Late Tang

Chapter 352 Night Attack on Princess Bohai

There is a soft sound in the forest, lingering in my ears.

The Biliu River flows, meandering through the riverbed in the mountains, and the moonlight shimmers on the water.Under the tree, more than a dozen war horses neighed softly, their hoofs paddling on the wet and soft ground covered with fallen leaves.A group of people lowered their voices, joking softly, to relax their tense mood.

She was sitting on a sheepskin cushion, resting her back against a tree pole, with her eyes closed, but she could hear the clashing of spears and axes and the clanging sound of iron armor from time to time.Although a little weak, these voices still made it difficult for her to calm down.

"Princess, it's getting late." Gao Jin said.He is the chief guard of Gao Zhaokang, the eldest son of Jili City, and was captured together with Gao Zhaokang in Weiba City last time.After Gao Dexin asked Li Jing for peace with four mountain cities and five thousand horses, he took them back.As soon as he returned to Jili City, Gao Zhaokang immediately gave him an important task, asking him to escort his wife, Princess Dayue'er who was in charge of the King of Bohai, back to Longquan Mansion in Shangjing, Bohai Kingdom.

The battle between Jili City and Khitan was not smooth. After Longtan Mountain City fell, the Khitan occupied an important bridgehead fortress in the east of Jili City.Soldiers from the Lianci family and the Yelu family defended the mountain city of Longtan, and began to stockpile food and grass in the mountain city, as if preparing to fight a protracted war with them.

However, the Tang people made a comeback at this time. Not only did Li Jing take away the four mountain cities east of Jili City, but now [-] soldiers and horses are behind them.This made Gao Dexin very worried. If Li Jing hit their backs when they were in Guan Jian, they would really be finished.

In the end, it was Gao Zhaokang who suggested that his chief guard take the princess back to Longquan Mansion in Shangjing and ask Daxuanxi, king of Bohai Sea, for help.In the past, Gao Dexin would never have wanted soldiers from the Bohai State to enter Liaodong, let alone invite the Bohai Navy to enter Jili Prefecture.But now, under the threat of Khitan and Tang people, it can only be so.

Gao Jin brought fifty guards, all of whom were elite fighters.Their mission is to cross Liaodong and send the princess back to Longquan Mansion safely.Gao Dexin originally planned to let Gao Zhaokang go to Beijing in person, but Gao Zhaokang had just been captured by the Tang army once, and now his heart was on fire.Although he couldn't take revenge on the Tang people immediately, but now he was determined to spread fire on the Khitan people and was unwilling to leave.In the end, this task had to be handed over to Gao Jin, the head of the guard. Gao Zhaokang originally wanted to send a hundred fine cavalry to escort, but Princess Dayueer insisted that Jili City needed more soldiers and horses, and only ten guards were enough.In the end they reached a compromise and sent fifty guards.

"Let's go!" Da Yue'er replied.Although I have been riding for a long time, my body is exhausted now.But she knew that the place she was crossing right now was the territory occupied by the Tang people.Originally, the best route should be to leave Jili City and go northeast, but since there are Khitan cavalry appearing there from time to time, for the sake of safety, I finally decided to go south first.This will pass through several areas of Weiba Mountain City that have just been ceded to the Tang people, but between the Khitan people and the Tang people, they finally chose to pass through the territory of the Tang people.After all, the Khitans are now at war, and the Tang people have just reached a peace agreement.

However, for the sake of safety, Dayue'er only brought along two maidservants who were good at riding and shooting, and had good skills, and did not bring any extra people.Moreover, they did not take a carriage, but all rode in pairs, and chose to drive through the Tang controlled area at night.

Time is precious, Dayue'er knows the crisis of Jili City right now.The Khitan people have more reinforcements this year than in previous years, and this year the Tang people are making a comeback in the south.When war started, she knew exactly what it meant, war meant death.Once Jili City is defeated, all those people will either die or become slaves.And now the only one who can save Jili City is her father who sent troops to rescue her.

