That night, Deng Chenggong and Hu Guangzong invited Shaoshuai Zhang and his party to the military government hotel in Beiping. Firstly, it was Hu Guangzong who was helping the former senior official. The Northeast Young Marshal, who is the chairman of the military government, had a good chat about the post-war reconstruction of the Northeast and the people's livelihood economy in the future.

Young Marshal Zhang, who had already been reunited in the Zhang Mansion, represented his family at the beginning of the banquet and toasted Deng Chenggong, the commander-in-chief.Because he knew very well that he could lift the house arrest so quickly and return to Zhang Mansion.To a large extent, such a young commander-in-chief of the militia has contributed a lot.In terms of emotion and reason, toasting wine should also be done.

For Zhang Shaoshuai's toast, Deng Chenggong did not refuse to drink it down.With such a good opening wine, in the following banquet, everyone will naturally talk about state affairs and family affairs.The one who talked more was naturally Young Marshal Zhang, who wanted to know about the situation in Northeast China.

At present, the strength of the Kwantung Army has shrunk to the front line of Kyrgyzstan Province, and it has begun to build fortifications on the border of China and North Korea. It seems that they are very worried that after the militia regains the Northeast, they will drive them into the sea in one go.The attacking troops of the militia corps are still focusing on attacking Nenjiang, trying to digest the results of the battle.

As for the militia corps on the border of Kyrgyzstan Province, they did more harassment and did not launch any strong offensive.After all, after several months of fighting, the officers and soldiers of the militia corps were a little tired, and the whole army had to take a good rest before fighting again.Although the Kwantung Army is still holding on to the situation in Nenjiang, anyone with a little military knowledge will know it.

The Kwantung Army might not be able to keep the land of Nenjiang.If you don't want to bury all the Japanese troops in Nenjiang, the best way is to retreat into Kyrgyzstan Province like Hei Province.It's a pity that the Kwantung Army is still delusional about occupying the nail-biting land of Nenjiang, and one day it will be able to counterattack the Northeast.Recapturing the Eastern Province that they had been operating for nearly ten years, Deng Chenggong directly gave the four words "wishful thinking" to the Japanese army's extravagant expectations.

Despite the current war between the border of Hei province and the border of northern Liaoning.It gradually changed from large-scale cluster operations to small-scale infiltration and sabotage warfare targeted by both sides.However, in the Nenjiang area, the main force of the militia corps has been taking turns to launch fierce attacks on the entrenched Japanese army.While making the Kwantung Army distressed about the casualties of the troops, it also became more and more entangled in whether to defend or retreat.

It's just that the Kwantung Army knows very well that they have retreated again and again.If Nenjiang is also lost, it will be easier for the militia corps in the liberated areas to clean them up again.Therefore, before it fails completely.The Japanese army would not easily give up Nenjiang to the militia corps.

Therefore, after learning about the mentality of the Kwantung Army, Deng Chenggong also transferred all the subsequent reorganized militia corps to the Nenjiang battlefield.Use the little devil troops there to improve and train the combat effectiveness of the troops.After occupying Nenjiang, the militia corps will be able to launch attacks on the hinterland of Songjiang, Hejiang, Kyrgyzstan, and Andong Kwantung Army in one go.

After listening to Deng Chenggong's introduction, Young Marshal Zhang said with great admiration: "Commander Deng, to tell the truth. At that time, Brother Wen Bai told me about your militia corps. I really just thought that there was another anti-Japanese army in China. Team. But I never thought that you would become a small militia brigade at that time, and develop into the mainstay of the anti-Japanese war like you are today.

Especially when brother Wen Bai came to visit me this time.Hearing that Hei Province was recovered, to be honest, I almost jumped up for joy.It's just that I didn't expect that it would be your militia corps that regained the Northeast.However, I can hear the folks in my hometown getting rid of the oppression of the little devil.To be honest, I am really grateful.

If it weren't for my order back then, I am afraid that the folks in the Northeast would not have endured the pain they are today.For the original mistake.I have been introspecting all these years staying there.Why didn't I dare to disobey Shangfeng's orders back then and pull up troops to fight with the little devil?

I feel that I am still not as courageous as my father was back then.If the little devil hadn't killed my father, I'm afraid today's little devil wouldn't even be able to step into the Northeast half a step.Compared to my father, the Northeast Marshal, I, the young Marshal, really failed! "

Regarding Zhang Shaoshuai's exclamation, Deng Chenggong shook his head and said: "In fact, it is an unwise choice for a person to be too immersed in the mistakes he made back then. Since the young commander feels that he made a mistake back then, you are now If you have the opportunity to turn over a new leaf again, why not give it a try?

What's more, the right and wrong in the middle, who is right and who is wrong, future history will give a fair and just evaluation.At least in my opinion, the young marshal was able to promote the domestic anti-Japanese united front at all costs.With the country and the people, you are all meritorious.This is why, at the beginning, I thought that if the young coach could return.I am willing to hand over the troops attacking the Northeast to your command, and let you lead the militia soldiers to take back the lost land and the dignity of the Northeast Army.

