Alchemy Greater China

【573】Annual meeting

"Come less, it won't be a heavy burden! Hao likes big ones. Why didn't his two hands rest on yours last night, but on mine? Don't you think you are small? You are from Chiguoguo envy!"

Ai Shili opened Melissa's 'salty pig's hand' and hummed disdainfully.

"Okay, okay, don't make noise again!"

Long Hao stroked his forehead, and began to reflect on whether he had been too responsible recently?

As the lord of a country, the number of women is no more than two hands, it is too "diligent and thrifty to manage the house"!

It made the two princesses around me proud!

Woman, it seems that if you don't clean up after a few days, you will be on the beam.

"You already understand the benefits of alchemy, right? However, to promote alchemy and completely replace the traditional technology that has ruled the earth for hundreds of years, it still needs a process. The biggest bottleneck in front of us is the insufficient number of alchemy disciples. !"

"Africa, South America, is the 'virgin land' I prepared for cultivating alchemy disciples."

"How to develop and utilize these two virgin lands, let's see..."

Long Hao pointed to the crystal globe reflecting the perfect bodies of three Greek sculptures, and spoke eloquently.

Africa, rich in natural resources, is most suitable for the development of land animal husbandry.

Alchemy creatures are not limited to the ocean. Long Hao can see the blue sky and white clouds in this era, so he will naturally expand the types of alchemy creatures to land.

Moreover, meddling in African affairs, cutting off the single-line connection between Africa and Europe, and cutting off the "transfusion vessel" from Africa to Europe are also of great significance in delaying the development of modern science and technology.

After all, the technological frontier of the earth is still in Europe.

South America also has high-quality and rich minerals, but Long Hao's focus is not on this.

South America.It is a place where the legendary Mayan, Inca, and some Aztec civilizations are inherited.

The people above are handsome in appearance, outstanding in IQ, and open-minded. Long Hao has investigated and found that South America is indeed the birthplace of "jade in the rough".

'Jade in the rough' are South American children who are recruited into football schools.With careful training, it is not difficult to become a backbone force in the alchemy gate.

Long Hao is not a racist. Although he wants to revive China, he does not exclude other ethnic long as it does not affect China's central core position.

The people of South America are a good supplement!

Someone may ask again, will football schools still be established in Africa?

African people are flexible.Long stamina, some of them have the talent of 'runaway', used as football seedlings to cultivate, may not produce a few Weah, Drogba (wait, who are these two names? Randomly entered!) ah !

Long Hao's answer to this question is no!

Long Hao has told countless truths in his life, two of which are:

"Number one. I'm not racist!"

"Second, I hate blacks and Japanese."

The Japanese are savages, while the blacks are lazy.

Long Hao has read history books. Before World War III, the people of various countries provided a lot of international aid to Africa, but what about them?

Use relief money to hire Chinese illegal workers to work! !

Every time I read this.In Long Hao's heart, a hundred thousand mud horses roared past...

Before the Third World War, the media always talked about how black slaves and black slaves would be punished and punished if they discriminated against black slaves, but they didn’t know that the most hard-working people in history were actually Chinese people!

And it is the Chinese people who suffer the most discrimination and the least help!

Given the opportunity in this life, Long Hao would naturally not learn from countries before World War III not to aid Africa in principle.

He will treat Africa as a large ranch, and treat alchemy creatures the same as he treats blacks... Anyway, blacks' attribute values ​​are more 'livestock', this is called teaching students according to their aptitude!

In addition, there is another reason why Long Hao hates black people. There are at least some beauties among Japanese people, but black people... unless they have mixed blood a few times.Otherwise, after turning on the light, only one set of teeth can be seen!

This kind of aesthetic concept is really unacceptable to Long Hao.

Anyway, it was so happily decided to build a football school in South America.Concentration camps for livestock were built in Africa to provide the necessary materials for the development of Alchemy Gate.