There are soft sounds in the forest, the river is rushing, and the warm wind blows through a strand of hair that hangs down.Dayue'er is very quiet, many things don't always go as expected, but she is willing to earnestly strive for better.Her life has always been like this, as soon as she was born, her mother died.When she grew up and became sensible, she worked hard to win the favor of her father and his other women.Although there is no birth mother to take care of her, she has been doing well.

When she was 16 years old, her father suddenly said to her one day, "Yue'er, my father agreed to the marriage proposal of King Gao Dexin of Joseon, and I am going to let you marry his eldest son Gao Zhaokang." He has great prestige in Liaodong, and now Liaodong is gradually breaking away from the control of Bohai State. He hopes to win over the Gao family through marriage.

For this sudden marriage, she did not refuse, and married Gao Zhaokang, a magic general who was ten years older than herself and already had five or six concubines.Dayue'er didn't complain when she married from Longquan Mansion in Shangjing to Jili Prefecture in Liaodong.She tried her best to remember her mission. After marrying in Jili Prefecture, she was filial to Gao Dexin and took care of Gao Zhaokang tenderly and considerately. In the past few years after marriage, the relationship between Gao Dexin and his son and Bohai State has become much closer.

Seeing that the hard work was not in vain, unexpectedly the Khitan and Tang people came again aggressively.Gao Dexin and Gao Zhaokang asked her to go back to Longquan Mansion to rescue soldiers, she did not hesitate at all.

Back then, she traveled all the way to Liaodong to help the Bohai State win over the Gao family, and now, for the Gao family, she traveled all the way back to Longquan Mansion in Shangjing City.

For her husband, she is willing to take this risk.

Although the night wind was warm, the thought of Ji Lizhou behind her made her feel cold.It took thousands of miles to move the rescuers here, even if they could persuade the father to move the rescuers, I don't know if the Gao family can last until then.The life with her husband is fairly smooth, and the only regret is that she failed to give birth to a son and a half.

Suddenly there was a sharp bird song in the distance, one, then the second, and the third!

The face of the head of the guard Gao Jin changed: "It's Xiongkulu!" Xiongkulu is Sushen language, which means Haidongqing when translated into Chinese.It means the highest and fastest flying bird in the world, and it has the meaning of "God of Eagles".According to legend, only one "Haidongqing" comes out of [-] condors, which is the highest totem of many ethnic groups in Haidong.It represents the spirit of bravery, wisdom, perseverance, integrity, strength, pioneering, enterprising, always upward and never giving up.However, by this time, Costin, which was deified as a totem, has gradually become vulgar. At this time, Costin is a kind of sculpture.Carved out of Liaodong, the most handsome is called Costin.

Costin is the overlord of the air, and such huge eagles generally do not appear in groups.Hearing Haidongqing's cry three times in a row, Gao Jin's complexion changed drastically.This situation can only illustrate one possibility, that these Costin species are domesticated.

Being able to bring three domesticated sea dongqings, the identity of the other party must be extremely noble.He has stayed in Liaodong for so long, even Gao Dexin only has one sea dongqing. It has been a lot of hard work. A good sea dongqing is worth [-] guan, which is equivalent to [-] horses The price of an excellent horse.

It was a high-pitched and sharp tremolo, like a cold hand across Dayue'er's neck.After staying in Liaodong for so long, Da Yue'er also knows very well what it means to be able to bring three tame Costinus.

This is the Biliu River at the foot of Weiba Mountain City, and Weiba Mountain City is now owned by the Tang people. The Tang people with the highest status in the city are the ones who captured his husband, took away Weiba Mountain City, and forced the Gao family to cede the other three. The Tang man who donated [-] horses to a mountain city, the Duke of Zhendong County in Datang, the governor of Andong Dufu, Li Jing, the envoy of the Zhendong Army.

"Come on!"

Otsuki Kodama's face was covered with a layer of frost, and she drank softly.Dayue'er, the two maidservants, Gao Jin, and the fifty-riding bodyguard immediately got on their horses. At this time, the sound of the horse's hooves could be heard in the distance, and it sounded like thunder in the forest.

"Princess, they are here!" Although the two maidservants were very skilled, they were also panicked at this moment.Dayue'er said calmly: "Yuan Tianshen blesses and is with us! Let's go!"

