Alchemy Greater China

【499】Dragon 1 Dragon 2 Dragon 3

Long Hao's life is at stake. Although this news is only limited to a small area, there is no impenetrable wall in the world after all. The people under Long Hao's command start to panic and plan for themselves.

Coupled with the United States' series of suppression of the factories and products under Long Hao's control, Long Bo once felt that he could not control the situation and almost fell apart.

That is, to stabilize people's hearts, the plan of choosing an heir was thrown out.

It is said that by the end of the New Year's Eve, all the candidates will be decided: the United States has three, while Long Zhengxing's hometown in China has only given one spot.

If there is no major accident, one of these four people will become the helm of the Long family after Long Hao dies.

He has not yet become the heir, and the condition given by the other party is one million taels of silver. One can imagine, if the other party takes over the Long Hao family, how much benefit his Beiyang Navy can get from it!

It is simply astronomical!

After figuring this out, even though Li Hongzhang was deep in the city, he couldn't help but beam with joy, and showed affection for the thunder dragon from time to time.

The end of the year is approaching, and the long coastline of China has welcomed several waves of people as expected.

With a yellow face and short hair, he exudes shrewdness and confidence, which is in stark contrast to the common people in China.

The first wave landed from Guangzhou.

His name is Long Yi, he claims to be the general agent of American Beauty Company in Asia, and he comes to China to sell cosmetics and daily necessities... Of course, with the current purchasing power of the people in China, it is obvious that daily necessities account for a larger proportion.

The boxes of soap, toothpaste, shower gel and other items unloaded from the freighter immediately attracted various commercial firms in Guangzhou at extremely cheap prices.

second wave.Landing in Shanghai.

The person who came called himself Long Er, and what he brought was a luxurious, bright and lively four-wheeled car. I heard that it was jointly manufactured by the American steel king and a well-known European research institute. The price of one car was 880 taels Baiyin attracted many wealthy people in Shanghai and foreign renters who came to watch after hearing the news.

Just the car show.It lasted for five full days. During this period, there were graceful and boldly dressed car models standing next to the car, posing and letting others enjoy them. It made the old masters enjoy watching it, and at the same time shouted that it was indecent and called for a boycott.

However, the "Shenzhen" made a long report on this strange incident, and within five days, the photos were published in the newspaper.Especially the group photos of foreigners and beautiful car models. I heard that when these reports came out, the declared sales tripled. Those black and white photos were cut out from the newspapers. Looking at it, my five fingers are cramping with fatigue...

third wave.Needless to say, that person landed from the Liaodong Peninsula.Naturally, it was Long San. He didn't advertise his products on the pier with great fanfare as the first two did. Instead, he led the team to the outside of the pass, which is Shengjing, in a low-key way after getting off the boat.

Dragon Three is certainly not without merchandise.The goods he carried were unloaded from three [-]-ton freighters, and they were packed for ten days before being transported from Lushun Port to Shengjing.

These goods, according to the workers who helped on the train said.They are all living things!

Along the way, Yuyu kept screaming in the cargo box, and those compatriots who had their hair cut had to spend a long time changing the water at every stop.

It seems... There are seafood in the carriage?

Long one, two dragons and three are naturally not real names. They are all young confidantes selected by Uncle Long. This time they came to China and landed as Long Hao's heirs.

It's called a competition, and each has made remarkable achievements to compete for the right to inherit, but in fact it is paving the way for Long Hao's influence to infiltrate the mainland of the motherland.

With Long Ganruo sitting in Beijing, nearly tens of millions of dollars was spent on the whole process. Therefore, the landing of these three waves of troops did not get any obstruction from the Qing court. On the contrary, official documents continued to be sent from the imperial capital. , strictly ordered all parties to guard not to harass these members of the Long family, and to cooperate with them as much as possible to show the style of a great country.

For the arrival of the three candidates for the Long family, the British and other foreigners in the concession were of course extremely dissatisfied at first.