Long Hao's explanation is very clear, but in fact, the efforts of various departments under the Alchemy Kingdom are also advancing in this direction.

In April [-], the first football branch school in South America was established. It was named 'La Masia' with local characteristics.

In May of [-], several emirates in Central Africa were destroyed, and unknown alchemy livestock farms blossomed everywhere.

In June 1.3, the La Masia branch opened in Argentina. At that time, the principal of Breeze attended the scene in person and recruited a gifted child whose height was less than [-] meters.

In October 28, the number of alchemy livestock farms in Africa had expanded to [-], and the defense forces were mainly staff from the bh company. They used war to support war, and on the premise of not touching the European forces, they crossed the African continent and conquered those Greedy and lazy native chiefs.


In December [-], the World Football Guidance League was established, with Breeze serving as the first chairman. He announced immediately after taking office that the first Football World Cup would be held in Germany in [-], and all countries were sincerely invited to send teams to participate.

In [-], it passed according to the track Long Hao expected.

On the New Year's Day of [-], a moderate piece of news was published simultaneously in the Western Union's "San Jose Courier-Journal" and Shanghai's "Shen Bao".

The content of the news is not long, and it introduces the national dividend distribution situation of the alchemy country in the previous year.

Dividends are divided into 36 grades, a series of numbers followed by a considerable number of zeros, which makes all the people who bought the newspaper feel envious and envious and lose sleep.

For the first time, these people began to curse the newspapers that usually brought them endless joy and world affairs!

My God, the lowest level of dividends is equivalent to my income for 20 years without eating or drinking, and the highest level, the number, makes me dizzy just thinking about it!

That's money that I can't earn in a few lifetimes!

Alchemy Country, tsk tsk, Alchemy Country is so rich!

It's decided, I also want to accumulate some contribution points, and try to join the Alchemy Kingdom!

As long as I get the dividend, no matter which file, this life will not be in vain!

Yes, just the announced dividends.It caused quite a stir, and after listening to the explanations of some people who specialize in reading newspapers, everyone was even more enlightened: dividends are extra income, and they are a small head!The real big head is still the daily income of the alchemy nationals who work for the alchemy country!

It is said that.Those people wash their feet with gold foot basins, and the toilet paper is all gold-plated!

The announcement of the dividends was published in the newspaper, which triggered a round of alchemy fever in the land of China at the beginning of the new year.

Over the past year, Chinese newspaper readers have gradually learned about Long Hao, his legendary history of fortune, and even the alchemy country he founded.

It was in everyone's impression before.The Alchemy Country is just an overseas kingdom, even if you have some money, it's still better than staying in your homeland.

The so-called golden nest and silver nest are not as good as one's own grass nest. This has been the truth since ancient times.

However, as soon as the dividend incident came out, everyone immediately quantified the wealth of the alchemy country!

When the nest of gold and silver became a palace of precious stones.Your own grass nest is nothing at all.

The previously vague contribution system was picked out from the pile of old papers for research, and people flocked to go to sea for gold, which was once sneering at. From Shanghai to Guangdong, China's coastal ports, there is a real surge of people going to sea to work for the alchemy country. , earn craze for contribution points.

Various departments under Long Hao's command strike while the iron is hot, and many shops have already taken root in Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi.Recruitment notices have been posted.

For example, Long Yi's store.

Then, Long Er, which developed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, also published a recruitment notice, hiring people who passed the "Tuogou" test with high salaries to work in automobile factories.

These recruitment information are all written: "Entering this unit, you can earn contribution points, work hard every year, and becoming a national of the Alchemy Kingdom in three years is not a dream!"

On January [-], [-], Long Hao convened the first-level managers of various departments in the Alchemy Kingdom to hold a "year-end summary meeting".

This is the first 'executive' meeting after the establishment of Alchemy Kingdom.

I believe that after more than a year of running-in, these managers must have a lot to say, a lot of suggestions to make, and a lot of questions to ask... Long Hao gave them plenty of time.Speak freely.

