Alchemy Greater China

【574】Chosen 1 family

Next, its army seemed to be equipped with 'Scud', and three days later, it arrived at the foot of Mexico City.

The Savi Department resisted for a long time, then abandoned Mexico City under fierce artillery fire, and retreated to the northwest.

Until then, the Supreme Leader of the 'Reversionary Revolution', the Duke of Savy (whom he named himself), sent out a signal for help: Americans are crazy, they are the destroyers of peace!Western Union, hurry to help!

Here, I want to briefly explain the recent situation of Duke Savy.

This helps us understand why the so-called 'Sawei Ministry' is so vulnerable, as weak as the Qing Dynasty.

It should be said that when the rehabilitative government was established, Savi still had a passion for ambition and was full of energy.

But with the rapid retreat of the United States, Savi found that he didn't need to do anything.

When he felt that his sense of existence was weak, Savy's playboy temper broke out.

You know, he has spent several years in Mexico, and the dandy factor that was once suppressed by the military has long been aroused.

Now that you can enjoy everything without working hard, why bother?

Anyway, he knew that it was not his own, and his most ideal ending was to rely on Melissa to be a happy uncle.

Under Savi's 'negative' and realistic thinking, after the Fuxing government took control of Mexico, it no longer forged ahead.

The grand ambition of reclaiming the Caribbean Sea for the Spaniards has become forgotten as time goes by.

For this situation, Long Hao just smiled when he knew about it. Indeed, he didn't need Savy to expand his territory for him, he just needed him to live well and make preparations for replacing the existing Spanish royal family in the future.

The elite withdrew from the complex.The combat effectiveness of the Savi Ministry also dropped sharply.

Savi didn't care about this, anyway, he had his back to add, there was a "mechanized force" created by Chen Bahu, and if Mexico was in danger, reinforcements would be immediately available.

And that is indeed the case, after Duke Savi sent a signal for help.The mechanized troops under the Jiajia immediately went into action, led not by Chen Bahu, but by two newly promoted generals.

In their view, the United States' aggression is purely a matter of eating and drinking, and it's nothing to worry about!

The mechanized troops of the two divisions are enough to drive these Dongbang troops back to the north.

Of course, claims after the victory of the war are also normal procedures.

The generals of the mechanized troops have begun to look forward to that moment: they are not short of money, but this kind of war compensation will give them a large amount of contribution points!

Alchemy country.Contribution points are now the top priority.

After meeting with the mechanized division, Duke Savy's first words were: "Hurry up and drive the Yankees away, I can't let them destroy my film company!"

The general of the mechanized division had a black line on his face: this guy, what time is it, is he still thinking about the beauties from his film company?

Yes, Savy's recent energies have been devoted to a great film career.

Since the release of "A Dream in the Sky", the movie frenzy has swept across the United States, and then to Central America, South America...

Especially South America.There are resourceful beauties out there with passionate personalities.This makes them the group of people most looking forward to appearing on the big screen.

Savy saw this opportunity rightly, obtained part of the actor recommendation rights from Golden Pot Films, and then set up a film company by himself, whose main business was to find potential actresses!

It can be said that Savi is very dedicated to his work in running this film company. He will participate in every interview, and the final acting assessment.He will even invite actresses who have passed several levels to perform in his own villa.

This kind of assessment has no dead ends in all aspects... In short, you understand.

However, no matter how unbearable Savi was, the Mechanized Division would not reprimand him.

After all, he is also Princess Melissa's cousin, and after all these years.The relationship between Savi and the Xiajia troops is quite good.

Take the performance of condolences to the soldiers in the past few months. The fresh actresses brought a lot of joy to the long-awaited soldiers.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Duke, within a week, we will beat the Yankees back, until their ass blooms, and they will hide in their mother's arms and cry!"

However, this time, the proud mechanized division failed.

At the end of January, the Mechanized Division and the Toho Army exchanged fire in Mexico. They won the first three battles, but in the fourth battle, they fell into the trap set by the Toho Army.

After a tragic battle, the two mechanized divisions had a total of 7000 people, and [-]% of them lost!

190 mechanized chariots were destroyed, and two division generals were captured by Dongbang!

This defeat shocked the whole world!

Western Union fell into panic after getting the news. You know, what does this failure mean?

This is the first real defeat of Long Hao since the previous confrontation with the United States!

Xiajia's mechanized troops were once considered to be the world's number one land combat force, but this time, they were completely defeated by the Dongbang troops.

What has Dongbang planned in the past six months, and how did their army become so powerful?

Long Hao's defeat, could it be that the second confrontation between East and West is coming soon after less than a year?

Long Hao, who received the news, had just finished the annual meeting. The failure of the Savi Division was within his expectation, but the disastrous defeat of the Mechanized Division made him frown.

As Long Hao got older and more powerful, when facing his subordinates, he became more and more airy.

Chen Bahu knew that the young master frowned, which meant he was very angry.

