Alchemy Greater China

【501】The old case was brought up again, Austria-Hungary sent troops

The butler Coentran appeared in Washington, USA under layers of protection. On that day, it was raining lightly, and with a sad face, he led the two surviving navy soldiers to face tens of thousands of people in the square. Long Hao's brutality.

The entire Washington, the entire United States, was detonated by this news!

Families of the victims of the navy showed up one after another. Under the microphone of the reporter, they lashed out at Long Hao, demanding that the federal government severely punish the murderer, and never let this "yellow-skinned butcher in human skin" go unpunished!

The newspaper that published the photo of "The Blood and Tears of the Mother Who Lost Her Only Child Condemns the Killing Devil" was sold out all over the country. People with a sense of justice, with tears in their eyes, took to the streets, holding hands, and raised their fists to strongly demand The U.S. federal government sent people to San Francisco to capture the murderous demon Long Hao for trial!

At the same time, those racists who had been suppressed for almost a year even took the opportunity to make trouble. They organized strikes and parades in several cities in the east, and turned the parades into planned attacks on local Chinese residents. In just a few days, nineteen tragedies occurred in seven state capitals in the eastern United States.

More than a hundred casualties!

Facing public appeals, the White House responded quickly. In early April, a team appointed by the federal court arrived in San Francisco to escort Long Hao back to Washington for interrogation.

Of course, they only cared about taking people. As for whether the suspect could speak up or not, or whether he was fit for a long-distance trip, they just didn't care.

Conflict is inevitable...

In response to this, two days later, Princess Melissa launched a counterattack in the "San Jose Courier", thinking that this was the United States Federation trying to settle accounts after the fall, and wanted to buy some people who betrayed the Lord and honor while Long Hao was in a coma and could not defend himself. Dog Butler.He was determined to pour dirty water on the Earl!

In order to prove what Melissa said, Mrs. Chini Carbonella also accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of the Courier News at the San Francisco dock. She said that what the butler Coentran said was false, and the Earl did not disembark the five destroyers. The poisonous hand, himself is not a witness to being coerced.

This is a false accusation against the Count.Our Lisbon flower calls on the American people to calm down, think with their hearts, and don't get overheated. Some despicable villains take advantage of it, divert their attention, and ignore the main contradiction!

Yes, the question that everyone should focus on now is: why did the United States invade Cuba, why did it intervene in the Mexican civil war, and the thousands of army soldiers who died on the island of Cuba.And their poor family members... These are the questions that the Federation should explain first, aren't they?

Has the federation's act of war passed a congressional resolution?

Or is it that there are warmongers behind the scenes, determined to kidnap the free, peaceful, democratic and open United States into a dirty war prison cart?

For a time, there were different opinions, the public said the public was right, and the mother-in-law said the woman was right... The New York Times was the leader in the east, and the San Jose Mercury was the leader in the west.Use newspapers as the medium and trains as the carrier.A journalistic war of words across the continental United States began.

This is also the first in history to send a newspaper off the printing line to a city thousands of miles away...

Later, someone made statistics. In the nearly 20 days from the end of March to the middle of April, a total of 87 newspapers participated in the media discussion of "whether Long Hao sank five destroyers".

Among them, seven large newspapers (four in the east and three in the west) publish an average of six newspapers per day.That is to say, every four hours on average, there is a freshly-baked newspaper, fueling the scolding war, wishing to burn American public opinion to the brim.Blow up a gorgeous sky!

Well, let's not talk about the media fight, let's talk about the arrest team from the federal court.

After they killed the San Francisco Hospital, they naturally didn't even see Long Hao's person.

San Francisco is Long Hao's well-built base camp and rear area. If someone captures you here, even if you are a puppet of alchemy, it is unacceptable!

Not only Long Hao, but also high-level figures such as Melissa, Long Bo, and the Big Three have disappeared from San Francisco. Except for De Jong Wade of the Courier, who can interview them every day, the others don't even Don't even think about seeing it!

Those who stayed to deal with the federal court's arresting team were Leland Stanford, old Stevenson, TK Morgan and other leading figures in California.

They have white blood, and they are more convincing in defending Long Hao, which also makes those racists stuck and unable to refute.

The result was obvious. Old Stevenson and the others didn't give the federal court any face. They had a tough attitude. Not only did they refuse to disclose Long Hao's whereabouts, but they also questioned the legality of the federal court sending people to interstate arrests.

They insisted that Long Hao was framed, and took a step back and said that even if he had to be investigated and interrogated by the court, it should be done by the court in San Francisco!

The two sides broke up in discord, and after several newspaper battles, the federal court team saw that the situation was not going well, and retreated to Washington in desperation.

It’s impossible not to go back, because this team has received a lot of threatening letters with bullets, and even intimidation from the armed forces... There is no doubt that the Earl Long Hao has a high prestige in the four western states, especially among the Chinese. : To investigate our Lord Earl, tell you, there is no way!

However, the stalemate in the matter will not be good for Long Hao in the long run.