Especially Chief Taxation Director Hurd, he thinks that Long Yi is smuggling, and he must pay back the tax. Moreover, the prices of those daily necessities and cosmetics are too low, which constitutes malicious competition, and the prices must be raised, otherwise the British ships will He has the right to fine him, and then block his subsequent products outside mainland China!

The higher the price, the higher the tax. Hurd is also thinking about the interests of the British Empire.

Hurd's gentlemanly character for the sake of the country is very admirable, and he has to admit that if Hurd's series of measures are implemented, Long Yi's plan will be hit hard, and his pace of competition will also lag behind Dragon Two, Dragon Three.

In order not to be restrained, Long Yi contacted the top leaders in Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Chaozhou, and Zhaoqing, set up a full table of Manchu and Han banquets at a time-honored restaurant in Guangzhou, and invited Hurd and his team Follow me to the banquet.

It is said that Hurd usually does not live in Guangzhou, but mostly in Beijing, this time I heard that it was Long Yi's invitation, although he was a little reluctant, but he couldn't resist the temptation of a full banquet.

You know, even he, as a first-rank minister in the Qing Dynasty, had to pay for the Manchu banquet. He had eaten once in the Forbidden City a few years ago, but it was a pity that he had mouth ulcers and couldn't taste the food.

On the day of the banquet, the time-honored restaurant was booked out, and the yamen guards blocked the entire old street. You must know that if any important person in the restaurant suffered a slight loss, they would not be able to afford it. It is possible to implicate the family.

At the banquet, Long Yi made a toast on behalf of everyone, and fully tested Mr. Hurd's great sentiment.

As a result, this sentiment was finally priced at 5 taels of silver, and at the price of 3 taels of silver every year in the future, Mr. Hurd's "huge expenses" in China were subsidized.

You must know that although he is a minister of the first rank, he is supervised by the British. Compared with the officials of the Qing court, he can be regarded as a breeze.

After a meal, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, Hurd's ban on Long Yi was lifted, and the price limit on his imported goods was also removed.

To paraphrase what Hurd said to other businessmen who came to question: "This is a fair competition, the price is low, and it is for the benefit of the people. I only collect taxes. Although their prices are low, their sales will inevitably increase. , My British Empire did not suffer!"

After He De was settled, Long Yi did not neglect, and dealt with all the prominent figures in the Pearl River Delta.Finally, before the Lantern Festival, it gained a firm foothold in Guangzhou.

On the eighth day of the eighth day, the first beauty store opened grandly on the busiest street near Fuya in Guangzhou.

On the opening day, all products will be [-]% off, and there will be [-] chances for free orders!

Now, it can be regarded as detonating the potential consumption energy of Guangzhou all at once.

Many people came here on foot from Nanhai, Panyu, Zengcheng, and Xiangshan.

that day.The Beauty Store, which covers an area of ​​[-] square meters, is extremely popular. Many elderly people tremblingly carry rice bags, oil drums, and baskets of toothpaste. Come out fully loaded.

And those customers who got lucky and won the free order quota set up the small firecrackers given by the store at the door for an unprecedented time.On the one hand, I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth from ear to ear, but on the other hand, I was also regretful: I knew that I had won the free order.Those dazzling fabrics should also be bought for the concubine at home!That price is really expensive, and the palm-sized fabric is actually sold for ten taels of silver. God damn it, it's a money grab!

This is what people call 'money grabbing objects'.It is the women's underwear designed by zss, such as advanced bikinis, sexy bellybands, and T-shaped cloth strips... Except that there is no zss brand, the workmanship, materials, and dedication to excellence are nothing compared to genuine products. not bad!

Only sold for ten taels of silver.Putting this price in the United States and Europe, it is definitely a big bargain. I don’t know how many noble ladies who can’t buy zss are crying and rushing to buy it!

Of course, there are also foreigners in Guangzhou who know the goods. In the eyes of the common people, they walk around the underwear section shamelessly... Therefore, this underwear section is still among the best in the entire hypermarket in terms of total sales.

Long Yi's side is booming, and Long Er and Long San's ends are also wonderful in their own way. It was already March 1893 when all the incidents were summarized in San Francisco, USA.