So he hurriedly said: "Master, it's my subordinate who has neglected his duty. I'll go back right away and fight a beautiful turnaround!"

Long Hao gave a "hmm" and pointed at Chen Bahu: "I'll let Breeze take you back, Lao Chen, don't underestimate the enemy. I think there is some kind of conspiracy behind Dongbang's surprise attack this time."

"No matter what kind of conspiracy it is, I will smash it! Han Bingsou and Qian Shuifu took the enemy too lightly, and they deserved to be captured. When I rescue them, I will definitely punish them severely!"

"Understood... I will let Breeze accompany me all the way, forget about the previous ones, but I will know everything that happened on the battlefield next! Hmph, nearly two hundred chariots just disappeared. I believe it is not a sentence It can be explained by a simple 'adventure under the light of the enemy'."

The development of the situation was really predicted by Long Hao's ominous premonition. On February [-], Chen Bahu mobilized the remaining four mechanized divisions to attack Dongbang.

As a result, they fought three times, but Dongbang still kept retreating, as if to repeat the old trick.Lured Chen Bahu into a trap.

Chen Bahu was not fooled, and fought steadily, but on February [-]th, his mechanized division still suffered a devastating blow!

According to Chen Bahu, who was rescued by Breeze, before he passed out, he said: "The opponent is also a mechanized army with fierce firepower, and their cooperation is better than ours..."

Long Hao listened to Weifeng's report with a serious face, his brows twisted into twists: ha ha.Tanks, radio communications, high-energy armor-piercing projectiles...all these weapons appeared?How could Toho's weapon system have made such a big leap in just half a year?

That's right, Breeze took pictures of the battlefield with the 'alchemy recorder' that Long Hao gave him.

From the 8-minute video, Long Hao immediately discerned sharply with his vision from the future: Dongbang army has tanks and high-energy armor-piercing projectiles held by individual soldiers!

Moreover, he also found clues that the other party used radio to communicate.

It's not for radio communication, the encirclement and cutting of the Dongbang army, it is impossible to proceed so smoothly!

Chen Bahu's mechanized troops.It is not wronged to lose to such a Dongbang army!

The question before Long Hao now is: Why has Dongbang's war technology been improved so significantly?

This is not the normal speed of development at all!

To know.Tanks and armor-piercing projectiles are weapons 20 years later, and even the Ronaldo family, an arms dealer that dominates Europe today, has not successfully manufactured their prototypes.

Toho, how did they do it?

Before Long Hao could figure it out, the bad news came again.

Continental Europe changed dramatically on February 26th!

Upheavals consist of multiple events.And it happens in chains.

On the 26th, Queen Victoria of England was killed by explosives while inspecting Liverpool, and Edward VII was successfully restored in London.

March [-], Spain and France formed a coalition.Entering the former French territory occupied by the German army, after the exchange of fire between the two sides, the German army's defense force was insufficient, and they were repelled one after another. In three days, they retreated a total of [-] kilometers.

Tanks also appeared on the battlefield.

On March [-], Emperor Azar of Russia was assassinated in Moscow, and Nicholas II's son Peter ascended the throne, calling himself Peter V.

The first thing Peter V did after he came to the throne was to tear up the "Treaty of Kiev" and send [-] troops to the Ukrainian region occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The war between Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire broke out brazenly.

The great changes in Europe this time, the game was too big, the two emperors died, and war broke out on the eastern and western fronts at the same time.

Long Hao really couldn't sit still this time, he couldn't sit still, this series of incidents was obviously aimed at him!

Seeing that the world structure has stabilized, alchemy is about to flourish. With such a sudden and devastating blow, apart from the aliens who want the earth to develop technology, Long Hao can't think of other black hands behind the scenes.

I have to praise Long Hao's sixth sense. This time, the war crisis covering Europe and America is indeed being manipulated by a black hand behind the scenes.


In the remote Scandinavian Peninsula, on a certain ice field near the Norwegian Sea, there is an inconspicuous castle on a high snow-capped mountain.

This is probably the farthest European border from the center of Europe.

Whether it was the previous War of the Three Emperors Alliance, or the current war on the Eastern and Western Fronts that is currently in full swing, it seems to have no impact on this place.

At this time, although it was ten o'clock in the morning, a certain room in the castle was still completely dark, so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

However, from the continuous and long breathing in the room, it can be known that there are many people sitting here.

Soon, a dim yellow flame lit up, and oil lamps lit up one after another, lighting up the entire hall.

Under the light that is not too bright, but has an indescribable sense of mystery, we can count, there are thirteen people sitting in the hall.

Among them, Long Hao still knew a few of them.

For example, Kalanka.

Under the refraction of the mysterious light, Kalanka's horse face looks even more sinister.

She lowered her head and remained silent, not as energetic as the people next to her.

Most of the high-spirited people are old men, and one of them is called Jielioff. I don’t know if you still remember that he once appeared as the steward of Merlin Castle.

The reason why I said once.That's because now Jieliov is laughing exaggeratedly, as if he doesn't care about Karanka at all.

