Alchemy Greater China

[500] Early Spanish-American War

Don't wait for the 'heart water' selected by the Queen Mother from the Long family, it will be too late.

"It's pretty good to be able to achieve this level, but I don't quite understand why the young master is in such a hurry to return to the country because he wants to rebel? Or is he going to fulfill the title of King of the Iron Hat?" After reading the telegram, Long Bo joined hands. Get started, so to speak. <He's a king himself! Melissa said: "I think it's about finding a way out for us, Uncle Long, don't you think so?"For the past half month, the eastern part of the United States has been too quiet, and even Cui Yuanlang hasn't sent back any useful information! "<The hand has suffered a great loss, and with their character of vengeance, there is no reason why they will die down and swallow the bitter fruit voluntarily. Some time ago, they resorted to means to boycott our products in the eastern cities. I feel more at ease, but now they There was no movement at all, but it made me panic and flustered, as if something bad was about to happen..."

In the past few days, the main reason why Melissa has not had a good rest is to find out the meaning behind this abnormal situation.

"That's right, there is an old saying in China that when things go wrong, there will always be demons, and when the mountains and rains are about to come, the wind will fill the building..."

The sixth sense of human beings is generally related to oneself. As expected, five days after Long Bo and Melissa's secret talk, a world-shocking event happened!

On March 1893, 3, a warship sent by the United States to perform missions in the Caribbean suddenly sank while stationed in the port of Havana, Cuba. A cruiser and twelve destroyers formed a raid fleet and declared war on Spain!

March 3.This fleet occupied the port of Havana at lightning speed. The five warships docked in that port by Spain were all sunk by artillery fire. Most of the crew members were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and more than half of them were lost!

This is an undeclared blitzkrieg.The governor of Spain in Havana was caught off guard and confused: what the hell, the U.S. Navy, did you tmd take the wrong medicine?The sinking of the Maine is none of our business?Besides, even if it is our responsibility, you shouldn't just call without saying a word?

What about notes between countries?

What about the letter of credence declaring war?

In the United States, you can't play your cards according to common sense...

Indeed, the Spanish-American War in history was in this 'tributary'.It broke out five years in advance!

Although there are many differences in details, the overall effect has not changed much.

The weak Spanish army was vulnerable to a single blow in front of the wolves and tigers of the U.S. Navy, and retreated steadily!

And the unlucky ship that was abandoned as the "fuse" of the war was, ironically, the USS Maine.

If Long Hao found out, he must laugh at the laziness of history. Since the war was brought forward, why did he even hesitate to change the name of a battleship?

Is the inertia of history unviable?

Or a bad taste of a tributary of history?

pity.Long Hao is still in the Arctic Ocean at the moment, and knows nothing about it.And the US Army's action is faster than five years later on the tributary of history.

Because the United States understands that launching a war against Spain now is an early start, and its confidence is not as strong as five years later.

Because of this, they did not offer diplomatic good offices to the Spanish government to fight for a sense of war justice as they had historically done.They didn't say anything grandiose like calling for Cuba's independence, or that the United States had no intention of annexing Cuba. Instead, they went all out, gritted their teeth, and occupied the port of Havana.Without taking a break, the army was immediately dispatched to form an arrow aggressively, with the goal of sweeping across the entire territory of Cuba and destroying the Spanish colonial army above!

On March 3th, the 7 U.S. Army and the 1 Spanish colonial army encountered each other on a plain thirteen kilometers west of Santa Clara. The two sides fought a bloody battle all day and night. In the end, the U.S. Army suffered 15 casualties and the Spanish troops were completely defeated!

On March 3, the United States cooperated with land and sea to besiege the remaining 12 Spanish troops on the southern side of the Camagüey Islands. After a firefight, nearly 4 Spanish troops surrendered, while the U.S. troops suffered few casualties.

On March 3, the U.S. government announced the independence of Cuba, established the Cuban Liberation Government, and demanded that the remnants of the Spanish army must withdraw from Cuba by the end of March, otherwise the safety of the other side would not be guaranteed after the deadline!

In just ten days, the United States completely occupied Cuba, which can be called a textbook-like successful blitzkrieg.

If historians can horizontally compare the wars in the two historical tributaries, then they will find the differences between this blitz and the Spanish-American War 'five years later'.

First, the scope of this blitz was smaller than that of the Spanish-American War. In the Spanish-American War five years later, Cuba was only the trigger. The real target of the United States was the Philippines, because the Atlantic Ocean has always been dominated by traditional European forces, and only the Pacific Ocean A must for American expansion.

Second, the duration of the war was short. Compared with the Spanish-American War, this blitz was not so much a war between countries, but an act of retaliation by the United States.

Why do you say that?

Because, in the subsequent statement issued by the United States, they claimed that they were targeting Viscount Savy who was staying in Mexico this time, and their purpose was to punish him for having contacts with the Earl of the North Sea, and to provoke a civil war in Mexico!

Third, the U.S. blitzkrieg cost itself (military) much more than the Spanish-American War.

