The strongest militia

Chapter 299 Say it's mine, so it's mine!

() Through the motorboats shuttled back and forth in the aircraft carrier fleet, Zhou Hu already knew that the rest of the squad had also controlled their respective targets.This means that this aircraft carrier battle group from Baodao has changed its surname to Deng from today.Only their Flying Eagles took down the entire aircraft carrier fleet intact. This feat made all the Flying Eagles participating in the night's battle look excited.

But compared to the excitement of these team members, Zhou Hu knew that what was in front of them now was how to hand over these ships to the navy that had been formed but had no ships to sail as soon as possible.What's more, he was worried that with so many ships, whether his own militia's naval force, which seemed a little weak, could all be driven.This is also a question worth considering!

Even though the marines who were responsible for taking over their missions last night and the navy who arrived on the same ship as the marines did not see their ships appear, it is not a safe thing after all.As a result, Zhou Hu resumed the radio communication information, and immediately sent a message to ask how long it would take for the marines and navy to reach this sea area.You know, they can board the ship and kill people, but they really can't move against this kind of big guy!

Speaking of the navy that Deng Chenggong prepared in advance for today, and the marine corps that has just been trained, he actually has another name, which is the water guerrilla brigade founded in Baiyangdian.

This guerrilla brigade was originally formed to fight against the river transportation of the little devils. Later, as the militia corps gradually grew in strength, these sailors who were familiar with water were almost in a situation where they could not fight.In the later period, more of them were engaged in escorting some merchant ships of the militia corps to ensure the smooth transportation of this river.

It wasn't until Deng Chenggong realized that his militia corps also needed a marine corps. These so-called superiors were all militia members with white stripes, and they became the first batch of marines to be drafted.Since then, their training place has also been transferred from the original Baiyangdian to Qinhuangdao, which was liberated by the Northeast Army Division.

In this coastal city, Deng Chenggong deliberately assigned some domestic naval talents recruited by the militia corps to the militia naval academy established under the protection of the Qinhuangdao Jing Garrison Brigade.keep them here.Try to get back the feeling of being a navy in the past as much as possible, and reserve some naval talents that the militia corps urgently needs.

Moreover, in order to attract domestic talents who are determined to revive the prestige of the navy, Deng Chenggong specially invited Sa Zhenbing, a famous navy general who is over [-] years old, as the principal when he opened the Naval Academy.Knowing that the militia corps, which is becoming more and more famous in China, intends to build a new type of naval force, this veteran of the Qing Dynasty and the second generation of the Republic of China still gladly accepted the invitation of the militia corps.

With this golden signboard.The Naval Academy recruited many naval talents who could not display their talents in the country, but when they got the militia corps and temporarily had no ships to provide them with training, these naval talents who wanted to revitalize the reputation of the Chinese navy also seemed a little discouraged cold.

Until Deng Chenggong personally promised that as long as they can master the operation of today's modern ships proficiently, they will give him no matter whether they are self-made or robbed within a year.They must also tow a fleet back to them.Perhaps knowing that Deng Chenggong is not the kind of person who likes to make empty promises, these naval talents who have come from afar have been concentrating on the academy, accepting the advanced knowledge of the navy in the new era as much as possible by talking on paper.

As the one-year period approached, the teachers and students of the Naval Academy who had gathered thousands of naval talents only got a few chances to get on the gunboat and stay in the sea.As for the so-called warships, they didn't even see their shadows.If it hadn't been for the veteran Sa Zhenbing to come forward in the end.I'm afraid that these naval elites who have finally regained hope will start to retreat.

For this reason, at the beginning of the implementation of the recovery operation plan, Deng Chenggong handed over the power of the commander-in-chief to Feng Yixiang. In addition to the theoretical level of the elites, they also personally directed several training sessions of the Marine Corps.

Originally thought that Deng's successful arrival at the Naval Academy must be the naval elites who came for the ships.Seeing that Deng Chenggong just tested their theoretical knowledge, he went fishing for three days and posted nets for two days in the college.This made the sailors who waited for the warship through the autumn water really anxious.

Sa Zhenbing, who also didn't know what kind of medicine Deng Chenggong sold in this gourd, couldn't hold back his confusion. When Deng Chenggong returned to the academy late at night, he blocked him at the door and asked directly: "Commander Deng, did you You promise me that you will buy us a warship within a year. But now it is less than two months before the one-year period, and I have not seen the shadow of this warship. Don't tell me, you are also like that Jiang Dapao .I like to lie to people!"

As Sa Zhenbing, who has experienced the second generation of the navy, what he most hopes to see is the day when the Huaxia Navy will be revived.For this reason, he came here to be the principal at such an age, which is enough to prove that he attaches great importance to training naval talents.

In addition, because the navy was ineffective at the Nationalist Party, and even some maintenance fees for warships began to be suspended, Sa Zhenbing had several banquets with Chairman Jiang, and all he got was the answer that the government was short of funds.He had no choice but to go home to recuperate, until he accepted Deng Chenggong's invitation to come here to serve as the dean of the newly formed Naval Academy.