If he was still the housekeeper, he would never be rude to Kalanka, who has been promoted to the head of the Ronaldo family.

"Everyone has done a good job. After half a year of hard work, Europe and the United States have rekindled the flames of war. I believe that Long Hao, who loves peace, will be shocked!"

If Jieliov’s words were known to the outside world, they would definitely be shocked. Were all the major events that happened in the past six years planned and promoted by the people in this room?

In the hall, some of the remaining people were laughing in agreement, while others had a serious face.

Obviously, not everyone agrees with Jieliov.

This 'round table meeting' is not as harmonious as it appears on the surface.

No, someone said: "It's still an old saying. I have reservations about this approach. Isn't peace good? Now if there is a war, my vacation will be gone again."

"Hmph, don't forget our mission, our 'Chosen One', the purpose of existence is to stimulate human wars and accelerate their technological development!"

"Humans? In fact, after so many years, we have long been part of the human race!"

"Hush. Are you sympathizing with human beings? Don't make me laugh, since we understood our mission. This continent called Europa has never been peaceful! It's not how much we push, but human beings can't stand it at all. Don't be tempted, they are aggressive in their bones, if we stir their nerves a little, they will kill you!"

"Well, on that. I can't argue with you."

"According to our plan, in the first 400 years, the world has experienced three technological advances. Within 20 years, these powerful weapons will trigger a world-wide war! Hehe, proud British, arrogant Germans, and Austro-Hungarians with stupid impulses are the best powder kegs, and they will be fired at once!"

Jieliov stood up, pressed his palms on the table, and shook his head: "For this reason, we have fostered a family separated from the Rothschild family decades ago-the Ronaldo family... We used our resources to help it become the second largest arms dealer in the world step by step! However, all this changed with the appearance of that Chinese kid!"

When Jieliov talked about the real secrets of the Ronaldo family, Kalanka's body at the table trembled for a while, but it was only for a moment, and she quickly regained her stiffness, sitting there like a sculpture.

Jieliov continued: "When I saw Long Hao for the first time, I could feel that this Chinese boy possessed an ability beyond ordinary people, and, judging from his speech, he was a An extreme nationalist! His growth will inevitably make the weak ancient eastern country roar to the world for revenge like a sleeping lion... In that way, the scope of the world war we plan will have a greater impact, causing casualties It will be more tragic, the damage will be more serious, and the feedback will stimulate the technology to advance at a faster speed. Therefore, I acquiesced in his alliance with the Ronaldo family... Next, his performance did not disappoint me. Our family is the weakest The United States was turned upside down by him, and several local wars were caused by him. Although it did not take shape in the end, the seeds of hatred had already been planted, and they were only waiting to be reaped later... In addition, the war of the Three Emperors Alliance the year before last was also Let us all be satisfied, the death toll in the war has been much higher than in the past, which fully proves that the existing technology is completely capable of causing terrifying destructive power! The War of the Three Emperors Alliance is a good preview, prepared for us The world war provided great inspiration and guidance... Well, before the establishment of the new Alliance of Three Emperors, I always thought that Long Hao was our lucky boy, the chosen war envoy, wherever he stretched out his hand, there would be There were unexpected wars and conflicts, but I was proven wrong."

"Since last year, the new Alliance of Three Emperors has been established, and the world has been brought to peace by him!"

Jieliov took a breath, licked his lower lip, and said unwillingly: "The United States is divided, but it is also at peace. Europe, under the cover of the new Three Emperors Alliance, is terribly stable, and the Far East, we Investigated, what kind of emperor election is going on there, in a short period of time, a big scene like the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is impossible! All this tells me that I understand that I was wrong, Long Hao is not a war envoy, but a tmd peace boy !So, I want to set things right and bring everything back to the track planned by our Chosen Clan!"

"So, you killed the Queen of England, hey..." someone sighed.

That's right, everything that started at the beginning of the year was arranged or done by Jieliov himself!

Queen Victoria was killed and Tsar Aza was assassinated. Jieliov provided the United States with advanced technological blueprints, and asked Ford to help them produce tanks, high-energy armor-piercing bombs and radio communication equipment within half a year.

In addition, Jieliov also invited Kalanka, the current patriarch of the Ronaldo family, to tell her the origin of the Ronaldo family and its true mission!

The C Luo family should obey the orders of the Chosen Clan, instead of leaning closer to Long Hao and obeying his orders.

"Jeliov, in order to carry out this plan, you have forcibly activated the 'Heart of the Chosen' once, what are you going to do next?"

"What's next? It's so simple, let the war not stop! Dongbang will continue to advance westward, and if it hurts Western Union, it will naturally involve Long Hao in the war. In addition, the ambition of the Japanese in the Pacific is also the catalyst for the war... I I believe that Long Hao will be very busy in the future, very busy! If you want to be a boy of peace, hey, stop dreaming!"

Several lights flickered, the hall became quiet, and no one had any doubts about Jieliov's plan. (To be continued..)

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