Five years after the tributary of history, Spain has already released various restrictions on Cuban residents, so that when the Spanish-American War broke out, Spain was involved in most of its energy by the Cuban Independence Movement.

The so-called 20 army hardly caused any loss to the US military.

However, this time is different. The U.S. military has lost a lot, but the navy is okay. Because the strategic opponent, the Spanish navy, which is strong in foreign countries and capable in the middle, is killed. But the army is a bit miserable, with nearly 4000 dead. Such a casualty number , It is almost certain that our Excellency President Cleveland will be impeached by angry military families!


In general, although the blitz was successful, the burden on the United States was not light, and it can be regarded as a typical example of a battle in which one thousand enemies were injured and eight hundred were self-injured.

That being the case, why did the United States, which has always been unwilling to suffer losses, launch such a war that pushed itself to the forefront?

You know, now is not five years from now.The United States has not yet reached the point where it must expand, and the situation in Europe is still relatively stable. The United States faces the risk of being sanctioned again by European countries represented by the United Kingdom.

To put it bluntly, the reason is not that complicated.

That is... This war was actually started by Rockefeller.The oil tycoon, with his power as a chaebol, with his powerful influence over the White House, and with his extraordinary control over many generals of the US Navy, launched this war against the West on his own.

The judge wants to ask, why did Rockefeller do this?

Speaking of which, Long Hao had to be blamed. Who let him make Captain Kongzi's plan to kill Carnegie fail?

When John Rockefeller heard the news, his first thought was that he couldn't believe it, and then he became furious!

What he was angry about was not that after Kunz failed, he secretly took refuge in Benson who was building an independent fleet in the west.It was maddening jealousy of Carnegie's good fortune.

If even this can't kill him, then when he sorts out the minerals in Australia and the shipping lanes in the United States, and rebuilds the steel kingdom, then he will never have a chance to touch the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that Rockefeller's fear of Carnegie has reached the point of perversion, and the continuous defeat of the US Navy around the US West Coast also made him, who believes in God, feel a fatalistic sense of powerlessness.

To break this sense of powerlessness.The idea is clear, Rockefeller must make a move!

then.He first made secret contacts with politicians from various European countries and reached a tacit agreement. In particular, he signed a series of secret compensation agreements with the Queen Regent of Spain, Christina, in exchange for her support for the US attack on Cuba.

It is not difficult to get the support of the Queen Mother Christina. It is enough for Rockefeller to mention that the cousins, Melissa and Savi, gradually have the ambition to monopolize the Caribbean without being controlled by Spain.

To know.It was the queen dowager Christina who forced Melissa to marry her at the beginning. She felt uneasy when Melissa received a reward from Queen Victoria the year before, and after Melissa grew into a rising star in the European high society, the queen dowager of Spain even more so. It is the princess of the 'two countries' who is regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.If you want to pull it out, it will be quick.

Now that Rockefeller is willing to come forward to deal with the Melissa brothers and sisters, the Queen Mother Christina is naturally wishing for it.

As for the invasion of our colonies...

On the contrary, it is a trivial matter, as long as the US government gives a reasonable explanation afterwards, Queen Mother Christina will be full of confidence and can explain the past to the people in the country.

After all, Spain is no longer the Spain of the Armada era.

Besides, so what if they don't accept the explanation?

It is true that the benefits are in hand!

In this way, Rockefeller settled the external interference and resolutely ordered the navy to launch an attack on Cuba.

The war ended quickly, because this battle was personally commanded by Mahan, the father of the sea power theory, unlike in history, got the opportunity to personally display it on the ocean.

Before the war, he was personally interviewed by John Rockefeller, explaining the importance of this war.

Whether the U.S. Navy can break through the blockade and return to the Pacific Ocean depends on how well he fought the battle.

Yes, compared with himself in history, Mahan has a particularly heavy responsibility at this moment.

It's ironic to think about it. The United States clearly has the longest coastline in North America that borders the Pacific Ocean, but by mistake, its own navy has lost its entrance to the Pacific Ocean!

The conquest of Cuba is of great significance. It can not only test the military strength of the old power Spain, but also test the combat power of the US Navy. More importantly, can Cuba be used as a breakthrough to invade the Caribbean Sea and reopen the mouth of the Pacific Ocean!

Rockefeller was inscrutable about how to proceed after conquering Cuba, and he didn't say it clearly, but he clearly told Ma Han that this battle must be fought fast enough, accurate enough, and ruthless enough, and Long Hao must react Before coming over, end the war and cause the established fact of Cuba's independence!

It was based on this exhortation from Rockefeller that the Cuban war commanded by Mahan would proceed so quickly and the personnel losses would be so huge!

As Rockefeller expected, by the time the media in the American West reacted, the war was settled.

Rockefeller had already prepared a large amount of funds to appease the families of the casualties, which also put pressure on President Cleveland.Not as huge as imagined.

And the subsequent developments showed Rockefeller's methods.

He first asked the White House to announce that the pseudo-fleet organized by Benson was illegal, and ordered it to be banned within a limited period of time. When it got lost, it was reclassified to the U.S. Navy.