And when he was willing to come here, it was because Deng Chenggong told him in the letter that he wanted to build a naval force that would truly bring back the soul of the Chinese navy.Although I know that this is a bit bragging, Sa Zhenbing, who refuses to miss even a glimmer of hope, still came here all the way.Now that hope is about to go to waste again, how can Sa Zhenbing not be in a hurry to get angry?

Seeing that the veteran was a little anxious to get angry, Deng Chenggong smiled and comforted him: "Old Sa, don't worry! Isn't there still nearly two months left for the one-year period I admitted to you? Don't worry, really Don't be too impatient, as long as you tell them to study at ease, I can guarantee that in the future you will only feel that there are not enough manpower, and you will not feel that there is no ship to sail."

Sa Zhenbing saw that Deng Chenggong still used such words to confuse himself, and said unceremoniously: "Don't lie to me, as long as you present a decent warship to our Naval Academy, I will admit your words It's true. Besides, I have experienced the second generation of China's navy. I dare not say anything else. The person who drives the warship can find thousands of talents from him. Just hand over the warship to me now, and I will find someone for you immediately Come on, believe it or not?"

have to!Seeing this veteran start arguing with himself.Deng Chenggong invited him into the room and said: "Old Sa, I really didn't lie to you. The fleet I prepared for you has already parked in Tianyan Port. You may go on board for training when the time is right. Since you just said , students are all over the country, so when we lack talents at that time, you can't refuse!"

The fleet stopped at Tianyan Port.That's the little devil's aircraft carrier fleet. Is Deng Chenggong talking nonsense?

Realizing this, Sa Zhenbing looked very angry and said: "Commander Deng thinks that my old man is easy to fool. This aircraft carrier fleet docked at Tianyan Port is obviously the little devil's aircraft carrier fleet. When did it become yours?"

But Deng Chenggong said confidently: "I said it was mine, so it must be mine. When have you ever seen me and Deng Chenggong said that I didn't keep what I said? What's more, you don't feel it at all. I have already mobilized the army, all assembled on standby and have not moved because of it? To tell you the truth, it is for this aircraft carrier fleet.

Originally, I didn't expect the little devil to send me an aircraft carrier fleet. I thought I would be satisfied if I could get a few cruisers or destroyers from it.Who knew that these little devils were so generous.Suddenly, an aircraft carrier fleet was sent.If I don't accept it, wouldn't I be sorry for the little devil's kindness.So, just relax and wait, I guarantee that it won't be long before you will be able to drive large warships, even aircraft carriers! "

Surprised by Deng Chenggong's big talk, Sa Zhenbing also seemed a little unbelievable: "What you said is true? Do you really have a way to capture their aircraft carrier fleet at sea?"

'Sa Lao, is there a way to just wait for a few days.I believe that when you get old, you will know whether what I said is true or not.What you have to do now is to appease the officers and soldiers living in the academy as much as possible and tell them to wait for the arrangement of the academy at any time.I don't want the anti-warship to be handed over to them by then.They told me in turn that there was no way to start those warships, and then I would really be blind! '

With this kind of answer that Sa Zhenbing always felt was unreliable.The veteran of the navy still felt that he had succeeded in trusting Deng once again, and once again used his prestige to suppress the riots of the students.Until last night, after Deng Chenggong received the secret telegram from Feiying, he immediately asked the people around him, "Are the merchant ships of the Jingbei brigade ready?"

The acquisition of merchant ships and some captured imps are ready.When ready to set off at any time, Deng Chenggong immediately found Sa Zhenbing and said, "Sa Lao, come with me to get back our warship!"

Sa Zhenbing, who didn't know what to do, was pulled onto the boat by Deng Chenggong in this kind of confusion.The naval teachers and students who were also fully armed were arranged in batches on several merchant ships, and they sailed towards Tianjin Port in the vast night.

When Deng successfully got on the boat and left, he called Feng Yixiang and Hu Guangzong at the same time, ordering them to officially carry out the raid at six o'clock tomorrow morning.And the Minyi Division, which was also assembled on an isolated island in the Southwest Military Division, also issued an order to sail to Tianyan Port on a merchant ship.

This time Deng's strategy for successfully raiding Tianxie was to cut off the retreat of the Japanese troops stationed in the second city.And in the way that the Japanese army least expected, the way of transporting troops by merchant ships, directly inserted into the center of the Tianyan garrison Japanese army through Tianjin Port.Eliminate the Japanese army in Tianxie at the fastest speed.Then the Northeast Army was divided into divisions to block the land passage for the Beiping Japanese Army to flee to the northeast, and implemented a three-sided siege to capture the Beiping North China Japanese Army that was trapped in the isolated city.

And the core part of this plan is the ship seizure raid carried out by the Flying Eagle Brigade in cooperation with the Reconnaissance Brigade.Once Feiying's raid fails, it means that they can only rely on a land attack to tear the Japanese army in the two places to pieces.

In this way, it must be much more difficult to inflict losses on the militia corps than through this unexpected central blooming battle.Therefore, from the time the Flying Eagle Squadron accepted the mission, Zhou Hu, the newly appointed captain, knew that their success or failure almost determined the way this war would end.

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