Late Tang

Chapter 312

Wang Jingwu retreated into the city of Qingzhou, and all the gates were closed.

Song Wei, Li Jing and others led the Zhendong Army and the Tuanjie Battalion to chase them all the way to the gate of the city before withdrawing their troops.The two armies set up camp five miles below the city, and Li Jing led the generals of the Zhendong Army to meet Song Wei, Zhang Wanrong, Kang Chenghui, Cui Yunqing and others.

Song Wei and the others escaped death only because the Zhendong Army arrived in time to rescue them. They had just witnessed the bravery and bravery of the two cavalry battalions of the Zhendong Army. At this time, they were very satisfied with the generals and praised them.Song Wei met all the generals one by one, said a lot of words of praise, and promised a lot of rewards, only to be honored when he returned to Qingzhou.

There was a moment of laughter in the tent of the Chinese army. Although the previous experience was really not good, the current situation is very good.

Song Weidao: "Originally, I was worried that after Wang Jingwu was eradicated, the two prefectures of Ziqi and Qi would cause chaos. Now that Zhang Chan and Lu Hong have led their troops, they just happened to put down the two thieves together." Everyone nodded in agreement, after all Ziqi Erzhou is the lair that these two have been running for a long time. Now that they have taken the initiative to come here, they can wipe out all of them.

"Now it's better to take advantage of our army's new victory and directly attack the city!" Zhang Wanrong was very excited, although he was chased all the way and almost died.But now that the situation is reversed, he will naturally not miss this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Song Wei didn't speak, but looked at Li Jing, "How does Ji Yu think that we should get rid of Wang Jingwu and other thieves?"

Li Jing thought for a while, and it was not suitable to attack the city at this time. Although Wang Jingwu was defeated, there were still more than 1 people, plus those left behind in the city, there were still [-] troops.The four-foot-high city wall of Qingzhou City is a town of Yacheng, with strong defenses, and it is also the base of Qingzhou Yabing. They can even summon more Yabing children to arm them at any time.In the era of cold weapons, the most tragic and difficult battle is the siege.

Although Li Jing came to help, he never thought about paying for his soldiers.

Immediately said: "Marshal, the military supervisor, I feel that although we have won a new victory at the moment, we have fought against the Unity Battalion for a day, and even our East Army has traveled three hundred miles. I'm exhausted, I think it's better to encircle and not attack for the time being, let the soldiers rest first. In addition, we can also take advantage of this time to send envoys to various places in Dengleqing to recruit the elite who obey the command of the commander. We have to send troops from various towns in the area to clear away Wang Jingwu's subordinates."

After thinking for a while, Li Jing said again: "Also, Qingzhou City is strong, if we attack it by force, we will definitely suffer great damage. The subordinates think that it is better for the commander and the military supervisor to issue a notice, shoot arrows into the city, and tell the city The people and the Yabing soldiers said that this time it was just a rebellion by several main Yabing generals such as Wang Jingwu, and that they had nothing to do with the others, and they would not be held accountable for their crimes. They also offered rewards to the Yabing generals, as long as they could get Wang Jingwu, etc. No matter who is the head of a person, he can be given a heavy reward. And even the generals of the tooth soldiers, as long as they are willing to go anyway, not only will they be exonerated, but rewards will be given according to the role they have achieved. In this way, The current situation of Wang Jingwu is not good, everyone can see that there will definitely be internal strife within the Qingzhou Yajun, if it is not done well, someone will take the initiative to help us open the city gate."

Li Jing specifically mentioned that when he attacked Beisha City, he also garrisoned troops under the strong city, but he took down Beisha City without sending any troops.

Cui Yunqing glanced at her favorite student in surprise. He has been an official for half his life and is the head of the Cui family, the largest family in Qingzhou. Just one of the humble ones.When accepting him, it was just to see that his background was clean and he liked people.But he didn't expect that in such a short period of time, this student, who was not regarded as an eye-catching student at the beginning, would have achieved such an achievement now.

"Ji Yu is right. This is called using power to suppress people. Wang Jingwu is a rebellion. We occupy the righteousness. As long as the commander-in-chief issues an order, soldiers and horses from all over the five states will come, but Wang Jingwu can only defend the isolated city. This Everyone knows who wins and who loses. There must be some of Wang Jingwu's subordinates who don't want to be ransacked and wiped out to die with him. At that time, just as Ji Yu said, Qingzhou can be taken back without a single soldier."

