Alchemy Greater China

【487】 leave

Schneider was taken aback, stopped boarding the plane, looked back, and found the exquisitely dressed and beautiful mixed-race little girl, shouting coquettishly, while ravaging Carnegie's beard with both hands.

"Hey, little angel, don't go! We can just watch the plane take off."

"I don't! I want to fly, Seagate wants to fly freely like a bird!" Seagate opened her arms, waving up and down like a bird's wings, extremely cute.

Carnegie loved this daughter very much, so he had nothing to do with her, so he turned to Schneider: "Can you take her on a gyroplane?"

Schneider shook his head: "The plane was bumpy when it took off, and the wind was as high as a knife during the flight. I'm afraid this Miss Seajeka won't be able to bear it."

Of course, Schneider didn't want to take a little girl on a flight test. The weight was a factor. In addition, a test flight was always risky. If something happened, how would he explain it to Carnegie?

"Did you hear that? It's not easy to fly, my little angel, don't make trouble, please!"

Carnegie looked like a loving father and tried to persuade him.

"No, no! If you don't take me, I'll let Oba take me...Oba, Oba!"

Unexpectedly, Seagate, who is usually very obedient, refused this time, his little head shook like a rattle, struggling in Carnegie's arms, his neck turned around, and he desperately searched for Long Hao in the crowd.

Carnegie's face became very exciting, full of embarrassment.

After such a small episode, the test flight was naturally suspended. After a long time of coaxing, Seajeka's voice was coaxed down a bit, and a woman's voice sounded next to Carnegie again.

"Little sister, is your oba such a tall big brother?"

Alice gestured with her hands, leaned her head, and asked Seatka softly: "Where is he, can you show it to my sister?"

"Who are you? I don't know you. Oba said, you can't talk to strangers, and you can't chat with liars..."

"My sister is not a stranger. Also, where did my sister lie?"

"You have, you are not a sister. Seajeka's sisters all wear beautiful clothes, how can you be so ugly in clothes, ah, you are the eunuch in oba's mouth, right? Your voice is shrill, so ugly."

Alice had black lines on her face: I am naturally beautiful, how can I look like a eunuch who is neither yin nor yang?

I also have beautiful clothes, this is work clothes, okay?

This little girl looks pleasing to the eye.As soon as you open your mouth, it's not cute at all, hum!


Including Carnegie, everyone couldn't help laughing after listening to the conversation between Alice and Seagate. Unexpectedly, a little girl less than ten years old could speak so sharply!

"Hmph. Little sister, you are not good..."

Alice was angry, but she couldn't argue with the little girl after all.She held back her breath and said in a low voice: "Tell my sister where Oba is, and my sister will take you by plane, okay?"

After hearing this, Xijieka blinked her big eyes: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, my sister is also a test pilot! That uncle is my father."

"What's your name?"

"Little sister. My name is Alice."

"Okay, Elder Sister Alice, I will point Oba to you, you must keep your promise!"

The two talked very quickly, and when Carnegie reacted.Xijieka has already jumped into Alice's arms, and she doesn't think the one-piece overalls are dirty at all.

"No, you can't take my daughter on a plane!"

Carnegie scowled and reached out to stop Alice.

"Run, Elder Sister Alice, run, over here...the one with the big beard is Oba!"

While urging Alice to run away, Seajeka pointed to a tall man with a thick beard on his chin in the crowd.

Alice raised her eyes and took a closer look, and couldn't help complaining: When did this dragon become so fat?There are still so many beards, how long has it been since I cleaned them?

With light steps, Alice broke through Carnegie's block, took three steps in parallel, and jumped in front of the bearded man.

"Long, how long are you going to hide?"

Alice's eyes were as soft as water, and she stared at the man with a bit of resentment.

"Hehe, Alice, you've become beautiful again! I'm not hiding, but I forgot to bring a present."

That 'bearded man' took off his glasses, blinked his smart eyes, and spoke playfully. Isn't he just Long Hao?