The White House backed by Rockefeller has got what they want: the international military incidents of blitzing Cuba and partitioning Mexico have been downplayed, because they have enough reason to claim that all these military actions are for one goal, which is to expose the Earl of the North Sea His hypocrisy, hit his cronies!

Facing this unfavorable situation, Melissa and the others were also secretly anxious.

You can block the federal court once, but if the other party makes another move and Long Hao doesn't show up again, or if the party presents strong evidence to refute it, then Long Hao's guilty conscience will be confirmed!

After the discussion, Melissa and the others agreed that they should not sit still and wait for the White House to make a move: they must find a way to clarify themselves!

After all, on one side is a huge emerging country with a history of more than 100 years of rise. This country has a much stronger popular base than the North Island country.

On the premise that Long Hao can't come up with evidence to refute, the general public is still willing to choose to believe in the federal government.

How to clarify?

The other party has witnesses and physical evidence.The words were conclusive and well-founded, and Melissa was also a little helpless.

When Long Hao still couldn't be contacted, Melissa had no choice but to bite the bullet and had to try to ask Britain for help.

Remember last year.Have European countries led by the United Kingdom imposed sanctions on the United States?

This time, Melissa hoped that the old script would be repeated. The Queen of England called on European countries to investigate the barbaric acts of the United States in occupying Cuba and interfering in Mexico's internal affairs.

It is hoped that the barbarians will control the barbarians to resolve this crisis.

The wishes of Melissa and others are good, and the idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation is also correct: now, those who can restrict the United States are willing to restrict the United States.Who is the boss of Sheying?

However, the reality is cruel, and the shortcoming of Long Hao not being in charge of the overall situation has been exposed: the Long Hao forces in the United States and the European SS (Zheng Gongxiao) have not shared information.

What does it mean?

In other words, this time, Rockefeller took the lead with the information he held, and was once again ahead of Melissa and the others.

On April 1893, 4, a major event occurred in Europe: the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent troops to invade Italy!

His Majesty the Emperor Joseph I who was often treated as a laughing stock.The 30 army was called up without any greetings.Assault on Italy.

In three days, advance two hundred kilometers!

Almost at the same time, Germany and Russia also seemed to smell the smell before the war. It was only two days before the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent troops. These two restless countries also used troops against their neighbors.

for a while.The situation is changing, and the total number of troops mobilized on the European continent has exceeded one million!

This is the joint effort of the Three Emperors Alliance, shocking the world!

No one knows except the person involved, for this day.How much effort Joseph I has made in the past year!

With his energy of working twenty hours a day, coupled with the huge military expenditure provided by Long Hao, and Karanka's enthusiastic assistance, what Joseph I did in the past year is probably the work of the British Prime Minister for ten years sum! !

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was eager to prove itself, and Joseph I was eager to wash away its shame. Therefore, Italy and other countries that had bullied Austria-Hungary... were out of luck.

As for Germany and Russia, they are both ambitious countries that want to expand their territories all the time. Joseph I tried to win them over regardless of the cost, and the three countries naturally hit it off.

Ever since, the Three Emperors Alliance, which had never been realized in history, was suddenly exposed to the eyes of the world in April 1893.

Not only is it stunning in this world, but its explosive power is still so amazing. The rapid progress of the battle has caught Britain, France, the Netherlands and other European countries by surprise!

At the beginning of the war, their government centers were in a certain degree of chaos...

Because they did not expect that the Austro-Hungarian Empire with money would be so terrifying.

The Ronaldo family's full support for the Austro-Hungarian Empire made this empire that was already about to perish suddenly burst into a brilliant light before sunset!

Moreover, judging from the situation, if this ray of light keeps shining, the half-dead people may not be able to be brought back to life.

Compared with the stability of the European continent, what happened in America became insignificant.

Not only was the British Prime Minister panicked and hurriedly looking for allies to stop these three countries that were madly biting and militarizing, even Queen Victoria of England couldn't take care of Melissa's request at this time.

The potion of immortality is important, but after all, Long Hao is still safe now, and has not reached the point where he must be rescued. If the flames of war that are raging in the European continent are not extinguished, the pattern of the entire European continent will change!

At that time, the vitality of Britain's allies on the European continent will be severely damaged. No matter how strong its navy is, it can only imprison an island, and it will no longer be able to maintain its status as the number one country in Europe.

Europe was in a mess, and there was no time to look outside. Melissa never thought that this dark hand that Long Hao had set up before would actually trick her at a critical moment!

Since Britain can't count on it, Melissa and others can only turn around and try to save themselves.

And the first way to save himself is to announce to the outside world that in order to get rid of the crime of being framed and prove his innocence, the earl is willing to accept the investigation, but the subject of the investigation.It cannot be a federal court, but must be a local body of judges in California.

The reason is very good. Since the so-called "sinking of five warships" incident occurred in the waters off San Francisco, then, to investigate the incident in the local area, choose a local group in San Francisco.More reasonable.

