Alchemy Greater China

【486】 Flying cloud machine

"Don't slack off, when the time comes, the army unit that implements your plan to enter Mexico will be your mechanized unit. Entering Mexico to fight will be your first battle, and it will also be an assessment battle. If you fail, Old Chen, I will give you a The position of the shareholder of a commercial company for the retirement of..."

Shareholders, Pension...

Chen Bahu shuddered, and immediately restrained his indifference, stood at attention and saluted, and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, young master, I will definitely not let you down!"

"Okay, nothing else, old Chen, you just step back! Tomorrow's visit, I will tell you that it has a lot to do with the construction of your mechanized troops. You have to observe carefully and experience it with your heart..."

The next day, it was raining and sunny.

Not to mention the clear sky, but also the sunny weather, it is really a good day for test flight.

Behind the dmg workshop group, there is a canyon. The drop of the canyon is unbiased, which is suitable for the flight experiment of the aircraft.

Inside the canyon is a green plain with some vegetation, cracked ground, and... a few huts.

Of course, the hut refers to the size seen from a distance. In fact, the height of these 'huts' is more than five meters, and the width is not inferior to a small dmg workshop.

Schneider is very satisfied with his current working environment, any of these 'huts' are three times the size of his original workplace!

Moreover, he also has more than 20 subordinates at his disposal to complete the manufacturing and performance experiments of the aircraft.

Early this morning, Schneider, with his daughter and his subordinates, stood at the door of the hangar, eagerly waiting.

Because it was informed that a group of big figures will come to 'Aide Aircraft Research Institute' for inspection today.

Schneider didn't know that Long Hao was among this group of big shots, and his level was not high enough, and the news he learned was limited to Long Hao being seriously injured and comatose, so.Schneider, who felt that he was "raised by a dead mother and stepmother", paid more and more attention to this inspection.

There is no way, whoever has a milk is the mother's "stepmother", it is dmg, it is the city of Yi.What about the Big Five?

Schneider thought that if he wanted to continue his research and obtain financial support, he had to give the inspection leaders a shocking confession today!

And this confession, needless to say, is to let the "Xiangyun Test Machine" in the warehouse behind him smoothly fly into the blue sky.

Compared to her father's anxiety and embarrassment, Alice in one-piece blue overalls was much calmer.At most, there is a little ripple in the heart lake that looks forward to the arrival of that person.

Alice knew about Long Hao's fake fainting. Not only that, but she also knew that this tall, big, yellow-skinned, black-haired boy with delicate features and innocent smile liked her.

Ever since I moved to Xiaga, I have met him every time.Alice can always receive all kinds of small gifts: stone carvings from Greece, crystal balls from Italy, agate necklaces from Uruguay, even .There are also curry flying cakes from India, and large yellow croakers from Zhoushan, China...

The steaming pancake and the lively yellow croaker, Alice was moved but also couldn't bear to expose his 'lie': don't think I don't know how far India and China are from here, no matter how fast your boat is, this cake can keep warm ?Is the fish still fresh?

Because Alice has liked him for a long time, since the scar on her face was healed by him.She was grateful to him;

Since he brought himself and his father back to the United States and provided conditions for his father to conduct his favorite aircraft experiment, her affection for him has deepened again;

When she learned that he fought against the U.S. Navy and Army alone, she was worried, and her admiration for the hero also merged into her emotional river for him;

If Long Hao could read minds, he would definitely be dumbfounded: Flying cakes and big yellow croakers are real, you don’t understand the perverted speed of Qingyu Dragon Boat... I’m glad that you fell, but it’s definitely not the time to confess, who told me to do this? It’s time to reboot, if you throw yourself into my arms and I ignore it, you will be misunderstood as Liu Xiahui and impotent.

It rained yesterday, but today it cleared up, it was a canyon again, and there was mist in the sky.