From time to time, birds chirped and fluttered in the surrounding woods, and horseshoes in the forest were like thunder.

She could hear their voices, far away but rapidly approaching.There was the sound of galloping horses, clashing spears, swords and armor, soldiers muttering to themselves, laughing and cursing one after another.

Time seemed to pass by in an instant, and the voices grew louder, and she heard more shouts, orders, and spray as they crossed the stream.The horse is snorting.A soldier is cursing.Finally she saw him.

Although it was only for a moment, but looking at the bottom of the valley through the narrow gap in the forest, she knew that it must be him.Even at such a long distance, the figure of the commander-in-chief of the Tang army, the legendary young and inconceivable Anton Duhu, was still clearly discernible. His black hair was stained with silver frost by the moonlight, and his bright red cloak was black.He wore no helmet, and wore a crown of purple and gold in his curled hair.

As soon as he appeared, he disappeared from her sight again, and the armored cloak was once again covered by the bushes.A large group of troops followed behind him, including officers in mountain armor, tall banner bearers, and a large group of guards in silver armor holding silver spears. She estimated in her heart that what Li Jing brought There are at least hundreds or thousands of people.

"You are already surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender. You will not die. If there is any resistance, no one will be left!" There was a shout from the forest outside. Li Jing and his soldiers were hiding behind the trees. It was still noisy just now. The forest suddenly became quiet.Only the strong man who surrendered was hidden behind the tree trunk and shouted loudly.

Gao Ning pulled out a long knife and stuck it on the ground in front of him, and then stuck the arrow in the quiver in front of him, took off his riding bow, and prepared to resist.

Da Yuehou looked at the dozens of riders behind her, and knew that even if she broke through separately at this time, she would never be able to escape. She didn't panic, and calmly pondered for a moment.Finally said: "Guard Gao, put away your weapons and tell the other side, we abandon our weapons!"

Gao Jin was a little stunned, but seeing the princess's calm face, he had no choice but to drop the bow in his hand, walked to the front with his hands raised, and loudly showed his identity.

Then, a large group of Tang soldiers rushed out from the forest. After Da Yue, he saw Li Jing who was guarded by everyone again, and heard a big man say to Li Jing: "Your Majesty, this kid is not the guard of Gao Zhaokang who we just let go." How long, you actually appeared here in the middle of the night." While speaking, his eyes glanced at Dayue'er, and he obviously froze, a little surprised and puzzled, and then he was excited and excited, and immediately shouted loudly: "Mr. I saw a big fish, that one was wearing a leather armor, it was white and tender, it was a woman disguised as a man, I recognized her, it was Gao Zhaorong's wife, the princess of Bohai Kingdom! I saw her several times when I worked with Gao Zhaokang before, absolutely Can't go wrong."

Da Yue'er was shocked all over, and at this moment she finally recognized this big man who broke his identity. She vaguely remembered that this man seemed to be called Lang Fang.It is said that this time her husband lost the Weiba Mountain City, and it was this man who took refuge in Li Jing, who used the excuse of sending food as an excuse to drug the wine, stunned the three thousand soldiers of the Weiba Mountain City, and captured her husband and his brothers. , Captured Weiba Mountain City and dedicated it to Li Jing.

Under the moonlight, Li Jing was slightly shocked when he heard that one of the opponents was a princess from the Bohai Kingdom.After being surprised, he couldn't help being happy, and waved his hand with a smile: "Bring them all back to Weiba Mountain City, and send some more people to search and see if there are any missing fish!"

Da Yue'er said loudly: "I am the princess of Bohai Kingdom, the wife of the eldest son of Jili City, you can't arrest me."

Li Jing turned around and smiled at Dayue'er: "If you stayed in Longquan Mansion or Jili Mountain City in Shangjing, I wouldn't arrest you, but since you appeared at the foot of my Weiba Mountain City in the middle of the night and sent you to my door by yourself, that would be a shame. Don't blame me for being rude. Since you're here, don't rush to leave, and go to the general camp as a guest."

(To be continued)

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