Late Tang

Chapter 313

Li Jing couldn't help sneering when he heard that Wang Jingwu asked the two armies to meet before the battle.Li Liang said on the side: "General, please don't go, right now the two armies are in front of the battle, under the eyes of everyone, it is easy to be misunderstood. Now Wang Jingwu is at the end of the road, so don't pay attention to him, so as not to arouse the suspicion of Song Jieshuai and others."

After hearing this, Li Jing also felt that it made sense, and immediately took off the ancestral horn bow from the saddle, put on the arrow string and aimed at Wang Jingwu from a distance, and directly sent the arrow.Wang Jingwu in the formation fell in response to the sound. The soldiers of Zhendong Army saw that Wang Jingwu was a hundred steps away from the front of the formation, and Li Jing shot Wang Jingwu down with one arrow.On the other side, the tooth soldiers exclaimed in unison, several soldiers rushed forward, Li Jing stretched his bow and set up arrows, one arrow at a time, eight arrows in a row, and shot all the eight soldiers who rushed into the formation to death on both sides. Before the army formation.

Wang Yanwen rushed to the front of the battle with a shield in hand, and rescued Wang Jingwu.After being rescued, everyone discovered that the arrow directly pierced Wang Jingwu's armor and hit his chest.Fortunately, Wang Jingwu also wore a heart-protecting bronze mirror next to his body in his armor.The heart-protecting bronze mirror was shot by Li Jing, leaving a deep dent.Just now Wang Jingwu was so shocked that he passed out.Wang Jingwu was woken up by the massage, holding the breast shield with a hole in it, he couldn't help being dazed. He already knew from the shouts in the enemy's formation just now that the arrow was shot by Li Jing.

The power of one arrow was so powerful, and he shot eight of his soldiers to death one by one.Those were his elite soldiers, each of whom was at least one out of ten warriors, but Li Jing shot one at a time.Thinking of the fierce and mighty cavalry of the Zhendong Army under Li Jing's command that day, he couldn't help but feel a burst of despair.

Wang Jingwu drew his sword and wanted to kill himself, but the officers and men tried to persuade him.Wang Jingwu said: "Now our army is newly defeated, and the morale of the army is low. I don't think Li Jing is so powerful. I don't think he can escape. Why don't you just cut off my head and demote Li Jing, without losing a fortune..."

Everyone is also a veteran who followed Wang Jingwu, and many of them even followed the Wang family since Wang Jingwu's father.At this time, he couldn't help but arouse his blood.They all gritted their teeth and shouted that they would fight Li Jing to the death, rather than surrender.Infected by this, the morale of the other tooth soldiers increased, and they all wanted to fight the Zhendong Army, and they would die.General Wang was excited when he saw this, and his military spirit was still available.

"Since everyone is willing to fight the enemy to the death, let's distribute the dry food now, and it will be dawn after we are full. Then we will fight the enemy to the death and win a way out." Wang Jingwu said loudly.More than ten thousand Qingzhou soldiers and Ziqi soldiers distributed dry food, drinking water and resting.When a white belly appeared on the horizon in Dongtian, the rebels began to attack in formation, and Li Jing also ordered the attack at the same time.

More than 5000 troops from the two armies fought a decisive battle on the east bank of Zishui. Wang Jingwu's troops were defeated by more than [-] troops, while Li Jing's Zhendong Army had nearly [-] troops.Wang Jingwu set up the formation of three talents, while Li Jing set up the formation of Yanyue.

The footsteps of the two armies rumbled, and they approached slowly. After approaching within a hundred steps, they began to shoot each other with bows and arrows.Although there are only 1 people in the Zhendong Army, everyone is equipped with a bow and basically has a shield.For half an hour of shooting bows and arrows, Li Jing's side did not suffer much loss, but instead caused great damage to the rebels.Seeing each other's arrows coming and going, Li Jing felt a little regretful that there was no gunpowder in stock when he came. Otherwise, he would bring some flying fire and throw it into the rebel camp with an assembled artillery cart at this time, which would definitely cause them great panic.