Although Song Wei and the others wanted to take back Qingzhou as soon as possible, but after thinking about it, they also felt that what Li Jing said was very reasonable. The current situation was completely on their side. The longer they surrounded, the worse the people in Qingzhou would be. better off. "Well, okay, just follow what Li Junjun said. Judge Lei, you should immediately send a letter to my various departments in Ziqing Town, asking them to lead their troops to put down Wang Jingwu's rebellion immediately. If anyone refuses to obey the order, Then it is Wang Jingwu's rebellious party, everyone can get it and punish him."

Lei Gang went into battle with a knife himself during Guan Jian yesterday, but he got a heavy knife on his leg, and now he is hating it.Immediately said: "Please don't worry, Marshal Jie, I will take care of it right away. All Wang Jingwu and his family members who rebel against the party should not try to escape."

Song Wei hummed, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "It's all thanks to Li Jing and his brothers this time, otherwise this commander and everyone will be prisoners of Wang Jingwu's class. From now on At the beginning, the commander-in-chief formally reorganized all the troops in Shamen Town into the Zhendong Army, and appointed Li Jing as the Zhendong Army's envoy, and also served as the Dengzhou Defense Envoy. The Zhendong Army's soldiers and horses were organized into five compartments, with five battalions in each compartment. There are 5000 troops. The specific appointment of officers will be drafted by Li Junshi and handed over to the court after I read it."

This is the real gratitude to Li Jing and the others for their rescue. The bugle of Zhendong Army was sent to Li Jing without any discount, and Song Wei didn't want to do anything with the idea of ​​mixing sand.Not only let Li Jing be the military envoy, but also let Li Jing draw up the positions of the officers at all levels below. This can be said to completely agree with Li Jing's intention of self-reliance.This surprised everyone in the tent, although they felt that it would be nice to give Li Jing a military title for his great achievements this time, and it would be no problem for Li Jing to be an envoy.However, most of the officers of the Zhendong Army must be placed in them to control the Zhendong Army.But what Song Wei did now really shocked them. In this way, it is tantamount to Song Weicheng making Li Jing and the others equivalent to the feudal towns of the feudal towns.It can be said that in this way, Li Jing may not be able to control the handsome mansion of Ziqing Town in the future.

But when they heard that Li Jing was added the post of defense history, everyone stopped talking instead.There are two kinds of defense envoys in Datang, one is all defense envoys and the other is defense envoys.Capital defense envoys are generally set up in the great capitals of the Tang Dynasty, such as Taiyuan, Chengdu, and other large cities. They are generally soldiers and horses that govern several states, and their status is slightly lower than that of Jiedu envoys and observation envoys. Jiedu envoys are all promoted by the defense envoys.Just like Li Jing’s other teacher, Yu Jian, is now serving as the defense envoy of Fengzhou. Fengzhou is located in the loop of the Yellow River, bordering the barbarians on the grassland, and it is also the gateway to the north of Chang’an, the capital. Its status is very important, and its authority is no less than ordinary Under the festival handsome.

Of course, this is just a defensive envoy. In the Tang Dynasty, there was another kind of defensive envoy, that is, a defensive envoy who only supervised the soldiers and horses of a state. The defense envoys of this state were usually concurrently served by the governor to control the soldiers and horses of the state.However, some states do not have defense envoys, but set up regimental training envoys, which are also in charge of regiment training.The governor of Dengzhou had previously served as a regiment training envoy, so Dengzhou did not have the position of a defense envoy.

There was no change in Li Jing's expression, but he couldn't help being stunned in his heart.What does it mean for Song Wei to serve as his defense envoy?There is a regiment training envoy in Dengzhou, which is concurrently held by the governor.Song Wei gave a military envoy to the positions of governor and military envoy he previously requested, and now he adds a position of defense envoy, why not directly appoint Li Jing as the governor and regiment training envoy?

Could it be that Song Wei is not willing to hand over the position of Governor of Dengzhou to him at all?But in this way, the governor also served as the regiment training envoy, and was in charge of the military and political power of Dengzhou. Li Jing, the defense envoy of Dengzhou and the military envoy of the Zhendong Army, was also in charge of the soldiers and horses of the state.Two military chiefs suddenly appeared in one state, what is going on?