The golden sun shines on Alice's face through the white mist, making this bright and beautiful face even more beautiful and indescribable, especially the white face contrasted with the simple one-piece overalls , it even shows the natural beauty of a beautiful woman, like a hibiscus emerging from water, which makes people feel pitiful and admired.

The Aide workers next to him all secretly glanced at Alice's appearance like a saint, waiting hard, as if they couldn't find anything.

"Here we come, the horse is coming!"

Schneider would not spy on his daughter, so he was the first to notice the change in the distance.

At the entrance of the canyon, a black cloud floated. The clouds were rolling, with wind and thunder... This is a cloud composed of horses.

When the horses approached, the thunderous horseshoes stepped on the dry ground like an earthquake. This power alone made most of Aide's workers change their expressions slightly, covering their ears with shock.

Most of them have never seen the Nightmare Horse. To them, the giant horse with a height of more than two meters is like an ancient beast.

The leaders were Chen Bahu and Long Jiale, followed by Carnegie, Daimler and others, neighing loudly, and the horseshoes stopped. The group of people dismounted from the horses one by one. Vigorous, but the oppression given to Schneider and them was not small at all.

These are all high-level figures added down, Schneider saw them, straightened his clothes, and hurriedly greeted them.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Bahu remained silent, and Long Jiale went straight to the point: "Mr. Schneider, when can we take a test flight?"

Schneider said: "Anytime is fine, don't you all need to take a break?"

"It's been a day off yesterday, and everyone can't wait."

"Okay, I'll order someone to push out the Xiangyun Machine right away..."

The workers opened the warehouse, and the light came in, and a biplane slowly revealed its "graceful figure" under the eyes of everyone.

When everyone's eyes were focused on the Xiangyun machine, Alice squinted her eyes, looking for the tall figure in the crowd.

"Sister Alice, what are you looking for? Are you looking for the young master? Oops, the young master didn't come today, you will be disappointed!"

While Alice was tiptoeing anxiously looking for it, her eyes suddenly darkened, and her eyes were covered by a pair of small hands.A familiar and playful voice also sounded in the back of his head.

"Xiao Yu? You are still so naughty!"

Alice was much older than Xiao Yu. She turned around abruptly and reached out to grab it, but Xiao Yu dodged it with a giggle.

"Hee hee, I can't catch it!"

Xiao Yu smiled and hid behind Xiao Ke.Showing a face, sticking out a flexible little tongue, making faces.

"What about others? Tell me, Xiao Ke!"

Alice is a European with a straightforward personality. She has been in contact with Xiao Yu and Xiao Ke several times, and knows that if she wants to tell the truth, she has to ask this quiet maid.

"Miss Alice, the young master's whereabouts need to be kept secret. You know it."

Of course Alice knew that she didn't even tell her own father about Long Hao's fake coma.

"Secret? So it's not like you didn't come, right?"

Alice knew that Xiao Ke was not good at lying, so she rolled her eyes and turned around to find the sweetheart who was 'cruel' and hiding.

"Miss Alice, don't make things difficult for us!"

Ke Mitong hurried forward and took Alice's arm.He said softly: "Today, Uncle Schneider's test flight is still the main thing! The young master doesn't want to show up. He has his own reasons."

That's right, the protagonist of today's drama is the test flight, and the protagonist of the test flight: the Xiangyun machine, was also completely pushed out of the warehouse by the workers.

"Yeah, is this the plane?"

"A machine that can fly into the sky? I've only heard of it before, ha. I have seen pictures of airships in newspapers. This aircraft is much more capable than airships!"

"I know the principle of the airship. Fill it with hydrogen. Hydrogen is lighter than air. According to Archimedes' buoyancy theorem, the airship can fly into the sky... But I really don't know anything about the principle of airplane flight. Director Schneider, it's convenient If so, please explain?"

"Yeah, I want to know too... This plane doesn't have airbags, it's all hollow and ventilated, and it's made of steel. It's so heavy, can it really go to the sky?"