After shooting each other, the two armies engaged in close combat.But at this moment, the Qingzhou soldiers discovered that although these Zhendong troops had been trying to fight melee, they were actually fighting defensive warfare. It is the countless eight-foot spears behind the shield.There are still many crossbowmen behind the formation who are constantly firing arrows. They are angrily found that this is not a field battle, it is simply a siege battle.Although there is no city wall, this shield wall is no worse than ordinary city walls.

Qingzhou soldiers and Ziqi soldiers kept trying to break through the shield formation, but it was not so easy. The soldiers in front kept falling in the combined attack of spearmen, sword shield soldiers and crossbowmen.After attacking for more than half an hour, the little bit of morale that had been brought up with great difficulty was exhausted.

Just as the rebels' offensive became more and more exhausted, Mo Dao soldiers who had been serving as archers temporarily behind the shield wall of the Zhendong Army suddenly rushed out from behind the shield wall.Shouting the word "kill", he walked out with heavy steps, wearing a thick armor and holding a long Mo Dao to kill.

The Modao Army only fights at the most critical time. Every time the shield formation of the strange soldiers blocks the enemy in front of the formation, and then the various arms behind them attack in combination, the opponent can't advance or retreat. It will suddenly sweep out.At this time, the jumping knife and shield soldiers were on the left and right sides of the Mo knife army, covering the attack and cooperating with the counter charge.

In an instant, the Zhendong Army launched a wave of extremely beautiful counter-charges, killing the rebels and retreating steadily.

Li Jing, who had been watching the battle earnestly, nodded his head. After many battles of swords and fire, although the Zhendong Army is not completely elite, at least the few people in front of him are the most elite troops of the Zhendong Army. The camp head is already very good.With a wave of his hand, Li Jing said in a deep voice, "The cavalry attack!"

The messenger standard bearer behind Li Jing immediately waved the flag, and a special horn began to blow the horn of the cavalry attack.Amidst the whirring attack horn, the cavalry officers and soldiers of the Controlling Crane and the Second Flying Battalion, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly got on their horses, mobilized their horses, and launched the deadliest blow to the rebels who had begun to lose their strength.

Li Juyi led the Crane Army to the left wing of the rebels, while Li Zhenhai led the Flying Cavalry Battalion to the right wing of the rebels.The two cavalry were invincible and unstoppable, and they killed the rebels' central army.

The rebels were in chaos, and Li Jing led the entire army of the Feiying Battalion as a reserve to press on, and the army covered up and killed them.

The whole army attacked with drums, defeated the rebels, and beheaded more than 30 ranks.Li Juyi and Zhang Zhenhai even captured the two Qingzhou soldiers and horse envoys on the two wings, Feng Rang, the soldier and horse envoy of the Yamen, Zhou Rong, the soldier and horse envoy of the front yard, and more than [-] generals.

Li Jing's whole army pursued and killed Wang Jingwu's army. Seeing that they had chased to the river, many rebels jumped into the river regardless of the rush of the river.Only a hundred people around Wang Jingwu were also forced to the river. A few soldiers brought him a log to hold him, and pulled him across the river to the other bank.After crossing the river, I realized that there were only two or three thousand defeated soldiers around me.Seeing that Li Jing had chased him to the shore, he couldn't help but bit his finger and wrote a blood letter for a soldier to send to the shore.

"What was written in the letter?" Li Liang asked.

Li Jing said indifferently: "Wang Jingwu wants us to let him go, and said that if we let him go, he will immediately ask Wang Jing to hand over the Dengzhou navy to us."

"That's it?"

Li Jing nodded, but in fact, of course, it's impossible to just do that.In order to save his life, Wang Jingwu not only wrote a blood letter, but also proposed to hand over all the Dengzhou navy to him.More importantly, he also mentioned one point, which means to tell Li Jing not to kill them all, otherwise all the birds will be hidden.It's better to keep him alive for the time being, so that Song Wei will not go to trouble Li Jing immediately if he keeps him in check. "

Wang Jingwu was trying to persuade him to support himself, if it was before, Li Jing might not agree.But when Wang Jingwu didn't give him the position of governor, but only gave him a defense envoy, he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.What's more, the army invaded Qingzhou City, and other armies were busy looting, but Song Wei immediately asked the Zhendong Army to chase and kill Wang Jingwu. Li Jing couldn't help guessing that Song Wei might have crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and wanted to use Wang Jingwu to consume some of his strength .