The conference is expected to last a week!

A week, three years ago, or even a year ago, is easy to come out.

But it is different now, the world situation is under Long Hao's control.The various departments of the Alchemy Kingdom are also divided into the driving force by their contributions, and they are desperately developing, like extremely aggressive branches, extending outward, contributing to the Alchemy Kingdom becoming a towering tree.

Therefore, time is very tight.

For this reason, the first-level managers have spent a lot of effort to hand over the matter to the second and third leaders... and then came to the meeting with [-]% peace of mind.

Well, I can't be 100% assured. If the 'teammates' below are not strong enough, one week's time may ruin a year's achievements, affecting the dividends is a small matter, affecting the contribution points, then it's a big deal!

The whole department has to blame himself, the first-level manager, for being inhumane!

Time is tight on the one hand, and it is difficult to choose a meeting place on the other.

Thinking about it, the tentacles of the Alchemy Kingdom have penetrated into all parts of the world, such as Zheng Gongxiao in Europe, Long Yi Er San and Long Bo in Asia, Melissa in America, Carnegie in Australia, Africa...South America...

In short, where there are people, you can find the shadow of the Alchemy Kingdom.

The span is so large, and we don't have the fast transportation like the "airplane" of the later generations. No matter where the meeting place is chosen, it will inevitably cause more than [-]% of the managers to be dissatisfied.

But everyone's concerns were soon gone. This time, Long Hao no longer kept secrets, and the high speed of the sapphire dragon boat was fully displayed in front of the first-level managers.

In just one day, a total of 37 first-level managers were received from all over the world to the meeting place.

The magic of Young Master Long shocked most of the first-level managers who took the sapphire dragon boat for the first time, and made them even more desperate for Long Hao.

The young master is worthy of being a young master, and it is always impossible for people to fully understand it!

The location of the meeting surprised all the managers again!

The meeting place is not land, but a mighty fortress floating on the ocean!

That's right, this place is very close to the Arctic Circle. A small black iron battle castle was pulled out of the Arctic Ocean by Long Hao.

The Black Iron Battle Fort is not empty, there are ten alchemy apprentices serving as servants, but most of the first-level managers don't know their identities, they just sigh inwardly while being surprised by these children's "genuine bones": This is child labor, which is illegal in the United States!

The appearance of the Black Iron Battle Fort is really exciting.What is consumed is the amount of energy that the trout has worked so hard to convert from swallowing gold.

The black iron battle fortress is not a mobile space fortress, and the cost of moving it is astonishing.

But there is no way, Long Hao has to spend this kind of expense in order to show the magic of the 'alchemy thread' to his subordinates.

then.The first day of the conference was spent visiting the Black Iron Battle Fort.

The next day is the report of work performance.

The 37 first-level managers, including Melissa, no matter how close or distant they were to Long Hao, they all gave a brief account of their department's work and achievements in a business-like manner.

Finally, Long Hao commented and rewarded.

third day.Let Long Hao talk about the general direction of the future.

The alchemy country still does not "struggle for hegemony", and the current work is mainly to make money, mine, promote alchemy products, and cultivate reserve forces.

On the fourth day and beyond, it was time for everyone to speak freely.

As the saying goes, three people make one play, not to mention the collision of 38 people's thinking?

Discussions lasted from morning to night, and although each topic was point-to-point, it was enough to make everyone's mouth dry.And head swells: too much information to absorb!

It is unrealistic to list all the topics for discussion. The following highlights will be discussed one by one.

One, American affairs, why not fund Western Union to defeat Toho?

Answer, the United States needs peace. The United States is the main sales place for alchemy products, and war is harmful to the promotion of alchemy products.The disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and Dongbang is not helpless. As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. Since they can boil frogs in warm water, why force them too much?

Second, football school, is it necessary to build this thing everywhere?This year there is also a World Cup, what is this for?

A, this is for the selection of talents.