Then.Relying on the prestige of Cuba's victory, the Mahan Fleet suddenly turned its troops and landed in Mexico. Cooperating with Roosevelt's Freedom Stormtroopers, they launched the most rapid offensive against the Mexican government forces, which were dominated by the Cuban Expeditionary Force.

The Cuban Expeditionary Force has been at ease for a long time, and it was not aware of it for a while. It encountered seven consecutive contact battles within three days and lost more than 2 people (mostly the incorporated Mexican local army).Retreat six hundred miles.

When Diaz, Savi and others reacted, the situation in Mexico changed unexpectedly. The Yucatan Peninsula in the east had fallen into the hands of the U.S. Army!

By late March, it could be said that the U.S. Navy had taken control of the Gulf of Mexico, marched into the Caribbean, and threatened Panama.

The Panama Canal is no secret.Long Bo and others far away in the United States faced this unfavorable situation.I was thinking in my heart: The U.S. Navy has gone crazy. Could it be that the real target is on that canal?

Regarding the Panama Canal, Long Hao had previously told Uncle Long and others that it was normal for them to have this concern.

Seeing that the way into the Pacific Ocean is blocked, they just dig one out by themselves?


The battle has come to this.However, the U.S. Navy also knew how to restrain itself. After bewildered by the Cuban Expeditionary Force, they drew a truce line on the territory of eastern Mexico and stood still.

The chain of wars has progressed to this point, and everyone who should react has reacted.Even with Rockefeller's hands and eyes, delaying it for so long is already the limit.

Therefore, at the end of March, most European countries represented by the United Kingdom began to strongly condemn the barbaric actions of the United States. Melissa and the others are not good at fighting, but they are good at mobilizing public opinion and throwing money. For a while, there was a wave of public opinion in the United States and Europe One-sidedly leaning towards Melissa, leaning towards Spain and Mexico who have been beaten up...

Naturally, John Rockefeller had anticipated this. He took his time, faced overwhelming inquiries, and casually dropped two blockbuster bombs.

In the first one, the Queen Mother of Spain declared that Viscount Savoy had treason, and listed a series of evidence that he manipulated the civil war in Mexico and intended to separate the Cuban colony from Spain.

This Spanish official statement gave the United States a certain legal basis for invading Cuba and then landed on Mexican soil.

Is the United States helping Spain 'clean up the door'? !

Second, the White House initiated a public prosecution to the Supreme Court of the United States, accusing Long Hao of conducting brutal and devastating attacks on five destroyers of the US Navy last year, and buried more than [-] people on the seabed!

Here, there are testimonies of many witnesses, and there are a lot of evidence materials.

Among them, the testimony of Coentrão, the steward of the Portuguese Caponera family, is the most eye-catching.

He listed the bad deeds of the Earl of Beihai, and pointed out that after the other party committed such a brutal act, he coerced his wife to give false testimony for him and deceive the public!

Fortunately, before the sinking of the five destroyers, Coentraan rescued two crew members privately, and they have been properly hidden until now, providing the most favorable evidence for today's reversal of the case.

The two bombs fell across the sky, but Long Hao's party headed by Melissa was a little dizzy.

The first one was fine, Melissa had known for a long time that her relative had bad intentions for her, so she had been on guard for a long time.

The other party chose to support the United States at this time, and it is also expected to discredit themselves and Savi.

However, the second news made Melissa and Long Bo somewhat passive.

You know, so far, Long Hao's image both internationally and in the United States is... quite positive.

Or to put it bluntly, they are all on the weak side!

Think of him as a dignified hereditary earl of England, but he encountered unfair treatment in the United States. What kind of Benson fleet blocked the port, what kind of 338e elite division stormed San Francisco... Long Hao played weak and innocent roles in it. The horse fell into a coma.

However, it was such a sympathetic character who later turned the tables and defeated those enemies with bad foundations and vicious intentions.

Such a story is in line with the perception of the current American people. Therefore, even after the Battle of the Mire in June, the two big chaebols, Morgan and Rockefeller, have been pushing the federal government to put pressure on Long Hao's forces, and to use strong commercial power to attack Long Hao's subordinates. Industry... But everyone has seen the result. In the past year when Long Hao was in a coma, although Long Hao was a bit chaotic inside, the outside was always solid, and he was not knocked down by these powerful moves all at once.

But what if Long Hao's image of "innocent and vulnerable" is shattered?

What if he really took the lead in sinking five US destroyers and drowning nearly a thousand US Navy soldiers alive?

It is conceivable that those American people who support Long Hao will turn against each other and stand on the side of the American Federation again, and will strongly demand the Federation to try Long Hao, give justice to the victims, and give them compensation for their deceived hearts.

That's right, Rockefeller used such a series of combined punches, its dazzling and confusing colors are jaw-dropping and breathtaking.

Others thought that his main target was Cuba controlled by Spain, but when the world reacted and was about to criticize the shameless aggression of the U.S. military, he turned his fist and revealed the old case of last year, successfully attracting public attention . (To be continued..)

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