Today's Long Hao is half "wider" than usual, with broad shoulders and round belly, two legs like elephant legs, a beard on his face, and a pair of dark sunglasses. Except for his height, he is almost the same. Changed appearance.

No wonder Alice was nowhere to be found.

"Oba, hug!"

Xijieka slid down, giggling, and got into Long Hao's arms like a nimble rabbit.

"Hmph, what gift do you think I'm looking for? Flying cakes, or yellow croakers?"

Alice was half angry and half blamed: This dead man, doesn't he know that your coming is the best gift for me?

Long Hao laughed and said nothing, and poked Seagateka's chin with his finger, teasing the little angel, making her laugh and shout: "Oba is good or bad! I want to take the plane, and Oba will take me on the plane!"

"Seajeka, be good, come to Dad! You can't take the plane, it's dangerous!"

With a dark face, Carnegie walked up to Long Hao, glared at Alice, and then hugged Seagate.

"No, if you want to sit, you have to sit!" Xijieka turned her head and shrank to the other side.

"Andrew, it's okay, I'll take the Seagate card to sit, it's just right, I haven't felt the excitement of flying through the clouds and flying into the void!" Long Hao smiled.

Now that his identity was exposed, Long Hao simply didn't have any scruples. He put down the Seagate card, tore off the camouflage stuffed in his clothes, and went into battle lightly.

"Can you fly a plane? I want to go too!"

Alice said as if angry.

"Huh? Okay, then please trouble Miss Alice!"

Long Hao blinked and readily agreed.

As a result, the test pilots of the Xiangyun aircraft changed from one to three, one man and two women, and one of them was holding his hand, just like a weekend trip.

Schneider took off the flight test goggles, feeling anxious and helpless, secretly blaming his daughter for being troubled.

The test flight is risky. It would be nice to go by yourself, but now it's Big Beard and his daughter, and the daughter of a steel magnate... Schneider can feel his heart pounding out of his chest!

Not to mention Schneider and others are anxious.In the Xiangyun machine, the three of Long Hao sat down, and the space was a little crowded.

"The Seagate card should not sit on my sister's lap, the Seagate card should sit on the plane seat!"

"The seat is made of wood, it hurts your little ass!"

"Why no seat belt? Where's the parachute bag?"

"Seajeka, what do you say these are?"

"The safety belt is the belt that fixes the person. The umbrella bag is the balloon that pops open. If you hang on it, you won't be afraid of falling to your death!"

"... I understand a little bit, but there is no such thing on the Xiangyun machine, these will increase the weight!"

"Well, what a lagging plane..."

The two women were chattering about the "pros and cons" of the Xiangyun machine, while Long Hao was listening to Schneider's introduction to the operation of the test flight.

These operations are also simple, nothing more than controlling the power of the motor and the direction of the aircraft.After a while, Long Hao nodded to express his understanding.

"Everyone is on position, the Xiangyun machine is started, ready for test flight!"

After a delay of half an hour, the Xiangyun Ji finally turned its not-so-flexible body and headed towards the take-off runway tremblingly.

"Long, can you drive? How about me?"

"Hey, what's the problem. Watch me!"

Long Hao said while controlling the Xiangyun machine.Rush towards the smooth runway down the hill.

The motor was running at full speed, the wheels were spinning desperately, coupled with the decent slope of the downhill runway, the potential energy was added, and the Xiangyun machine fell headlong under the gaze of everyone.After a while, the whole reached a speed that cannot be underestimated!

"so fast!"

"At this initial speed, it should be no problem to take off!"

"Balance is the key, I hope Miss Alice can grasp it well."

"What I saw was that bearded man sitting in the main cabin!"


Amidst the discussions, Xiangyunji had rushed to the bottom of the slope.The jade belt-like cement road is still extending, at least 400 meters away.

"Enough speed, dragon, stretch, pull the plane up!"

"Cluck, fly, fly!"

On the Xiangyun plane, the sound of the wind fills the ears, and people are close to the ears, but they can't actually hear the words. Long Hao smiled lightly, and with a tremor in his hand, the nose of the plane lifted up.