On this day, Long Bo and Melissa met in secret. They looked at each other and found that the other's complexion was relatively poor, with thick dark circles and bags under the eyes, as if they hadn't slept for several days and nights, and were very tired.

"Hey, Princess Melissa, you have to take care of yourself!"

Long Bo was the first to speak: "Since the young master is safe and sound, you should rest easy and take good care of yourself... You must not wear yourself down, otherwise, the young master will definitely blame me, an old man, when he comes back!"

A few days ago, Long Hao rebuilt the same phase as the metal, and reconnected with Long Bo and the others through the alchemy puppet.

On that day, Uncle Long remembered very clearly that Princess Melissa, who had always been strong, cried until she passed out. Fortunately, the doctor took her pulse and said that she was overjoyed, and the pressure was released at once, and it was good to rest for a few days. hinder.

Over the past few months, with the changing appearance of Xia Jia, the influence of the Chinese in the four western states is growing day by day, and the cooperation between Long Bo and Melissa has become more and more tacit, and the old estrangement seems to have disappeared.

Uncle Long could see that this beautiful Spanish princess was devoted to the young master wholeheartedly. He couldn't help but taught her a few ways to adjust the inner breathing. Unexpectedly, after a few days to see her again, she became more and more emaciated. .

"How dare he blame you?"

Melissa snorted: "If he comes back, will I pay attention to him or not? The things here are messed up one after another. It's just that he needs to come out to take charge of the overall situation. Fortunately, he disappeared first, which made us not know what to do." Cuo, now he has reported his safety, but he said it will take several months! Uncle Long, what do you think he is busy with, is there anything more important than so many people here?"

"Hehe, the young master must have his reasons for doing this!"

"What's the reason? I think he couldn't bear the loneliness, so he went looking for fresh beauties..."

Melissa continued to say angrily: "Let's just say that 'his' heart stopped suddenly last time. If Uncle Long hadn't come up with a way to choose an heir in a hurry, what kind of chaos would have happened here! At least, the British You can't hide it from the queen!"

"Isn't this a good way!"

Uncle Long smiled honestly, and comforted him: "What we have done coincides with the young master's idea! The young master sent a message back, are you there, princess? He greatly appreciated this method and encouraged us to be bold. Do it!"

"Well, he's just used to being the hands-off shopkeeper, and it's just a pain for us fools who work hard!"

"Princess wants to open up. Didn't we receive instructions from the young master before? The more chaos here, the easier it will be to remove the cancer after he comes back! From this point of view, we should be happy about the current situation! "

"Yes, I didn't expect so many people to have different ideas! It really echoes an old Chinese saying that husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster! Oh, I didn't expect it. We take care of them like this, but they don't want to join them. Run to other cities in the United States, buy land and houses with money, try to settle down, abandon the past, and be an American through and through!" Melissa's tone was full of unwillingness: "Have they forgotten that without us, they can earn so much money? How much? If not. How many state capitals can allow them to buy land and property, and become a state citizen?"

"Your Highness, try to look at it from a positive perspective. Didn't [-]-[-]% of the [-] people go to Baja California and sweat there willingly?"

"That's right, thank you for enlightening me, Uncle Long! That's right. Speaking of the bright side, I have a text message that just came from China. Would you like to see it?"

Melissa rubbed her forehead and took out a piece of paper with nearly a thousand words written on it.

This is the translation of the telegram. Such a long paragraph is transmitted across the ocean and sea, and the cost is sky-high!

"Is it about Chu Po and the three of them?"

Long Bo stretched his brows.Take the telegram and read it carefully.

Chu Po is Long Yi, and Long Er and Long San are also young juniors selected by Long Bo from Long Zhengxing's old department.

Counting seniority, Long Er and Long San can be regarded as Chu Po's younger brother, a talent trained by Uncle Long in his later periods.

On the overall quality.Chu Posheng was in the early days with Long Hao, and he had extraordinary experience and knowledge, but the second dragon and the third dragon were better in kung fu, and the cultural education he received later was also better, so he could be regarded as an elite talent.