Li Jing didn't speak, Guo Chengan and Li Liang, two smart people, had already guessed a bit.At this time, I didn’t say anything, just said: "The rebels have been defeated by our army, and only a few escaped across the river. The water in the river is rushing, why not clean up the battlefield and build the pontoon bridge at the same time?"

Li Jing knew that the two of them meant the same thing. They meant to let Wang Jingwu go. Anyway, Wang Jingwu fled to Ziqi. He was in the west and Dengzhou was in the east, so it had nothing to do with it.If you want to be annoyed, you can let Song Wei be annoyed. Wang Jingwu can't afford to make a lot of waves with a few remnants of soldiers, but it can cause some troubles for Song Wei and consume some of his mind and energy.Immediately nodded, the whole army began to clean the battlefield, while slowly cutting wood into the mountains, preparing to build a bridge.

After noon, Song Wei and Kang Chenghui came with 30 troops and left Cui Yunqing to guard Qingzhou.Seeing Song Wei, Li Jing immediately stepped forward with a smile to announce the good news: "Our army defeated Wang Jingwu's rebels by the Zishui River, beheaded more than [-] enemies, captured more than [-] people, and the rest of the rebels fled. The soldiers and horse envoys of the original Yamen were captured, and the soldiers and horse envoys of the front yard, Zhou Rongji, were more than [-] people."

"What about Wang Jingwu, was he killed?" Song Wei asked.

"Here, his body has not been found yet. It is possible that he has been washed into the river, and he may have escaped."

Kang Chenghui said: "Wang Jingwu's defeated army is only about [-] people left. Even if they run, they can't run very far. Li Jun, why don't you pursue them?"

Li Jing smiled softly: "The soldiers just captured Qingzhou last night, and they didn't even take a sip of water. When the other brothers and troops were still happy in Qingzhou City, my brothers and I chased them all the way. Here, with five More than ten thousand pairs of rebels fought bloody battles for half a day. The brothers were exhausted, and the water and rice did not enter the day. What's more, it's not that I didn't pursue it, but that the Zishui River was really deep, and our army had too many horses. Isn't this cutting wood and building a bridge? If the deputy commander can lead his troops to arrive sooner, then Wang Jingwu won't be able to escape."

Song Wei heard that Li Jing seemed to have some complaints. Thinking about it, Li Jing just defeated the rebels, and he made a great contribution. He said immediately: "Li Jun and the brothers have worked hard. You should rest here for half a day. Build a bridge and pursue Let Deputy Commander Kang lead the former army to be responsible for the matter. In addition, the soldiers of the Zhendong Army will reward Li Jing silk with [-] bolts for their great achievements. Twenty horses per person, and ten horses for the rest." Li Jing thanked him from the side, but Song Wei had a lot of blood now, after all, almost [-] silks were lost at once.

After returning to the headquarters, Li Jing ordered the whole army to abandon the work of logging and building bridges, and the whole army rested.In the afternoon, Kang Chengxun led the men to build five pontoon bridges, and led his men to chase them down. Song Wei wanted Li Jing to follow them.However, Li Jing excused that his brothers were tired and injured, so they needed to rest for half a day.As soon as Song Wei left, Li Jing immediately wrote a letter to Cui Yunqing in Qingzhou, saying that someone from Dengzhou urgently reported that Wang Jin, the navy commander of Dengzhou, was in trouble. went.As for Wang Jingwu's side, anyway, most of Wang Jingwu's troops were wiped out, leaving only a few remnants. He believed that Song Wei and Kang Chengxun would surely succeed immediately, so he stopped following them.

After writing the letter, Li Jing gave the letter to a soldier and asked him to send it back to Qingzhou.Li Jing didn't go back the same way, but directly withdrew his troops to the north and went to Bochang City.After arriving in Bochang the next day, Li Jing led his troops into the boat of Nutao Camp, followed Jishui directly into the sea, and then returned to Shamen Town all the way.

When Song Wei received the news, it was already three days later. Looking at the letter from Cui Yunqing, Song Wei's face was slightly ugly, and he was silent for a long time, and finally he put the letter on the fire and turned it into a ball of ashes.

(To be continued)

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