When all six wheels left the ground, all the people on the hillside suddenly felt excited, and the tingling sensation soared from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, as if soaked in hot water in winter: We witnessed human beings go to the sky, not hydrogen balloons, not airships, but Take to the skies in a whole new mode!

This feeling, no matter who you are or how old you are, is an unforgettable memory that runs through your heart!

For a time, this group of people had different thoughts and thoughts.

Carnegie: Good, good, simple plane, light plane, this Schneider is a talent!

Chen Bahu: It really flew into the sky, this is a big bird made of machinery!According to what the young master said, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future, so the plane will definitely be a surprise soldier of the mechanized army in the future!

Daimler: Oh, great Schneider, miraculous aircraft!His research on engines is also very unique. If airplanes are commercialized, they will pose a great threat to automobiles!

Long Jiale: It's too scary, manned to the sky!Oh, it's still rising... Schneider, the young master still hides such talents. It seems that I'm stuck in the brood breeding factory, and my field of vision is too narrow!

Holland: The engine, the key is the engine!If the engine is powerful, the aircraft can stay in the air longer, just like a submarine!One air and one sea, such an invention, like a submarine, is an artifact that determines the outcome of a war!Be sure to keep it a secret!

The test flight was extremely smooth, and even performed super-level. Five minutes later, the Xiangyun aircraft landed slowly in the distance.

Once it landed, there were still many people who were far away, some breathed a sigh of relief, and some burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Before everyone arrived on foot or on horseback, Long Hao had already comforted Alice.

There is no way, who made Long Hao a monk now, and he can't be lustful, so he just coaxed softly, or how to say, Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and a few words of love adapted from Liu Sanbian's lyrics made Ai Li Si was distracted, his face was like peaches and plums, and he was so shy that he didn't know where he was.

What Shakespeare, he was thrown away by more than a few streets!

To be honest, Xiangyunji is still far from the standard expected by Long Hao.

Although after the Third World War, the fighter planes have become a display, and the high altitude with dense ionosphere has become a forbidden area for steel, however. There are still some aircrafts under 1000 meters in various countries.

Therefore, if the plane that Long Hao has seen is a Boeing 747, then the Xiangyun machine is at most a wooden plane model in a handicraft class.

Being able to fly is pretty amazing.

Long Hao disguised himself.I don't show my face, the original intention is to leave after watching it in a low-key manner.

This test flight is mainly to shock Carnegie and other "visitors", give them hope and confidence, and give them motivation and motivation. The protagonist is Schneider's Ed Aircraft Research Institute, not him.

But unexpectedly, with the two variables of Alice and Seagate, Long Hao had no choice but to accompany them.Together in the blue sky (more than 40 meters can barely be called the blue sky) passed the addiction of flying.

The crowd gathered around, beside the steaming Xiangyun machine, they wanted to throw Long Hao up.

This is a ceremony to celebrate the success of the experiment. The main force of throwing people is Worker Ai De, and those who are thrown away, except for two unsuitable ladies, then only the 'bearded' Long Hao remains.

Toss and toss.Everyone suddenly realized that the bearded man had disappeared.

"Huh. Where's the person?"

"It was thrown away just now, why can't anyone find it all of a sudden?"

The workers wondered, while the rest of the bosses were too busy inspecting the flying cloud machine that landed, and ignored it.

"Dragon, dragon..."

Alice has been paying attention to the movement of workers throwing people away, but now Long Hao is gone.She was the first to find out, but she only yelled half a sentence before her mouth was covered by drizzle.

"Sister Alice, the young master's whereabouts must be kept secret, he will be hiding now!"

"Is he so unwilling to be with me?"

Alice's beautiful face suddenly lost its luster and dimmed.

"No, the young master has important things to do, Alice, do you want the young master to have a long-term relationship with his sons and daughters, or to achieve a career? Now there are nearly [-] people who depend on him for survival, and the Earl's influence spreads all over the North American continent... Of course he has his reasons for not seeing you!" Xiao Ke stepped forward and said coldly: "Just now, you have taken a great risk by forcing the young master to show up. He has already accompanied you on a flight. If you fly again You're so determined to go your own way, only thinking about your own feelings, heh heh, I doubt whether you like the young master or want to harm him!"

