The strongest militia

Chapter 350 Bombing Tokyo

The battle in Liao Province was raging, and the people in the Northeast who were still waiting for the liberation soon learned that the ruler of the Northeast had successfully returned.At this time, they are inspecting several provinces that have been liberated. Waiting for the militia corps to enter the city means that they can also regain their new life and freedom.

Immediately, the bandit armed forces and civilian armed forces in the entire Northeast land became lively as the news spread.The Japanese Kwantung Army, which had been made suspicious by the "Ghost Killing Order", had to strengthen the patrols in the united front area again.

In order not to intensify the conflict between them and the local Chinese people, these Kwantung Army cunningly left the opportunity to act as an executioner to the Manchurian Army who also stayed under the protection of the Kwantung Army and was in constant panic.Let these puppet soldiers, whose hands are also stained with the blood of their compatriots, prove their loyalty to the Kwantung Army by brutally suppressing the rebels.For a while, massacres of the people in the Northeast who were still in the Kwantung Army's united front area also began to occur on a large scale.

When Deng Chenggong learned of the news, he immediately issued a telegram on behalf of the militia corps, warning the Kwantung Army and the Manchurian Army that if they dared to massacre unarmed civilians again.The militia corps is bound to launch a revenge that they will never forget, and use their heads and blood to pay homage to the people who died in their hands.

The Kwantung Army who received this telegram completely ignored it.And told the outside world that all they shot and killed were guerrillas with guns and anti-Japanese nature.If you want the Kwantung Army to stop the massacre, then you should stop this ghost-killing order against them.

Regarding the telegram sent by the Kwantung Army, Deng Chenggong only replied with a short sentence, warning the Kwantung Army and the Japanese government.The militia corps will "return the body in the same way", so that they can also feel what it means to feel the pain of the skin.

The generals of the Kwantung Army who didn't understand Deng Chenggong's call meant that the militia corps would launch another assassination attempt against their generals and officers.Therefore, after receiving this telegram, the generals of the Kwantung Army will wear a rank no higher than the rank of assistant officer.To prevent being assassinated by the militia's flying eagles outside.

But what they didn't know was that at the Qian'an Airport of the Militia Corps, dozens of bombers loaded with special incendiary bombs were already ready to go.They were personally led by Captain Liu Gang and went to Japan to carry out the bombing of the militia corps' first flight over the mainland.And these specially made incendiary aerial bombs are specifically aimed at the reason why there are too many wooden structures in Japan.

Once these specially-made incendiary bombs fall below, the houses detonated by the bombs will also become ruins.Originally, Deng Chenggong wanted to carry out this kind of bombing that flew across the border again when he regained North Korea.But seeing the Japanese Kwantung Army wantonly massacring the people in Northeast China, Deng Chenggong decided to let them feel it too.The taste of being bombed.Don't think that they can burn and kill in China. The current militia and air force can also let their local people feel what the end of the invaders is.

Liu Gang, who accepted the task of leading the team, was naturally ecstatic when he heard that he had the opportunity to drop bombs in Japan.But he also knows that leading these bombers who have almost reached the Japanese mainland and have almost no fighter protection, once they are bitten by Japanese fighters.One can imagine what their end will be like.

Therefore, before departure, Deng Chenggong made repeated orders and repeated explanations.Even if the intended goal cannot be achieved, these elite bomber pilots must be brought back safely.As long as the pilot comes back, sooner or later there will be a chance to carry out such a bombing mission again.

In order to give the Japanese aggressors the greatest degree of warning and revenge.When formulating the bombing target, Deng Chenggong deliberately chose their capital, Dongjing.Although there was no specific target bombing this time, Deng successfully explained to the bombers that they only need to drop the bombs on the ground where the houses are densely populated.The rest really don't need to focus on it.

Considering that he must return quickly after dropping the bomb, Deng Chenggong also specifically confessed to Liu Gang, the bomber pilots, that once the bombing started.All bombers.All aerial bombs on board must be dropped within 10 minutes.Then quickly climbed to an altitude of [-] meters and returned, and when it entered the border of China, it immediately contacted the fighter formation on standby to escort.

This means that as long as they move fast enough, the bomber formation can return with zero damage.Therefore, every detail is very important to them.A slight mistake may cause the destruction of the entire bomber fleet.This will be an unbearable price for the militia air force that has just grown up.

Liu Gang, who knew the importance of the mission, assured Deng Chenggong before registration that he would bring back all the pilots who set out to perform the mission.In this regard, Deng Chenggong also expressed his belief, and waited for their triumphant return at Qian'an Airport.

It was just dawn in the early morning, and the pilots who had already gathered at the airport and waited for the departure order, followed Deng Chenggong's order and began to set off the ground one by one, and rose into the sky.In order to prevent the Japanese army from discovering and reconnaissance, before exceeding the range of the fighter jet.A formation of fighter jets also dutifully performed the important task of opening the way for them, and the formation of fighter jets returned only after reaching the maximum range of the fighter jets.Then the rest of the work will depend on the bombers to take care of themselves.