The specific reason is... a secret.

about this point. A small number of the 37 first-level managers had already joined the alchemy gate, and they looked at the others with the eyes of "can't help", which made this question quickly passed.

Three, European affairs, is it really good to end the war in Europe?Why not let the chaos continue in Europe?

answer.Although Europe is the "active force" of the world's technological development, it is not wise to use war to destroy Europe.

Numerous examples in the past have proved that there are many European countries with the spirit of Xiaoqiang who is indomitable and immortal. No matter how cruel the war or the terrible plague of death, it can stand up again in a short time. The more setbacks, the stronger, and the level of technology is also increasing day by day.

Long Hao became more and more suspicious that the aliens who promoted the "explosive" development of Earth's technology in the prehistoric ruins should have added a "blessing" to Europe. Therefore, every disaster is a catalyst for technological innovation for Europe!

Therefore, truce, restore peace in Europe, slow down its 'catalyzed' pace, and allow time for the alchemy line to catch up. This is Long Hao's strategy.

The new Alliance of Three Emperors needs to be famous and powerful, and they use the 'Pharmaceutical of Immortality' as a link, like a big cover, which is enough to ensure that there will be no more large-scale wars in Europe.

Fourth, it's still about European affairs. Due to the 'alien conspiracy', Long Hao couldn't tell the truth, so some people questioned: Can the potion of immortality really serve as a link to connect Victoria, William II and Joseph I?

The opponents are all emperor-level figures!

Answer, the potion of immortality can indeed become a bond, there is no doubt about it.

Those who are not near death do not understand the temptation to regain their youth, even if they are the kings of a country aloft.

May I ask, would you rather be a king who conquered the earth but died young, or would you like to be an emperor who only owned a tolerable land but was respected for a long time?

The answer is self-evident.

Therefore, as long as the elixir of immortality "does not stop", the alliance of the new Three Emperors will remain strong.

Five, China affairs, how long will the emperor's election farce last?

Answer, it can last as long as it lasts. Don't you see, after more than half a year of elections, how many "trends" have blown that have been insulated from the land of China for too long?

The wind of literacy, the wind of democracy, the wind of industry, the wind of revolution just around the corner...

These 'winds' have only just risen. This is a good wind that can sweep away the dark clouds hanging over the heads of the Chinese nation. We will let it blow as long as it can!

The longer you blow it, the more awakened Chinese compatriots will be!

When the time is right, both Xuantong and Guangxu must take their Aixinjueluo family and get out of Shenzhou!

Sixth, the affairs related to the contribution points, the positive consequences of the dividends published in the newspaper, made everyone very excited.

So many people are scrambling to go to sea, or to join the industry in China's alchemy country. This is a remarkable progress for a nation that takes agriculture as its foundation and land as its lifeblood!

Of course, when it comes to contribution points, more first-level managers still care more about their ultimate welfare.

Many first-level managers who are not alchemy disciples are eager to know, is the promise of redemption of contribution points for potions of immortality still valid?

Many of them reached [-] points, hoping to use this meeting to find the young master to exchange for this 'miracle medicine'.

After all, even if you don't need it, it's good to keep it in your hand.

Answer, you can change it now, but the redemption list has been updated, and the prize of Elixir of Immortality is no longer the last line... Do you want to read it first before deciding whether to change it or not?

List updated?

Is there a more advanced prize than the potion of immortality?

The meeting reached its emotional climax amidst everyone's amazement. However, one thing seemed to have been forgotten all the time. After discussing for so long, why didn't anyone mention 'Japanese affairs'?

Soon, the God of Destiny, who loves to mock human beings the most, appeared. On the seventh day of the meeting, a big event happened suddenly!

It's all about Japan!

On January [-], [-], war broke out between Toho and Mexico.

The Dongbang army launched an attack on the Savi Department stationed on the US-Mexico border without warning, and it took only one day to capture Monterrey.

ps: The editor said that it had to end before [-].

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