"No, no, of course I didn't mean to kill the dragon..."

"If it's not, just shut up, as if the young master has never been here!"

Xiao Ke finished reprimanding coldly, and secretly cast a proud look at Xiao Yu: Look, to deal with this kind of arrogant woman, I still have to go out and scold her severely to make her feel ashamed.

Xiaoyu rolled her eyes: Forget it, young master, this is a golden cicada escaping its shell. For a long time to come, we will all have to stay in Xiajia and be with all kinds of livestock and poultry. You are still happy...

When Long Hao left, he vaguely heard Seagate saying to Schneider, why not install the propeller on the top of the plane?In that case, wouldn't a runway be unnecessary for planes to take off and land?

Long Hao ignored what Schneider and others thought when they heard this, but the factor that determines the flight of the plane is still the engine at this moment!

With the power of the current engine, it is already very successful to be able to take the Xiangyun machine to the sky, and the helicopter has higher requirements on the engine, so the whimsical ideas brought by the Seagate card from the future dream are destined to be unavailable for a while. Useful.

However, Long Hao believes that the issue of the Seagate card still has a positive impact. At least, it will push these personnel to concentrate on developing and improving the engine.

Of course, if you want to see results, even with Tesla and Xiaoyu Xiaoke joining hands, don't expect too much in a short period of time.

Because, whether it is the technology line or the alchemy line, it takes time to accumulate.

To put it bluntly, the main purpose of Long Hao's visit this time was to lay down the baseline of the alchemy line, and by the way, appease high-level officials like Chen Bahu.

Tell them that I, Long Hao, are still alive and have energy, so I still have to focus on development and construction...

Long Hao is actually not warlike. He always believes that attacking the heart is the top priority, attacking the city is the bottom, keeping the heart is the top priority, and killing people is the bottom. The essence of this "heart" is very simple, that is, to use money to fight. Finish!

Money can buy people's hearts, money can control a country, and when it is not enough, money can also buy arms, prepare an army, and fight those who are not overwhelmed by money!

Therefore, for the forces under Long Hao's command, development is the last word, and making money is the top priority. If they control the economy, they actually control everything.

About the time Captain Kunz was sent away from Hongri Bay, under the deep blue sea, a shuttle egg-shaped 'submarine' also sailed away from Xiaga quickly.

This submarine is the Sapphire Dragon Boat. It is like an extremely fast shark, swimming towards the north. The direction is the same as the ship that Captain Kunz boarded.

It was Long Hao who operated the sapphire dragon boat. He was the only one left at the moment. He stood in front of the console with a serious face, staring at the transparent window on the front of the boat without blinking.

He 'abandoned' the two female apprentices, because what he was going to do now was very risky!

After collecting a circle of shipwreck treasures, Long Hao's gold resources have accumulated quite a lot.

He learned from the "Alchemy Inheritance" that was gradually awakening that half a year after breaking through the alchemist's barrier, there were three days dedicated to consuming the amount of gold energy in the body and judging future achievements.

During this time period, the quasi-alchemist needs to work hard to consume energy. The more energy is consumed, the higher the level will be when he becomes an alchemist!

This is like a mid-term exam. Although you can't get the final score, you still have to add or subtract points as a reference.

Inheritance is really cheating, a 'midterm exam' popped up suddenly, but after Long Hao knew about it, he didn't have anything to complain about. Why did he absorb too much Jinyuan energy in the past two months?

Historically, many alchemists who broke through barriers failed to trigger this inheritance or even trigger this midterm exam during the 'practice period'. Compared to this, Long Hao actually took advantage of it.

Long Hao's goal is the Arctic Ocean—the few 'fiefdoms' that belong to him, the small island communities bestowed by Queen Victoria of England. (To be continued..)

ps: Don't ask for a subscription~ I understand that I am too long-winded, I will refine the text.


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