Everyone gathered around the Xiangyun Ji, looking at it and amazed. Obviously, this biplane aroused everyone's curiosity.

First, there are trendy cars, and then there are planes with strange structures. This tour will undoubtedly satisfy many people: I never expected that there are people beside me who are researching such strange things!Haha, strangely good, weirdly wonderful!

The flying cloud machine is about eight meters long and has a double-wing structure.

After the wings are deployed, at about six meters, there is a propeller on the nose, a cab on the fuselage, and six wheels, two large and four small, supporting the experimental aircraft.

Because it is an experimental machine, the Xiangyun machine is not painted, the wings are also adjustable, and the colors of the six wheels are different, and there are a few black marks left by welding on the tail.

In terms of 'appearance' alone, Xiangyunji is naturally far inferior to bm!

For no reason, Daimler waited for the troika and heaved a sigh of relief.

It was Carnegie who asked about the principle of the plane. It was the first time for Carnegie to come to this canyon. After a brief introduction, Schneider took a deep breath in his heart: So this old man is the famous steel king!

Knowing the identity of the visitor, Schneider looked at Carnegie with a different expression.

With Long Jiale's gentle encouragement, Schneider took a deep breath, and loudly began to introduce the flight principle of the aircraft, which is actually an introduction to the Xiangyun machine.

"The theoretical principle of aircraft flight actually comes from fluid mechanics. In the last century, Professor Bernoulli of the Netherlands derived a fluid equation from the law of conservation of mechanical energy... We generally call it Bernoulli's principle."

"...To put it simply, Bernoulli's principle is applied to aircraft, that is, the greater the flow velocity of the airflow, the lower its pressure, and conversely, the smaller the flow velocity, the greater its pressure!"

"Through the shape of the wing, changing the pressure value above and below the wing, and the resulting pressure difference can control the ascent and landing of the aircraft..."

"The key to an airplane's ability to fly lies in its ascent. How to make the pressure difference generated to support the weight of the airplane itself is the subject of our research."

"After many experiments, we have improved the aircraft... The current result is this Xiangyun aircraft. Don't think it looks ugly, but it can fly into the sky!"

Schneider's words are somewhat watery. The Xiangyun machine can fly, but there are restrictions on the height and duration of the flight.

Judging from the latest flight data, the limit of the Xiangyun machine is to take off more than 40 meters and fly for about 160 seconds.

"Can it carry people?"

After listening to Schneider's introduction, Carnegie held the Seagate card and touched his chin.asked like this.

It's good for Long Hao to hide, my little angel won't pester him anymore!

"this is okay!"

Schneider nodded and said, "In the previous experiments, most of the driving tasks were done by me."

The Xiangyun machine is the latest model after continuous improvement. Before that, there were always flight experiments.It was Schneider himself who took part in the battle. It was not until the last month that the risk factor of flying the plane was reduced, and only a few of Ai De's workers occasionally tried it on his behalf.

From the very beginning when he was only [-] meters into the air and flew for more than ten seconds, now, in all honesty, the progress Schneider has made is remarkable, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a great leap in the history of aircraft.

However.If you want to show it to laymen, the current Xiangyun machine is actually the most basic.

Manned flight for 3 minutes, flying up to the height of a ten-storey building, this kind of experimental effect will be convincing!

"Where is the test flight location?"

Although Long Jiale is the director of the brood factory, this is also the first time for Aide Aircraft Research Institute, so he took a look at the surrounding environment.I don't think the place where the plane is tested should be here.

There are workshops all around, and the ground is not very clean.Potholes and gravel can be seen everywhere. If you experiment often, at least the long grass will not grow up.

"The place for the test flight is at the back, please follow me, because we have to go up a little slope. The horses can only stay, I'm sorry!"

About 200 meters behind the workshop is a hillside. There are many such hillsides in the canyon, but this one is especially special.

Its height should be that of the highest batch.Looking up, there is at least 50 meters.