In order to prevent the Japanese army from discovering the movement of the bomber fleet of the militia corps in advance, the bomber fleet this time was protected by a fighter formation and circled along the Yellow Sea to the entrance of the Sea of ​​Japan before the fighter formation began to return.The bomber formation is flying like a predetermined route.

After receiving the telegram from the fighter navigator to take care, Liu Gang immediately ordered the bomber formation to raise the flight altitude and fly as far as possible into the clouds.With the help of the cover of the clouds, it smoothly advanced towards Dongjing, Japan.And God seems to be very generous. When we arrived in Japan, it happened to be cloudy.So much so that the ships sailing on the ground did not find that a bomber formation was flying in the clouds above their heads.

When he arrived in the sky over Dongjing, Liu Gang calmly said to the pilots who arrived in the bombing areas: "Brothers, you only have 10 minutes. Throw away all the bombs on the plane, and don't observe the specific results of the battle. Climb all to me." [-] meters in the air. Whoever finishes casting first will climb first, and don’t let the little devil’s fighter jets bite on it, do you hear me clearly?”

'It's clear, captain! '

These pilots who have carried out many bombing missions in China are also very aware of the danger of being bitten by the little devil's plane at low altitude.Therefore, for the sake of the safety of the aircraft and themselves, they all know that executing such an order is the safest for them.

After hearing the reply, Liu just said: "Okay, listen to my order, and the teams will start to lower their altitude."

As the plane slowly lowered its altitude, and finally there was no cover from the clouds, what appeared in front of the pilots of the militia bombers was a patch of houses and factories.In order to be able to lift off immediately after dropping the bomb, Liu Gang immediately ordered the formation to drop the bomb at this height.

At this time, the Japanese people who had just woken up in the morning to prepare for a day's work suddenly heard the piercing roar of the air defense sirens that could only be heard on exercise days.The people who still don't know what's going on, soon began to appear huge monsters above their heads.It was only when they realized that this plane did not seem to be their own country's plane that they were familiar with, that they realized that this was an enemy plane that was going to bomb.

In the originally peaceful Dongjing Prefecture, with the sound of air defense sirens one after another, people in every street and factory workers also began to run towards the air defense sites where they usually study.But just as they were about to hide, bombs engulfing the anger of the Chinese soldiers and civilians began to rain down.

As the first bomb detonated on the ground, the huge roar and the soaring fire instantly wiped out several houses at the point of impact.The Japanese who were still hiding inside knew what was going to happen, needless to say.

These seemingly random bombs dropped without a target, because they are incendiary bombs, as long as they hit residential areas, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.As the bustling area of ​​Dongjing City was hit by these incendiary bombs, the entire Dongjing seemed to be in a sea of ​​flames, and the scene was truly appalling.

The emperor, who was still enjoying breakfast with his family, also heard the harsh aviation siren, and soon the guards in charge of protecting the palace rushed in.Quickly move their family to the underground air-raid shelter for shelter.It wasn't until the sound of the first bomb that the Emperor realized that Winterkyo had been attacked by air.

This was simply unforeseen for the emperor who was still immersed in the fantasy of the Great East Asian Jihad.When he asked the security officer of the palace where the planes that bombed Winter Beijing came from, the answer he got was that the Japanese Air Force was investigating.And because of the tense battles on the front lines, their local air forces are relatively insufficient.

Many of the pilots staying in the country, except for some instructors with rich flying experience, are mostly rookie pilots who have just been selected for combat flight training.Therefore, for these air forces who dared to bomb Dongjing.

According to the police officer's guess, it is very likely that the American Air Force is at war with their navy, or it may be the militia corps that already has enough to threaten them.Except for the air forces in these two directions, I can't think of anyone who is capable of bombing their capital so boldly.

This kind of answer, which can only be based on guesswork, naturally cannot satisfy the emperor, so he ordered the security officer very angry.Immediately ask the Japanese Air Force Headquarters which direction these bombers came from.And whether their air force has the ability to wipe out these invading enemies.

But the local air force who was also caught off guard, when they heard the air defense siren, the pilots who had just woken up and were also eating breakfast.I was still stunned for a few minutes, when I heard countless explosions coming from the city.They realized that the mainland was bombed by an unknown air force.

When their Air Force fighter jets took off, they searched the sky over Dongjing, but found no trace of any bombers.If it weren't for the scene of hell where the ground is still burning, I'm afraid these air forces would think that everything they discovered just now was a dream! (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you book friend 'Blue Flying Snow' for your monthly ticket support!Thanks to the book friend '131009231332795' for the great reward, and also to the book friend '**naked 123456' for the great support of the evaluation ticket! Continue to ask for guaranteed monthly ticket support!Today's first update is presented!

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