I have to make a comparison and make an inappropriate analogy. Chu Po is like Harbin Institute of Technology, and Long Er and Long San are Tsinghua University and Peking University.

"The progress is pretty smooth. The three brats have some skills, but they spend money like water..."

As Long Bo watched, he laughed and cursed from time to time. Obviously, these three candidates were like children in his heart.

According to the telegram, Long Yi's beauty store became a hit, and now the shops have been laid one after another in Guangdong. Thanks to Cixi's full support from top to bottom, there is no need to buy land, repair houses, or hire workers. Whatever money is spent, most of the money is spent on bribing local officials.

Long Er's auto show caused a greater sensation. After all, there are more envoys from various countries in Shanghai. DMG's Mercedes-Benz-Melissa car is simply stunning, and its performance and appearance are full of praise. .

Although the price was so expensive that it made one's heart twitch, after the exhibition ended, three nobles from northern Europe bought three bm respectively.

A runway was paved on the Bund. Long Er arranged for the car buyers to test the car on the spot. Needless to say, the result was smooth driving, simple handling, minimal noise, and anti-vibration effect that exceeded expectations. The three buyers repeatedly said it was nice. , directly ordered three more, and asked Long Er to send them back to their homeland directly by freighter.

Seeing the foreigners saying yes repeatedly, the officials of the Zhejiang-Shanghai Department of the Qing court couldn't sit still anymore. They made up their minds and gritted their teeth to join forces and bought one from Long Er, saying that it would be sent to Beijing and dedicated to Lafayette. ride.

Next, Long Er took the opportunity to ask for several vacant lots around Shanghai, saying that he wanted to build a factory in Waifu, so that this kind of car could be manufactured directly in China in the future, without having to wait for the freighter to come from the United States.

With Cixi's will and the hint sent by Li Hongzhang, the action of enclosing an area of ​​ten thousand hectares was approved so simply.

Seeing this, everyone should understand that Long Er should be the backer that Lei Long said.

It is reasonable for Li Zhongtang to give him convenience.

Of course, there is an inside story that most people don't know about it. Long Er asked for so much land, not just to build the Motor City!

Rather... He has plans to introduce advanced foreign arms production lines.

Based on this alone, Li Hongzhang couldn't help running over to help without any hesitation.

Europe's first-class arms production line!

This is a good thing that Li Zhongtang has been looking forward to for so many years!

Li Hongzhang feels sad when he thinks that his soldiers are using backward and expensive guns and inferior guns with different models and different methods of use, and he will cry every time.

After talking about Dragon Two, let's talk about Dragon Three.

After Long San arrived in Shengjing, and became one with the guarding general Shengjing and Fengtian Fuyin, Cixi's Yizhi also came.

Fortunately, Long San was able to open a farm outside Shengjing City, dig a pond, and raise cattle, horses, goats and fish.

Regarding this, the officials in Shengjing were rather disapproving: We don’t lack these cattle, horses, goats and fish. Moreover, the weather here in Shengjing is extremely cold, there is not much grass, and the lake is still frozen. It is necessary to develop animal husbandry. This overseas hero... seems to have chosen the wrong place?

But if you don't understand, you don't understand, the queen mother's will must be obeyed, so Long San drove the dozens of creatures on the train to the destination and settled down.

Long San's strange behavior was reported to Beijing, Cixi ignored it with a smile, but Guangxu realized from it: Oh, this man didn't come to herd sheep and feed horses, he was clearly here to find gold veins!

This Long San must be the candidate who is proficient in the secret art of seeking gold in Long Ganruo's mouth!

This idea was verified by the little emperor from Long Ganruo. Therefore, Emperor Guangxu, who had a sudden sense of urgency, hurriedly urged Weng Tonghe and others to quickly find out the records marked with gold mines and hand them over to Long Ganruo. So that he has the capital to quickly go to the last candidate. (To be continued..)

ps: Is this kind of writing speed okay?

Don’t be surprised if you make a mistake~ Look reasonable, right?

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