Although the young marshal has only returned now, I don't think it's too late.If the young marshal doesn't dislike it, isn't there still four cities that have not been taken back?At that time, the young marshal will work hard to bring him back.I think with the prestige of the Young Marshal in the Northeast, your coming out of the mountain will surely improve the morale of the army and the people, which will be of great use to the country and the people! "

These words moved Shaoshuai Zhang very much, but he didn't understand if this was Deng Chenggong's sincere words, or there was a sense of probing in it.In any case, such things as military power do not mean that they can be picked up and put down casually.What's more, he is no longer the young commander in the past, and the Northeast Army has already existed in name only.

Once the troops under his command appear to be obedient and disobedient, how should he know himself?What's more, Young Marshal Zhang knows very well that he is still somewhat capable of handling government affairs.But to command such a large-scale military operation, his ability is really not good enough.

After thinking about these things, Young Marshal Zhang sincerely shook his head and said, "Thank you, Commander Deng, for your kindness, but I know what I am worth, and I am not a general. They couldn't take it down. In the end, it caused heavy casualties to the troops, and the old Maozi killed him again.

In fact, when I came back this time, I wanted to go to the Northeast to see those folks, as long as they live well.I also feel relieved!At least as far as I know, the people in the militia liberated areas live a stable life, and they can enjoy the atmosphere of a family between the military and the civilians from time to time.

This situation, in my opinion, proves that the common people really made the right choice in choosing you.Therefore, I hope that Commander Deng will stop this matter of leading troops to fight.To be honest, I can also command operations above the regiment level, and I will be blind if I am older. "

Seeing Young Marshal Zhang's answer, Deng Chenggong pondered for a while and said, "Okay, since the young marshal is not willing to go out and take over the military power again, let the young marshal go to the liberated area of ​​the Northeast militia first. Let me let you visit the people in the liberated area Second, you can also help our militia corps work and criticize more. As for the next step, we can talk about it after we win the entire Northeast. I don’t know if the young marshal thinks this successful arrangement is satisfactory?"

Young Marshal Zhang said happily to Deng Chenggong's straightforwardness: "Satisfied, [-]% satisfied! At that time, the militia corps will be able to use Zhang. Just ask, Zhang will do his best."

When I first came into contact with Deng Chenggong and Zhang Shaoshuai, they seemed to have a little preparation and understanding for the future.But now the entire Northeast has not been restored, and the chairman of the military government of the largest black province is concurrently held by Hu Hao.The current post-war reconstruction work in Heilongjiang Province is also doing well.It can be seen from this that Hu Hao, the chairman of the military government, is also very competent.

For this reason, Deng Chenggong's arrangement for Zhang Shaoshuai is that he will be the future director of the Northeast Region and the chairman of the military government of Kyrgyzstan Province.He has the power to direct the government affairs of the Northeast, but he only has the right to make suggestions but not to make decisions regarding the military affairs of the Northeast Military Region in the future.Of course, this was only a temporary decision made by Deng Chenggong after talking with Zhang Shaoshuai.How to arrange the next step depends on the development of the current situation and the evaluation of the young marshal by the officers and soldiers of the militia corps.

Knowing that the Northeast Young Marshal in front of him is anxious to visit the people there for the Northeast.Therefore, the next day, Deng Chenggong handed over to him a letter of appointment for the commissioner of the Northeast Region of the Inspection Bureau.Let him monitor the military and political affairs in the Liberated Area while inspecting the Northeast.Of course, he only has the power to suggest investigations, if he wants to punish some military government chairmen above the county level.

He can detain at most, but has no power to authorize the execution of executions and the like.In order to ensure his safety, Deng Chenggong also specially arranged a small team of flying eagles for 24-hour protection, and at the same time confessed to the troops in the Northeast Liberated Area that the safety of Zhang Shaoshuai and his party must be guaranteed.

Young Marshal Zhang did not refuse the letter of appointment sent by Deng Chenggong, and accepted the task readily.Therefore, not long after Zhang Shaoshuai returned to Beiping, the people in the Northeast Liberated Area spread the news.Their young marshal is back, and he's back to visit their fellow villagers.For a time, many people in the entire Northeast land shed tears.

The second generation of the Zhang family's father and son run the Northeast, and the business of this originally not rich province is booming.It can be said that their Zhang family's prestige among the people in Northeast China is still very high.Moreover, although Zhang Dashuai was born with a beard, he has always regarded the Northeast as his backyard and never allowed his subordinates to bully the people at will.

Therefore, the Northeast Army in the early years was still very honest in the eyes of the people in the Northeast.This is also the reason why many people shed tears excitedly when they heard that Young Marshal Zhang had returned.As for the Northeast Army retreating without a fight, the Northeast fell into the hands of little devils.Many people publicized that this was all caused by Zhang Shaoshuai.But many people felt that Young Marshal Zhang had taken the blame for Chairman Jiang, so they didn't bury the Northeast Young Marshal very much.

Therefore, after Young Marshal Zhang arrived in the Northeast, wherever he went, there were scenes of people rejoicing.This made Zhang Shaoshuai lament the enthusiasm of his fathers and villagers, and he became more determined to keep the rest of his life energy on this land, and prop up a peaceful and peaceful sky for these fathers and villagers. (to be continued..)

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