse of the supply ship.

Seeing the company commander of the puppet army come in, the puppet troops who were resting immediately stood up and said, "Captain, all the little devils on the ship have been dealt with. What should we do next?"


Who is this pretending to be the company commander of the puppet army?He is the newly appointed captain of Flying Eagle, Zhou Hu. The puppet soldiers of a company that boarded the ship are all fake Flying Eagle members.As for how they turned into puppet troops and came to the side of these Japanese aircraft carrier fleets, it's a long story.Let's talk later!

Zhou Hu knew that there was not much time left for Feiying, so he immediately ordered: "Call out all the other brothers. According to our previous plan, first deal with the little devils on the Japanese aircraft carrier. Immediately send a report to the commander-in-chief and tell Their flying eagles have entered the enemy's nest and are cleaning the nest of miscellaneous birds.

In addition, to the marines docked in the port, they must come to support before dawn.Finish sending the telegram.Start the jammer immediately to prevent the little devils from knowing that our target is this aircraft carrier fleet after the action is exposed.But everyone can rest assured that the nearest port is tens of kilometers away. Unless they are firing shells, no one will hear the gunshots at all.

But for the sake of safety, everyone must act quickly. Once they shoot, they must control their command center and turret in the shortest possible time.This is related to the importance of whether we can completely win this aircraft carrier fleet in the future, and we cannot bear the responsibility if something goes wrong.have you understood? "

A group of Flying Eagle players immediately said: "Understood!"

After the order is issued.Zhou Hu personally led a squadron of flying eagles to approach the aircraft carrier not far from them by diving.As for the rest of the hundreds of Flying Eagles hiding under the deck of the transport ship, they also went to carry out cleaning tasks on the little devil warships that they each needed to deal with.You know, for the day.These flying eagles have been training for more than a month!

Swimming near the aircraft carrier, Zhou Hu ordered a few flying eagles with javelins on their backs to find a suitable place to fire the penetrating javelins specially designed for them.Through these gun ropes, in this kind of undulating sea.Climb smoothly to the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Although the little devil also has personnel on duty late at night, he just used the order issued by the supply captain just now to prepare a small amount of wine with sweat medicine and cartilage powder in advance.After supplying these Japanese soldiers on duty to keep out the cold.For such a long time, as long as the kid who drank the wine almost fell into a drunken coma.The little devils on these aircraft carriers don't know anything about these flying eagles who infiltrated the aircraft carrier wearing water.

After all the raiding eagles had infiltrated up, Zhou Hu specially asked each team member to find the warehouse responsible for cleaning up. After the raiding teams of other teams had arrived at the target, Zhou Hu immediately ordered the flying eagles to start cleaning up the aircraft carrier. kid on the road.

Equipped with the newly developed silencer pistols from the arsenal, the speed of cleaning these flying eagles was undoubtedly much faster when such little devils had no defense at all.It's just that when they were cleaning up to the crew lounge of the aircraft carrier, the actions of other squads on the sea seemed to be exposed.The gunshot directly pierced the night sky, and the little devil staying in the ship quickly realized that something was wrong.Started coming out of the break room to see what was going on outside.

Zhou Hu, who also heard the gunshots, knew that the next moment was when Feiying needed to use their real kung fu. The assassination actions with pistols just now were all attacked with assault rifles.This kind of automatic rifle kills people naturally much faster than a single-shot pistol.

What's more, the turret outside is already under their control. As long as the resting people in the aircraft carrier are surrounded, I believe it will be a matter of time before they break into it.The only thing to worry about is that these little devils finally know that there is no hope of breaking through, and it is really not worth the loss if they come to the ship.You know, when accepting this mission, Deng Chenggong specifically confessed to them that this raid was to rob the little devil's aircraft carrier as the primary task. As for other small ships, if there is no other way, they can also give up.

Seeing the little devil guards in the rest cabin start to go out of the cabin door to investigate the situation, Zhou Hu immediately instructed the flying eagle on board to launch a quick surprise attack.Don't worry about the impact of the gunshots, just start killing and break into the lounge to kill.As long as they seize their weapons room and command room, this aircraft carrier will belong to their militia corps.

Knowing this situation, time is extremely precious. After receiving Zhou Hu's order, the Flying Eagles directly switched to assault rifles, and launched a violent surprise attack when the little devil soldiers who walked out of the hatch did not react at all. .After the fierce gunshots sounded, the little devil, no matter how sleepy he was, knew that something was wrong on the aircraft carrier.