Its slope is not too steep, and normal people can walk up it without using tools such as crutches, ropes, and shovels.

Its peripheral vision is very good, basically an open space, without any abrupt hillsides blocking it.

These conditions constitute the necessary elements for this hillside to become a test flight test site.

"What's the name of this hillside?"

Everyone asked as they walked.

"Airport One."

"The road is well built and smooth."

"There is another road on the opposite side of the hill, and that is the runway where the Xiangyun aircraft will take off."

"Oh, it's really good to have a look."

"Mr. Carnegie, if you don't understand anything, just ask, and I will try my best to answer it for you."

"I will, go up first and then talk."

The uphill road that people walk, the paths and some bricks stepped on by people are still easy to walk.

But Xiangyunji is different, it 'takes' another uphill road, which is next to the trail that everyone climbs.

The construction of that road obviously took a lot of work.

This is a flat concrete mountain road with a slight slope of about 10°. It winds twice and leads directly to the top of No. [-] Airplane Ping.

At this time, the Xiangyun aircraft was making a roaring motor sound, with black smoke and exhaust gas at the rear, the propeller at the front was struggling to rotate, and the six wheels at the bottom were also driven by the power, trying to roll upwards.

Even though the slope is only 10°, it is quite difficult for Xiangyunji, which weighs hundreds of kilograms, to climb. Therefore, on the two wings of Xiangyunji, Aide's workers are pushing hard. If you want to change people, take a breath, because this kind of job of pushing the plane up the mountain is really hard work.

So, after everyone reached the top of the mountain, it took another 10 minutes for the Xiangyun machine to be transported up like an 'old cow' pulling a broken cart.

Airfield No. [-] is not very big, [-] square meters is enough to cover the sky, but it is still more than enough to accommodate a plane and more than [-] people.

The airfield has not been fully repaired, only the place where the Xiangyun plane is parked is smoothed with cement, and at the other end, there is a long concrete runway extending out, leading to another direction, with no end in sight.

Seeing that the Xiangyun machine was turning off the motor, and the workers were doing the final adjustment before the experiment, Carnegie said to Schneider with a smile: "I think this power is a bit overhanging, and people have to push it up the slope. According to the Bernoulli fluid Principle, can it really generate enough air pressure difference? I am not criticizing, the aircraft is indeed an innovative invention, Director Schneider, I am a little worried about your safety."

Schneider was a little moved, and replied: "Thank you, Mr. Carnegie, for your concern. In fact, the biggest difficulty in developing an aircraft is the engine. The power and weight of the aircraft need to go to the sky. Power and weight complement each other, and the power of the engine is directly proportional to the weight. In fact, this It's just a question of trade-offs...if Mr Daimler could develop a smaller, more powerful engine, the safety of the Skyplane would be significantly improved."

Daimler smiled, and Benz answered this question: "Hehe, if the engine is so easy to research, our cars would have replaced the trains long ago... The food needs to be eaten at one bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step. The technology of the engine will get better and better. But it will take time, Director Schneider."

"I understand."

Schneider shrugged. In fact, dmg has helped him a lot in the past few months, and he has already made him quite satisfied: "That's why I spent a lot of money to repair and expand this No. [-] apron! Everyone, please Look, that runway was built for the Xiangyun machine to accelerate."

After listening to Schneider's introduction, everyone walked over and saw that the concrete runway led directly to the bottom of the hillside, like a jade belt, inlaid in the mountain body, and the slope angle definitely exceeded 30° by visual inspection.

When Carnegie and others saw this, they already understood Schneider's intention: exchange the gravitational potential energy for additional kinetic energy to increase the success rate of aircraft take-off.

"I'm about to board the plane!"

Everything was ready, Schneider put on a pair of windproof glasses, with a solemn expression, and was about to board the Skyplane.

"Daddy, I want to sit too! Daddy, let the Seagate card go to the plane to play!"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant child's voice sounded out of place in Carnegie's arms. (To be continued..)

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