In addition, the Earl of Beihai is now unconscious and in very poor health. I am afraid that he will not be able to travel long distances to Washington. In addition, Melissa also expressed her distrust of the federal court through newspapers: she thinks that if the other party investigates, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to maintain judicial justice, and the injustice on the earl's head will only get worse and worse in Washington.Under the influence of the powerful White House, it is certain that our side will be treated unfairly!

In this regard, Leland Stanford strongly agreed with the princess's words, and believed that to be fair, he could not go to Washington.

Of course, the White House could not agree to the proposal of Melissa and others: Just kidding, choose a state court instead of a federal court?Fuck, is this flouting me for the Commonwealth of America?besides.Governor of California, Stanford, you actually speak for Long Hao's side.Supporting Princess Xianlu, is this provoking the authority of the Federation?

To put it bluntly, California, California, your wings are hardened, do you want to be independent?

Naturally, this kind of 'independence or something' hurts feelings.The White House spokesperson would not say it, but with the help of certain forces, many newspapers in the eastern United States have expressed this meaning one after another.

For a time, California and the Governor of California.It was pushed to the cusp of public opinion again.

At this time, American public opinion is like a pot of boiling soup. Anything that falls into it will inevitably make a noise... Not surprisingly, another big discussion on a national scale has arisen.

This time, it's a debate about the affiliation between the four western states and the United States!

The people in the east have two opinions: one is to condemn California for its dishonesty and ulterior motives; the other is to yell and curse, saying that the United States does not need California, and let the barbaric, backward, poor and ignorant California cowboys get out of the federation.

The opinions of the people in the west are also divided into two parts. Some people are a little worried about whether Governor Stanford’s remarks are too violent, so as not to cause dissatisfaction in Washington and be sanctioned;

The other part thinks that California is enough to be the underdog in the Federation, and there is nothing wrong with being independent. Anyway, the warship blockade and army invasion last year have already broken the hearts of us Californians.


Looking at it now, the newspaper media that was ripened by Long Hao has many advantages, but there is an inherent disadvantage that is also highlighted at this time: once there is a verbal fight, it will not only be endless, but also easy to go wrong, easy to Rip off the subject.

No, when this big discussion went on for three days, Rockefeller realized something was wrong: nm, how could this be discussing the future ownership and destiny of California?It is clear that the Earl's people are delaying time and downplaying the influence of this 'shipwreck case' that they have carefully constructed to strike Long Hao!

After thinking about it, Rockefeller sneered, and resolutely made a move: Well, isn't it that the judge in California is going to preside over this case?Okay, agree to him, but they also have to make concessions. The California court can be the subject of interrogation, but the federal court must also join in to form a joint trial with credibility!

As long as Long Hao can be convicted, it doesn't matter who will judge him.

To some extent, Rockefeller won the moment he pushed the Earl of the North Sea into the dock of the court.

Rockefeller's trick was to retreat and advance, and it immediately had an effect.

On the part of the White House, President Cleveland personally announced that in order to seek justice for the dead naval soldiers, the federal court is willing to give up the so-called false name. As long as Long Hao is willing to accept the trial, the location and leadership of the trial can be decided by the governor of Stanford.

This was a concession from the central government to the local government. Originally, this was a big loss of prestige, but under the special circumstances at the time, and the Eastern media's vigorous exaggeration and whitewashing, the White House's reaction, on the contrary, defeated Stanford: Look, I You have swallowed your anger to this point, if you are still evading, it will make people believe that you, the governor, your state team, are broken, and you have a close collusion with Long Hao, and you have been blaming him and covering him up Criminals, trample on the law!

The tactic of slowing down the army failed, and there was nothing they could do. Stanford, Melissa and others had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill, and promised the federal court to send someone over again. It was scheduled for April 4 to open a trial in a San Francisco court to hear Long Hao suspected of maliciously sinking the U.S. The case of the century in which five warships drowned more than 25 people.

When the mouth was loosened, the newspapers on both sides silently stopped talking. The independent discussion and the US invasion of Cuba and Mexico were all withdrawn from the page, while the headlines on the front page and extra issues were all focused on starting seven days later without exception. trial of the century.

A group of witnesses boarded a special train from Washington to San Francisco. In order to ensure the safety of Coentram and other witnesses, the Federation dispatched a division of troops to protect them.

Both sides understand that the next decisive battle will be transferred from the newspaper to the court. If the evidence proves that Long Hao is guilty, the White House will sweep away the shame of last year, win a big victory, take advantage of the trend to cancel the anti-racial discrimination law, and take back control of the four western states. right.

Faced with the current situation, Long Hao's side was very unwilling, because starting from the United States' surprise attack on Cuba, step by step, our side fell into the rhythm of the other side.

Although it is not certain that the Rockefeller family is behind the scenes, it is an indisputable fact that Long Hao's forces have been greatly restrained in the eastern United States. Don't you see, Cui Yuanlang's bh company has hardly received any useful information for more than a month. , Several people were imprisoned, and the intelligence network was paralyzed. (To be continued..)

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