In front of everyone, Li Jing didn't ask directly, but didn't make a sound.After returning to his military tent, Li Jing discussed the matter with the generals, and Li Liang and Guo Chengan also felt that Song Wei was going to renege on his promise.

"Don't be in a hurry, general. Let's take a look. Send the list of the generals of the Zhendong Army first, and then we can talk about the affairs of the Zhendong Army. If Song Wei doesn't make a statement later, we will ask later. Not too late." Li Liang said.Li Jing nodded, and let's put this matter aside for now. Anyway, Wang Jingwu hasn't been eradicated yet, so it's Song Wei who paid half of the purchase price first.

For the next three days, the Zhendong Army and the Tuanjie Battalion only besieged but did not attack, and shot some written notices into the city with arrows every day. Later, Li Jing simply asked people to make many kites and put them directly into the city.However, Qingzhou City is guarded behind closed doors all day long, and the guards are extremely strict, and the city is covered with patrol soldiers.

However, the victory is constantly leaning towards the commander-in-chief's mansion. Following Song Wei's military orders, troops from various ministries began to come to Qingzhou to quell the chaos in Qingzhou and Qizhou.On the first day of May, soldiers and horses from five prefectures had gathered under the city of Qingzhou, together with Zhendong Army and Qingzhou United Army, there were a total of more than [-] troops, of which nearly [-] were from each division of the Pinglu Army, and more than [-] were from the United Army. .Of course, there are still some soldiers and horses who did not come, such as the Dengzhou Navy did not come, and some other soldiers and horses, mostly related to the Wang family, did not come.

More than 3 soldiers and horses gathered under the city, and soldiers and horses continued to arrive every day.The dental soldiers in the city felt more and more hopeless, and now they had the reputation of rebels, and no one would come to rescue them.On the day Wang Jingwu was defeated in Qingzhou City, Zhang Wanrong, the supervisor, was angry that Wang Jingwu's subordinates shot him with an arrow. As soon as he rushed to the city, he chopped off all Wang Jingwu's wives and daughters in front of the people in the city.Now that Wang Jingwu's wife and children are gone, he lost his own rebellion and broke his arm, and his temper became irritable. He drank alcohol every day to relieve the pain in his arm.

Many soldiers fled, and Wang Jingwu sent people to find them and beheaded them on the spot.As a result, although the surface is suppressed, the undercurrent is already raging.

After a few days like this, on the night of the first day of May, Han Wei, the patriarch of the Han clan in the city, secretly organized his servants, secretly recruited and bought the soldiers guarding the city, opened the gates of the city secretly, and led the army into the city.More than [-] soldiers from all walks of life poured in from the north gate. Wang Jingwu personally led the troops to fight after knowing about it.However, with the general situation going, the last bloody battle in the middle of the night, unable to resist, persuaded by Zhang Chan and Lu Hong, led more than ten thousand remnants to flee from Ximen, all the way to Zizhou.

Song Wei was escorted into the city by Li Jing's Zhendong Army. After defeating Wang Jingwu, he ordered Li Jing's Zhendong Army to pursue him.He stayed behind to pacify the chaos in Qingzhou City, but the rest of the army took advantage of the fire and took the opportunity to rob Qingzhou.The city was in chaos, soldiers and bandits were indistinguishable, Li Jing took the initiative to lead the Zhendong Army out of Qingzhou, and pursued them all the way.

After a night of pursuit, Li Jing caught up with Wang Jingwu by the Zishui River on the border between Qingzhou and Zizhou.Behind the rebels is the Zhendong Army, and in front of them is the river, and they are in a desperate situation for a while.

The two armies were exhausted after running all night, but Li Jing's Zhendong army had horses, and they had two horses.Therefore, in fact, Li Jing kept the Zhendong Army to spare some energy, and waited for Wang Jingwu's army to be exhausted and morale was low before launching a decisive battle.Right now, forcing them to the Zishui River is the result of Li Jing and Li Liang's negotiation.

The two armies stopped to confront each other more than [-] steps away, and the Zhendong army was making final adjustments, preparing to deal Wang Jingwu the final blow.

At this time, Wang Jingwu, one of the rebels on the opposite side, suddenly walked between the two armies, with only a groom leading a horse by his side.

"I am King Jingwu of Qingzhou, General Li Jiyu, envoy of Zhendong Army, please come out and meet me!"

(To be continued)

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