These little devils are still very vigilant.After the gunshot sounded, they quickly put on their clothes, took their weapons and began to approach the place where the gunshot sounded.It's just that before they arrived for support, all they saw were the figures of their comrades-in-arms fleeing in embarrassment.It wasn't until those flying eagles wearing black uniforms and ink all over their faces attacked that they realized how powerful the people who sneaked up tonight were.

It's just that at this time, Feiying won't give them a chance to think about it, these little devils naval officers and soldiers who usually operate ships and guns.Faced with this kind of close-range shooting, he was undoubtedly very immature in front of Feiying.Anyone who dared to risk or was seen, without exception, would be shot and killed by these flying eagles that kept pushing into the interior of the aircraft carrier.

This is a gang of killers!

Some soldiers who served as technical arms on the aircraft carrier saw comrades lying around one by one.With that pained and bewildered expression, and those killing gods wandering around the aircraft carrier like ghosts, let alone resisting, they were frightened and collapsed, and began to look for every opportunity to rush outside.In this kind of place, there is only one fate waiting for them, that is, to become the spoils of war for this god-killing army just like these dead people.

It's a pity that they forgot that this is the inside of the aircraft cabin, and the outside is also controlled by Feiying, watching Feiying advancing step by step.These little devils officers and soldiers.In the face of life-threatening situations, they can only fight back.It's a pity that they are far behind Flying Eagle in this kind of close-range special operations and marksmanship.Even in the end.Many soldiers have launched suicide charges regardless of their lives, and what awaits them is also ruthless shooting with only gunshots but no sound.

After cleaning up nearly a thousand little devils naval officers and soldiers in the aircraft carrier lounge, Zhou Hu, who appeared to be angry, also came to the door of the aircraft carrier fleet commander's barn.Looking at the commander of the aircraft carrier fleet that has been controlled by Feiying, this Japanese general wearing the rank of lieutenant general.He also looked very shocked and said: "Who are you guys? How did you attack my aircraft carrier fleet in this vast sea?"

Zhou Hu said very bluntly to the little devil's vice admiral's question, "Why should I tell you?"

The lieutenant general almost choked on this answer, and immediately said: "From your clothes, I can more or less guess your identities. If my guess is correct, you should be the Flying Eagles of China? I have only heard of it before. Your army's special operations are very good. I didn't expect you to be able to do special operations at sea.

It's just that, even if you snatch my aircraft carrier battle group, I'm afraid it won't work at the level of your Chinese people.And if there is a problem with our aircraft carrier fleet, what awaits you will be the revenge of the strongest navy in the Japanese Empire.You are waiting to die!Ha ha! "

As if he knew that he was bound to die, the vice admiral also seemed extremely arrogant. He knew very well that although his aircraft carrier fleet was very strong, in the Japanese navy series, there were still more than a dozen aircraft carrier battle groups like this one.Once their naval headquarters knew that there was a problem with his aircraft carrier battle group stationed in Southeast Asia, especially in the waters surrounding China.Waiting for these Chinese troops without naval defense will be the crazy revenge of the entire Japanese navy.You know, what is really powerful in Japan at this time is their naval force!

It just surprised him that the lieutenant general, who thought he would be killed immediately, closed his eyes and waited for the death to come, but he waited for a word that made him very inexplicable.

'Do you really think that we Huaxia really don't have the trump card to check and balance your navy?I tell you, stop daydreaming.Since you want to die so much, then I won't let you die. I want you to watch how my Chinese militia corps buried your so-called invincible navy in this sea one by one.

Detain him and feed him with water and dry food every day. If he really wants to die, let him die.We started contacting other combat units and held out as long as we could until the Marines and Navy arrived. '

Zhou Hu said the first paragraph in Japanese, and the latter in Chinese.And the vice admiral, who knew that he could save his life, was also very curious about what the trump card Zhou Hu was talking about.Even when Feiying locked him alone in a closed room, he seemed extraordinarily quiet.It wasn't as Flying Eagles imagined, this guy had the guts to commit suicide, and they had to send someone to watch him.

When Zhou Hu came out, after inspecting all the cabins of the aircraft carrier and confirming that no one was alive, Zhou Hu immediately commanded these flying eagles to pile up all these corpses and the corpses of the little devils in the aircraft carrier on the deck.When these warships are handed over to the militia corps tomorrow, the navy and marines who have no ships to drive have been in the hands.

When everything was cleaned up, a ray of light appeared in the eastern sky, and dozens of ships of the Japanese aircraft carrier battle group had been cleaned up overnight.This was miraculously taken overnight by thousands of Flying Eagles from the Flying Eagle Brigade.Once this news is spread, Flying Eagle's prestige will be even greater than before, and their achievements will be engraved in the history of the world's military from now on! (To be continued..)

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